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Watch out for this new MMOG!



  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48

    I don't mean to come in and plunge into the debate without so much as an introduction, but I would like to offer a comment or two and perhaps clear up what - through my cursory viewing of some of the posts in the thread - may be a misconception about Auto Assault's RP elements.

    There are three races in Auto Assault: Biomek, Human and Mutant. Each race has a dedicated designer whose sole focus is that race. These are maRaider (Biomek,) Ombwah (Human,) and Snipehunter (Mutant.) The interesting thing about the dynamic they have going is that they each ardently represent their respective race during any sort of discussion about the world of Auto Assault. That's not to say that Snipehunter is some sort of delusional doofus who thinks he can put some sort of glow-in-the-dark mind melt on you to bend you to his will. What I mean is that discussions about certain types of the game can almost sound like table-top RPG sessions where each of them is in-character, expressing things from the perspective of his race. It's very cool and it is also, imho, something that is absolutely necessary in order to bring the RPG element into the game. Roleplaying is not an afterthought to this team. It is very much at the forefront of design goals.

    That said, it is also true that we do not want to cram roleplaying down the throats of people who do not like to roleplay, have no interest in it whatsoever and very little patience or endearment for those who do. These are the players who couldn't give two shakes of a furry, flying rat's behind what the text is in a mission dossier. They just want to know where they need to go, who to shoot there and what they get for it. That's perfectly fine. Their playstyle will not interfere with someone who savors the text and completes the mission with relish because he's a Mutant and he got to blow up some Biomeks.

    As I said in the beginning, I don't want to pop in and start debating with people, so I'll leave it at this and let all of you continue your discussion without me kibutzing. Thanks for all the very insightful positions stated in the thread. It's a good read and I'll point it out to the guys. =)

    Community Coordinator
    Tabula Rasa
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • FalconstarFalconstar Member Posts: 2

    First of all cross, name one game that has these "RPG" elements that you are talking about. Fable touted that it would do this and failed miserably. There is no such thing as a RPG game like you are talking about. Quite frankly, it is not possible. The design would have to be so in depth and story lines would basically have to be endless and doing something like that is just not possible. MMORPGs are the closest thing to this as you will find since the developers are constantly updating the content and the lore. But you will never find a game like the one you are describing. If there is no true RPG out there like you said, how do you know what a true RPG is?

    You want to be able to change the storyline with your decissions? Check out the  Choose Your Own Adventures book series.

  • ParapsychoParapsycho Member UncommonPosts: 108

    Originally posted by crossmr
    Yes as a game you do need a way to keep 'score' I suppose, but it doesn't always have to be with statistical advancement. Its not that I'm trying to remove that, I simply loathe the fact that to date no RPG has included any OTHER way to 'keep score'.

    I understand what you are saying. I think that the reason that most (if not all) RPGs use statistics is because it is the most objective way of describing your character's abilities. Instead of saying "My character does alot of damage with a sword.", by looking at your stats I can see that he does 300-400 damage. Neither way is more correct, but the second is more objective. And when it comes down to something as action-oriented as auto-combat, Id rather be objective.
    In alot of games the stats of your character determine who gets to be 'Lord Garvel' and who gets to be one of the lowly serfs. Whereas in freeform games all you have to do is say you are an overlord, and you are. Again, there is nothing wrong with that, its just two different systems.

    There are other ways to be objective, like looking over everyone's character history, and either approving them or not. That may work with smaller games, but with game with thousands of players, statistics are till the easiest way to determine someones abilities, and that is unlikely to change for some time.

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  • DremarDremar Member Posts: 15

    I would like a better example of what a roll playing game is.

    After all from what I have heard this game and no game is a roll playing at all.

    No game that I have played have I been able to do something in that game that would change the game world so that it would be different for everyone else other then me, and even then the only difference would be access to a different zone maybe or some equipment that no one else could get. That is just character building therefore no game out there has roll playing in it.

    Now the generic Roll Playing as I remember from way back when is that you are the Avatar and you did what (s)he would do in game, such as not grouping with someone that is the wrong race, clan, or anything for that matter, you would take on that persona and not be in /OOC all the time like every game out there is right now.

    This game could have Roll Playing in it, it all depends how the development goes and what they do, but it all boils down to the carnage and fun of the game that will either make it or break it. I for one think this game has good potential but then if they dont get a large enough player base then they are doomed.  Its hard to say how many will like this style of game, I know alot of my friends would love it but then I know alot of people that would not touch it just because its vehicular based. So only time will tell.

