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Hey, I always play games, but even if they're great, I always find myself wishing for something, or wishing something would be removed.
I made this thread for people who want to share all of their wishes, dreams, dislikes, and things like that, of MMORPGs.
Just say whatever you enjoy in games, whatever you hate about games, whatever should be changed in games, whatever genres, style, etc.
I'll start...
I like realistic games; no class, just specializing and practicing with certain skills. Although for some reason I don't really like player-looting at much. I usually concentrate on PvE, but open world PvP ain't too bad. But I would like it so you don't have to PvE all the time, or have to PvP all the time. Where you don't have to choose between one but you aren't forced to do either. Where there is great, not just great in PvE, or great in PvP. A lot of games have "PvP gear" or things like that.
I would be interested with an MMORPG out of Oblivion, and with the realistic freedom with games like Assassin's Creed; where you can climb walls and things.
I would like a player-driven world, with story, but not the same story forever. Where there is lore and stuff, but it can change with all player's actions. You can form gangs, guilds, organizations, companies, guards, cults, everything. A very free, realistic world but still with dungeons and quests that make it so you work together and get loot and money from monsters. But not quests where you are the chosen one, but you are actually the chosen 1/100,000,000 or you are the hero of the century, as well as all the other players.
I also like where there is always room for improvement, the game doesn't just END. A lot of 'endgame content' like in some games...
Guild Wars: UW, DoA, FoW.
WoW: Naxxramas, I can't remember anymore...
Can't remember anymore games either, even though I know I have played much more...
Anyways, things like that, not sure if I forgot anything, but... yeah.
(If you have insults or criticism, either don't post it or add a response to my request/question as well.)
i hate u so much lol jk i dont ily jk xddddd
i lik games dat r wow. cuz all other games suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wow supremacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! infedelzz
Id like a game where the community doesnt suck
Playing : DayZ
Played : EVE, GW, SB, DF, AoC, WoW, WaR, L1, L2, Rift, AA, WS
Loved: DAoC, EVE, SB, old WoW, L2, GW2, EQ1-2
Anyways, thanks for replying with an already made game, without any reasons why you like it... anyone else have something?
Cool thread! Very thought provoking.
I like...
- Modern era, post-apocalyptic, and near-future worlds (not enough of these out there!)
- Horror, fantasy, and science fiction elements in those worlds.
- Open worlds with lots of exploration.
- Lots of skill and character appearance customization.
- Multiclassing, or lack of named classes altogether.
- "Useless" items, NPCs, and places. Seriously. I'm an old tabletop roleplayer and I love things that have no point in leveling, like non-armor clothes, guild halls, lore, and props. Details make a game world.
- Player driven worlds.
- Good GMs and devs. One of the best experiences I had in Anarchy Online was being greeted by a volunteer GM on my first day. I also love when the ArenaNet staff members log into Guild Wars and talk (and joke) to the player base in random cities.
- Special scheduled (or random) events in-game.
I don't like...
- Bad player bases with lack of GMing or moderation.
- Complete inability to make reasonable changes to skills or appearance later on.
- Absolute necessity to group when there's nobody your level to group with, or or on the opposing end,
- Absolute necessity to play solo when you want to play with friends.
- Insurmountable, coded barriers (the language barrier turned me off WoW). Invisible walls. Developer deus ex machina against reasonable actions a player could take if they worked hard enough annoys me.
- Normal party waits over 40 minutes for classes other than healers and tanks.
- Lack of character customization that causes 30 or more percent of characters to have the same hairstyle or face.
- Games with only a few "good builds". For example, a "good build" for a tank has a certain fine tuned set of skills on forums, and everybody who wants a party or guild invite as a tank had better carefully follow that one build.
- The need to farm for over 20% of playtime in order to buy necessary equipment.
f2p asian grinder!
just change the skins/palette every 3 months and keep pumpin them out!
Ah, yes. You reminded me of something I forgot in my message.
CUSTOMIZATION!! This is a huge concern to me, games like Aion really appealed me before I even played just because of the immensity of customization options. It's a big part in making your character not just a thief, or a warrior, or a skilled mage. But one of those that is exactly how and what you want them to look like. The age, in Aion I made a child character Sorcerer, so he was kind of a child prodigy. It gives a creative and background to your character as he travels the world. The events you mentioned is also a important thing to me, in GW2; I know there will be some NPC attacks on villages or outposts, depending if players raided the centaur camp or let their population build. I also like games that don't involve just gear and just money. But skill too! If somebody is a complete noob but bought 1000000 gold online, I wouldn't want them to be better then me if I have played for years but worked for my money and don't have that huge amount.
I don't like games that as soon as they start to get really popular they tend to water down there content to cater to kids. why cant i speak my mind in Mature rated games? why is there a language filter and you still get muted for saying a words that blocked out by people with there filters on.
Its 2009 and most of the games here listed on this site look like they were made for the NES or Playstation ONE. Every one thinks they can make a cool game but all they do is make a clone of a turd that already exist.
