Personally, I could care less about people selling the imaginary stuff that they recieve in these games. If you can make money playing a game that you love, good for you. And yes, the people that spend the most time with a game are the people that keep that game alive. Having said that......
If there is one term in gaming that I absolutely despise it's "Hardcore gamer". This phrase just reeks of marketing. It seems to be a buzzword designed to make non-gamers and casual gamers feel inadequate so that they'll be compelled to buy more games. The side effect of it's over use is that some people actually consider themselves harder core than thou. Then they either figure out a way to play professionally or they get real jobs.
Its not that you're hardcore and you have no life (no more or less than the rest of us). Its that you most 3l33t d00dz want to make others feel small because they lack the same dedication (slavish devotion) to gaming that they have. Oh yeah, and they want make sure that they are more "hardcore" than other "hardcore" gamers. Your way is no better or worse than any one else's so stop acting like king turd of shit moutain.
I don't really consider myself a "hardcore" gamer but I do spend more than 10 hours a week playing games. To some people that would be considered an addiction. If that's the case, then I'm hopelessly addicted to my job (nyuk nyuk). At what point is one considered "hardcore?" I also play a wide variety of games, not just MMORPGs. Does that make me "casual?"
I think you see where I'm going with this. It's a non-issue to those of us that just want to play games. For the 3l33t "hardcore gamer", it's war.
In Copes original post his main point was about calling hardcore gamers losers.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Whether they blaze trails, find new content, contribute to game balance is irrelevant, unless they are paid to do this by the devs as part of constant testing.
Most hardcore gamers make more money playing games than you do working. Most? You mean 80%, 90%. Or do you mean most of the player YOU know? I have encountered many players in many mmorpgs, guildies, and others that play for 6-12 hours per day and when I have asked them how they have so much time to play none has ever replied that they play games for a living. The top 3 answers are usually; college student, school student, currently unemployed. Perhaps you can provide evidence of the VAST numbers of professional mmorpg players.
So are professional chess players losers too? There is a HUGE difference between a person who plays games 16 hours a day and an NBA player. The latter is paid to play because they have an exceptional talent, and all the hours of practice hone that gift to a fine edge. The only ability you need in an mmorpg is LOTS OF TIME. A certain amount of knowledge and skill are required but nothing close to professional sport. To wear seriously uber gear in EQ you just need LOADS of time to raid every night, or LOADS of time to camp a certain mob, skill has very little to do with it.
As to Hardcore grinding a character up to level 65 and selling them on ebay, I personally could not care less about it, but Ill quote someone who does: How will you deal with exploiting, cheating, duping, etc.? One of the most dangerous types of exploit is one that makes all or most advancement paths significantly less efficient than one or the few. Not only does this drastically reduce the amount of content in the game, it makes those not on the accelerated advancement path unhappy and/or compelled to use the faster method. This variety of exploit has to be stopped quickly. Even worse are 'dupe bugs' and the like, which can ruin an MMOG's economy in hours. Brad Mcquaid.
I assume that the devs at Vanguard will frown upon power levelling by the quickest path and selling their virtual property on ebay, and then new players beginning at the top and not playing through the content.
If a person chooses to play an MMORPG for hours on end, and is able to make money from it, then good luck to them. If a person is disabled and only gets relief by entering a virtual world where they can be a hero, then fine. If a student plays 6-8 hours a night, rather than going out with friends, then I think its kinda sad, because you can only develop so far as a person through internet relationships and there is a whole world of other stuff to see and do (and youth is fleeting). If a person in unemployed, makes no attempt to get work, but leeches of the state, or their parents good will, just to feed their online addiction, THEN I think they are a loser.
Originally posted by rohbshop Copeland, i'm curioius but what games do you play that you make a profit off of that 'allow' it? As far as i know, 90% of them dont, or at the very least frown upon selling the virtual items for RL cash. And i'm assuming the few that do are probably so dead that the market for those items arent nearly as easy to make money as the ones that have it against their TOS. I'd also be embarressed to call that type of lifestyle a living. I know you said thats not what you do or your only income, but to tell my parents or friends thats how i make a living would be very embaressing.
Project Entropia encourages and facilitates the practice of making money off the game. It's pretty much the whole idea behind it. Everquest allows you to make money by selling your time. People can pay you to PL them.