  • IgnisAerIgnisAer Member Posts: 51

    I know i'm definitely looking forward to the vehicular carnage. I have serious cases of road rage that I'd never really do anything about in real life, but in a game like this... mwahahahaha. I know of a bunch of people who might like to get into the game just for the customization aspect. I mean, if this game has the kind of parts base like NFSU did, that would certainly attract a lot of people. I mean, not the type of brand-name stuff, but the ability to mix and match parts from a massive list of pieces is a very appealing aspect. Especially if i'm reading into the interviews correctly, but having random stats on each piece of loot (a la Asheron's Call) would add a whole new level of depth to the customization system. I think that would be pretty fun to do. It's not quite roleplaying, but I could see myself hanging out in a bar or something talking to people about the specs on my new ride that i just built. If its anything near the level of something like WoW with the number of slots for armor / engine / weapon parts, in addition to the number of different vehicles types they have in the pictures i've seen... and the ability to put on paint, decals, and cosmetic parts...::::34:: The possibilities are endless, and i'm definitely looking forward to it.

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Originally posted by Dremar
    I would like a better example of what a roll playing game is.
    After all from what I have heard this game and no game is a roll playing at all.
    No game that I have played have I been able to do something in that game that would change the game world so that it would be different for everyone else other then me, and even then the only difference would be access to a different zone maybe or some equipment that no one else could get. That is just character building therefore no game out there has roll playing in it.
    Now the generic Roll Playing as I remember from way back when is that you are the Avatar and you did what (s)he would do in game, such as not grouping with someone that is the wrong race, clan, or anything for that matter, you would take on that persona and not be in /OOC all the time like every game out there is right now.
    This game could have Roll Playing in it, it all depends how the development goes and what they do, but it all boils down to the carnage and fun of the game that will either make it or break it. I for one think this game has good potential but then if they dont get a large enough player base then they are doomed. Its hard to say how many will like this style of game, I know alot of my friends would love it but then I know alot of people that would not touch it just because its vehicular based. So only time will tell.

    its role playing that have statistical advancement and no roleplaying are often referred to as 'roll playing' games.
    (in reference to combat heavy nature they often take on)
    A good example of a roleplaying game is Dungeons and Dragons, or most any PnP game. They all focus on having the story driven by the characters. The characters decided what to do, and when, and regardless of what they're doing there is some effect. Whether they go out and clean out a cave of gnolls, or they instead decide to spy on a noble to learn his plans about something and sell the information.
    In a D&D campaign the DM wil often (not always) pick the campaign world, and the starting location. What happens from there is entirely up to the players. THey may choose to completely ignore all the hints the DM has dropped about treasure filled cave and instead decide to go to another town to find adventure.
    But regardless of what they do, the world (if run by a good DM) will always keep running.. if they were supposed to stop something from happening (say what the DM had in mind) and instead they went to find something completely unrelated it should still happen in the background, and they may find out about it later through word of mouth and realize they coudl have stopped it long ago.
    That is a roleplaying game. Your choices have effect and meaning, they're not cosmetic.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • IgnisAerIgnisAer Member Posts: 51

    Ok, listen cross. I know what you're saying, but this is getting a little extreme. "Role play. Verb. To act out" That's all merriam webster says. I understand what you're saying about DnD. I'm a hardcore DnD player myself, but you have to look at the progression. In dnd, you have characters, correct? you play the role of that character in a story, yes? that character does have skills and abilities that are developed over time, right? ok, thats what happens in all of these MMOs, -However- (because i know you're already starting to think about a reply, just shut up and listen). because of the way computers work, there are severe limitations on what can be done with the technology. the 'RPG' title got tacked onto video games because the levelling and skill advancement were the only things that computers could really handle at the time. for the most part, thats -still- the only thing that computers can really handle, numbers. in single-player games like Legend of Zelda (another roleplaying game, or so i've heard it called, you might disagree) you take the role of link, and can have a massive impact on the gameworld, but thats a single player game, and most of those events are scripted. Fable was the same way. you could have a great affect on your surroundings, but that was a 1-player game. This is a Massively Multiplayer game, there is an inherent difference. and if you're unable to see that then you probably shouldn't be on this forum. MMOs, regardless of their type, are meant to cater to an audience of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people. With dnd, you could have a pretty big group of adventurers, and still be able to change the storyline, but thats because a good DM can do things a computer can't. he can anticipate human responses for your actions and develop a storyline accordingly. there's a big difference between that and online gaming technology. if you can't understand that, then why are you at a place called

