Back when I first got married my wife hated the fact i was a gamer. She even threatened to divorce me if I didn't spend more time with her instead of playing online games (at the time it was Earth and Beyond) So one day after she and I had a semi serious argument about I had enough.
I took my ship in to a high level zone and cleared out one corner of it then waited for all the corpses to despwan. After that I told my wife to watch my ship for me while I went to the store. Of course she refused at first and I Acted like I was getting pissed off but I was actually having a little fun.
Finally my wife grudgingly agreed to watch my ship. I gave her the basic How-to on movement and how to lock on and fire the missiles then fed her a line of BS about how my ships was a one of kind ultra rare expensive collectors edition ect ect... you get the point.
I added that if anything happened to my ship she would never live it down and with that I went to the store for about thirty minutes.
When I returned home I found my wife sitting on the couch crying! As I set things up the area I had left my ship in had a full re spawn about 5 minutes after I left. My wife panicked hit the thrusters ( and missiles) and sped off across the center of the densely populated high level zone.
One look at the slowly spinning wreck told me she didn't escape so i was about to act pissed off about loosing the ship when I glanced at the mini map and saw where the wreck was.
She had crossed the entire zone from the top left corner and ended up in the bottom right. I checked the cargo hold which had been full when I left to find there were only 3 missiles left out of some where close to a thousand and when I spun the camera angle around I found out why she had died, she simply ran out room and hit the invisible wall of the zone allowing the creatures to catch up.
When I realized that I asked her what happened, she was still crying thinking I would be pissed off and sobbed out her story of how every thing happened all at once and she tried to get away but the ship blew up anyways.
I asked her if she had fun, this made her look at me as if I were crazy then after a few moments she said yea. I asked her if she wanted to know how to fix this problem of my broken ship. ( at this point she reminded me about how it was an ultra rare one of a kind BS story that i had fed her earlier) That is when I told her to come and watch the screen. when she did, I press one button (that I didn't tell her about) and activated the Distress beacon.
A few moments later there were four other players warping in giving my ship a jump start and a full set of repairs making it shiny and new once again. there was even a ship identical to mine there (I was a Terran trader or Merchant Prince for those who Knew the game) when my wife saw that I had tricked her she did two things First she punched me then she demanded that I get her a computer and account for the game.
So I guess my most evil deed was is how created a gamer chick out of my wife. Now our arguments over who dose the dishes or who takes out the trash then to take a strange twist, Usually involving heavy artillery and nuclear weapons...
I think the most evil thing I've done was... for fun I spyed on my clan friends that were in vent ingame then unleashed an assault on them and put them in a panic but I nearly died before I spoke up "Woah Woah its me *laughs*"
In VG I'd let people die that I didn't like or complained non stop with my cleric or monk.
I slipped a heal on purpose because someone was whiney and annoying. Yes, that got the person to cry more, but since I couldn't stop laughing it was tolerable.
Thats why you never piss off the healer.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Ultima Online days were undoubtedly my most evil. Being a full-time Player Killer (PKer) naturally lent itself to evil acts but there were a few in particular that stood out/that I can still remember. From least evil to most evil: 3) I don't remember the specifics of it anymore but there was something at some point in time where you could killed yourself in town (with poisoned food or something, I don't remember) and then when people went to loot your body it was treated as a hostile act and the guards consequently came and killed them. By this time you'd have either run back from a pre-scoped-out healer or swapped to your other account standing nearby ready to loot. And because they performed a hostile act on your "innocent" body, their body was flagged and could be looted without repercussion. Good fun at banks. 2) I used to be part of this large guild that owned all of the buildings west of the mountains north west of Minoc. This was an awesome area as it had tons of animals with hides, relatively easy aggressive monsters, water for docking ships and a really really small chokepoint to get in to the place. We were quite an aggressive bunch and generally slaughtered any unrecognized player entering the area... and with a large guild, spanning multiple time-zones, there was usually someone around protecting our area. This was also back when you could do some dodgy trick to keep your reputation at a level where you could still enter town (Dark Lord??). We had a few run-ins with GMs who got annoyed at us for controlling the area but nothing ever came from it other than all of our houses missing their doors one day, heh (replaced the next). Anyway, at some point in time a rival guild appeared with a castle on the other side of the mountains with some ridiculously bad name like, "Lords of Death" or somesuch (actually, I'm pretty sure that was it). They started raiding us in groups and, while they were generally fought off, it did put a bit of a dent in our previously unmolested dominance. They were quite smart too... never carrying runes or keys to their castle and despite camping outside for large periods of time, none of our members were able to catch them off-guard trying to enter (I think this was before house ownership, if that time ever existed [memory hazy] where a key = owner). I had another character that I wasn't playing much at the time who had a decent build/skills and was unknown to them so I decided to do what any mischevous, scheming, Dark Lord would do and went through the motions to get myself