Also, H1N1 is over 100 years old. It's only big in the news because there aren't currently any actual epidemics to worry about. Most of the cases of death reported are from the 1970's, the actual death rate world wide for this year, is only in the hundreds, and many of them already had other health problems to complicate it.
Interestingly enough, it was actually the flu vaccine that killed most of the ones in the 1970's. They hadn't properly mostly killed it.
Geezus people are still Whining like cry babies? You know whats really ridiculous..besides the continued epic decline of this website's community (thanks in part to biased Mods & writers) ... the fact that over half the people Crying on this thread have Not in any shape or form been involved in the CO forum boards here and infact a very small few were the same people who cried outrage and doom when they offered it in the first place.
This whole topic is mute...everyone in the world saw Limited (infact other than 1 hard to find post by the company itself I never saw the words September 1st infact I had to find that out from threads on the lifetime about the date thankfully i'm not incompetent and went and bought mine before the end date since waiting to the last moment is the dumbest thing anyone could do)...regardless of how you chose to intepret it limited means limited. If something is limited whether by time or quantity or both you should jump on it if you really want it.
Its like Black Friday's you know that if you dont' get it that day on Black Friday that its pretty much gone forever and you also know if your not there bright and early hours before the stores open your chances are slim. They dont post quantities they dont post times...its pretty much first come first serve and thats definitely how Lifetime Subs work and have worked. Its like seasonal wow know that they're only going to allow a percentage of the population to have it and that you have until X date to try and be one to get it..they dont have to post projections and numbers and times you just know. Its common sense something internet communities as of late have been missing thanks to the influx of internet newbies or self righteous gimme gimmie children of the last generation.
I mean do you go to stores selling limited time deals on TV's and then complain because you can't get the TV since they sold out before the limited time was up? No...the only reason you do here is because the item is digital but you know'd be insane for any company to offer an unlimited amount even of a digital item. It demeans the value of said limited offer AND it limits future profit. Games...especially MMOs can't live off the lifetime sub deals (its basically fan service). Most likely they set about 10 percent of their projected needs for game success aside for the offer and offered that 10 percent until September 1st. It is a marketing mistake to assume its community has any sort of brains and its a marketing mistep to not post while supplies last but its not frigging DOOM.
Anyone that was truely serious about Champions is still going to sub under the normal means or get the normal 6 month deal without the fancy items and STO beta account. Everyone else is a bunch of posers using it as a chance to whine and cry.
EDIT: And yes, if the original emails/website front page said "Limited number available - get em while they are hot! Once they are gone, they are gone!" I WOULD have acted faster. And if I did miss it, I'd have only myself to blame. I'd be disapointed, but, my fault, and I'd pony up the $15 a month. But thats not what they told thousands of us. Early bird gets the worm, but if the bird knows the worm's going to be there at 11am because its a virtual worm and its impossible to run out of them, the bird might just sleep in a little that day.
Did you even read the contents of the life time sub. "Limited" as well as CB entrance into STO. CB doesn't mean they are going to let 50,000 new STO CB testers into a n unfinished game to pretty much bring test servers to a hault . It is amazing how people can oover react to this one thing, when other mmorpg company's who they would die for screw them every time they log into a gaome world.
Another aspect of the Limited is that Cryptic is going with a first time mmorpg publisher, Atari, so guess what, there will be miss queues and mess ups on that front as well.
THis thread is the cesspool of this website, with anyone and most everyone jumping on the word "Blunder" bandwagon. Again this article is one of the poorest articles I've ever read on this website thus far.
Its nice to see sane competent people still post here gonna be chilling in CO on friday with the rest of us for eartly start?
Geezus people are still Whining like cry babies? You know whats really ridiculous..besides the continued epic decline of this website's community (thanks in part to biased Mods & writers) ... the fact that over half the people Crying on this thread have Not in any shape or form been involved in the CO forum boards here and infact a very small few were the same people who cried outrage and doom when they offered it in the first place.
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
As for limited, every where except the forum, up until the final warning on the 24th only said limited time, not limited quantities. As time and quantity are not the same thing, stop trying to push it as if it were.