What turns me off about most F2P games is the flashing lights and colors during battle and even more than that is the art style of the armors with all the spikes and pointed edges, asian style buildings, If you look at some F2P so called sci-fi games you will see that they are fighting with swords lol and the settings don't look futuristic at all they still have those asian buildings with the pointy rooftops. the colors used in these games are very dull and weird lots of purple pink its like the make these games with 16 bit colors.
Why have combat levels, this in some games means you will have to fight a veteran players when you are new to the game you have little to no chance of winning. Other games set up a range of combat levels that are allowed to attack each other this system limits large scale PVP in low population games. Many of you will say that a veteran player should not be killed by a new player but look at FPS games a new player has the same chance to shoot and kill a vet and they dont complain over there in those games about it.
Why force me to run the treadmill when i ran the same track in the last 15 games i have tried? kill this many rats and return with this many tails or you have to reach end game because thats where the fun starts lol.
I would give a big long answer with thoughts but am too sleepy.
So keeping it short I would like to see Anarchy Online 2, hehe.
I would really really love to see an MMO that used a class/skill system similar to original SWG. That system could be used in sci-fi, modern, fantasy, I really don't care. I only care to use a system like that again.
Here's my list:
* Sci-fi, preferably far future although near future or even modern-day is acceptable. I hate fantasy with a passion.
* No magic. Nothing resembling magic. Nothing that can even be construed as magic.
* Internal consistency. I don't care how many reasonable leaps of logic you make, make it consistent. Understand the rules of your universe and your technology and stick to them all of the time.
* Preferably skill-based, non-class, or if you must have classes, make them open so people can take whatever skills they like.
* Both PvP and PvE with no requirement to do either. Likewise, both group and solo content with no requirement to do either. Let people play like they want to play. Any character ought to be able to use any playstyle and still be able to level. Absolutely zero endgame, ever.
* Customization. I want to be able to make my character look like anything I want, not pick from 6 faces and 3 body types. The same goes for clothing. If I want my armor to be orange, I ought to be able to paint it orange, even if I have to take it to an armor shop and pay someone to do it
* Excellent support. I want the GMs and devs to be available to help when I need help, not put in a request and wait a week to hear anything back. I'd also like to see both GMs and devs be required to spend some time out of every day actually playing the game, I can't tell you how many times I've seen both of them completely lack the understanding of game mechanics to be able to solve problems amicably. I think a lot of problems, especially from the dev side, would be solved more quickly if they had to deal with them in a game context too. If it's not personally frustrating, there's less impetus to fix it.
* Seasons, a day/night cycle and actually change as time goes on. Having the same animal mobs active 24/7/365 is stupid. At the very least, have animals come out either day or night, either summer or winter, it's more realistic.
* A huge, open world (or worlds preferably) with limited instancing only where necessary. I don't want to see anyone camping bosses, those bosses which potentially drop powerful loot ought to be instanced so all of that particular item is not in the hand of the Chinese gold farmers.
* No invisible barriers anywhere. If you don't want someone going that way, put a giant brick wall. Make it obvious.
* A serious ban on any form of gold-selling. First offense, account is cancelled. Second offense, IP is banned for 90 days. Third offense, IP is banned forever.
There's probably more but that's a good start.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
The gold selling thing is probobly on a majority of MMOs, but the problem is... how to catch them, a lot of people can get away pretty damn easily.
But yeah, gold sellers are annoying.
It's easy to control. First, you don't allow new characters access to chat channels, or you have only newbie channels, until they are at least level 10-15. Gold sellers don't want to play the game or invest time to get to that level before they can start spamming because their characters end up getting deleted almost immediately. Spending 4-5 hours leveling a character that survives 10 minutes makes no sense.
Secondly, you control the amount of gold which can be given to low-level characters by *ANYONE*. There's no reason any level 10 toon needs 50 million gold, I don't care where it comes from.
Do those two and you'll virtually end gold selling.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Oh how I wish I could look at the world through those rainbow glasses..
You'd be surprised if you knew what those chinese are ready to do for profit.
My MMO dream would involve a fantasy themed world utilizing the game mechanics of City of Heroes.
Not Loot Driven, so no camping for hours
Acquire Skills as you level
Best Customization I've seen.
The ability to actually feel heroic while putting the smack down on evil.
Populated world of NPCs that interact with player characters and are not static.
Group Content can be scaled to fit the group (or individual for soloers)
Best graphical dynamic physics I've seen.
(My son speaking to his Japanese Grandmother) " Sorry Obaba, I don't speak Japanese, I only speak human."
My list would contain things such as..
-Focus on PvE as well as grouping. Allow soloing, but not for long periods of time. Encourage players to cooperate, but don't make it feel like they're forced to do it.
-The gameworld shouldn't be completely open- there should be clear limitations as to where you can go. Thus the areas that are available look a lot better than if there were no such limitations. Limited zoning between areas would be good too.
- Ability to change between classes at will. Focus on combat classes but crafting and gathering classes should be almost as equal.
- Combat system that has lots of layers to it. Cooperative elements and great monster AI to keep things interesting as well as unpredictable.
- Questing for character progression would be alright, but there should be less quests but with more depth to them like puzzles to solve or different objectives that vary in difficulty.
- Make the game hard. Rewards aren't easy to get. You'll have to work for your advancement.