Would you be embarrased to tell your parents and friends you just sold your business for $10 million? I'm sure yantis was ashamed the day he got that check from IGE LOL.
No i dont make a living i barely make anything but if it was my main goal i surely could. I'm a lvl 70 wizard with 900+ aa's and i mainly raid or run pick up raids. But i gotta say without even trying i make 1 million plat a month. I don't know what i'm supposed to do with all of it. I give alot of it away to noobs that i see working on tradeskills or that i see legitimately making and effort and not begging. But even after all that i'd run out of room in my bank and hit the 2 million plat cap if i didnt dump it to IGE on occasion. Yeah i know technically selling plat is against the rules but i dont know one person who ever got banned buying or selling plat. SOE would be crazy to ban people for the practice. I don't mind plat buys or sellers myself. What i dont like is account sellers. Accounts really should be non transferrable. If you wanna buy plat and in turn buy equipment for your toon thats fine. It takes alot of fun out of the game but you know some people dont have the hours it takes to do all that work they'd rather just spend $100 and get to playing. WoW has proven that.
Just because you'd be embarrased doesnt mean everyone would be. Don't judge others. We are free to be who we are. We make our own lives and our own standards. Thats all i'm saying here. I hate seeing people take digs at hardcore gamers like we're all trolls living in a castle of empty mountain dew cans and pizza boxes.. I mean seriously for some of us its taco bell bags and beer cans. ~
Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe Its not that you're hardcore and you have no life (no more or less than the rest of us). Its that you most 3l33t d00dz want to make others feel small because they lack the same dedication (slavish devotion) to gaming that they have. Oh yeah, and they want make sure that they are more "hardcore" than other "hardcore" gamers. Your way is no better or worse than any one else's so stop acting like king turd of shit moutain. I don't really consider myself a "hardcore" gamer but I do spend more than 10 hours a week playing games.
What about the hardcore gamers such as me? I spend more than 10 hours a week running pick up raids for those that dont have the time to be in a raiding guild? Thats outside of the 40 hours a week i spend raiding with my guild. This week i'm doing Fennin Ro, Xegony and Time as pickup raids and working hard to get people flagged so they too can enjoy what i do. By taking digs at hardcore players they're taking a dig at me. Thats not a way to encourage hardcore players to follow in my footsteps and come down off their L33T DEWD pedestal.
Let me also add this and this will be my last post on this thread..
Another aspect to some hardcore gamers is this. Furor a very well known hardcore gamer (whether you like him or not) has done what many of us would like to do. He's now employed by Blizzard writing content for WoW. I too am a very creative individual. I have alot of good solid ideas for MMORPGS. I'm very active on the Dev forums of future games. Whether i ever land a job as a content designer or not the devs do get a large advantage from the feedback that i give them. This feedback in turn makes the game far more enjoyable for everyone.
Hardcore gamers are the heart and soul of mmorpgs. These are the people that lead your raids. These are the people that find the best spots to hunt. These are the people that discover the new recipes.
These are the people that aren't living a life away from their monitor. These are the people whose very existence revolves around their computer. These are the people that have inspired the stereotypes we all know, such as The Simpson's comic book guy.
I'd say living your life in front of your monitor makes you a loser.
I wonder what these hardcore gamers would do if they suddenly lost their computers or all internet access? Would they go crazy? Roll up in a fetal position and rock back and forth in shock? Brave the sunlight? Brave actual human social contact? Find a real job with real benefits and real retirement packages?
Not all hardcore gamers are this bad but I will bet the majority are. Definitely the kind you're talking about are.
And I just wanna say I'm not knocking the people who found great financial success playing games. I only wish I could do that and had the courage to try (meaning quitting my job to attempt it). It's the hardcore gamers who do it cuz they have nothing else to do or are hiding from the real world I find to be losers.
I don't know if I call myself a "hardcore" gamer or computer junkie, but ever since I've gotten sick and my ability to get out and about so to speak has been taken away from me, I find the computer a nice outlet to meet and talk to other people as well as avenue to the outside world. I wouldn't say I live my life around the monitor because I do go out with my friends when I have the strength and am not too sick, and they come over from time to time too. I used to be able to surf, rock climb and repel, snorkel, go out clubing, run, lift weights, take shotakan karate and pretty much do what I wanted, but I probably won't be able to do any of those things again barring a medical break through or a miracle. Playing games helps me forget about the pain I go through everyday and helps me to escape reality for a while not to mention bringing me enjoyment. I wouldn't mind playing a game to make a living. Would help pay for some of the medical bills.
