Originally posted by Vercades Originally posted by Saigonshakes People are having it crash for no reason at all while in gameplay. Somehting is seriously flawed no matter how much you try to sugar-coat it. Beta? BETA!?! This is NOT beta. Maybe those people are trying to find a free way in the game. Only major problem Bliz has with the client is it compatibility with peoples systems. If its been crashing on your system even once either upgrade or buy another BETTER computer. That's what I think they should do.
ARe you on drugs? WoW is a retroactive game when it comes to system requirements.
Minimum Requirements: 800MHz P3 or Athlon 256MB RAM 32MB T&L 3D card (GeForce 2 or better) 4GB hard drive space DirectX 9.0 56k modem
Real hard to meet. It's absurdly low on polys and doesn't take much CPU/GPU power to render at all. The fact its chugging for people isnt the graphics engine its the backend netcode and server hardware.
BTW: A great community =/= being able to find a group when you have so many damn players it's pretty convenient to find a group anywhere as long as the game provides the tools to do so. The community is crap, I don't have to paint you a picture just log in or read the forums.
Originally posted by sygmas Originally posted by Saigonshakes So all of these server problems are do to "scheduled server matienece?" I'm sure blizz purposely has the game down for a bunch of people all the time. The game is basically still in it's beta stages. Theres no way around it. People are having it crash for no reason at all while in gameplay. Somehting is seriously flawed no matter how much you try to sugar-coat it.
It's not the game its the netcode and the hardware. It's not able to handle whats being thrown at it. But its still their fault nonetheless.
How come im not crashing.. how come only a tiny percentage of people crash? does it mean I have a different netcode? Does it mean their hardware gives me a clean ride but someone else crashes? Where is logic in that?the problem is with local system. People who crash have either faulty/outdated hardware or software. Just because some has top of the line system doesnt mean everything will run smoothly... maybe one of the switches in your MOBO is set wrong? Look for a solution on YOUR side. Dont blame Blizz or the game unless absoulte majority is crashing along with you. I used to play Counterstrike a lot and I would get BSODs often. I blamed my harddrive but after I replaced it problem didnt go away. Finaly, I bought some extra RAM pins and replaced what i had and what do you know, it was one of the RAM pins that was causing this! Weird thing is only CS was causing the BSOD, other games didnt. Good thing i didnt blame CS code just because Me or several others were having this problem or id look like a complete idiot.
Originally posted by Vercades Dude, you are obligated as a player to read the schedule of maintence. If you don't read it its your own fault.
Players aren't obligated to anything but to adhere to the EULA and Terms of Service while playing the game. It's a video-game, and when you pay monthly for it, you expect it to work. Theres nothing here to argue. It's as simple as that. Just dont put out a MMO if you can't handle the 'success'. They generated the hype machine, its their bed now they sleep in it. It's ironic how the 'best MMO' out there is likely going to be cut down by its own success, it's server instability, and rabid lag are going to drive players away in droves. It's like an earthquake. The earthquakes happened, but you haven't felt it yet. But it's coming.
Lol. I've tried many MMO, and this one is not going to be cut down by its success. Saying otherwise clearly shows your lack of vision.
Originally posted by Saigonshakes I don't play but I've heard the servers have been absolute hell thus far. I went over to the WoW official site and took a look at the forums. There was like 17 pages on the topic of servers being down. I was planning on buying this game a while back but as of now I'm glad I didn't. It seems like people who are playing now are basically paying for a game still in its beta stages. Is Blizz planning on refunding a shit load of time to it's players? If they don't I feel that would be a little low of them. Best of luck to all those that play.
You mean the forums actually work? Seems to me they're down 70% of the time.
Originally posted by Bigx Yeah I am having 2nd thoughts about this game to. Not only shutdown some servers for 16 hours. I start fresh on a different server with very few people on it. Level him to 10th lvl and get my crafting to 75ish with some chain made. After 4 days then get emergency maintence shutdown for 2 hours. I went back to my 10th lvl. Not only did he get rolled back 4 lvls to 6th lvl. Lost all his bars of copper and lost his crafts. So I went from 10th lvl with crafts and crafted armor to 6th lvl and no crafts or loot. At least 1 or 2 times a week along with the crashes i get rolled back. WTF is it with the rollbacks? It took me more than a few hours at the very least to get my crafts, gather good amount of bars craft me some armor and weapons to find out that I lost all that due to the rollback. Why havent I seen these rollbacks on other mmpg? I agree this game is going backwards and not forward. Goodjob blizzard taking one of the best mmpg and start making it unplayable at times due to tech issues.
roll bakcs happend in dransik (now Ashen empires) because of a few cheaters so they rolled EVEYONE BACK. that pissed me off.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suppose anyone who spends most of their time doing one thing has their head up their ass and if they do something that you enjoy but make money off it they must be evil.