- Make the low-midgame matter. Also the leveling process should be longer, and in exchange there'd be lot of stuff to do for midgame and not only in endgame.
- Linear story content that gets more epic as you get further in the game. Requires grouping and cooperation. Different objectives.
- Realistic graphics, but still beautiful and not ugly.
- Theme of the game based on different universe of our own.. fantasy & scifi mixed together.
- Focus on pleasing one type of players rather than trying to please all of them at once.
Oh how I wish I could look at the world through those rainbow glasses..
You'd be surprised if you knew what those chinese are ready to do for profit.
Doesn't matter, you close the loopholes as you find them. I wouldn't mind having characters IP-locked too, or at least ISP locked so that you can't sell characters to others.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Don't expect the RMT to not find any loopholes after doing the actions you mentioned. That won't stop them at all, actually. It's an endless fight.
great first post!
*joke right? baffled*
Don't expect the RMT to not find any loopholes after doing the actions you mentioned. That won't stop them at all, actually. It's an endless fight.
All you're saying is "they'll find a way" but you're not suggesting any of the loopholes they'll come up with. All you can do is try and as more loopholes come to pass, they get plugged. If it's an endless fight, it needs to be fought, you can't pretend that if it can't be done in one fell swoop, you shouldn't try at all.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
My Dream MMO would be a Pokemon 3D MMORPG. Not that i like the show or anything but the concept of catching pokemon and training them than having this big tournament within a server during a certain time of the year sounds really cool to me
Mass Effect Online would have incredible potential. But it can only be made the way I want it with huge investment. Thinking about it does give me a butterfly effect. Too bad they chose to do Star Wars MMO instead wich is a childish fantasy imo.
EvE online is allready working its way up to something similiar wich could very well be my dream MMO. But they first need to work on their project ambulation. If walking in stations and landing in atmosphere gets included it could add many more possiblities into the game.
I'm under an NDA because I'm working with making mine o.o but here are some things that interest me:
- I like fantasy games. Sue me. It's my preferred world.
- I like more mature themes and concepts to be present in my game.
- I like horror-elements and realistic consequences for failure that require actual relationships with 'NPCs' that make the player care what happens to people, towns and cities.
- I like the idea of doing quests but I would prefer longer quest-lines instead of the player being assailed by 50 kill quests at a time. The longer chain would end in a large reward, each would be very different from each other contextually and include friendly NPC interaction / working with NPCs throughout unless working with players instead of NPCs.
- Providing more options for exploration and movement of characters, such as semi-realistic stealth, climbing and flying. These would help offer more variety in landscape (such as -actually- large mountains) to the in-game terrain as well as allow new gameplay mechanics.
- I can't offer very specific examples of anything unfortunately.
- Basically I want a game that is as catered to me as a well-designed, mature and dark single-player RPG with graphical reveals, story reveals, character reveals, etc. Each player would be drawn into the world and, though knowing that other players were receiving similar special treatment, feel special and respected even later when grouped with other players. At least I would. This would require some type of zoning mechanic to affect the world like is present in WoW's WotLK.
EDIT: Maybe 'Dragon Age: Origins' the MMO with a few changes would best describe all of this (though of course my desires aren't 100% fulfilled by the Dragon Age's mechanics as Dragon Age was not built to be an MMO specifically. Just use it as a base).
Objectivity is delivered with a lack of personality made for the mainstream but never used for the mainstream.
Er, damn. Sigh, ment to qoute somone. It didn't work out...Ignore this post?
Originally posted by --Name edited out--
[Sigh, watch out guys, this dude's pro.]
I would like:
-no limits. progression based on an exponential curve, turned linear by switching your character to permadeath mode. Yea.
-everything is dynamic
-.."difficult" gameplay. Players must rely on each other not only to succeed.. but to survive. making reputation, you know, count?
-vast variety of creatures to "roll" not just humanoids, but monsters and dragons and everything in between.
-lol..... no NPCs ........... no static spawns...........only wildlife is AI controlled.... the only "dragon" or "epic encounter" you may ever see would be controlled by a player locked in permadeath mode.
-100% player driven and player crafted economy. The first player to enter the world has the highest level equipment existing in the game because there aren't any other items yet..
-no area rules or restrictions. no instances. Vast world with more realistic proportions. not something you could realistically map on a web site.
-no access by clients outside of the country in which the server is located. bye bye asian gold farmers
-localized realistic chat only, prohibited in demo accounts. bye bye spammers
-one client per unique public IP. sorry, but yea. bye bye boxxers
-client programmed properly dumb for no cheating. bye bye hackers
-oh yea, more of a horror than a fantasy. diablo 2 style
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."
I personally like games that listen to players for suggestions and in time feel i have found the only one that has done that and as you can see I am a guide there . It is an indy company but they really do listen to their players and what they want. Saga by Silverlode is the game. Also i seen someone say they like where the community doesn't suck. This is one I have to say is pretty friendly with all players. Sure when discussing the internet there is a few that are problems but what mmo doesn't . For a full free version you can visit .
I've kind of been writing something similar to this, second post coming soon. Don't feel like copy - pasting or paraphrasing, so I'll just link it: