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Oh god too many topic about what game failed or is falling or is gonna fail.
with all of this game cooming out... people will change game so fast that i think they are not gonna make any mmorpgs ever
i know there are game that are not good, or u could not like but that's
i dont want even talk about that
I just want to know how many people think it is correct to use the word fail
< Thank god I am atheist
The problem is people that try a game and don't like it, or don't like what they see, will blurt out fail. What happened to not liking a game, tellin the community "it's just not for me, good luck to you all"? I guess these people that pop into random boards and say fail, feel like they have some form of importance. The sad thing, is they kinda do. I think more people look at the negative comments over the positive ones, and without trying the game, they join in on using the word fail.
You're asking two questions.
Are people using the word "Fail" too much? I think yes... but it's appropriate in how it's done... though not as much as lawl, lolz, nub, QQ, pwn, and other "fail" words and acronyms.
In reference to released games? To which are you implying? If in general, then no... saying a game is "fail" is a lot better and more PC that what I am able to freely express on moderated boards.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Yes. Way to much.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
What a fail post full of QQing about the fail of all the fail games. Lawls at the fail of the fanboi to not understand game fail.
Seriously the online game community uses every phrase too much and it's why no one can take gamers seriously. When posts are constantly full of words like Lawls, Fanboi, Fail, Hardcore, Carebear, Innovation, QQ etc etc etc etc. It doesn't take long for people to say "Wow gamers are f*cking idiots!" It took long enough for "leet" to be phased out. Let's see who long the other cliche words like noob and fail take to work their way out. Or the 11 year old gamers to phase out teabagging in FPS games.
Well of course the gaming community uses those trash words way too much, and understandably so. I have no statistics to prove anything, but common sense says that most gamers are children between 9-17. Certainly there are more adult gamers than there ever were before, and plenty of them still act like children, but odds are that we (yes, I'm an adult gamer) are heavily outnumbered by the younger folk.
Therefore, we must attempt to remember how we acted at that age. I don't know about you, but when I was that young, I used to think using slang like we're discussing here was cool and hip, and I couldn't care less (and frankly didn't understand) if adults looked down on me. Of course, now as an adult I understand. But to the majority of those kids out there, they simply don't understand how retarded it is, and we shouldn't hold that against them. They are just children after all, and children are still learning about common sense and proper social behavior.
Add anonymity behind a monitor and you get a community that you have to half ignore to exist in. This is why I always get a huge kick out of adults who complain about "community". Well, you're playing with a bunch of children, what the heck do you expect?
This poll is pretty dimwit. You are asking for people to vote whether too many people use the word fail. Dont you think if people voted and posted honestly that the number of people that approved of the usage would exactly equal the number that use it?
Next we can have a poll asking if there are too many polls.
well personaly I think people fail about using the word Fail
Yes, we are.
Sidenote: Asking a question in yer post header then asking the completely opposite question in your poll might be conceived as being a little well .. fail.
When I read the thread title i was expecting to hit the "yes" button, but luckily I managed to read the poll question before casting my vote. I'd be willing to bet that there's a few people who didn't.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Phail has a much cooler ring to it. It sounds exactly like Fail.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
vanguard fail.
This thread is made out of WIN. =P
I'm beginning to think it's the new F word for the internet generation.
I think there were (and still are) too many failing games forcing us to use the word "fail" too much.
Blame marketing. They market their games to the whole world instead of the people who would actually like the game. So you end up more people buying a game they hate.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
I one word, YES.
Above is a prime example of the common mentallity floating around the MMO community. This game is fail, that game fails, this game will totally fail. I have seen very few people actually use it correctly and / or back it up with logical reasoning. It's gotten to the point where people are labelling nearly the entire genre as 'fail', when that is anything but true. People want to desperately change the definition of fail, to whether or not they like something. Hell, even WoW is 'fail', and it's one of the most profitable MMOs of all time.
Apparently anything that fails to meet 'anyone's' full standards, is a failure nowadays.
People use Fail way too much. This game fails, this book fails, this site fails, this food fails. It lost it true meaning of " Does not do anything in anyway right" to "That sucks". We tend to dumb down words a lot.
It get really annoying when people says "fail". It sounds like that they said its game over.. nothing for u can do here.. you could use different word.. it has certain meanings.
When I dislike a game I might say something about it a few times, but would never consider it fail when I know others are enjoying it even if I don't. I really dislike spending time on games I dislike, waist of time. Anyone else spending time on games they dislike are to me the ones that fail, as they fail to let go.
So yeah the word "fail" is used far to often. But is also used often (which does NOT mean always) by those I consider wanna-be-gamers.
I'm going to go ahead and make a list of internet gaming catch phrases that make YOU the user look like a complete and utter RETARD.
This ___ is full of WIN
LAWL (or any other moronic variant of LoL)
pwn, qwn (or any other moronic variant of own - even OWN itself)
Liekwise anyone still using
Leet or 1337
Seriously kids, all of these little goofy phrases are extremely overused and frankly a defining display of a dismal IQ score. If you are using any of these phrases, accronyms, or idioms listed here or any I may have missed from the present past or future, please stop immediately. Basically the majority of your fellow gamers look down on you because of it. It also doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid.
In answer to the quest of the topic... We should stop immediately.
*claps* right on
Come on now you are taking this all a bit too far. I've hear uber used several times on national news and the local news in a non-gaming context. It is a legitimate word ;p
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.
Lots of stupid gamers out there.... stupid people use the term fail.
^ ^ That ftw ... You > All .... it's st00pid btw ... lawl ... l2spell
This is the exact response I was going to give. Right on! This was a simple answer too!
This is the exact response I was going to give. Right on! This was a simple answer too!
Then you both fail! Oh noes! I used fail. Doh! I used it again!
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.