LMAO, ok first things first buddy people call hardcore gamers losers, because everytime in these forums when i new player or an opinion of a game that they dont like comes up, all u hear is, noob you must be on crack i play this and i play that ther both better, get a clue.
Like come on no one should have to deal with that shit, this is a forum wher people post thoughts, questions and help topics, not a bashing of personality, like ok hardcore gamers play more mmo than most, does that give them a right to shoot people down because they like a game that doesnt add up for hardcore's , no not at all in fact i as a fairly experienced mmo player do not like WOW, E2, L2, AO, or most of the higher ranked mmos, and that is my opinion, now when i post my opinion, hardcore gamers, post a reply usually saying u r a moron WOW is this muh better E2 is that much better, like come on ok u like the game but i know for sure in real life most hardcore gamers dont have the fng balls to say shit like that to people that is why they live in video games. cause what they cant get away with in life, they can get away with in here or in games, anyways all i am saying is that what is said about hardcore gamers is deserved in fact they probably feed oof the insults we post, peace
Well... Everyone is posting something I might as well add my few cents. Hardcore gamers? Making money playing games? I am not too sure about that is it under the counter or legit? I doubt legit most serious companys I know of really don't hire people to play their games it's mostly inside job, meaning game programmers and such. I rarely hear about someone being picked up to play games for a living without some gaming background. Except for that guy who played Madden 05 all is life and that guy who won a couple UT2003-2004 tournys.
This is just what I know, I am human , I could be wrong.
________________________________ I must not fear, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me. ________________________________
________________________________ I must not fear, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me. ________________________________
I'm a 16 year old guy, and I sit behind my PC most part of the day. Sometimes I invite a friend or 2 to watch a movie or play some Soul Calibur 2, but that's it. I don't like the typical youth stuff like going out, getting drunk, etcetera. Just because I find games more fun then getting drunk at a bar doesn't make me a loser, I think. Video games and computers aren't my life, just a big part of it though. I don't like following trends, I don't like wearing brand name clothing, I don't like having a girlfriend at age 16 because most probably I won't spend the rest of my life with her anyway so what's the point of having one except for hot steamy sex.
Some of you may think I'm weird and have no future. I'm actually going to join the navy though.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Originally posted by Imperatorian I'm a 16 year old guy, and I sit behind my PC most part of the day. Sometimes I invite a friend or 2 to watch a movie or play some Soul Calibur 2, but that's it. I don't like the typical youth stuff like going out, getting drunk, etcetera. Just because I find games more fun then getting drunk at a bar doesn't make me a loser, I think. Video games and computers aren't my life, just a big part of it though. I don't like following trends, I don't like wearing brand name clothing, I don't like having a girlfriend at age 16 because most probably I won't spend the rest of my life with her anyway so what's the point of having one except for hot steamy sex. Some of you may think I'm weird and have no future. I'm actually going to join the navy though.If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Almost my describtion.. well just few differences - i am 20 and i love hot steamy sex
Umm, well yeah, if you're lucky enough to get a position as a beta tester or game tester for a big gaming company, then sure, it's your job, you're paid to play games. But have you ever seen those game testers play? They aren't playing for fun, they are playing to see if the game is buggy or not. Or maybe they are playing for fun and don't care about the bugs cause games are still being released on the market with tones of bugs.
I have a friend who's a beta tester for Ubisoft here in Montreal. Everyone is telling him that he is having an easy life, just playing games all day long. But he says it's a lot of work, sometimes even stressful. For a hard working game tester (not the lazy ones that just play for fun and don't report bugs (coughEAcough)) it's a lot of work. The moment you find a bug, you gotta take your report back to the programmers, who are even more stressful and bitch at him all the time. Then he goes back to testing. 1 hour later the programmer comes back with the update, the tester is then forced to stop whatever he was doing (most of the time he was writing another bug report) and re-test what the programmer fixed, sometimes it's fixed and he can move on, most of the time it isn't so he has to go back to the programmer and fix it again.
So don't start comparing what you call a "hardcore gamer" to those that actually work to play games all day. You play games for fun and only fun, they play games as work and it's not always fun according to their point of view.