in to their guild. This happened without too much difficulty and I played with them semi-full time for a week or so while staying in constant communication with my normal guildmates (gogo lack of tells and reliance on ICQ). Anyway, rambling/backstory aside, the idea was basically to keep an eye on what they were doing and to report some occasion where a vulnerable/keyed (oh how they term means different things these days) member was available for slaughter. Turns out they ended up simply giving me a key to their castle (literally and metaphorically!). Key in hand, we waited until they were mostly all logged off and commenced our complete stripping of their property, dragging ridiculous amounts of logs and ore and whatever else across the ground to our area, amongst various other riches and oddities (lots of those obscure little items that appeared in the game from time to time). Needless to say, there was a LOT of aggression in their chat the next day and although never admitting to it, I was promptly booted out given the short period of time between key ownership and looting. It all sounds kinda convoluted, admittedly, but it did happen and although it didn't seem like a big deal at the time, it is pretty awesome in retrospect, especially given how impossible such experiences are in modern MMOs. 1) Looking back on this I kind of cringe a little as it was quite exploitative and not something I'd feel comfortable doing these days but nonetheless it was immensely satisfying at the time and insanely profitable. Me and the friend I did it with purchased multiple towers (which remain my favourite building!) all over the map and had so much money there wasn't really much we could do with it. Anyway, this properous time all happened in the wonderful city of Wind. For those who haven't played UO, this was a relatively out of the way underground city surrounded by dragons and liches and various other high level beasties. But they weren't really of much interest to us (though provoking dragons was also a fun and rather profitable pasttime). The best thing about Wind, however, was that in the middle of the city was a teleporter to a hidden garden filled with MASSIVE amounts of animals, rich for slaughtering and processing in to leather bras... or whatever it was that people made back in the day. This was considered a moneymaker's paradise as you could spend all day farming these animals, with very little danger from the few weak aggressive creatures in the area and in complete safety from any Player Killers. The city surrounding the garden meant that any of evil alignment entering it would get instantly slaughtered by guards, effectively making the garden PK-free. While doing much the same as the other inhabitants of the gardens (killing/tailoring), quite by accident, and before we saw any widespread use of it anywhere else, we found that you could use a particular spell to kill other players without any negative reputation incurred upon oneself. This spell was Energy Vortex and it basically summoned an immensely powerful creature similar to an air elemental that would immediately start attacking whatever was closest to it (including you if you weren't careful). Given its chaotic/random nature and potential for self-harm, this spell wasn't treated as a targeted aggressive act and as such, with a bit of practice on how to ideally use it, could be used to slaughter all the other inhabitants of these gardens without getting you in bad standing with the guards of the city. And this thing did ridiculous damage, was almost inescapable and had a highly damaging poison to boot. A bit slack, no doubt, but damn it was profitable. Given the sense of safety that visitors had in this area, they would always bring with them their most prized equipment (which wasn't much back in those days of UO... but still) and, more importantly, a LOT of them would have house keys and runes to their front door. Those that didn't have any of that more often than not at least had a backpack full of bras ready to be sold to vendors in town. We usually sweeped the area, waited awhile, came back again later in the day and then did it again. Some people fought back but as they were mostly tradeskill-oriented characters, no one really put up a worthwhile fight... and with two of us, both strong characters using this ridiculous spell synchronously, most people didn't survive more than a couple of seconds. I don't know why but the pickings never really dried up. People were nearly always there when we visited. I suppose that even with the occasional massacre, the area was still bountiful enough to be worth farming in. We ended up with quite a number of GM reports and visits. A little jail time here and there but ultimately never any severely bad repercussions. Most of the time we, in our endless teenage maturity, responded to GM visits by repeating the bow animation over and over in front of them (I'm sure some people here remember what that simulated, heh). Actually, we usually did that to anyone who approached us in those gardens.. most of which were non-English speaking players. I don't recall many, if any, players ever understanding the insinuations of us doing this. Also, as a side note, not necssarily evil... but one of my most enjoyable times in UO was way way back in the day when I had a 7x miner/blacksmith that also had 100 magic resistance (or whatever it was called), 100 magery and some other skills I can't remember. He had a couple of small houses in the middle of two heavily populated mining areas and would spend most of his day merrily mining away in a sash and kilt or blacksmith apron or other similarly amusing UO getup. Inevitably, and at multiple occasions throughout every play session, some wanna-be PKers would come along and attack in the hopes of scoring some free ores/house keys... and not once did any succeed (not gloating or anything, but moreso just noting how bad/off-guard they always were). Despite doing my fair share of miner killing back in the day, I never saw another miner (although I'm sure they were out there) with a similar skill set. Good times. :P. This, of course, all goes with the standard stealth ambushes along main roads, dungeon slaughtering, house key looting, town guard aggro invoking and so forth.