Geezus people are still Whining like cry babies? You know whats really ridiculous..besides the continued epic decline of this website's community (thanks in part to biased Mods & writers) ... the fact that over half the people Crying on this thread have Not in any shape or form been involved in the CO forum boards here and infact a very small few were the same people who cried outrage and doom when they offered it in the first place.
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
Epic failure i clearely stated HERE not the CO forums. Learn 2 Read. btw whats the point of playing at this point when they wipe the chars before friday.
Geezus people are still Whining like cry babies? You know whats really ridiculous..besides the continued epic decline of this website's community (thanks in part to biased Mods & writers) ... the fact that over half the people Crying on this thread have Not in any shape or form been involved in the CO forum boards here and infact a very small few were the same people who cried outrage and doom when they offered it in the first place.
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
Epic failure i clearely stated HERE not the CO forums.
OK so i misread, if claim you never make a mistake, then you are a lair. I can admit i misread your statement.
EDIT: And yes, if the original emails/website front page said "Limited number available - get em while they are hot! Once they are gone, they are gone!" I WOULD have acted faster. And if I did miss it, I'd have only myself to blame. I'd be disapointed, but, my fault, and I'd pony up the $15 a month. But thats not what they told thousands of us. Early bird gets the worm, but if the bird knows the worm's going to be there at 11am because its a virtual worm and its impossible to run out of them, the bird might just sleep in a little that day.
Did you even read the contents of the life time sub. "Limited" as well as CB entrance into STO. CB doesn't mean they are going to let 50,000 new STO CB testers into a n unfinished game to pretty much bring test servers to a hault . It is amazing how people can oover react to this one thing, when other mmorpg company's who they would die for screw them every time they log into a gaome world.
Another aspect of the Limited is that Cryptic is going with a first time mmorpg publisher, Atari, so guess what, there will be miss queues and mess ups on that front as well.
THis thread is the cesspool of this website, with anyone and most everyone jumping on the word "Blunder" bandwagon. Again this article is one of the poorest articles I've ever read on this website thus far.
Its nice to see sane competent people still post here gonna be chilling in CO on friday with the rest of us for eartly start?
Can't play until college lets out for winter break
aw harshness..well im sure someone will let you be their sidekick and power level you up pretty quick!
Funny Ivier how..your allowed to make a mistake and I'm allowed to make mistakes..but if Dev's or publishers make a mistake..its armegeddeon especially here on this website everyone is alike a group of coyetes and they leap at the chance to be vicious for no real reason or completely lie about their reason.
Like Ive been saying's community is a joke. Its nothing but a crybabies forum for when anything goes not their way.
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise.
I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
If WoW = The Beatles and WAR = Led Zeppelin Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise. I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
The closest I've come to something like this recently was when I preordered AoC for the early access to the game. And then they opened the early access sign up for like an hour before closing it and saying "Too many people have signed up". They gave bs answers when contacted about it as well. So I canceled my AoC preorder, never bought the game or tried it since and I must say I think they saved me some money with how terrible the game seems to have turned out. So maybe just like that situation Champions just saved people money.
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise. I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
The closest I've come to something like this recently was when I preordered AoC for the early access to the game. And then they opened the early access sign up for like an hour before closing it and saying "Too many people have signed up". They gave bs answers when contacted about it as well. So I canceled my AoC preorder, never bought the game or tried it since and I must say I think they saved me some money with how terrible the game seems to have turned out. So maybe just like that situation Champions just saved people money.
There have been worse situations such as URU, the game fly off the shelves retail, but the servers never went live. They killed it in closed beta. And people were left with an MMO that has no servers. Luckily, much of the game was playable in single player mode as well, but some parts needed patches to work. After all these years Cyan is finally trying to male things right.
If Champions Online were to happen like that, Cryptic would go out of business forever. But thier blunder is far smaller, and hopefully they can correct their snafu before release.