Sorry to compare this, but fat people that say they aren't "fat" but are "husky" or "big boned" is the same as saying... well... to not p1ss you so called "hardcore gamers" off I won't say it, but you know what I mean. Stop living in denial.
I have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthy
you have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself.
I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Originally posted by kboy_5 WOW WHAT A F.Cuking toolI have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthyyou have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself. I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
Originally posted by scarvein Originally posted by kboy_5 WOW WHAT A F.Cuking toolI have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthyyou have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself. I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
Originally posted by kboy_5 Originally posted by scarvein Originally posted by kboy_5 WOW WHAT A F.Cuking toolI have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthyyou have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself. I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
An athlete gamer model? Isn't that like, suppost to be an oxymoron? Bet you get accepted on every table in highschool cafeteria's.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Originally posted by Imperatorian Originally posted by kboy_5 Originally posted by scarvein Originally posted by kboy_5 WOW WHAT A F.Cuking toolI have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthyyou have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself. I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
An athlete gamer model? Isn't that like, suppost to be an oxymoron? Bet you get accepted on every table in highschool cafeteria's.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Yes..... actually
During high school I played 3 sports per year, swim team, wrestling, and water polo. Now I am in college at the university of central florida, in the school of engineering.. I am majoring in computer engineering, and use the cash from modeling (i go to miami) to pay the rent! I have to work out daily, and at many times I dont have time for games, but i do enjoy them, especially MMO's even though i currently do not play one (waiting for vanguard or dark and light)
so yes.... this past summer I had no school and all i did was play games online, and my body went to hell... i had to juice up to get back in shape... i just dont see how its possible to balance 14 hours a day playing games and maintain a healthy lifestyle/friends/relationships ive been there done that...
Originally posted by Imperatorian Doesn't it get tiring to spend so much time working on your body? If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
yes I do. especially dragging myself to the gym to do legs, and id much rather sit back smoke a J eat a bag of cheetos, and play eq for 10 hours then workout and drink protein shakes and water... but hey its money.
I seriously have no quarrel with someone who spends lots of time on games im one of them when i have the chance, but the people who let it "take over their life" with multiple accounts and ebay and ruin economies... things like that I cant stand. Someone who literally *lives everquest* needs a wakeup call in my view...
Originally posted by Copeland To all those people who call hardcore gamers losers...Do you even understand why hardcore gamers are hardcore gamers? Most hardcore gamers make more money playing games than you do working. If you think it feels like work and takes the fun out of the game your wrong lol. I play games all the time. I play almost 24/7. I play to have fun. I can also easily build a retirement fund off these games and i dont even try to make money. Hardcore gamers are the heart and soul of mmorpgs. These are the people that lead your raids. These are the people that find the best spots to hunt. These are the people that discover the new recipes. Without the hardcore gamers you'd find your game world much less friendly. This doesnt mean the hardcore gamer is a friendly breed but what they do for the whole community does make the game more friendly.We can argue ethics or get off on some morals tangent about being anti social in life but why? People should do what makes them happy. If people are happy sitting at a desk playing games why should we look down on them for that choice? Why is it more acceptable to live at a bar than it is to live online? Clearly society hasn't caught on to the idea that being social online is as acceptable as being social irl. Personally i prefer my friends from australia, germany, belgium, england, japan, korea and brazil over the local bar sluts. I feel they give me a better perspective of the world than the dealer that hangs out at the club pushing x. To sum up i think people who look down at hardcore gamers are narrow minded idiots...
Yeah deal with it, or else --------------------------------------------------- Cheers! I'm out ---------------------------------------------
Cheers! I'm out :: ---------------------------------------------
Personally, I could care less about people selling the imaginary stuff that they recieve in these games. If you can make money playing a game that you love, good for you. And yes, the people that spend the most time with a game are the people that keep that game alive. Having said that......
If there is one term in gaming that I absolutely despise it's "Hardcore gamer". This phrase just reeks of marketing. It seems to be a buzzword designed to make non-gamers and casual gamers feel inadequate so that they'll be compelled to buy more games. The side effect of it's over use is that some people actually consider themselves harder core than thou. Then they either figure out a way to play professionally or they get real jobs.