God I miss old school UO.
Hey man, thanks for your 3rd post in about 5 years. I can tell you are the kind of person that only posts when you really. seriously need to say some cool stuff. I I can recall posting in the long EQ thread and seeing a lot of UO discussion. I never knew about that game, but it sounds badass. I wish I coulda had a chance at playing it.
The story you told gave me a few good laughs.
So did anyone else back in early UO emote stuff like "Vas Flam", go into attack stance and run after people near guards, so newbies would attack you and get their asses handed to them?
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
5 years ago i was in lineage 2. this murdurer got chase around by a bunch of people in dion town... the people is trying to lure the npc guards to him and finally success.
i knew whats going on so i just kept on following and be near at the murdurer a snear as posible.... finally they success, the guard killed him and he drop +5 kris dagger and i wa sthe one to catch the dagger! cause i was being smart by spamming my pickup hotkey all along and the moment the dagger drop.... i pickup right away! first than anyone!
he pm me begging to have it back. i told him to buy it back. he says he dont have money. he beg me for 30min. too bad i wasnt the type of soft hearted player. since l2 was a hardcore game, the economy was insane, its imposible to play without ebay... i bet i was the only one that doesnt ebay. instead of ebaying, i pk murdurer and type of this situation for gears and equipment.
i dont feel guilty at all. if peope can do it to you, you can do it to them.... its a you kill me or i kill you. the storngest survive. the weakest perish.
oh and i sold the +5 kris for like... i think 62m or something.. been a long time dont remember much.
Worst thing I've done lately was in Anarchy Online, there was a guy in our org who was a complete asshat, he kept whining that his freebie toon was so weak, we tried to tell him what he needed to do, but it was just too hard for him and he wanted to whine about it. One day, he said he wanted to go into a dungeon to pick up some high-end weapons. He was really too low to go in on his own so some of us offered to take him through. We were all much higher level characters, he was on the very bottom of our team range so we took him all the way to the end, right before the boss... and left him there.
Just came to think of the most "evil" thing I 've seen in an MMO: watch in HD "A girl who played World of Warcraft died in real life and the friends she had met in the game planned an in-game funeral for her. They posted about the event on the message boards and urged people not to bust it up. I don't think I need to explain what happened; the video speaks for itself."
That's actually kind of funny. What did they expect, posting all over the place not to bust up the event? That's just asking for trouble.
Boy plays Everquest. Boy leaves Everquest to play Matrix Online. Boy meets Girl in Matrix Online. Girl likes Boy. Boy sorta likes girl. Boy shows girl Everquest. Boy and Girl leave to play Everquest. Boy and Girl find a guild. Boy doesnt like Guildleader,because of his had reputation with MacroQuest. Guildleader and Girl hook up. Boy leaves Everquest and goes back to Matrix Online.
Little tidbit about the Matrix Online. The friend's list shows your friends, in any SoE game that is connected to universal chat. So in the Matrix you could see a friend in everquest as ... eq.cazic.soandso, eq2.innoruuk.Soandsobubbles. So, in my position, i was able to "watch" Guildleader and Girl play so to speak. I could see when they were online and when they were activitely playing( zoning and such). But the thing was, Guildleader didnt log off too much- he liked to stay in the same zone. Which is quite curious (and im not talking about bazaar bots) So little ole me, i jumped onto an anonymous character and did some detective work. Days later, within the Matrix, i put a GM on my friends list (yes i could see them there as well, even if they jump servers) I told this GM, about Guildleader, and the GM went looking for the Guildleader. And low and behold he is soloing the 7th Hammer.
