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Oh man, those were the days! Post your favorite macro's you had for any older mmorpg...
/group INCOMING <<< Flippy Darkpaw>>> SPANK IT or TANK IT --- And yes I pulled as a wizard and I was very good at it.. so you shush!
yep, those good ole days are gone. MMOs just have no real heart anymore.
"WTB Port to EC pst. Thanks"
"SOW pls. Thanks."
And my personal favorite - "Rng LFG."
"Need crack please, will donate!" Ahh good old days, especially since I was the crack dealer.
Eastern Commonlands, Western Commonlands and North Ro were my 3 favorite zones in that game.
When I learned I could buy SoW pots.. Oh boy I was in heaven lol
Old school EQ was train to zone of solb and lguk. The only two dungeons you could exp in to get 50th aside for killing guards outside of cities. Usually 5-10 people stood around the zone lines waiting to join groups.
The great part was when a train occured and some dumbass troll or ogre was afk at the zone in and nobody could get by and all died thanks to player models being able to block doorways.
I love you. I really do. I HAD to have an enchanter in my group. It was a MUST!
My other personal favorite...
/shout MGB 65% EXT KEI, VIRT, DMF, SOW, FO7, NINE, SYMBOL, AND SD at Main Bank in 5 min!
I was on my knees in joy when they introduced The Nexus. No more frigging 2 hour runs from Qeynos to EC to sell in that damn tunnel. Praise the Lord !
/raid It's down to 10% beat it with your hammer Molo!
Molo was our raid templar who turned up drunk and was determined to do dps with the least dpsing class in the game.
/tell <raid leader> i've got aggro! Don't taze me bro!
Following the police man tazing a passenger scandal that aired over the internet and news for weeks a year or 2 ago.
"Run for your lives, Pissed D'Vinn to zone"
Venge Sunsoar
/shout " We thought we ruled, we thought we owned, but OMG - TRAIN TO ZONE! "
Pre Ruins of Kunark Expansion, zone was Unrest, and yes, we hauled out the Hags along with a Disembodied Hand every time.
On my second day of playing Everquest I took my brand new level 8 Bard into Crushbone in Greater Faydark for the first time, because I had been told that there were harder things that would be worth more experience than the Orcs outside that were turning light blue and green con. D'vinn was there to give me and others zoning in a warm greeting, with Emperor Crush and about 4 Legionnaires. Rather than be upset at my horrible death, I was left laughing soooo hard at listening to everyone else complain about "That stupid throne group couldn't handle it by themselves."
I really miss that game sometimes.
Hail a sand giant.
Hail a sand giant.
Hail a sand giant.
Hail a sand giant.
A sand giant hits YOU for 275 points of damage.
/shout SG TO DOCKS!
A sand giant hits YOU for 173 points of damage.
Pain and suffering tries to strike you, but misses! (wtf was that ever about... really...?!?!)
You were slain by mischief.
/shout CAMP CHECK!
/shout BOAT!
*looting rusty 2h swords from snakes*
DIVINE AURA ROCKS! (until you get stunned, because even though you can't be touched, doesn't mean that you can't be... wait, what?)
Clerics had the best taunts evar. Stuns+heals = infinite-aggro.
Tumpy Tonics quest line was the best ever made... the one quest that worked, just too well.
Getting drunk inside the boat in OOT was a bad idea... you would clip through the boat and end up in the ocean.
and the best of all...
"Let this fool's meaningless death be a reminder to you all that the power of Discord is absolute!"
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
The Cackling Klaknak. If you didn't know of this website in early EQ days... then I pity you, like a three-legged mule drunk on cheap scotch sniffing ether... Bwaaaaaah
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
My favourite "sapm" in the EC tunnel is,
"Selling SoW, 1g each"
ROFL, seriously, that happened to me but was on the ride to Erudin from Qeynos. Took me 3 solid hours to get back to land.
Aside from the quotes, what about that stupid spell book that used to pop up when you med. Was like one killer of a static screensaver. Especially when you tried to med somewhere like in the middle of Stonebrunt.
ROFL, seriously, that happened to me but was on the ride to Erudin from Qeynos. Took me 3 solid hours to get back to land.
Aside from the quotes, what about that stupid spell book that used to pop up when you med. Was like one killer of a static screensaver. Especially when you tried to med somewhere like in the middle of Stonebrunt.