Its not that you're hardcore and you have no life (no more or less than the rest of us). Its that you most 3l33t d00dz want to make others feel small because they lack the same dedication (slavish devotion) to gaming that they have. Oh yeah, and they want make sure that they are more "hardcore" than other "hardcore" gamers. Your way is no better or worse than any one else's so stop acting like king turd of shit moutain.
I don't really consider myself a "hardcore" gamer but I do spend more than 10 hours a week playing games. To some people that would be considered an addiction. If that's the case, then I'm hopelessly addicted to my job (nyuk nyuk). At what point is one considered "hardcore?" I also play a wide variety of games, not just MMORPGs. Does that make me "casual?"
I think you see where I'm going with this. It's a non-issue to those of us that just want to play games. For the 3l33t "hardcore gamer", it's war.
In Copes original post his main point was about calling hardcore gamers losers.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Whether they blaze trails, find new content, contribute to game balance is irrelevant, unless they are paid to do this by the devs as part of constant testing.
Most hardcore gamers make more money playing games than you do working. Most? You mean 80%, 90%. Or do you mean most of the player YOU know? I have encountered many players in many mmorpgs, guildies, and others that play for 6-12 hours per day and when I have asked them how they have so much time to play none has ever replied that they play games for a living. The top 3 answers are usually; college student, school student, currently unemployed. Perhaps you can provide evidence of the VAST numbers of professional mmorpg players.
So are professional chess players losers too? There is a HUGE difference between a person who plays games 16 hours a day and an NBA player. The latter is paid to play because they have an exceptional talent, and all the hours of practice hone that gift to a fine edge. The only ability you need in an mmorpg is LOTS OF TIME. A certain amount of knowledge and skill are required but nothing close to professional sport. To wear seriously uber gear in EQ you just need LOADS of time to raid every night, or LOADS of time to camp a certain mob, skill has very little to do with it.
As to Hardcore grinding a character up to level 65 and selling them on ebay, I personally could not care less about it, but Ill quote someone who does: How will you deal with exploiting, cheating, duping, etc.? One of the most dangerous types of exploit is one that makes all or most advancement paths significantly less efficient than one or the few. Not only does this drastically reduce the amount of content in the game, it makes those not on the accelerated advancement path unhappy and/or compelled to use the faster method. This variety of exploit has to be stopped quickly. Even worse are 'dupe bugs' and the like, which can ruin an MMOG's economy in hours. Brad Mcquaid.
I assume that the devs at Vanguard will frown upon power levelling by the quickest path and selling their virtual property on ebay, and then new players beginning at the top and not playing through the content.
Project Entropia encourages and facilitates the practice of making money off the game. It's pretty much the whole idea behind it. Everquest allows you to make money by selling your time. People can pay you to PL them.
Would you be embarrased to tell your parents and friends you just sold your business for $10 million? I'm sure yantis was ashamed the day he got that check from IGE LOL.
No i dont make a living i barely make anything but if it was my main goal i surely could. I'm a lvl 70 wizard with 900+ aa's and i mainly raid or run pick up raids. But i gotta say without even trying i make 1 million plat a month. I don't know what i'm supposed to do with all of it. I give alot of it away to noobs that i see working on tradeskills or that i see legitimately making and effort and not begging. But even after all that i'd run out of room in my bank and hit the 2 million plat cap if i didnt dump it to IGE on occasion. Yeah i know technically selling plat is against the rules but i dont know one person who ever got banned buying or selling plat. SOE would be crazy to ban people for the practice. I don't mind plat buys or sellers myself. What i dont like is account sellers. Accounts really should be non transferrable. If you wanna buy plat and in turn buy equipment for your toon thats fine. It takes alot of fun out of the game but you know some people dont have the hours it takes to do all that work they'd rather just spend $100 and get to playing. WoW has proven that.
Just because you'd be embarrased doesnt mean everyone would be. Don't judge others. We are free to be who we are. We make our own lives and our own standards. Thats all i'm saying here. I hate seeing people take digs at hardcore gamers like we're all trolls living in a castle of empty mountain dew cans and pizza boxes.. I mean seriously for some of us its taco bell bags and beer cans. ~
Make a difference!