First everyone cries fowl they're even offering it..then they stop offering it because they reached the peak projection that finicially makes sense (something they probably never expected to reach so early) and everyone cries fowl again. They can't win if they don't and can't win if they do...the gamer community in today's world is nothing but an entitlement wanting bunch of whiner babies. Its really sad to see how much people cry these days. I mean SWG made sense to cry over atleast because it was a complete ripping made sense when people cried fowl about Age of Conan because it couldn't and never even tried to truely deliver on everything they yammered about. But crying over a limited offer deal to spend 200 bucks and play the game for life? know alot of nuts are going to come out of the wood work and claim fowl despite having no previous interest ... they're the same people that would sue McDonalds because they spilled their own hot coffee on themselves. Obsessed MMO entitlement wishing players = Epic Fail. Atleast cry over something worth while like how the pvp never truely worked during the beta or how bad the first day of OB was but geezus over a limited subscription plan? Boo friggin woo really.... Bad Games aren't ruining the community anymore..its bad Community members.
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise. I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
I am not shoving blame at Atari, though as their publisher and source of development finance, they do have alot of say in how things are run currently, so it is unknown whether they have anything to do with it.
could someone please explain how you "run out" of what seems to be a virtual item? maybe it is too many people to let into closed beta for STO? if this is the case would it kill someone to just tell it like it is?
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
could someone please explain how you "run out" of what seems to be a virtual item? maybe it is too many people to let into closed beta for STO? if this is the case would it kill someone to just tell it like it is?
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
What you say is true. But life-timers are still sources of income of Champions, as their microtransaction system provides an alternate source of income for them. That being said, someone who does not have to pay a monthly fee is likely to spend that equivalent amount on the micro transactions to enhance their play. Making the financial risk of having life-timers quite a bit smaller.
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise. I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
Funny thing is I just read that Turbine is sueing Atari for $30 million for breach of contract (several times over 3 years), so yea I agree that its probably Atari who is shady and its sad that Cryptic was bought by them...
To all of you that stated that Cryptic did put "while supplies last" is an announcement.
YES, they did. In a forum message dated Aug 3rd before most people joined the Open Beta. It's a bit much to expect people joining the open beta to backtrack thru 10+ days of forum message to see that one post.
Was the term "while supplies last" in any messages posted in the forum, sent to player via email, linked from the Discount subs ads from their website front page and on many ads on the web since the start of Open beta? NO.
Funny thing is I just read that Turbine is sueing Atari for $30 million for breach of contract (several times over 3 years), so yea I agree that its probably Atari who is shady and its sad that Cryptic was bought by them... Its an interesting read:
Maybe i missed an announcement, but i don't believe Atari bought Cryptic, as far as i know they are just the publisher. Publishers do not always buy their clients (unless they are EA). Ofcourse, i admit i may be mistaken, as i haven't been keeping abreast of who bought who in the gaming world as of late.
First everyone cries fowl they're even offering it..then they stop offering it because they reached the peak projection that finicially makes sense (something they probably never expected to reach so early) and everyone cries fowl again. They can't win if they don't and can't win if they do...the gamer community in today's world is nothing but an entitlement wanting bunch of whiner babies. Its really sad to see how much people cry these days. I mean SWG made sense to cry over atleast because it was a complete ripping made sense when people cried fowl about Age of Conan because it couldn't and never even tried to truely deliver on everything they yammered about. But crying over a limited offer deal to spend 200 bucks and play the game for life? know alot of nuts are going to come out of the wood work and claim fowl despite having no previous interest ... they're the same people that would sue McDonalds because they spilled their own hot coffee on themselves. Obsessed MMO entitlement wishing players = Epic Fail. Atleast cry over something worth while like how the pvp never truely worked during the beta or how bad the first day of OB was but geezus over a limited subscription plan? Boo friggin woo really.... Bad Games aren't ruining the community anymore..its bad Community members.
could someone please explain how you "run out" of what seems to be a virtual item? maybe it is too many people to let into closed beta for STO? if this is the case would it kill someone to just tell it like it is?