Now, during this time frame, im speaking to Girl. Girl talks about guildleader and how they are happy MQing the game. Just as Guildleader gets kicked from game. GM appears invisible next to girl. Girl tells me (obviously shes using MQ to see GM) that a GM is looking down at her.
Girl is offline.
3 accounts banned under a watchful eye.
What goes around, really, goes around.
"Tell me what your gamer plays. Show me why you pay. Teach me every single part. I'll be your guide. You are a prisoner. Cash-cowing slows you down. You can change your game. But can't change your mind. No matter what they do."
I've done a lot of "evil" things in MMOs in the past few years. I guess I never really took them as serious as many others around me. The most evil thing I've ever done was about two weeks ago. I quit WoW about 3 months ago and had all of my account information along with one of my friend's account information in a text file. I was bored at the time and figured my friend didn't need to waste any more time with this game.
I logged on, surprised that his info was still the same. Loaded up some old speed/float hacks I had and ran around large cities while deleting everyone from his guild (he was an officer), wiping the guild bank, and deleting all of his gear (he was level 80, in fairly decent Ulduar 10/25 man gear). After I had my fun, and wondering why I wasn't banned yet... I opened up a GM ticket saying something along the lines of: "Hey, I got these really nice speed hacks and I'm wondering if they're bannable, they really work great!" I logged off, went to sleep, and went into Vent later the next day and found the guy pretty much genuinely depressed. He was mainly angry about why someone would do something like that. He didn't even think to link it to me, so I got off clean.
After his account was banned, he ended up quitting WoW. A few of my other friends had a lot of conflict with the guild they were all in (as far as "who" destroyed the guild) and they too ended up quitting as they were sick of guild-hopping, especially with end game content on their agenda.
To me, I see it as helping a friend quit a game he has an addiction to, by deleting hypothetical data that doesn't really get deleted anyways. I guess I can also see someone taking that as deleting time spent. But, time spent doing something nonproductive is still time being spent, sort of like this forum post.
I'm not really an evil player.. so to speak... but every now and then I require revenge.. every now and again. Most recently it was in CO's closed beta... I played quite often, and in beta testing, I take my time going through quests and doing little tests on mobs.. and I also do things like damage testing (like how much damage I take when holding block, or after block is released as opposed to not blocking at all) just all around testing.
Every now and then though, when I aggro a group for a clicky or a quest giver, someone wil swoop in while I've got the aggro and take it. Clicky Stealers. .. .. now a few times I'll let it slide... but more then once I'd follow them to the next clicky or wherever they go, go into stealth mode (for some reason in stealth mode, certain powers wouldn't bring you out of stealth, ebon rift was one of them, which pulled mobs into a rift) I'd ebon rift a few of the other mobs and try and pull them into the player.
I would continue to follow them and pull enemies into their mobs until they got overwhelmed and slipped up.. aggroing enough onto them to finally kill them. Most of the time I'd remember their names or costumes, and do it again if I saw them around me. I rarely had to do it, but I did do it more then I should have.
city of heroes i would allways tell those people begging for influence to join my team and ill load em up with like 100k then soon after id teleport them on the roof of a tall building or into a mob of high aggros.
My worst was also part of my duty at the time. A person was talking about mission related info in game back during first Desert Storm. Turned him over to OSI and he is now serving an 20 year term.
Hang on a sec, I had to do a double-take here when I saw this.
If what this guy says is true, then this is truly the most evil thing done in this thread, hands down.
You ratted out a fellow soldier and he is now serving 20 years behind bars... wtf...
What are you talking about? There's nothing evil about this?
We need more people like you man...One less assassin off the streets...
This statement is so stupid on so many levels I'm not sure how to respond without making a big wall of text.
My worst was also part of my duty at the time. A person was talking about mission related info in game back during first Desert Storm. Turned him over to OSI and he is now serving an 20 year term.
Hang on a sec, I had to do a double-take here when I saw this.
If what this guy says is true, then this is truly the most evil thing done in this thread, hands down.
You ratted out a fellow soldier and he is now serving 20 years behind bars... wtf...