But i bet if i wrote a song about my bitches sippin on my 40 and how i like to grind them then beat'm i'd be your hero and you'd give me your money?
WoW is far from having the worst customer support, and very far from having the worst servers. I'll keep from listing paragraphs of evidence to this detail... Besides every forum for every mmorpg across the internet has had this topic beaten to death on every game already. You can go visit them for evidence of what I am talking about.
I believe I've played near every MMORPG released to date, and WoW is definitely a more refined and well-developed game then most. Their customer support is doing the best they can, but even expanding a CS department takes time if it becomes necessary. However, with the extreme amount of customers they have calling them because of lag, calling because they had a bug that they already know about, or calling them because something bothered them about the login in which they have already addressed they are trying to improve, this causes uncorrectable difficulty for any CS department. Why would you expand your customer support department to speak with everyone that calls in, when the biggest problem with the game is people are too impatient to give them some room/time to do their work? It's illogical for any head honcho of a game department to request more personnel just to repeat what has already been stated on forums, websites, in the game, while logging in, in the news, etc. It's a dozen places people, saying how diligently they are working on the issues you have stated here. How can they have bad customer service when they have already stated they are working on an issue that you continue to bother them about? And therein lies the difference between bad customer service, and just bad customers.
End result = There comes a time where the frustration one has with a game is not the game company's fault, and that time can usually be determined by the huge success shown by their successful implementation and support of a great game, in greater demand now then any game on the market. (Try and find one other recent release that you can't find at any store across the U.S.)
With patience, comes contentment. If you really think about it, you know Blizzard will get their hardware upgraded - they HAVE to or the game will fail. You know they will work out the login issues - it's obviously upsetting to many customers. You know they are going in to work each day and given everything they can handle for the time they are there. I believe they are doing their best because they have made a great game - Now do your best to have some patience and give them a break to catch up with all this. I believe you'll always be rewarded for just taking a breath and accepting that the storm will pass.
And in the meantime, try fishing... there's no lag or bugs in that (just kidding... we weren't all born to be fishermen or they would've been extinct hundreds of years ago)
"And then they would have the nerve to scramble together countless new servers and not have them up and running all perfectly in 2 weeks"
Umm... well from Nov 23th to Jan 17th counts as almost 2 months in my book.
"You ppl are discusting, Blizzard doesn't know what they are doing??? SOE didn't have to know what they where doing cuz they flopped. This is by far the best launch to a game with volume of players this game has to deal with. SOE had it easy cuz no one bought the game and it was still a crapy launch, I've never heard of a game launching and not being down in the first week, or the first 3 days for that matter"
Well I am not sure what game you were looking at but EQ 2 has hardly flopped . The servers populations are high and they had to add several new servers to support all the people. Most servers are still Full-High with only a few medium ones. And they were all launched without problems.
"And ppl if your MB is over 2 yrs old take it out and break it over your knee. The chipsets are garbage and they are not going to run this game or most games released this year and will give you the BSOD. I was getting the BSOD when I was running my Asus P4S800(God sis sux) and picked up a Asus P4P800E-Deluxe 2 weeks ago and no more BSOD or crashes for me. 9 times out of 10 the crashes will be caused by the garbage chipsets on your motherboard go read any tech forum. Mostly cuz they dont communicate with your RAM or AGP slot properly."
So much for Blizzards theory of WoW being able to run on a wide variety of machines
I did not really see the original poster as a "fan-boi". The poster was simply stating a fact. I own EQ 2 and WoW and both are great games. But the simple fact of the matter is, yes Blizzard's servers should be operating much better then they are now and also there customer service sucks. I realize 600,000 copies of WoW have been sold, but they have 88 servers to handle them. I believe EQ 1 only had around 30 servers to deal with 450,000 in there prime. They did not have the problems that WoW had and they had less servers. As far as the lack of customer support goes, if you don't believe me go to their tech forums and look through a few pages of posts. Most of the posts go unanswered. I noticed it after just a few days of looking through the threads there. Most of the posters their have noticed it and made mention of that fact.
