This game will FAIL in the FACE of the 2012 WoW expansion that WILL END the world as we know IT. It is, as the good ol' men say, THE SECOND coming. that will end THE world. As WE know it. WORD EMPHASIS
Any "will fail" thread fails.... It is stupid to say about any game. Who cares. It wont fail. Just because it does not suit to your own personal standards, which, out of the billions of people in the world, counts close to nothing.....Let people play the game and decide for themselves.
I hate threads like this. To sit there and say a game will fail before it even comes out is the most retarded drivel to read. OH LULZ. I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME. LULZ. IM SO COOL.
That said, most people have high hopes for this game. Noone knows if it will fail or succeed. That's also kinda up to each person. The people playing WAR, Age of Conan, Aion, etc, probably find the game to be pretty successful, whereas those who played it and DIDNT LIKE IT think its a 'failure'.
In short, anyone who says something will fail before its even in beta is an idiot. Period.
My Opinion: Blizzard has the most successful MMO. BioWare puts nearly as much polish and love into their other games, if not more, than Blizzard has on theirs. I think it will be a successful game. But, I have no idea, really. We'll see. Until then, quit being idiots.
That said, most people have high hopes for this game. Noone knows if it will fail or succeed. That's also kinda up to each person. The people playing WAR, Age of Conan, Aion, etc, probably find the game to be pretty successful, whereas those who played it and DIDNT LIKE IT think its a 'failure'.
"Heres why:"
It is, simply, because they deny the TRUTH about their FAILURE even as it emerges in front of their VERY eyes and SLAPS them with the magnificent WHITE GLOVE of futility. As a somber feeling of defeat and rage takes over their bodies, they NEGLECT the BASIC IMPULSE of tears and head-banging against the wall in order to PRESERVE THE LIE of their PATHETIC conformity. Visionaries like the OP see this and sigh at our collective deceit, drawn to mixed feelings of contempt and compassion, the kind of compassion one shows the wounded animal in the road; he imagines the civilized world as free and enlightened, and yet, out of pure necessity, asks himself : "Is this innocent, savage animal worth saving? Will it be able to understand the principles of the civilized man?" Wrought by the dilemma, spirited about the possibility of 'teaching a man to fish', he reveals the inevitable, the omega, the ESSENCE of his dear animal's existence: "SW: TOR will fail." As he walks away, nay, as he flies away in the golden chariot of Reason, he can only hope. Behold, for we have been shown our destinations.
Holy Grammar Batman! You have GOT to learn to spell and punctuate a little bit better (at least acceptably). That was staggeringly horrible! You do realize that nothing you say will be taken seriously by anyone when you spell like a first grader? Not that I didn't absolutely love SWG in the pre-combat update/upgrade days. There's just no sense in being that grammar negligent and I'm no grammar nazi. Actually I don't care too much about grammar, just spell correctly more often and punctuate a little better. Sheesh.
hahaha man geta life and relax ! not everyone in here are americans stf
The majority of MMO players today (in my opinion) don't really care about the community or thier role in it. They probably usually solo and will only group up if the prize is right i.e. instancing for tier gear. So, this game will probably do quite well in those respects.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
LOL whenever I see the word "SANDBOX" in these forums it reminds me of the apartments I lived in as a kid. we knew not to play in the "SANDBOX" there cause it was full of catshit!
Thing is in TOR you are just another soldier. Just because you have story driven moments in game doesnt mean the game will play out to you being the 'one'. All the story is there for is to give you an idea of whats going on in the universe, and how you as a player fit into the grand scheme of things. I dont see TOR failing (Failing in my eyes is the game being shut down less than a year after launch). Will the game start off with huge numbers and then settle around a smaller figure (less than 200k)? Who knows... I see TOR doing just fine. Maybe not the best, but people will still play and enjoy it.
Exactly. LoTRO is story-driven, and you are not the star. In fact my good friend hated it because he didn't feel heroic enough. Having a story-driven game does not automatically mean you are the center of the action.
Problem with this entire thread - lack of understanding.
You're saying that SWTOR will fail because it will make people feel too much like heroes.