What are you talking about? There's nothing evil about this?
We need more people like you man...One less assassin off the streets...
This statement is so stupid on so many levels I'm not sure how to respond without making a big wall of text.
Haha yeah I had ignored it because I knew it was just trollin
not on topic ....but can I have your stuff? (just wanted to ask a gm that)
Not a GM any more. Now, I am just a regular emo dude! But being a GM was a very interesting job, and I loved every minute of it. The biggest thing to remember when trying to contact a GM with an appeal is this . . . . . for every legitimate appeal, there are 30 with stuff like, "He waved at me. Should he be waving at me?". So, it takes time to sift through BS in order to get to the real issues sometimes. (A lot of the BS appeals are cleverly disguised as legit appeals). So, be nice to your GM's. They are working their tails off.
In pre-BC, a friend who got me to help him camp Humar the Pridelord near Ratchet for a few days said that if he didn't get the tame, he'd quit. 4 days later (about 12 hours of camping each day, I just kept him company every now and then by taking a trip to ratchet) he saw it. I was with him at the time and he went to tame it. He got killed and released. I decided to tame him, run and then blame it on some random hunter I saw. He quit, I felt bad but now I find it to be one of the more evil things I've done in an MMO
In Eq1 I dueled a lower lvl players i was well over 20 lvls from him he wanted 2 duel me. So I dueled him once killed him fast. He wanted 2 go again this time i charmed him and sent him 2 a vender in EC tunnels so i hit selos and ran away. =P he died had 2 do a cr. you can add that 2 the times i killed raids and my trains.
I'm not really an evil person actually... but probably the worst thing I've ever done was in Dream of Mirror Online. The interesting thing about DOMO was the fact that they had this love line, which was a pink line which linked you to someone who was compatible as a friend or date (but it's hard to tell now because DOMO allows same-gender marriage). So one day, I found myself linked to some guy, and the next thing I know, he started chatting to me. We added each other to our friends list, and he asked me to be his girlfriend, which I agreed to. We acted really lovey-dovey for a while, even to a point where we were basically flirting publically in front of our entire guild, and the members told us to cut it out.
Then one day, I just stopped logging on. I have no idea what happened after that, because I deleted my character. I guess I was fustrated that my character was having a greater love-life than I was.
But now than I mentioned DOMO, I'm getting extremely tempted to download it again. I really had a lot of fun times with that game...
I dunno. Was fun in wow a few years back. Me and some friends trapped this ally in the ditch between Stranglethorn Vale and Duskwood. Whenever he tried to escape I just mind controlled him back in. When he logged, we waited. Once he came back we just kept going (we had nothing else to do). He couldn't hearth. He was screwed.
Was a lot of fun at the time, might not sound that interesting to people who weren't there/havn't done it.
Well there was a druid that really pissed me off once (he was a dumb ass really) , he was from my guild and i was a warrior , so we raiding 25 man and we were gathering and summoning peoples for the GR , and he was afk in front of the whole crowd of peoples pretty close to the trash mobs so i went near him , taunted a trash mob and hide in "the massive body" of this motherfucking tauren u kno , I died and then the trash killed the dru who was afk for the moment , then the whole raid wiped out like shit while they were summoning , i released spirit imidiatly and got back so that my body isn't visible in front of the crowd near the trash and the only body there was the druids body , so when he got back we were dead , the master of the guild was F*cking pissed off and every 1 said that the druid wiped the raid so he got kickd from the raid and imidiatly expelt from the guild and ignored and everything terrible that you can imagine I lold made a screen and went to sleep happy ... not sure that this is enough evil tho you guys judge lmao
Maybe this was evil maybe not,
Back when I first got married my wife hated the fact i was a gamer. She even threatened to divorce me if I didn't spend more time with her instead of playing online games (at the time it was Earth and Beyond) So one day after she and I had a semi serious argument about I had enough.
I took my ship in to a high level zone and cleared out one corner of it then waited for all the corpses to despwan. After that I told my wife to watch my ship for me while I went to the store. Of course she refused at first and I Acted like I was getting pissed off but I was actually having a little fun.
Finally my wife grudgingly agreed to watch my ship. I gave her the basic How-to on movement and how to lock on and fire the missiles then fed her a line of BS about how my ships was a one of kind ultra rare expensive collectors edition ect ect... you get the point.