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
What you say is true. But life-timers are still sources of income of Champions, as their microtransaction system provides an alternate source of income for them. That being said, someone who does not have to pay a monthly fee is likely to spend that equivalent amount on the micro transactions to enhance their play. Making the financial risk of having life-timers quite a bit smaller.
You may very well be correct. From what I've heard from Cryptic, the microtrans in the game will be very minimal, and cosmetic only. Unless they have changed this approach (and really, we won't know how far they go until months into the game), we can't really speak to how much they may or may not make off of microstransactions. I will say this, if they decide to "screw" their subscribers over, and switch to a heavy F2P microtrans system, then the lifetime subs won't end up costing them a thing
why do any of you care if they have run out or not? if you had no plans of buying one, then you have no need to even comment and if you havent bought one by now, you certainly were not within the next 7 days.
Wrong. I just picked up the pre-order last week, and played in the open beta. I didn't get paid until Friday, and my check didn't clear until today. Which when the deadline was August 31st was plenty of time... If I had known there were limited quantities, I would have transferred the money from another account. But if you don't say that it's limited by quantity, but time, people will take you at your word.
if you wanted it that bad you would have moved the money. i call BS on your above statement. also, if you had to wait for a check to clear to spend 200 bucks you probably shouldnt be spending said money on an MMO.
Also, H1N1 is over 100 years old. It's only big in the news because there aren't currently any actual epidemics to worry about. Most of the cases of death reported are from the 1970's, the actual death rate world wide for this year, is only in the hundreds, and many of them already had other health problems to complicate it.
Interestingly enough, it was actually the flu vaccine that killed most of the ones in the 1970's. They hadn't properly mostly killed it.
I'm not trying to hijack the thread, and this will be my last post on it.
H1N1 Symptoms (look for) :
Note: H1N1 is airborne virus
Now back too MMOs.
Have fun and stay safe.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
Geezus people are still Whining like cry babies? You know whats really ridiculous..besides the continued epic decline of this website's community (thanks in part to biased Mods & writers) ... the fact that over half the people Crying on this thread have Not in any shape or form been involved in the CO forum boards here and infact a very small few were the same people who cried outrage and doom when they offered it in the first place.
This whole topic is mute...everyone in the world saw Limited (infact other than 1 hard to find post by the company itself I never saw the words September 1st infact I had to find that out from threads on the lifetime about the date thankfully i'm not incompetent and went and bought mine before the end date since waiting to the last moment is the dumbest thing anyone could do)...regardless of how you chose to intepret it limited means limited. If something is limited whether by time or quantity or both you should jump on it if you really want it.
Its like Black Friday's you know that if you dont' get it that day on Black Friday that its pretty much gone forever and you also know if your not there bright and early hours before the stores open your chances are slim. They dont post quantities they dont post times...its pretty much first come first serve and thats definitely how Lifetime Subs work and have worked. Its like seasonal wow know that they're only going to allow a percentage of the population to have it and that you have until X date to try and be one to get it..they dont have to post projections and numbers and times you just know. Its common sense something internet communities as of late have been missing thanks to the influx of internet newbies or self righteous gimme gimmie children of the last generation.
I mean do you go to stores selling limited time deals on TV's and then complain because you can't get the TV since they sold out before the limited time was up? No...the only reason you do here is because the item is digital but you know'd be insane for any company to offer an unlimited amount even of a digital item. It demeans the value of said limited offer AND it limits future profit. Games...especially MMOs can't live off the lifetime sub deals (its basically fan service). Most likely they set about 10 percent of their projected needs for game success aside for the offer and offered that 10 percent until September 1st. It is a marketing mistake to assume its community has any sort of brains and its a marketing mistep to not post while supplies last but its not frigging DOOM.
Anyone that was truely serious about Champions is still going to sub under the normal means or get the normal 6 month deal without the fancy items and STO beta account. Everyone else is a bunch of posers using it as a chance to whine and cry.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Did you even read the contents of the life time sub. "Limited" as well as CB entrance into STO. CB doesn't mean they are going to let 50,000 new STO CB testers into a n unfinished game to pretty much bring test servers to a hault . It is amazing how people can oover react to this one thing, when other mmorpg company's who they would die for screw them every time they log into a gaome world.