My response-
City of Heroes (it's in the freaking title)
Eve (capsule pilots are the ELITE of the universe...they're basically treated like gods)
Almost every single MMO that has ever been released. I can only think of a handful of mmo's that didn't bill your character as some epic hero. They include -
Lineage 1 and 2 (your character could -become- epic, but you had to work for it and make your own name)
DAOC (pre-toa, from what I remember anyway)
Ultima Online
So...yeah...swtor will totally fail.....for doing exactly what the rest of the industry is doing....
How often does the MMORPG community whine and complain for games to do something different and innovative for a change?
And whenever Developers try that, then the community whines and complains that the game is ending up different from every other MMORPG in the past.
Change is something DIFFERENT. Deal with it or else just be ready for every game to be a re-hash of the previous ones.
The MMORPG genre already spend a decade with atrophied games serving a niche market because developers followed the same old formula. Now that MMORPGs are finally evolving there are still those trying to drag them back. The best thing developers can do is not listen to them.
Some people need to look up the word failure. It depends on the goals that are set, if something can be called a failure. With a MMORPG, you as player, can only guess what they are.
On these forums, a player simply calls a game a failure and then makes up his own set of goals to prove it
How often does the MMORPG community whine and complain for games to do something different and innovative for a change? And whenever Developers try that, then the community whines and complains that the game is ending up different from every other MMORPG in the past. Change is something DIFFERENT. Deal with it or else just be ready for every game to be a re-hash of the previous ones. The MMORPG genre already spend a decade with atrophied games serving a niche market because developers followed the same old formula. Now that MMORPGs are finally evolving there are still those trying to drag them back. The best thing developers can do is not listen to them.
The real kicker is that for whatever reason there is this whole mentality these days that unless a game (mmo or otherwise) does something 'new' it sucks. I have asked people who dislike Dragon Age why they dislike it and often the first words out of their mouth are, 'Well, I mean, it isn't anything -new-'. Well, I ask this of people who liked Baldur's Gate (for example), but didn't like DA.
Why does a game have to do something -new- in order to not be a failure? That doesn't make any sense. If that is the case then I could, given some time to properly approach the issue, come up with a list of features that has NEVER been done before. By this odd logic a game with all of those features shoved into it should be madly successful! Except the problem is whenever you do something completely new in a game that doesn't just mean new for your audience it also means new for your dev team. So if you try to make a game that does everything completely new that means your team is going to have to experiment on how to do these new things. That is going to raise costs and increase the dev cycle significantly.
Originally posted by huntardOriginally posted by Legato89
SWG did an excellent job by making sure each player was a lowly grunt, and once they stood out by unlocking Jedi they had a hefty bounty placed on their head. This typee mechanic works well,
I disagree, that IS the reason why SWG started going down hill, the holo grind became the main focus because unlocking Jedi (which at the time was an Alpha class) was the ONLY thing most people wanted to do and destroyed SWG.
1. Any modern game designer KNOWS better than to create a game in which the main goal requires playing in a way that is not enjoyable; especially to make it purposefully unenjoyable. That's MMO sub poison.
2. Any modern game designer knows better than to create a game in which a teeny tiny minority of people can play a class which is a great deal more powerful than the vast majority of the players. When you give 1% the "I win" button, don't be surprised when the remaining 99% quit. And that's what they did.
BioWare makes good single player story driven RPGs. Although I personally don't like their games as much as Bethesdas games I will say they are the best at telling a story in an RPG. This will not transition well online. There will be too many chiefs and not enough indians. MMOs cannot put a select few people on a pedistal and label them as the chosen one. You are not a unique snowflake. Look at every other successful MMO: you are just another soldier or citizen of your race/faction fighting for the good of the kingdom. STO is also going to suffer from the same issue. Every player will be a captain of their own ship with an NPC controlled crew. SWG did an excellent job by making sure each player was a lowly grunt, and once they stood out by unlocking Jedi they had a hefty bounty placed on their head. This typee mechanic works well, and its a shame Crypic isn't doing something similar to allow for multiple player run ships. Soon we are going to have more popular IPs becoming MMOs just to capitalize on the power of the IP, going for the instant gratification appeal (like with SWG NGE) and allowing any newb who just subscribed to be a class that takes years of training to reach (LotRO NOT letting players become mages for this very reason) or wouldn't fit the lore at all (SWG making Jedi a selectable class).