They finally made mention of the login-in issues they have been having lately just the other day. Well this has been going on longer then that. Sorry guys but saying "Oh by the way, you may have a problem logging in" 2 to 3 days later does not cut it. Like them or not at least SOE has something to say about it day 1. I realize problems happen and I am ok with that, but at least keep us informed. Thats all most players ask. Blizzard needs to stop putting there heads in the sand and talk to their players on the forums that are looking for help. By ignoring them the only thing that goes away are the players not the problems. Don't get me wrong I like Blizzard and hope they fix everything soon. But as of right now I feel like alot of the others and will not pay for something that performs like this game.
funny, ive never had a problem w/ WoW running on my machine, and im on a laptop. In fact, Blizz even offered help w/ resolving a lot of peoples problems with their laptop drivers. Whereas when i played SWG, and didnt know why my lappy wouldnt run the game at the begining SOE told me that "laoptops are nut supported", had to go and mod ATI drivers to play SWG, whereas Bliz provided a link to Omega. Now you tell me who has the better CS, mr fanboy.
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Originally posted by jamigre funny, ive never had a problem w/ WoW running on my machine, and im on a laptop. In fact, Blizz even offered help w/ resolving a lot of peoples problems with their laptop drivers. Whereas when i played SWG, and didnt know why my lappy wouldnt run the game at the begining SOE told me that "laoptops are nut supported", had to go and mod ATI drivers to play SWG, whereas Bliz provided a link to Omega. Now you tell me who has the better CS, mr fanboy. ------- WoWin' it up with Kiki the NE Rogue on Magtheridon - www.lowbrowguild.com -------
I don't have any problems running it either. Never had a problem running any game actually because I build my own computers. But a couple of my friends do. One of which has a newer and faster computer then me. But the latency issues are wide spread, and the login issues effect everyone. CS....why don't you go to the tech forums kid and see just how many posts are responded to for yourself. Then you tell me who has better customer service. If you are still not convinced then maybe you need to go to here---www.hop.com Actually go there anyways because if you read my post(which you obviously must not read very well) you would see that I own both games and was hoping that Blizzard would do well. I have never owned a bad game from Blizzard and WoW is no exception. But they need to be more responsive to the player base that are having technical difficulties. Fanboy? Hmm... I did not know that you could call both games good and still be a fanboy. Thats news to me.
Originally posted by ZenNature WoW is far from having the worst customer support, and very far from having the worst servers. I'll keep from listing paragraphs of evidence to this detail... Besides every forum for every mmorpg across the internet has had this topic beaten to death on every game already. You can go visit them for evidence of what I am talking about. I believe I've played near every MMORPG released to date, and WoW is definitely a more refined and well-developed game then most. Their customer support is doing the best they can, but even expanding a CS department takes time if it becomes necessary. However, with the extreme amount of customers they have calling them because of lag, calling because they had a bug that they already know about, or calling them because something bothered them about the login in which they have already addressed they are trying to improve, this causes uncorrectable difficulty for any CS department. Why would you expand your customer support department to speak with everyone that calls in, when the biggest problem with the game is people are too impatient to give them some room/time to do their work? It's illogical for any head honcho of a game department to request more personnel just to repeat what has already been stated on forums, websites, in the game, while logging in, in the news, etc. It's a dozen places people, saying how diligently they are working on the issues you have stated here. How can they have bad customer service when they have already stated they are working on an issue that you continue to bother them about? And therein lies the difference between bad customer service, and just bad customers. End result = There comes a time where the frustration one has with a game is not the game company's fault, and that time can usually be determined by the huge success shown by their successful implementation and support of a great game, in greater demand now then any game on the market. (Try and find one other recent release that you can't find at any store across the U.S.) With patience, comes contentment. If you really think about it, you know Blizzard will get their hardware upgraded - they HAVE to or the game will fail. You know they will work out the login issues - it's obviously upsetting to many customers. You know they are going in to work each day and given everything they can handle for the time they are there. I believe they are doing their best because they have made a great game - Now do your best to have some patience and give them a break to catch up with all this. I believe you'll always be rewarded for just taking a breath and accepting that the storm will pass. And in the meantime, try fishing... there's no lag or bugs in that (just kidding... we weren't all born to be fishermen or they would've been extinct hundreds of years ago)
Patience is something you give when given free service. Patience is if you buy a FPS And there is a gating bug, you can wait for a patch. But you literally pay Blizzard for your time, and its not on a pay-to-play basis, its a 15$ a month flat rate per month. You can be damn sure people aren't getting their moneys worth. They had nice big stress tests and all sorts of beta tests for months before the release. They DELIBERATELY milked the shit out of their hype machine, they EXPECTED This success. So they should have prepared for it. Since they didn't they can go to hell. Patience? Hmph. Pay everyones WoW subscription bills then tell them to be patient.