Another aspect of the Limited is that Cryptic is going with a first time mmorpg publisher, Atari, so guess what, there will be miss queues and mess ups on that front as well.
THis thread is the cesspool of this website, with anyone and most everyone jumping on the word "Blunder" bandwagon. Again this article is one of the poorest articles I've ever read on this website thus far.
Its nice to see sane competent people still post here gonna be chilling in CO on friday with the rest of us for eartly start?
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
As for limited, every where except the forum, up until the final warning on the 24th only said limited time, not limited quantities. As time and quantity are not the same thing, stop trying to push it as if it were.
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
Epic failure i clearely stated HERE not the CO forums. Learn 2 Read. btw whats the point of playing at this point when they wipe the chars before friday.
As you don't know what name people use on different boards you have no clue who is or is not also on Cryptics boards. I for one am on Cryptics board, and am not threatening to leave. I do believe they need to make right thier fuck up. And i believethat anyone going around calling people cry babies, should be playing the game instead of trolling forums.
Epic failure i clearely stated HERE not the CO forums.
OK so i misread, if claim you never make a mistake, then you are a lair. I can admit i misread your statement.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Did you even read the contents of the life time sub. "Limited" as well as CB entrance into STO. CB doesn't mean they are going to let 50,000 new STO CB testers into a n unfinished game to pretty much bring test servers to a hault . It is amazing how people can oover react to this one thing, when other mmorpg company's who they would die for screw them every time they log into a gaome world.
Another aspect of the Limited is that Cryptic is going with a first time mmorpg publisher, Atari, so guess what, there will be miss queues and mess ups on that front as well.
THis thread is the cesspool of this website, with anyone and most everyone jumping on the word "Blunder" bandwagon. Again this article is one of the poorest articles I've ever read on this website thus far.
Its nice to see sane competent people still post here gonna be chilling in CO on friday with the rest of us for eartly start?
Can't play until college lets out for winter break
aw harshness..well im sure someone will let you be their sidekick and power level you up pretty quick!
Funny Ivier how..your allowed to make a mistake and I'm allowed to make mistakes..but if Dev's or publishers make a mistake..its armegeddeon especially here on this website everyone is alike a group of coyetes and they leap at the chance to be vicious for no real reason or completely lie about their reason.
Like Ive been saying's community is a joke. Its nothing but a crybabies forum for when anything goes not their way.
Im actually digusted by the "fans" who defends cryptic for screwing up their players and flame thoose who upset about it... Companies should be held responsible when they are acting shady and you guys sound exactly like Darkfall "fans" when they were defending Aventurines buisnes practise.
I think that to even offer a limited supply of lifetime accounts before launch is very shady. Shows the differnce between how a good company like Turbine did the LT deal compared to a shady company like Cryptic... and then add the microtransaction silence on that.
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
The closest I've come to something like this recently was when I preordered AoC for the early access to the game. And then they opened the early access sign up for like an hour before closing it and saying "Too many people have signed up". They gave bs answers when contacted about it as well. So I canceled my AoC preorder, never bought the game or tried it since and I must say I think they saved me some money with how terrible the game seems to have turned out. So maybe just like that situation Champions just saved people money.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
There have been worse situations such as URU, the game fly off the shelves retail, but the servers never went live. They killed it in closed beta. And people were left with an MMO that has no servers. Luckily, much of the game was playable in single player mode as well, but some parts needed patches to work. After all these years Cyan is finally trying to male things right.
If Champions Online were to happen like that, Cryptic would go out of business forever. But thier blunder is far smaller, and hopefully they can correct their snafu before release.
QFT ^^^^
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
I am not shoving blame at Atari, though as their publisher and source of development finance, they do have alot of say in how things are run currently, so it is unknown whether they have anything to do with it.
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
What you say is true. But life-timers are still sources of income of Champions, as their microtransaction system provides an alternate source of income for them. That being said, someone who does not have to pay a monthly fee is likely to spend that equivalent amount on the micro transactions to enhance their play. Making the financial risk of having life-timers quite a bit smaller.