I added that if anything happened to my ship she would never live it down and with that I went to the store for about thirty minutes.
When I returned home I found my wife sitting on the couch crying! As I set things up the area I had left my ship in had a full re spawn about 5 minutes after I left. My wife panicked hit the thrusters ( and missiles) and sped off across the center of the densely populated high level zone.
One look at the slowly spinning wreck told me she didn't escape so i was about to act pissed off about loosing the ship when I glanced at the mini map and saw where the wreck was.
She had crossed the entire zone from the top left corner and ended up in the bottom right. I checked the cargo hold which had been full when I left to find there were only 3 missiles left out of some where close to a thousand and when I spun the camera angle around I found out why she had died, she simply ran out room and hit the invisible wall of the zone allowing the creatures to catch up.
When I realized that I asked her what happened, she was still crying thinking I would be pissed off and sobbed out her story of how every thing happened all at once and she tried to get away but the ship blew up anyways.
I asked her if she had fun, this made her look at me as if I were crazy then after a few moments she said yea. I asked her if she wanted to know how to fix this problem of my broken ship. ( at this point she reminded me about how it was an ultra rare one of a kind BS story that i had fed her earlier) That is when I told her to come and watch the screen. when she did, I press one button (that I didn't tell her about) and activated the Distress beacon.
A few moments later there were four other players warping in giving my ship a jump start and a full set of repairs making it shiny and new once again. there was even a ship identical to mine there (I was a Terran trader or Merchant Prince for those who Knew the game) when my wife saw that I had tricked her she did two things First she punched me then she demanded that I get her a computer and account for the game.
So I guess my most evil deed was is how created a gamer chick out of my wife. Now our arguments over who dose the dishes or who takes out the trash then to take a strange twist, Usually involving heavy artillery and nuclear weapons...
lol awesome story serogate
I think the most evil thing I've done was... for fun I spyed on my clan friends that were in vent ingame then unleashed an assault on them and put them in a panic but I nearly died before I spoke up "Woah Woah its me *laughs*"
In VG I'd let people die that I didn't like or complained non stop with my cleric or monk.
Thats why you never piss off the healer.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Hey man, thanks for your 3rd post in about 5 years. I can tell you are the kind of person that only posts when you really. seriously need to say some cool stuff. I I can recall posting in the long EQ thread and seeing a lot of UO discussion. I never knew about that game, but it sounds badass. I wish I coulda had a chance at playing it.
The story you told gave me a few good laughs.
So did anyone else back in early UO emote stuff like "Vas Flam", go into attack stance and run after people near guards, so newbies would attack you and get their asses handed to them?
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
5 years ago i was in lineage 2. this murdurer got chase around by a bunch of people in dion town... the people is trying to lure the npc guards to him and finally success.
i knew whats going on so i just kept on following and be near at the murdurer a snear as posible.... finally they success, the guard killed him and he drop +5 kris dagger and i wa sthe one to catch the dagger! cause i was being smart by spamming my pickup hotkey all along and the moment the dagger drop.... i pickup right away! first than anyone!
he pm me begging to have it back. i told him to buy it back. he says he dont have money. he beg me for 30min. too bad i wasnt the type of soft hearted player. since l2 was a hardcore game, the economy was insane, its imposible to play without ebay... i bet i was the only one that doesnt ebay. instead of ebaying, i pk murdurer and type of this situation for gears and equipment.
i dont feel guilty at all. if peope can do it to you, you can do it to them.... its a you kill me or i kill you. the storngest survive. the weakest perish.
oh and i sold the +5 kris for like... i think 62m or something.. been a long time dont remember much.
Worst thing I've done lately was in Anarchy Online, there was a guy in our org who was a complete asshat, he kept whining that his freebie toon was so weak, we tried to tell him what he needed to do, but it was just too hard for him and he wanted to whine about it. One day, he said he wanted to go into a dungeon to pick up some high-end weapons. He was really too low to go in on his own so some of us offered to take him through. We were all much higher level characters, he was on the very bottom of our team range so we took him all the way to the end, right before the boss... and left him there.
The guy cried about it for a week.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
That's actually kind of funny. What did they expect, posting all over the place not to bust up the event? That's just asking for trouble.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Here's a synopsis of what ive done.