Aye that is one of the most stupid design for casters characters during early EQ, when you med for mana recovery you automatically open your spellbook which fills your screen. You might die if you are not very watchful and do not realise a mob is hitting you when you med.
That feature was later removed, months later. That feature was not as /ooc though.
ROFL, seriously, that happened to me but was on the ride to Erudin from Qeynos. Took me 3 solid hours to get back to land.
Aside from the quotes, what about that stupid spell book that used to pop up when you med. Was like one killer of a static screensaver. Especially when you tried to med somewhere like in the middle of Stonebrunt.
Aye that is one of the most stupid design for casters characters during early EQ, when you med for mana recovery you automatically open your spellbook which fills your screen. You might die if you are not very watchful and do not realise a mob is hitting you when you med.
That feature was later removed, months later. That feature was not as /ooc though.
Yes, Meditate.
medding, OOM.
(This is a perfect example of why it is often mistaken that EQ was a social game. In reality, most of us casters had NOTHING ELSE TO DO, while waiting 2-10 minutes and started up conversations.)
I don't recall when or if they removed that feature... but I played my cleric past it and never played another caster because of it. And yes... Graduating to Unrest status was synonymous with gaining your surname too... whee. Remember everyone lined up against the wall like a MMO dodgeball game? Liked Unrest more than Mistmoore though., hated getting there though, stoopid aqua goblins and breaking your legs falling off the big rocks along the water.... what was the water zone under that? Totally forget.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Let's not forget the time honored :
/ooc Will Pay For Rez ! Pst.
Camp check!
Ranger Down! (sucked if you were a ranger..)
One time my friend and I were hunting wisps on that island. We were still fairly noobish, but we were doing pretty well.
Then we happened to get two adds at the same time. There was only one thing to do. RUN!!!
Problem was, there was no zone to run to.
I ended up near the docks and looked back. There was still one on me. So what did I do? I ran to the ship.
The wisp came on and killed me.
Then the realization of my situation dawned on me after I respawned. My corpse was on a ship somehere and I had no idea where!
I rushed back to the island and while waiting for my friend to return, I started talking to this other fellow who informed me that things were worse than I realized. Corpses can't zone, said he, so now my corpse was at the bottom of the sea near where the ship zoned!
Ack! Well, at least I was a good swimmer.
Then the guy suggested that I contact a GM, which really didn't occur to me since this wasn't a bug or some wierd situation, I had acted like a dope. But, to my surprise, a good natured GM deposited my corpse back on the dock.
Famous shouts? HELP I NEED A NECRO!!!!!
"Heart" apparently translates into broken/lousy game mechanics and the struggle people had with them;) BUGS are not heart. Exploits are not heart either. Greifing isn't either. But when you NEED frustration to enjoy yourself in a videogame, is it any surprise games just don't exist like they used to? People just aren't that pathetic and stupid anymore to accept it. Well....SOME people don't accept it=)
No, it is simply this. A strict death penalty means that you are actually scared to die!
You don't know living (so to speak ) on the edge until you've done battle in a place that should you die, you might lose everything.
I've simply never had that tense feeling in ANY modern MMO.
So what if we fight 9 dragons at once? What's the worst thing that can happen? Death? Hahahaha! So what?
No, it is simply this. A strict death penalty means that you are actually scared to die!
You don't know living (so to speak ) on the edge until you've done battle in a place that should you die, you might lose everything.
I've simply never had that tense feeling in ANY modern MMO.
So what if we fight 9 dragins at once? What's the worst thing that can happen? Death? Hahahaha! So what?
mm aion is the closest thing for now .nobody want to die in that game ,since die mean you have grind all that xp back for 3 or 4 hour
No, it is simply this. A strict death penalty means that you are actually scared to die!
You don't know living (so to speak ) on the edge until you've done battle in a place that should you die, you might lose everything.
I've simply never had that tense feeling in ANY modern MMO.
So what if we fight 9 dragins at once? What's the worst thing that can happen? Death? Hahahaha! So what?
mm aion is the closest thing for now .nobody want to die in that game ,since die mean you have grind all that xp back for 3 or 4 hour
3 or 4 hours of PITA is not even close to losing all of your gear.
How about finally getting out of a hell level and then being so nervous about dieing and getting dumped back in to it. Would always go out and be extra careful until I had enough xp buffer to not lose my level. EQ had the death penalty coming at you from all sides, was awesome.