LOL whenever I see the word "SANDBOX" in these forums it reminds me of the apartments I lived in as a kid. we knew not to play in the "SANDBOX" there cause it was full of catshit!
People post the word sandbox just to look cool. The reality is that any successful mmorpg turns itself into a "sandbox" by there role playing of the game. In this respect a story driven solo friendly game like SWTOR could be one of the best sandboxes to be released next year.
People post the word sandbox just to look cool. The reality is that any successful mmorpg turns itself into a "sandbox" by there role playing of the game. In this respect a story driven solo friendly game like SWTOR could be one of the best sandboxes to be released next year.
That's so true... Sandbox scores me points with the ladies. I'll be at the club, talkin with the skirts, and just the mention of "sandbox" gets their knees all weak. Posting the word sandbox is just a really cool way to make friends. Sandbox. I just received several invites.
How often does the MMORPG community whine and complain for games to do something different and innovative for a change? And whenever Developers try that, then the community whines and complains that the game is ending up different from every other MMORPG in the past. Change is something DIFFERENT. Deal with it or else just be ready for every game to be a re-hash of the previous ones. The MMORPG genre already spend a decade with atrophied games serving a niche market because developers followed the same old formula. Now that MMORPGs are finally evolving there are still those trying to drag them back. The best thing developers can do is not listen to them.
Then, while you are doing what is essentially a fun single player game, you get the option to do it co-op with other players, which will make it even more fun. Like playing KOTOR with other people online.
^^ This right here is the reason I ever played MMOs - to share playing a game with a friend. We bought EQ1 together on the first day out, installed it while on the phone with each other, suffered through the first two days of login fails, made our first characters to play together, and logged into the game for the first time at the same time.
And discovered that we were about 6 hours travel apart because we couldn't start in the same town and be the classes that we wanted. GJ SOE! morons
But that is why SW:TOR will succeed. They are aiming to let friends play the game together. The friend whom I played EQ1 with now has 3 kids, all of whom play their dad's MMO with him on his other computers. SW:TOR is the ideal game for that setup, and since I can't stand the game they play, I'm hoping to play SW:TOR with them all
Originally posted by huntardOriginally posted by Legato89
SWG did an excellent job by making sure each player was a lowly grunt, and once they stood out by unlocking Jedi they had a hefty bounty placed on their head. This typee mechanic works well,
I disagree, that IS the reason why SWG started going down hill, the holo grind became the main focus because unlocking Jedi (which at the time was an Alpha class) was the ONLY thing most people wanted to do and destroyed SWG.
1. Any modern game designer KNOWS better than to create a game in which the main goal requires playing in a way that is not enjoyable; especially to make it purposefully unenjoyable. That's MMO sub poison.
2. Any modern game designer knows better than to create a game in which a teeny tiny minority of people can play a class which is a great deal more powerful than the vast majority of the players. When you give 1% the "I win" button, don't be surprised when the remaining 99% quit. And that's what they did.
Unfortunately, that lesson has to be learned at the expense of countless amounts of lost fun time for us players. However, I have to disagree that *all* game designers know this. In fact, I refer you to Eve Online as an example of a game that is designed to do the opposite of both of your rules, and hook their players out of sheer perversity or something.
Not to be all Eve-bashy, but this is to your points - Eve seems deliberately designed to hold your gameplay back waiting (and waiting, and waiting) on training time, which constrains the amount of fun you can actually have in the game. I mean, you literally cannot DO things until training time has completed, many of them to a certain depth in the tree and with cross-relations to OTHER skills which need to be trained, burying you in researching the skill tree to find out wtf you need to do before you can actually PLAY lol. Most players actually rely on third-party tools just to know what to train, so there's proof that the game designers don't even really care if you know what to do in order to play the game.
And anyone who has completed x amount of training more than you (for instance, Tech 2 weapons or a Tech 2 ship, usually both) can absolutely pwn your Tech 1 butt without any fears at all. It's not exactly your 1% example because if anyone trains long enough, they''ll get the cool stuff too, but that's the hidden barb on the hook- you need to stay in and keep paying that sub for the "free offline training" for months and months and months so that eventually, you can overcome the disadvantage.