Boy plays Everquest. Boy leaves Everquest to play Matrix Online. Boy meets Girl in Matrix Online. Girl likes Boy. Boy sorta likes girl. Boy shows girl Everquest. Boy and Girl leave to play Everquest. Boy and Girl find a guild. Boy doesnt like Guildleader,because of his had reputation with MacroQuest. Guildleader and Girl hook up. Boy leaves Everquest and goes back to Matrix Online.
Little tidbit about the Matrix Online. The friend's list shows your friends, in any SoE game that is connected to universal chat. So in the Matrix you could see a friend in everquest as ... eq.cazic.soandso, eq2.innoruuk.Soandsobubbles. So, in my position, i was able to "watch" Guildleader and Girl play so to speak. I could see when they were online and when they were activitely playing( zoning and such). But the thing was, Guildleader didnt log off too much- he liked to stay in the same zone. Which is quite curious (and im not talking about bazaar bots) So little ole me, i jumped onto an anonymous character and did some detective work. Days later, within the Matrix, i put a GM on my friends list (yes i could see them there as well, even if they jump servers) I told this GM, about Guildleader, and the GM went looking for the Guildleader. And low and behold he is soloing the 7th Hammer.
Now, during this time frame, im speaking to Girl. Girl talks about guildleader and how they are happy MQing the game. Just as Guildleader gets kicked from game. GM appears invisible next to girl. Girl tells me (obviously shes using MQ to see GM) that a GM is looking down at her.
Girl is offline.
3 accounts banned under a watchful eye.
What goes around, really, goes around.
"Tell me what your gamer plays.
Show me why you pay.
Teach me every single part. I'll be your guide.
You are a prisoner.
Cash-cowing slows you down.
You can change your game.
But can't change your mind.
No matter what they do."
I've done a lot of "evil" things in MMOs in the past few years. I guess I never really took them as serious as many others around me. The most evil thing I've ever done was about two weeks ago. I quit WoW about 3 months ago and had all of my account information along with one of my friend's account information in a text file. I was bored at the time and figured my friend didn't need to waste any more time with this game.
I logged on, surprised that his info was still the same. Loaded up some old speed/float hacks I had and ran around large cities while deleting everyone from his guild (he was an officer), wiping the guild bank, and deleting all of his gear (he was level 80, in fairly decent Ulduar 10/25 man gear). After I had my fun, and wondering why I wasn't banned yet... I opened up a GM ticket saying something along the lines of: "Hey, I got these really nice speed hacks and I'm wondering if they're bannable, they really work great!" I logged off, went to sleep, and went into Vent later the next day and found the guy pretty much genuinely depressed. He was mainly angry about why someone would do something like that. He didn't even think to link it to me, so I got off clean.
After his account was banned, he ended up quitting WoW. A few of my other friends had a lot of conflict with the guild they were all in (as far as "who" destroyed the guild) and they too ended up quitting as they were sick of guild-hopping, especially with end game content on their agenda.
To me, I see it as helping a friend quit a game he has an addiction to, by deleting hypothetical data that doesn't really get deleted anyways. I guess I can also see someone taking that as deleting time spent. But, time spent doing something nonproductive is still time being spent, sort of like this forum post.
I'm not really an evil player.. so to speak... but every now and then I require revenge.. every now and again. Most recently it was in CO's closed beta... I played quite often, and in beta testing, I take my time going through quests and doing little tests on mobs.. and I also do things like damage testing (like how much damage I take when holding block, or after block is released as opposed to not blocking at all) just all around testing.
Every now and then though, when I aggro a group for a clicky or a quest giver, someone wil swoop in while I've got the aggro and take it. Clicky Stealers. .. .. now a few times I'll let it slide... but more then once I'd follow them to the next clicky or wherever they go, go into stealth mode (for some reason in stealth mode, certain powers wouldn't bring you out of stealth, ebon rift was one of them, which pulled mobs into a rift) I'd ebon rift a few of the other mobs and try and pull them into the player.
I would continue to follow them and pull enemies into their mobs until they got overwhelmed and slipped up.. aggroing enough onto them to finally kill them. Most of the time I'd remember their names or costumes, and do it again if I saw them around me. I rarely had to do it, but I did do it more then I should have.
city of heroes i would allways tell those people begging for influence to join my team and ill load em up with like 100k then soon after id teleport them on the roof of a tall building or into a mob of high aggros.