I would not say that Cryptic is shady, just misguided and inexperienced in dealing directly with the customers on anything other than technical support. In all, they are a very good development team, and it is unknown at this point whether it was fully their decision, or if Atari told them to pull the plug on the offer.
It seems a lot of blame is being shoved at Atari lately for things Cryptic is doing that people don't like. Very Interesting.
Regardless I agree in some respect with Papadam, if cryptic didn't know they screwed up, they wouldn'tve put up a post saying "Oops" . In hindsight they're kicking themselves..... not the first time either.
Funny thing is I just read that Turbine is sueing Atari for $30 million for breach of contract (several times over 3 years), so yea I agree that its probably Atari who is shady and its sad that Cryptic was bought by them...
Its an interesting read:
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
To all of you that stated that Cryptic did put "while supplies last" is an announcement.
YES, they did. In a forum message dated Aug 3rd before most people joined the Open Beta. It's a bit much to expect people joining the open beta to backtrack thru 10+ days of forum message to see that one post.
Was the term "while supplies last" in any messages posted in the forum, sent to player via email, linked from the Discount subs ads from their website front page and on many ads on the web since the start of Open beta? NO.
Here lies the problem!
Maybe i missed an announcement, but i don't believe Atari bought Cryptic, as far as i know they are just the publisher. Publishers do not always buy their clients (unless they are EA). Ofcourse, i admit i may be mistaken, as i haven't been keeping abreast of who bought who in the gaming world as of late.
/signed. Grow up people.
I'll try to keep it simple, without minimizing it so much that the point is lost...
Offering people this "special" does "cost money". I use quotes because cost is not always understood by the end-customer. By offering these lifetime memberships, they take an amount of money up-front. For that amount, they have to provide service to that customer while the game is "live".
If the game rights remains with the original developer, and they host it, and they publish it etc., then they can sell as many as they want! All the money goes into their pocket. Where it becomes "costly" is when you have publishers involved, and when you may actually want to sell your IP and move on to the next big thing (as Cryptic did with NCSoft and the CoX franchise).
When a developer enters into an agreement with a publisher, there is usually percentage of box sales and percentage of subscription dollars that are payed to the publisher. Publishers would want to limit the number of lifetime accounts sold, as they stand to make much less off of those customers than through the normal sales channels. My guess is the publisher put a limitation on the number of lifetimes that could be sold, not the developer Cryptic.
When you try to sell the product, the prospective buyer inherits those lifetime accounts; they recieved no payment for those accounts, and never will. They inherit the cost of continued development, hosting, and support without the subscription income from those lifetime accounts. This can (not always) be negative to the prospective buyer. If you constantly have new players coming into the game, lifetimes can be seen as positive, as they can provide a stable long-term player base. This makes new players feel like the game is "alive" when they join. If the game has become stagnant in terms of new players, then lifetimes are simply a liability and drain.
What you say is true. But life-timers are still sources of income of Champions, as their microtransaction system provides an alternate source of income for them. That being said, someone who does not have to pay a monthly fee is likely to spend that equivalent amount on the micro transactions to enhance their play. Making the financial risk of having life-timers quite a bit smaller.
You may very well be correct. From what I've heard from Cryptic, the microtrans in the game will be very minimal, and cosmetic only. Unless they have changed this approach (and really, we won't know how far they go until months into the game), we can't really speak to how much they may or may not make off of microstransactions. I will say this, if they decide to "screw" their subscribers over, and switch to a heavy F2P microtrans system, then the lifetime subs won't end up costing them a thing
Wrong. I just picked up the pre-order last week, and played in the open beta. I didn't get paid until Friday, and my check didn't clear until today. Which when the deadline was August 31st was plenty of time... If I had known there were limited quantities, I would have transferred the money from another account. But if you don't say that it's limited by quantity, but time, people will take you at your word.
if you wanted it that bad you would have moved the money. i call BS on your above statement. also, if you had to wait for a check to clear to spend 200 bucks you probably shouldnt be spending said money on an MMO.