I think part of Eve's continuing success is that CCP spread a huge story to them about how special you had to be to "enjoy" playing Eve, so when you raise questions like this, you get the zombie chant "Maybe Eve isn't the game for you. Maybe Eve isn't the game for you." What exactly does it mean to say that? I'm not the right person to point out that the emperor has no clothes? lol. But the players will chant it at you and keep paying their subs to prove they're having fun /shrug
But back to your points, despite the game design which breaks both of those rules, Eve is still monetarily successful. It's even been successful long enough to be funding the development of other games now (Dust and some werewolf game).
I just hope that as you say, by now most MMO designers have learned that most people who play MMOs do so for fun, to have said fun with other people, and if there's competition, to feel like they have a chance of winning. That combination was the hook for me with Planetside, and when 1 part went away (the chances of winning became dependent on who had a BFR, and later, who had a Galaxy Gunship, or a Phantom, etc.) , so did I.
Why it will fail? Simple. Jedi class will destroy it.
Trust me. Not from start, just give it some time then you will see the effect...
Played: From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Why it will fail? Simple. Jedi class will destroy it. Trust me. Not from start, just give it some time then you will see the effect...
Why should we trust you? Do you know something we don't, oh, no?
I love this argument ignorance some of you rely on for this games failure. So far we have seen plenty CC from each class, this would make them more then capable in PvP when it comes to them versus a saber user.
I'm guessing this feeling comes from your own childish view point that jedi are the some sort of super power because they can move an object with the force. And I say childish because only a child looks at something mystical and sees every other skill/trait a "normal" person possess as inferior.
Oh, if you want my take on all this. I think jedi/sith will be a little bit under the balance meter, while Imp Agent may be one of the most powerful. Subtle combat classes are always the way to go, if played properly anyways.
This game will FAIL in the FACE of the 2012 WoW expansion that WILL END the world as we know IT. It is, as the good ol' men say, THE SECOND coming. that will end THE world. As WE know it. WORD EMPHASIS
Any "will fail" thread fails.... It is stupid to say about any game. Who cares. It wont fail. Just because it does not suit to your own personal standards, which, out of the billions of people in the world, counts close to nothing.....Let people play the game and decide for themselves.
I hate threads like this. To sit there and say a game will fail before it even comes out is the most retarded drivel to read. OH LULZ. I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME. LULZ. IM SO COOL.
That said, most people have high hopes for this game. Noone knows if it will fail or succeed. That's also kinda up to each person. The people playing WAR, Age of Conan, Aion, etc, probably find the game to be pretty successful, whereas those who played it and DIDNT LIKE IT think its a 'failure'.
In short, anyone who says something will fail before its even in beta is an idiot. Period.
My Opinion: Blizzard has the most successful MMO. BioWare puts nearly as much polish and love into their other games, if not more, than Blizzard has on theirs. I think it will be a successful game. But, I have no idea, really. We'll see. Until then, quit being idiots.
"Heres why:"
It is, simply, because they deny the TRUTH about their FAILURE even as it emerges in front of their VERY eyes and SLAPS them with the magnificent WHITE GLOVE of futility. As a somber feeling of defeat and rage takes over their bodies, they NEGLECT the BASIC IMPULSE of tears and head-banging against the wall in order to PRESERVE THE LIE of their PATHETIC conformity. Visionaries like the OP see this and sigh at our collective deceit, drawn to mixed feelings of contempt and compassion, the kind of compassion one shows the wounded animal in the road; he imagines the civilized world as free and enlightened, and yet, out of pure necessity, asks himself : "Is this innocent, savage animal worth saving? Will it be able to understand the principles of the civilized man?" Wrought by the dilemma, spirited about the possibility of 'teaching a man to fish', he reveals the inevitable, the omega, the ESSENCE of his dear animal's existence: "SW: TOR will fail." As he walks away, nay, as he flies away in the golden chariot of Reason, he can only hope. Behold, for we have been shown our destinations.
hahaha man geta life and relax ! not everyone in here are americans stf
The majority of MMO players today (in my opinion) don't really care about the community or thier role in it. They probably usually solo and will only group up if the prize is right i.e. instancing for tier gear. So, this game will probably do quite well in those respects.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
LOL whenever I see the word "SANDBOX" in these forums it reminds me of the apartments I lived in as a kid. we knew not to play in the "SANDBOX" there cause it was full of catshit!