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Because if a developer had the guts, the technology now exists to create an actual roleplaying game.
    That is no longer an excuse.
    I'm at a place like MMORPG hoping to find an actual roleplaying game.
    oh and btw, look up the term roleplaying all you want, we're actually defining a roleplaying GAME. You can roleplay in any game you want, however only certain types of games can be classified as a roleplaying game.
    The story in DnD and a CRPG are also much different, infact completely different. One is player driven, one is computer driven.
    the technology exists now though to have the players drive the greater story.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • IgnisAerIgnisAer Member Posts: 51

    I'll put this as simply as I can, before I get even angrier, and in small words so you can understand it. You've turned this string into a flame-off. People have tried to argue reasonably with you, but you won't budge. Fine. You win. If you don't like this game, go away. We don't want you here.

  • MickieMMickieM Member Posts: 16

    so 99.99% of games that are called rpg's are not rpg's and its youre personal quest to correct this?

    dont hold youre breath since youre attitude hasent convinced anyone to side with you yet. would be easier to call DnD a classic or original rpg then trying to rename the million others.

  • zamoth_bgzamoth_bg Member Posts: 62

    /offtopic (its all offtopic here as we do not talk about AA)

    Well Cross is right. His point of view is correct but I do not see why he needs to argue about the term mmoRPG. It is just turm used for that kind of games. To really be able to roleplay the game should first have GREAT background story. With a lot of history prior to lunch. To chose who you want to be even before start playing.  And now comes my vision about this...

    A devoted "event" department. Lets say 200 ppl that creat constantly unique stories which are used only once. They choose a special (person,guild,alliance or sth) and creats an unique story line. The bad of this is that these 200ppl ought to be paid. Or maybe it can be made of players.(the ability to become DM but in mmorpg) I hear that WISH was sth like that(not the DM)... well... you saw what happened. I think RP does not sell. B1G BaD Dr4gonz with ye11ow slazin sword sells which dropes money although it is dr4gon.

    If you really want a good RP mmorpg try EVE(the only actual one). And to tell you. you CAN RP in space however strange it may sounds and there YOU can change things. You just need really to try hard to because getting notice in such immense universe is almost impossible. Think of real life. What have you changed the world so far? So Life is not the ultimate RPG ?:)


    AA could be good RP but it needs these conditions.

    1.Backround STORY. REALLY GOOD ONE. Just when you start read to forget that this world is not real. It has to be really well made. Such background story will encourage RP.

    2. MATURE community. 18+. Not for the violance(there should be SUCH:D) but for the community. Matures community is better for RPing. If you want 18+ players youll need some REALLY good gameplay too offer. Deep and balanced. I think that there should be a lot of PvPing involved.

    3. VISIA.GRAPHICS.SOUND.INTERFACE.Which is not important for RP but is important for game persistence. To get the needed subscription base.

    ok i end here hope tell me what you think. :)


    Proud Gallentean fighting slavery in all four corners of the galaxy. Hatred for slavers Amarrians.(to understand this p.s. read background story in or join to see how the fight is going on.

    Beta Tested: Lineage2,WoW,
    Trailed: Acherons Call 2, EVE online
    EVE online > Prakhgoth
    Guild Wars > Prakhgoth Nosferatu
    Anticipate: SEED,AutoAssualt

  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48

    Originally posted by zamoth_bg

    AA could be good RP but it needs these conditions.
    1.Backround STORY. REALLY GOOD ONE. Just when you start read to forget that this world is not real. It has to be really well made. Such background story will encourage RP.
    2. MATURE community. 18+. Not for the violance(there should be SUCH:D) but for the community. Matures community is better for RPing. If you want 18+ players youll need some REALLY good gameplay too offer. Deep and balanced. I think that there should be a lot of PvPing involved.
    3. VISIA.GRAPHICS.SOUND.INTERFACE.Which is not important for RP but is important for game persistence. To get the needed subscription base.
    ok i end here hope tell me what you think. :)

    1. Fiction and Backstory - The goal to create a very immersive game world is one that's very important to the Auto Assault team. Sampenguin has put together an amazing group of fiction crafters - there is one specific to each race, which I feel is going to make a dramatic difference in how well they can keep the flavor of the Humans, Biomeks and Mutants distinctly different.