Patience is something you give when given free service. Patience is if you buy a FPS And there is a gating bug, you can wait for a patch. But you literally pay Blizzard for your time, and its not on a pay-to-play basis, its a 15$ a month flat rate per month. You can be damn sure people aren't getting their moneys worth. They had nice big stress tests and all sorts of beta tests for months before the release. They DELIBERATELY milked the shit out of their hype machine, they EXPECTED This success. So they should have prepared for it. Since they didn't they can go to hell. Patience? Hmph. Pay everyones WoW subscription bills then tell them to be patient.
I think you missed my point about bad customer service vs. bad customers. Typically 'customers' always pay something to the company in question, as you are saying here negates the appropriateness of patient bahavior. Remember, I am paying for WoW too and I am patient with them. Other people are fully capable of that too. If you are dependent on thinking your level of patience is determined by whether something is 'free' or not, then you must live a very frustrating life because as they say "Nothing is free in this world". That is no reason not to be patient.
I feel a number of people are getting their money's worth (I am), although for the customers that are not (or if I was one of them) then I would pay attention to their comments each day on the forums regarding these issues, acknowledging that their customer service is working on the issue. No reason to harass them about it or state they have horrible customer service as appears to be happening.
Beta and stress tests do not guarantee the accurate numbers of those to purchase and sign-up for the game upon release. If you played in beta, you would know as I do that many of these issues did not exist there, evident of the fact that they are experiencing unexpected numbers of people since official release.
Of course they deliberately supported the hype... What company wouldn't? Although I disagree with using the word hype to describe WoW pre-release. It's an incorrect word when you had hundreds of thousands of people playing the game in beta and stress-tests stating in their own opinions that it was a good game - not just a rumor-mill of pre-release fiction which is my definition of hype.
you know? i just realized something, that has not much to do about the original topic by the way, but i will get there eventually.
WoW Hype was not hype at all. It was facts. Disclosed by thousands of players around the world as they were experiencing the game. Exactly as ZenNature said.
And you know why? Because WoW has been the first game ever to drop the NDA after alpha, so everybody, and i really mean everybody, could see what game they had at start of beta. Well, it wasn't bad at all.
What you think would have happened if SoE dropped the NDA for SWG at start of beta?? with thousands of people (not an handful of them as there is always somebody saying "this game is not ready to be released" in any game out there) screaming that the game was crap? they would have had half the sales probably.
THEY milked the Hype for their game, not Blizzard. there was NO Company-made hype about it, anybody could go to the beta forums and read, first hand, what the players were saying about the game and their experiences, fan sites had beta diary up for months before release, plus hundreds of posts about the game from loads of different sources. half a million users could try the game before buying it in the open beta, i do not see how one can say that this product is dependant on hype for success. Hype is when a company start singing the praise for its product when the general public knows nothing about it BUT what the company tells it.
Here we had dozens of independent information sources, ALL about the game, no way Blizzard could have said "Wow is like apples" if it wasn't.
There is no discussion that the game is a really polished and well made MMorpg. The game. Seemingly they are having problems with about 30% of their server (20 out of 88), that is really unfortunate and yes, i agree. it should not happen. Not after City of Heroes or Dark age of Camelot. And yes, customers have all the right to protest about their lack of service and yes, they have the right to stop paying them if they feel the service is not adequate.
I say: It takes this game around 30 seconds to load up from login screen, character selection, in game. That is amazing. I HOPE when the game is released here in Europe, the server problems will be resolved or will never exist here. So far my Final Beta experience has been virtually flawless, one time, in the first day, i had queues and once, the day after that, i suffered a 10 minutes rollback. That. Is. All.
What i mean is: Crappy Server != crappy game. Crappy server will be fixed, a crappy game won't.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Originally posted by Saigonshakes People are having it crash for no reason at all while in gameplay. Somehting is seriously flawed no matter how much you try to sugar-coat it.