What about the hardcore gamers such as me? I spend more than 10 hours a week running pick up raids for those that dont have the time to be in a raiding guild? Thats outside of the 40 hours a week i spend raiding with my guild. This week i'm doing Fennin Ro, Xegony and Time as pickup raids and working hard to get people flagged so they too can enjoy what i do. By taking digs at hardcore players they're taking a dig at me. Thats not a way to encourage hardcore players to follow in my footsteps and come down off their L33T DEWD pedestal.
Make a difference!
Let me also add this and this will be my last post on this thread..
Another aspect to some hardcore gamers is this. Furor a very well known hardcore gamer (whether you like him or not) has done what many of us would like to do. He's now employed by Blizzard writing content for WoW. I too am a very creative individual. I have alot of good solid ideas for MMORPGS. I'm very active on the Dev forums of future games. Whether i ever land a job as a content designer or not the devs do get a large advantage from the feedback that i give them. This feedback in turn makes the game far more enjoyable for everyone.
Make a difference!
I am glad for many things in my life.
Not being you is a biggie.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Copeland, making up some facts to back up your arguement isn't a smart way to do it.
These are the people that aren't living a life away from their monitor. These are the people whose very existence revolves around their computer. These are the people that have inspired the stereotypes we all know, such as The Simpson's comic book guy.
I'd say living your life in front of your monitor makes you a loser.
I wonder what these hardcore gamers would do if they suddenly lost their computers or all internet access? Would they go crazy? Roll up in a fetal position and rock back and forth in shock? Brave the sunlight? Brave actual human social contact? Find a real job with real benefits and real retirement packages?
Not all hardcore gamers are this bad but I will bet the majority are. Definitely the kind you're talking about are.
I don't know if I call myself a "hardcore" gamer or computer junkie, but ever since I've gotten sick and my ability to get out and about so to speak has been taken away from me, I find the computer a nice outlet to meet and talk to other people as well as avenue to the outside world. I wouldn't say I live my life around the monitor because I do go out with my friends when I have the strength and am not too sick, and they come over from time to time too. I used to be able to surf, rock climb and repel, snorkel, go out clubing, run, lift weights, take shotakan karate and pretty much do what I wanted, but I probably won't be able to do any of those things again barring a medical break through or a miracle. Playing games helps me forget about the pain I go through everyday and helps me to escape reality for a while not to mention bringing me enjoyment. I wouldn't mind playing a game to make a living. Would help pay for some of the medical bills.
LMAO, ok first things first buddy people call hardcore gamers losers, because everytime in these forums when i new player or an opinion of a game that they dont like comes up, all u hear is, noob you must be on crack i play this and i play that ther both better, get a clue.
Like come on no one should have to deal with that shit, this is a forum wher people post thoughts, questions and help topics, not a bashing of personality, like ok hardcore gamers play more mmo than most, does that give them a right to shoot people down because they like a game that doesnt add up for hardcore's , no not at all in fact i as a fairly experienced mmo player do not like WOW, E2, L2, AO, or most of the higher ranked mmos, and that is my opinion, now when i post my opinion, hardcore gamers, post a reply usually saying u r a moron WOW is this muh better E2 is that much better, like come on ok u like the game but i know for sure in real life most hardcore gamers dont have the fng balls to say shit like that to people that is why they live in video games. cause what they cant get away with in life, they can get away with in here or in games, anyways all i am saying is that what is said about hardcore gamers is deserved in fact they probably feed oof the insults we post, peace
I am Mulambo 4 life
Moral is... there will ALWAYS be people who insult/make names. Time to face reality.
Well... Everyone is posting something I might as well add my few cents. Hardcore gamers? Making money playing games? I am not too sure about that is it under the counter or legit? I doubt legit most serious companys I know of really don't hire people to play their games it's mostly inside job, meaning game programmers and such. I rarely hear about someone being picked up to play games for a living without some gaming background. Except for that guy who played Madden 05 all is life and that guy who won a couple UT2003-2004 tournys.
This is just what I know, I am human , I could be wrong.
I must not fear, fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me.
I must not fear, fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me.
I'm a 16 year old guy, and I sit behind my PC most part of the day. Sometimes I invite a friend or 2 to watch a movie or play some Soul Calibur 2, but that's it. I don't like the typical youth stuff like going out, getting drunk, etcetera. Just because I find games more fun then getting drunk at a bar doesn't make me a loser, I think. Video games and computers aren't my life, just a big part of it though. I don't like following trends, I don't like wearing brand name clothing, I don't like having a girlfriend at age 16 because most probably I won't spend the rest of my life with her anyway so what's the point of having one except for hot steamy sex.