Hang on a sec, I had to do a double-take here when I saw this.
If what this guy says is true, then this is truly the most evil thing done in this thread, hands down.
You ratted out a fellow soldier and he is now serving 20 years behind bars... wtf...
What are you talking about? There's nothing evil about this?
We need more people like you man...One less assassin off the streets...
This statement is so stupid on so many levels I'm not sure how to respond without making a big wall of text.
O_o o_O
Hang on a sec, I had to do a double-take here when I saw this.
If what this guy says is true, then this is truly the most evil thing done in this thread, hands down.
You ratted out a fellow soldier and he is now serving 20 years behind bars... wtf...
What are you talking about? There's nothing evil about this?
We need more people like you man...One less assassin off the streets...
This statement is so stupid on so many levels I'm not sure how to respond without making a big wall of text.
Haha yeah I had ignored it because I knew it was just trollin
Not a GM any more. Now, I am just a regular emo dude! But being a GM was a very interesting job, and I loved every minute of it. The biggest thing to remember when trying to contact a GM with an appeal is this . . . . . for every legitimate appeal, there are 30 with stuff like, "He waved at me. Should he be waving at me?". So, it takes time to sift through BS in order to get to the real issues sometimes. (A lot of the BS appeals are cleverly disguised as legit appeals). So, be nice to your GM's. They are working their tails off.
In pre-BC, a friend who got me to help him camp Humar the Pridelord near Ratchet for a few days said that if he didn't get the tame, he'd quit. 4 days later (about 12 hours of camping each day, I just kept him company every now and then by taking a trip to ratchet) he saw it. I was with him at the time and he went to tame it. He got killed and released. I decided to tame him, run and then blame it on some random hunter I saw. He quit, I felt bad but now I find it to be one of the more evil things I've done in an MMO
In Eq1 I dueled a lower lvl players i was well over 20 lvls from him he wanted 2 duel me. So I dueled him once killed him fast. He wanted 2 go again this time i charmed him and sent him 2 a vender in EC tunnels so i hit selos and ran away. =P he died had 2 do a cr. you can add that 2 the times i killed raids and my trains.
I'm not really an evil person actually... but probably the worst thing I've ever done was in Dream of Mirror Online. The interesting thing about DOMO was the fact that they had this love line, which was a pink line which linked you to someone who was compatible as a friend or date (but it's hard to tell now because DOMO allows same-gender marriage). So one day, I found myself linked to some guy, and the next thing I know, he started chatting to me. We added each other to our friends list, and he asked me to be his girlfriend, which I agreed to. We acted really lovey-dovey for a while, even to a point where we were basically flirting publically in front of our entire guild, and the members told us to cut it out.
Then one day, I just stopped logging on. I have no idea what happened after that, because I deleted my character. I guess I was fustrated that my character was having a greater love-life than I was.
But now than I mentioned DOMO, I'm getting extremely tempted to download it again. I really had a lot of fun times with that game...
Main characters:
Jinn Gone Quiet (Guild Wars)
Princess Pudding (Guild Wars)
I dunno. Was fun in wow a few years back. Me and some friends trapped this ally in the ditch between Stranglethorn Vale and Duskwood. Whenever he tried to escape I just mind controlled him back in. When he logged, we waited. Once he came back we just kept going (we had nothing else to do). He couldn't hearth. He was screwed.
Was a lot of fun at the time, might not sound that interesting to people who weren't there/havn't done it.
The most evil thing ... hm .
Well there was a druid that really pissed me off once (he was a dumb ass really) , he was from my guild and i was a warrior , so we raiding 25 man and we were gathering and summoning peoples for the GR , and he was afk in front of the whole crowd of peoples pretty close to the trash mobs so i went near him , taunted a trash mob and hide in "the massive body" of this motherfucking tauren u kno , I died and then the trash killed the dru who was afk for the moment , then the whole raid wiped out like shit while they were summoning , i released spirit imidiatly and got back so that my body isn't visible in front of the crowd near the trash and the only body there was the druids body , so when he got back we were dead , the master of the guild was F*cking pissed off and every 1 said that the druid wiped the raid so he got kickd from the raid and imidiatly expelt from the guild and ignored and everything terrible that you can imagine I lold made a screen and went to sleep happy ... not sure that this is enough evil tho you guys judge lmao