Beta? BETA!?! This is NOT beta. Maybe those people are trying to find a free way in the game. Only major problem Bliz has with the client is it compatibility with peoples systems. If its been crashing on your system even once either upgrade or buy another BETTER computer. That's what I think they should do.
ARe you on drugs? WoW is a retroactive game when it comes to system requirements.
Minimum Requirements: 800MHz P3 or Athlon 256MB RAM 32MB T&L 3D card (GeForce 2 or better) 4GB hard drive space DirectX 9.0 56k modem
Real hard to meet. It's absurdly low on polys and doesn't take much CPU/GPU power to render at all. The fact its chugging for people isnt the graphics engine its the backend netcode and server hardware.
BTW: A great community =/= being able to find a group when you have so many damn players it's pretty convenient to find a group anywhere as long as the game provides the tools to do so. The community is crap, I don't have to paint you a picture just log in or read the forums.
I'm glad you left the "minimum requirements" up there, because that's what it is. MINIMUM = just above garbage. If you meet the minimum, and are below the recommended, you seriously need to revamp. The recommended setup is so you can play the game on moderate settings (all the graphics options in the middle, running @ 800x600). If you want the game to work good, you have to go one step above the recommended hardware config.
It seems that if they dont say "3 Year-old or newer motherboard with newest drivers" that people will try to run this game on a DOS box and complain about it crashing. Seriously though... if someone's using a 56K modem, that's just sad. "I dont know why im lagging!! I have 2583 latency!" After he lags out, the server suddenly speeds up a tiny bit...
Originally posted by Vercades Dude, you are obligated as a player to read the schedule of maintence. If you don't read it its your own fault.
Players aren't obligated to anything but to adhere to the EULA and Terms of Service while playing the game. It's a video-game, and when you pay monthly for it, you expect it to work. Theres nothing here to argue. It's as simple as that. Just dont put out a MMO if you can't handle the 'success'. They generated the hype machine, its their bed now they sleep in it. It's ironic how the 'best MMO' out there is likely going to be cut down by its own success, it's server instability, and rabid lag are going to drive players away in droves. It's like an earthquake. The earthquakes happened, but you haven't felt it yet. But it's coming.
Lol. I've tried many MMO, and this one is not going to be cut down by its success. Saying otherwise clearly shows your lack of vision.
You know that servers do cost alot... maybe Blizz wasnt expecting to break a world record in selling game copies (600,000 in a month). Not one MMO has sold that much in two months... and maybe they had purchased some "lesser" servers at the beginning and they're having trouble with high populations and "fax waxers" (which slow down the server, but not so much that it should cause problems for high-end servers). Blizzard wasnt exactly rich when they developed this game, they were living off of Starcraft and Diablo II sales fromt he years before, because WC3 wasnt that great of a hit (not saying it didnt sell, just not as much as they expected), so maybe that could be a good excuse for the crappy servers =P. This is Blizz's first shot at an MMO, so it shoudl be expected that it wouldnt be in the best shape at the beginning. Look at EQ 1, they had server problems and hardware issues like no tomorrow!
I'm not saying that Blizzard is the victim, it's obviously their fault for not expecting the "unexpected", but they're still novices in the world of MMOs.
ARe you on drugs? WoW is a retroactive game when it comes to system requirements.
Minimum Requirements:
800MHz P3 or Athlon
32MB T&L 3D card (GeForce 2 or better)
4GB hard drive space
DirectX 9.0
56k modem
Real hard to meet. It's absurdly low on polys and doesn't take much CPU/GPU power to render at all. The fact its chugging for people isnt the graphics engine its the backend netcode and server hardware.
BTW: A great community =/= being able to find a group when you have so many damn players it's pretty convenient to find a group anywhere as long as the game provides the tools to do so. The community is crap, I don't have to paint you a picture just log in or read the forums.
It's not the game its the netcode and the hardware. It's not able to handle whats being thrown at it. But its still their fault nonetheless.
How come im not crashing.. how come only a tiny percentage of people crash? does it mean I have a different netcode? Does it mean their hardware gives me a clean ride but someone else crashes? Where is logic in that?the problem is with local system. People who crash have either faulty/outdated hardware or software. Just because some has top of the line system doesnt mean everything will run smoothly... maybe one of the switches in your MOBO is set wrong? Look for a solution on YOUR side. Dont blame Blizz or the game unless absoulte majority is crashing along with you.