Some of you may think I'm weird and have no future. I'm actually going to join the navy though.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Almost my describtion.. well just few differences - i am 20 and i love hot steamy sex
Umm, well yeah, if you're lucky enough to get a position as a beta tester or game tester for a big gaming company, then sure, it's your job, you're paid to play games. But have you ever seen those game testers play? They aren't playing for fun, they are playing to see if the game is buggy or not. Or maybe they are playing for fun and don't care about the bugs cause games are still being released on the market with tones of bugs.
I have a friend who's a beta tester for Ubisoft here in Montreal. Everyone is telling him that he is having an easy life, just playing games all day long. But he says it's a lot of work, sometimes even stressful. For a hard working game tester (not the lazy ones that just play for fun and don't report bugs (coughEAcough)) it's a lot of work. The moment you find a bug, you gotta take your report back to the programmers, who are even more stressful and bitch at him all the time. Then he goes back to testing. 1 hour later the programmer comes back with the update, the tester is then forced to stop whatever he was doing (most of the time he was writing another bug report) and re-test what the programmer fixed, sometimes it's fixed and he can move on, most of the time it isn't so he has to go back to the programmer and fix it again.
So don't start comparing what you call a "hardcore gamer" to those that actually work to play games all day. You play games for fun and only fun, they play games as work and it's not always fun according to their point of view.
Sorry to compare this, but fat people that say they aren't "fat" but are "husky" or "big boned" is the same as saying... well... to not p1ss you so called "hardcore gamers" off I won't say it, but you know what I mean. Stop living in denial.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
WOW WHAT A F.Cuking tool
I have a friend who is a hardcore gamer, he plays warcraft about 14 hours a day, and each time I see him, he has gotten fatter, paler, and has more acne, and his whole life is consumed to one game.... seriously its just not healthy
you have a problem if your one of those people, and the first step is admiting it to yourself.
I was friends with hardcore raiders in eq1. people who were ALWAYS online with multiple accounts.... omg not only are you the type of person that ruins the economy by selling stuff to IGE or EBAY... but is it worth the fatass and dark circles under your eyes ?
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
An athlete gamer model? Isn't that like, suppost to be an oxymoron? Bet you get accepted on every table in highschool cafeteria's.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Not all gamers are fat and pale, my friend, I am in front of computer 6 hours in work then at least 8 hours at home a day, which I consider i fair amount. And i can still eat healthy food, go out to have fun in the city or just exercise for fun.
I love it when people try to say they have such wonderfull healthy lives when they sit in front of the computer screen for according to you 14 hours a day ?? what a lie
and i didnt say all gamers are fat, im a gamer lol, and a model, and an athlete.... i pull 10 hour sessions on maybe a day off but normally 1 or 2 hours spent gaming a day
An athlete gamer model? Isn't that like, suppost to be an oxymoron? Bet you get accepted on every table in highschool cafeteria's.
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
Yes..... actually
During high school I played 3 sports per year, swim team, wrestling, and water polo.
Now I am in college at the university of central florida, in the school of engineering.. I am majoring in computer engineering, and use the cash from modeling (i go to miami) to pay the rent! I have to work out daily, and at many times I dont have time for games, but i do enjoy them, especially MMO's even though i currently do not play one (waiting for vanguard or dark and light)
so yes.... this past summer I had no school and all i did was play games online, and my body went to hell... i had to juice up to get back in shape... i just dont see how its possible to balance 14 hours a day playing games and maintain a healthy lifestyle/friends/relationships ive been there done that...
Doesn't it get tiring to spend so much time working on your body?
If ignorance is bliss, you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are!
yes I do. especially dragging myself to the gym to do legs, and id much rather sit back smoke a J eat a bag of cheetos, and play eq for 10 hours then workout and drink protein shakes and water... but hey its money.
I seriously have no quarrel with someone who spends lots of time on games im one of them when i have the chance, but the people who let it "take over their life" with multiple accounts and ebay and ruin economies... things like that I cant stand. Someone who literally *lives everquest* needs a wakeup call in my view...
Yeah deal with it, or else
Cheers! I'm out
Cheers! I'm out ::