Exactly. LoTRO is story-driven, and you are not the star. In fact my good friend hated it because he didn't feel heroic enough. Having a story-driven game does not automatically mean you are the center of the action.
Honestly, we know about 5% of the core mechanics of the game and that would be enough to predict the game will fail?
Not sure...
Its like saying the Xbox 720 will fail... o_O Yeah sure lend me the crystalball when you are done
Honestly they have good ideas and we will have to wait to see what they make out of it.
With Bioware at least I have hopes that they can manage to make a good game, if they do we will have to see xD
Problem with this entire thread - lack of understanding.
You're saying that SWTOR will fail because it will make people feel too much like heroes.
My response-
City of Heroes (it's in the freaking title)
Eve (capsule pilots are the ELITE of the universe...they're basically treated like gods)
Almost every single MMO that has ever been released. I can only think of a handful of mmo's that didn't bill your character as some epic hero. They include -
Lineage 1 and 2 (your character could -become- epic, but you had to work for it and make your own name)
DAOC (pre-toa, from what I remember anyway)
Ultima Online
So...yeah...swtor will totally fail.....for doing exactly what the rest of the industry is doing....
Makes perfect sense.
How often does the MMORPG community whine and complain for games to do something different and innovative for a change?
And whenever Developers try that, then the community whines and complains that the game is ending up different from every other MMORPG in the past.
Change is something DIFFERENT. Deal with it or else just be ready for every game to be a re-hash of the previous ones.
The MMORPG genre already spend a decade with atrophied games serving a niche market because developers followed the same old formula. Now that MMORPGs are finally evolving there are still those trying to drag them back. The best thing developers can do is not listen to them.
Some people need to look up the word failure. It depends on the goals that are set, if something can be called a failure. With a MMORPG, you as player, can only guess what they are.
On these forums, a player simply calls a game a failure and then makes up his own set of goals to prove it
The real kicker is that for whatever reason there is this whole mentality these days that unless a game (mmo or otherwise) does something 'new' it sucks. I have asked people who dislike Dragon Age why they dislike it and often the first words out of their mouth are, 'Well, I mean, it isn't anything -new-'. Well, I ask this of people who liked Baldur's Gate (for example), but didn't like DA.
Why does a game have to do something -new- in order to not be a failure? That doesn't make any sense. If that is the case then I could, given some time to properly approach the issue, come up with a list of features that has NEVER been done before. By this odd logic a game with all of those features shoved into it should be madly successful! Except the problem is whenever you do something completely new in a game that doesn't just mean new for your audience it also means new for your dev team. So if you try to make a game that does everything completely new that means your team is going to have to experiment on how to do these new things. That is going to raise costs and increase the dev cycle significantly.
I disagree, that IS the reason why SWG started going down hill, the holo grind became the main focus because unlocking Jedi (which at the time was an Alpha class) was the ONLY thing most people wanted to do and destroyed SWG.
1. Any modern game designer KNOWS better than to create a game in which the main goal requires playing in a way that is not enjoyable; especially to make it purposefully unenjoyable. That's MMO sub poison.
2. Any modern game designer knows better than to create a game in which a teeny tiny minority of people can play a class which is a great deal more powerful than the vast majority of the players. When you give 1% the "I win" button, don't be surprised when the remaining 99% quit. And that's what they did.
Legato89... put your spices and sauces on ice. You'll need them when it comes time to eat your words.
Author of the Amazon kindle book, The Clan and the Crown
Indians = NPCs. Any questions?
The Illusion of Choice
People post the word sandbox just to look cool. The reality is that any successful mmorpg turns itself into a "sandbox" by there role playing of the game. In this respect a story driven solo friendly game like SWTOR could be one of the best sandboxes to be released next year.
That's so true... Sandbox scores me points with the ladies. I'll be at the club, talkin with the skirts, and just the mention of "sandbox" gets their knees all weak. Posting the word sandbox is just a really cool way to make friends. Sandbox. I just received several invites.