I used to play Counterstrike a lot and I would get BSODs often. I blamed my harddrive but after I replaced it problem didnt go away. Finaly, I bought some extra RAM pins and replaced what i had and what do you know, it was one of the RAM pins that was causing this! Weird thing is only CS was causing the BSOD, other games didnt. Good thing i didnt blame CS code just because Me or several others were having this problem or id look like a complete idiot.
"The only thing that is better then a bottle of beer is a bottle of beer full of beer" - old Gnomish proverb
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Players aren't obligated to anything but to adhere to the EULA and Terms of Service while playing the game. It's a video-game, and when you pay monthly for it, you expect it to work. Theres nothing here to argue. It's as simple as that. Just dont put out a MMO if you can't handle the 'success'. They generated the hype machine, its their bed now they sleep in it. It's ironic how the 'best MMO' out there is likely going to be cut down by its own success, it's server instability, and rabid lag are going to drive players away in droves. It's like an earthquake. The earthquakes happened, but you haven't felt it yet. But it's coming.
Lol. I've tried many MMO, and this one is not going to be cut down by its success. Saying otherwise clearly shows your lack of vision.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suppose anyone who spends most of their time doing one thing has their head up their ass and if they do something that you enjoy but make money off it they must be evil.
But i bet if i wrote a song about my bitches sippin on my 40 and how i like to grind them then beat'm i'd be your hero and you'd give me your money?
People say I'm weird for being a proud Nerd. I say people are weird for being proudly normal. FREAKS!
People say I'm weird for being a proud Nerd. I say people are weird for being proudly normal. FREAKS!
WoW is far from having the worst customer support, and very far from having the worst servers. I'll keep from listing paragraphs of evidence to this detail... Besides every forum for every mmorpg across the internet has had this topic beaten to death on every game already. You can go visit them for evidence of what I am talking about.
I believe I've played near every MMORPG released to date, and WoW is definitely a more refined and well-developed game then most. Their customer support is doing the best they can, but even expanding a CS department takes time if it becomes necessary. However, with the extreme amount of customers they have calling them because of lag, calling because they had a bug that they already know about, or calling them because something bothered them about the login in which they have already addressed they are trying to improve, this causes uncorrectable difficulty for any CS department. Why would you expand your customer support department to speak with everyone that calls in, when the biggest problem with the game is people are too impatient to give them some room/time to do their work? It's illogical for any head honcho of a game department to request more personnel just to repeat what has already been stated on forums, websites, in the game, while logging in, in the news, etc. It's a dozen places people, saying how diligently they are working on the issues you have stated here. How can they have bad customer service when they have already stated they are working on an issue that you continue to bother them about? And therein lies the difference between bad customer service, and just bad customers.
End result = There comes a time where the frustration one has with a game is not the game company's fault, and that time can usually be determined by the huge success shown by their successful implementation and support of a great game, in greater demand now then any game on the market. (Try and find one other recent release that you can't find at any store across the U.S.)
With patience, comes contentment. If you really think about it, you know Blizzard will get their hardware upgraded - they HAVE to or the game will fail. You know they will work out the login issues - it's obviously upsetting to many customers. You know they are going in to work each day and given everything they can handle for the time they are there. I believe they are doing their best because they have made a great game - Now do your best to have some patience and give them a break to catch up with all this. I believe you'll always be rewarded for just taking a breath and accepting that the storm will pass.
And in the meantime, try fishing... there's no lag or bugs in that (just kidding... we weren't all born to be fishermen or they would've been extinct hundreds of years ago)
"And then they would have the nerve to scramble together countless new servers and not have them up and running all perfectly in 2 weeks"
Umm... well from Nov 23th to Jan 17th counts as almost 2 months in my book.
"You ppl are discusting, Blizzard doesn't know what they are doing??? SOE didn't have to know what they where doing cuz they flopped. This is by far the best launch to a game with volume of players this game has to deal with. SOE had it easy cuz no one bought the game and it was still a crapy launch, I've never heard of a game launching and not being down in the first week, or the first 3 days for that matter"
Well I am not sure what game you were looking at but EQ 2 has hardly flopped . The servers populations are high and they had to add several new servers to support all the people. Most servers are still Full-High with only a few medium ones. And they were all launched without problems.