    I can't remember where I talked about this before, so if you've already heard it, please pardon me, but I remember being in a meeting with Snipehunter and Ombwah for the first time, discussing plans for the Recon section, when I realized that each of them was speaking from the perspective of the race they represent. It was very cool, almost like we'd started a game of D&D (but the AA version) and I forgot to bring my dice. They don't walk around "in character" all the time - we'd have to kill them because that would get annoying as hell - but when discussing the game, their minds immediately seem to switch into those modes and they are speaking on behalf of their races. It's that kind of true-to-the-fiction attitude and attention to detail that I feel will make a fantastic impact on our game world's immersion factor.

    2. Mature community - Our rating is still pending, but no matter what it is, and even if we restricted accounts to only people 18+, this is still the Internet. I've been playing MMOs for a mighty long time and, even before I was working on them, it was painfully obvious that age does not equal maturity. I've seen some awesome, mature gamers who were 12 and I've seen some real immature jackasses who were in their 50's. Maturity is a mindset that, unfortunately, we as the caretakers of the game world don't have much control over beyond banning someone who gets out of hand and makes others miserable again and again. Your best defense against some doofus who's being a jerk is the Ignore button. That's not a cop-out or me passing the buck. It's just the best way I've ever found, as a gamer myself, to continue enjoying the game despite someone else's best effort to prevent that.

    3. I'd love to address this, but I'm afraid I am not that familiar with Visia. Let me ping BeastOH! and see if he can offer up some tidbits on it and how what he's created compares with that. Get back to you on it ASAP. image

    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • zamoth_bgzamoth_bg Member Posts: 62

    3. I'd love to address this, but I'm afraid I am not that familiar with Visia. Let me ping BeastOH! and see if he can offer up some tidbits on it and how what he's created compares with that. Get back to you on it ASAP. image

    ohh... I meant visia = graphics+sound+interface (artwork,map design)

    a whole feel of the game. Sorry about that word. Before you start really feeling any gameplay depth.

    Sometimes the first 2-3 hours are very important. I have played games that I overlooked just because of this factor.

    1. It sounds VERY promising. I am now going through RECON but there is not much info. Hope update it regularly.

    2. You are generelly right that 18+ mature will restict good 12 age RPers but will also restrict the tousands of grinders there. Not intresed in RP.

    Beta Tested: Lineage2,WoW,
    Trailed: Acherons Call 2, EVE online
    EVE online > Prakhgoth
    Guild Wars > Prakhgoth Nosferatu
    Anticipate: SEED,AutoAssualt

  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48

    The Recon section will be updated a little each week, building and building up to launch - and then we'll keep adding to it even after that. (Gotta save something for the honeymoon, ya know?)

    Having been a seer in UO, I am all too familiar with how you can be having a ball roleplaying and then some weiner comes along and blows the moment by saying something intelligent like, "wth? rp'ers sux!" or you have the really fun ones that








    That's when I tell them how sorry I am to see that they have a speech impediment and hit the trusty "Ignore" button!

    PR is fantastic and I've had so much fun with it, but at the same time, I don't think it's fair for people on either side of the fence - RPers and antiRPers - to force themselves on the other group. Like living in the real world, the key to happiness in a virtual world is learning to accept each others differences and filtering out that which you don't agree with and embracing what you do. I don't care for tofu, but I don't ask them to take it off the shelf or gag and make when Kyzah orders it at lunch. (Okay, maybe I make fun a little bit, but it's in a loving way!)

    The jury is still out on whether or not we'll have an RP server. I think that the important thing is for birds of a feather to flock together, then stay the flock out of other people's way and mind their own business. image If everyone would do that, it would be one big, happy world. Unfortunately, history teaches us that even long before MMOs, someone couldn't go along with the program and things got wonky because of it.

    Interesting discussion. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts about this.


    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    Hi NC_Pann,

    Can I ask if there will be official forums on the Autoassualt site in the near future? or are we going to stay here until beta?

  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48
    Beta will start before we open the public boards, but we will have private boards for beta participants. It won't be too long after beta before our public boards are up, though. One of the things I'm working on now is to get the system for fan/news site submissions finished so we can add a Links page to the Auto Assault site. At least that way, folks will know where to go to get the latest news and find all the boards where people are talking about the game.

    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • MickieMMickieM Member Posts: 16

    NC_Pann convince them to make an MCO type game! please::::28::

    it can be made successful all it needs is the trust to get it up and running and good old hard work on solid idea's and focused on the goal. if i was a millionare i would have funded a game like it but it had plenty of room for improvement (even though the people that played it worshiped it, the basic idea was perfect and executed amazingly but it still had so much more potential to kill all other games even more) and to expand to other appeals.