THE Rooster Nash
Great post! It's so true.
^^ This right here is the reason I ever played MMOs - to share playing a game with a friend. We bought EQ1 together on the first day out, installed it while on the phone with each other, suffered through the first two days of login fails, made our first characters to play together, and logged into the game for the first time at the same time.
And discovered that we were about 6 hours travel apart because we couldn't start in the same town and be the classes that we wanted. GJ SOE! morons
But that is why SW:TOR will succeed. They are aiming to let friends play the game together. The friend whom I played EQ1 with now has 3 kids, all of whom play their dad's MMO with him on his other computers. SW:TOR is the ideal game for that setup, and since I can't stand the game they play, I'm hoping to play SW:TOR with them all
I disagree, that IS the reason why SWG started going down hill, the holo grind became the main focus because unlocking Jedi (which at the time was an Alpha class) was the ONLY thing most people wanted to do and destroyed SWG.
1. Any modern game designer KNOWS better than to create a game in which the main goal requires playing in a way that is not enjoyable; especially to make it purposefully unenjoyable. That's MMO sub poison.
2. Any modern game designer knows better than to create a game in which a teeny tiny minority of people can play a class which is a great deal more powerful than the vast majority of the players. When you give 1% the "I win" button, don't be surprised when the remaining 99% quit. And that's what they did.
Unfortunately, that lesson has to be learned at the expense of countless amounts of lost fun time for us players. However, I have to disagree that *all* game designers know this. In fact, I refer you to Eve Online as an example of a game that is designed to do the opposite of both of your rules, and hook their players out of sheer perversity or something.
Not to be all Eve-bashy, but this is to your points - Eve seems deliberately designed to hold your gameplay back waiting (and waiting, and waiting) on training time, which constrains the amount of fun you can actually have in the game. I mean, you literally cannot DO things until training time has completed, many of them to a certain depth in the tree and with cross-relations to OTHER skills which need to be trained, burying you in researching the skill tree to find out wtf you need to do before you can actually PLAY lol. Most players actually rely on third-party tools just to know what to train, so there's proof that the game designers don't even really care if you know what to do in order to play the game.
And anyone who has completed x amount of training more than you (for instance, Tech 2 weapons or a Tech 2 ship, usually both) can absolutely pwn your Tech 1 butt without any fears at all. It's not exactly your 1% example because if anyone trains long enough, they''ll get the cool stuff too, but that's the hidden barb on the hook- you need to stay in and keep paying that sub for the "free offline training" for months and months and months so that eventually, you can overcome the disadvantage.
I think part of Eve's continuing success is that CCP spread a huge story to them about how special you had to be to "enjoy" playing Eve, so when you raise questions like this, you get the zombie chant "Maybe Eve isn't the game for you. Maybe Eve isn't the game for you." What exactly does it mean to say that? I'm not the right person to point out that the emperor has no clothes? lol. But the players will chant it at you and keep paying their subs to prove they're having fun /shrug
But back to your points, despite the game design which breaks both of those rules, Eve is still monetarily successful. It's even been successful long enough to be funding the development of other games now (Dust and some werewolf game).
I just hope that as you say, by now most MMO designers have learned that most people who play MMOs do so for fun, to have said fun with other people, and if there's competition, to feel like they have a chance of winning. That combination was the hook for me with Planetside, and when 1 part went away (the chances of winning became dependent on who had a BFR, and later, who had a Galaxy Gunship, or a Phantom, etc.) , so did I.
Why it will fail? Simple. Jedi class will destroy it.
Trust me. Not from start, just give it some time then you will see the effect...
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Why should we trust you? Do you know something we don't, oh, no?
I love this argument ignorance some of you rely on for this games failure. So far we have seen plenty CC from each class, this would make them more then capable in PvP when it comes to them versus a saber user.
I'm guessing this feeling comes from your own childish view point that jedi are the some sort of super power because they can move an object with the force. And I say childish because only a child looks at something mystical and sees every other skill/trait a "normal" person possess as inferior.
Oh, if you want my take on all this. I think jedi/sith will be a little bit under the balance meter, while Imp Agent may be one of the most powerful. Subtle combat classes are always the way to go, if played properly anyways.