"And ppl if your MB is over 2 yrs old take it out and break it over your knee. The chipsets are garbage and they are not going to run this game or most games released this year and will give you the BSOD. I was getting the BSOD when I was running my Asus P4S800(God sis sux) and picked up a Asus P4P800E-Deluxe 2 weeks ago and no more BSOD or crashes for me. 9 times out of 10 the crashes will be caused by the garbage chipsets on your motherboard go read any tech forum. Mostly cuz they dont communicate with your RAM or AGP slot properly."
So much for Blizzards theory of WoW being able to run on a wide variety of machines
I did not really see the original poster as a "fan-boi". The poster was simply stating a fact. I own EQ 2 and WoW and both are great games. But the simple fact of the matter is, yes Blizzard's servers should be operating much better then they are now and also there customer service sucks. I realize 600,000 copies of WoW have been sold, but they have 88 servers to handle them. I believe EQ 1 only had around 30 servers to deal with 450,000 in there prime. They did not have the problems that WoW had and they had less servers. As far as the lack of customer support goes, if you don't believe me go to their tech forums and look through a few pages of posts. Most of the posts go unanswered. I noticed it after just a few days of looking through the threads there. Most of the posters their have noticed it and made mention of that fact.
They finally made mention of the login-in issues they have been having lately just the other day. Well this has been going on longer then that. Sorry guys but saying "Oh by the way, you may have a problem logging in" 2 to 3 days later does not cut it. Like them or not at least SOE has something to say about it day 1. I realize problems happen and I am ok with that, but at least keep us informed. Thats all most players ask. Blizzard needs to stop putting there heads in the sand and talk to their players on the forums that are looking for help. By ignoring them the only thing that goes away are the players not the problems. Don't get me wrong I like Blizzard and hope they fix everything soon. But as of right now I feel like alot of the others and will not pay for something that performs like this game.
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Final Fantasy 7
funny, ive never had a problem w/ WoW running on my machine, and im on a laptop. In fact, Blizz even offered help w/ resolving a lot of peoples problems with their laptop drivers. Whereas when i played SWG, and didnt know why my lappy wouldnt run the game at the begining SOE told me that "laoptops are nut supported", had to go and mod ATI drivers to play SWG, whereas Bliz provided a link to Omega. Now you tell me who has the better CS, mr fanboy.
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Patience is something you give when given free service. Patience is if you buy a FPS And there is a gating bug, you can wait for a patch. But you literally pay Blizzard for your time, and its not on a pay-to-play basis, its a 15$ a month flat rate per month. You can be damn sure people aren't getting their moneys worth. They had nice big stress tests and all sorts of beta tests for months before the release. They DELIBERATELY milked the shit out of their hype machine, they EXPECTED This success. So they should have prepared for it. Since they didn't they can go to hell. Patience? Hmph. Pay everyones WoW subscription bills then tell them to be patient.
I think you missed my point about bad customer service vs. bad customers. Typically 'customers' always pay something to the company in question, as you are saying here negates the appropriateness of patient bahavior. Remember, I am paying for WoW too and I am patient with them. Other people are fully capable of that too. If you are dependent on thinking your level of patience is determined by whether something is 'free' or not, then you must live a very frustrating life because as they say "Nothing is free in this world". That is no reason not to be patient.
I feel a number of people are getting their money's worth (I am), although for the customers that are not (or if I was one of them) then I would pay attention to their comments each day on the forums regarding these issues, acknowledging that their customer service is working on the issue. No reason to harass them about it or state they have horrible customer service as appears to be happening.
Beta and stress tests do not guarantee the accurate numbers of those to purchase and sign-up for the game upon release. If you played in beta, you would know as I do that many of these issues did not exist there, evident of the fact that they are experiencing unexpected numbers of people since official release.
Of course they deliberately supported the hype... What company wouldn't? Although I disagree with using the word hype to describe WoW pre-release. It's an incorrect word when you had hundreds of thousands of people playing the game in beta and stress-tests stating in their own opinions that it was a good game - not just a rumor-mill of pre-release fiction which is my definition of hype.
you know? i just realized something, that has not much to do about the original topic by the way, but i will get there eventually.
WoW Hype was not hype at all. It was facts. Disclosed by thousands of players around the world as they were experiencing the game. Exactly as ZenNature said.
And you know why? Because WoW has been the first game ever to drop the NDA after alpha, so everybody, and i really mean everybody, could see what game they had at start of beta. Well, it wasn't bad at all.
What you think would have happened if SoE dropped the NDA for SWG at start of beta?? with thousands of people (not an handful of them as there is always somebody saying "this game is not ready to be released" in any game out there) screaming that the game was crap? they would have had half the sales probably.