  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48

    Mickie, can you be a little more specific about what MCO features you liked the most and are hoping to see in Auto Assault? That might make things a little easier. It's a bit late for us to drastically overhaul the game and make it something it was never intended to be, but hopefully some of the things you loved about MCO are already planned for AA.

    It's important to note, however, that MCO - as I understand it - was a car racing game. Auto Assault is much different, like having missions for you to do as a solo player or as part of a convoy and also arenas where you can fight against other players in a tournament-type environment.

    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • MickieMMickieM Member Posts: 16

    im not trying to take anything away from AA and i really am interested to see its executed and will be giving it a go but just if theres anyone saying "ok lets make another mmo, anyone got any idea's?" it would be nice if another mco type game was considered. I can't resist the trying to plant the seed for another one to come and this is the closest ive come so far ::::35::

    ofcoure as with any mmo the number 1 thing i want to see is customizing characters and items (like vehicles) because then you have satisfaction of the time spent playing and keep you coming back to try and perfect and progress it more (which mco definitly had)
    it would be nice if it was more based on parts that worked together best then just trying to achieve the highest numbered specs so if everything was maxed out it would be bad but if only some things are maxed out it would influence performance characteristics, if you need clarification on what i mean then just ask.

  • NC_PannNC_Pann NCSoft RepresentativeMember Posts: 48

    There will be some level of character customization, but more important than that will be the chassis customization since the majority of your time will be spent in your vehicle. In addition to being able to add awesome equipment to your car like flamethrowers and shields, you can add Tricks and Trims to enhance it visually. (Tricks are the things like rusted cattle guards and horns and Trims are the paint jobs.)

    As we do more interviews and move closer towards beta and our ship date, we'll be able to address questions like this more thoroughly. I hope this answers at least the basics of what you wanted to know.

    Auto Assault Community Coordinator
    NCsoft - Austin, TX

  • DarkwarlordDarkwarlord Member Posts: 76
    Remember, Live On,

    Auto Assault is our new RELIGION!

    Played ---> Earth and Beyond, Everquest, Planetside, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heros, Lineage II, Everquest II, Final Fantasy XI, Dark Age of Camolot, Guild Wars

    Tried ---> Anarcy Online, Matrix Online, EVE Online, Asheron's Call, Ragnorock Online

    Playing ---> World of Warcraft - 54 Orc Warrior on Doomhammer named Broly

  • CyinnCyinn Member Posts: 13

    from what i have seen it looks great...a marrige of Mad Max and...MMORPGs (the first person who trys to point me out for saynig its somthing its not i.e. MMORPG will get the phazon glow beat stick of DOOM, other wise known as the ignore button), i am already writing up my back story in the back of my head based on what has been released about the three factions, from that i see you make your charcter and you get your car, you spend a lot of time in your car killing stuff (but its like what kind of knight goes to battle with no armor or sword), to me the avatar is your charcter with the various skills learned and it has its own back story (i am a shamles fanboi fluffmonkey) the car is jsut their suit of armor that has their "Sword" other wise known as a BFG, and such, so you have your role as your driver that has their own personality and such while the car is their means to wreak massive havok

    talking about personality will the biomeks have personalities or will they think..."We are the Borg...Resistance is futile"

    -Light a man a fire and he will be warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  • Savage16Savage16 Member UncommonPosts: 52
    Cyinn PLEASE stop bumping all these old threads.
  • CyinnCyinn Member Posts: 13
    When I posted it was third from top.

    -Light a man a fire and he will be warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  • QwirkQwirk Member Posts: 136

    To be fair Savage, the gap was only 17days.
    We've all seen much worse on here
    (things like a 6 month dead topic getting bumped by a 'me too' )

    Edit: Ah, I see, it was DarkWarlord who did the necromancy -- 1/25 to 9/23, He's the one you needed to yell at, Savage ;)

    Cyinn, I understand and agree completely.
    I'm very excited about AA, and can't wait.
    And yes, I already a backstory or two myself.

    From the way I read the Recon descriptions, the 'Meks are still humans, but 'mech replacements for arms/legs/muscles leaving the brain as it was. I could be wrong, but that was my interp -- so the individual personalities would remain, just a ... military style group thinking.
    'We're all in this together / My sacrifice is more than worth it, if it lets my squad achieve the goals'

    The "Day 189" post in Recon>History makes it look more like a Borg style thinking, but I think that's just the effect of a military report ::::35::

    Always good to see I'm not alone in my obsession with this game ::::39::


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