THEY milked the Hype for their game, not Blizzard. there was NO Company-made hype about it, anybody could go to the beta forums and read, first hand, what the players were saying about the game and their experiences, fan sites had beta diary up for months before release, plus hundreds of posts about the game from loads of different sources. half a million users could try the game before buying it in the open beta, i do not see how one can say that this product is dependant on hype for success. Hype is when a company start singing the praise for its product when the general public knows nothing about it BUT what the company tells it.
Here we had dozens of independent information sources, ALL about the game, no way Blizzard could have said "Wow is like apples" if it wasn't.
There is no discussion that the game is a really polished and well made MMorpg. The game. Seemingly they are having problems with about 30% of their server (20 out of 88), that is really unfortunate and yes, i agree. it should not happen. Not after City of Heroes or Dark age of Camelot. And yes, customers have all the right to protest about their lack of service and yes, they have the right to stop paying them if they feel the service is not adequate.
I say: It takes this game around 30 seconds to load up from login screen, character selection, in game. That is amazing. I HOPE when the game is released here in Europe, the server problems will be resolved or will never exist here. So far my Final Beta experience has been virtually flawless, one time, in the first day, i had queues and once, the day after that, i suffered a 10 minutes rollback. That. Is. All.
What i mean is: Crappy Server != crappy game. Crappy server will be fixed, a crappy game won't.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Well said
"The only thing that is better then a bottle of beer is a bottle of beer full of beer" - old Gnomish proverb
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
ARe you on drugs? WoW is a retroactive game when it comes to system requirements.
Minimum Requirements:
800MHz P3 or Athlon
32MB T&L 3D card (GeForce 2 or better)
4GB hard drive space
DirectX 9.0
56k modem
Real hard to meet. It's absurdly low on polys and doesn't take much CPU/GPU power to render at all. The fact its chugging for people isnt the graphics engine its the backend netcode and server hardware.
BTW: A great community =/= being able to find a group when you have so many damn players it's pretty convenient to find a group anywhere as long as the game provides the tools to do so. The community is crap, I don't have to paint you a picture just log in or read the forums.
I'm glad you left the "minimum requirements" up there, because that's what it is. MINIMUM = just above garbage. If you meet the minimum, and are below the recommended, you seriously need to revamp. The recommended setup is so you can play the game on moderate settings (all the graphics options in the middle, running @ 800x600). If you want the game to work good, you have to go one step above the recommended hardware config.
It seems that if they dont say "3 Year-old or newer motherboard with newest drivers" that people will try to run this game on a DOS box and complain about it crashing.
Seriously though... if someone's using a 56K modem, that's just sad. "I dont know why im lagging!! I have 2583 latency!" After he lags out, the server suddenly speeds up a tiny bit...
Nice matrix sig BTW... pretty funny
Players aren't obligated to anything but to adhere to the EULA and Terms of Service while playing the game. It's a video-game, and when you pay monthly for it, you expect it to work. Theres nothing here to argue. It's as simple as that. Just dont put out a MMO if you can't handle the 'success'. They generated the hype machine, its their bed now they sleep in it. It's ironic how the 'best MMO' out there is likely going to be cut down by its own success, it's server instability, and rabid lag are going to drive players away in droves. It's like an earthquake. The earthquakes happened, but you haven't felt it yet. But it's coming.
Lol. I've tried many MMO, and this one is not going to be cut down by its success. Saying otherwise clearly shows your lack of vision.
You know that servers do cost alot... maybe Blizz wasnt expecting to break a world record in selling game copies (600,000 in a month). Not one MMO has sold that much in two months... and maybe they had purchased some "lesser" servers at the beginning and they're having trouble with high populations and "fax waxers" (which slow down the server, but not so much that it should cause problems for high-end servers). Blizzard wasnt exactly rich when they developed this game, they were living off of Starcraft and Diablo II sales fromt he years before, because WC3 wasnt that great of a hit (not saying it didnt sell, just not as much as they expected), so maybe that could be a good excuse for the crappy servers =P. This is Blizz's first shot at an MMO, so it shoudl be expected that it wouldnt be in the best shape at the beginning. Look at EQ 1, they had server problems and hardware issues like no tomorrow!
I'm not saying that Blizzard is the victim, it's obviously their fault for not expecting the "unexpected", but they're still novices in the world of MMOs.