We are the ones who buy these games,And spend our time playing them.But why say that the game is lousy,when we are the ones who can change it?..All we have to do is come together and request new content.All we do is complain about a game..But we are the ones who play there content,WHY CANT WE MAKE A CHANGE?
It starts with developers. If we do not get fun games, then they do not get our money. Which in turn keeps many "MMO seekers" lurking around. We play many games based on hype, then people bash it away. The bottom line is, if it is not fun, then people will not play it. That's all there is to it...
Get out of your box already...
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Tragically, players don't decide anything. All people can ever talk about is all the things they hate about a game. No one ever agrees on exactly what that is, however. Everyone does, on the other hand, claim that they could do it 100 times better... than those that have been doing it for decades... and made millions in the process...
AND, I'd like to point out that every time a developer has listened to their players, they ended up shooting themselves in the foot (SWG).
What you want is different than what Jimmy wants. What Jimmy wants is different than what Annie wants. And what you all want, would make a really crappy game.
Sadly, it has to be this long, painful, evolutionary progression.
We can make a difference.
Sadly the only real difference we'd make is to plunge it further down the hill and maybe off a cliff.
You lost me at content, we don't need content.
That's the problem with most of these people they've become reliant on developer content to guide them by the nuts.
Be social people, make some friends in the game and do stuff. kill, build,explore, laugh.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Just give me a copy of UO in REAL TRUE 3D without trammel and at least 4k+ people playing daily I'll be satisfied.
Apparently, that's just asking some people too much. Games are going to have to make people interact with social content in the disguise of actual gameplay. If someone is told to "make a group of 3 and do w/e", he is not likely to do it - but - if the game can chart who he hangs out with, what they do together, and has hidden stats to who his real buddies are, then you can say "this game has quests that require good friends to beat", then people will start grouping to raise this hidden "group level" mechanic as if it was anything else. Gotta trick them into doing these kinds of things these days.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I think WoW the game is pretty cool. its the god damn people that left wow that are destroying my genre.
They so desperately want wow they bitch constantly for wow features to be in games that focus on an entirely different player base.
Just check out the DF and MO forums their spreading their vile bullshit right this second.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
No you are not the average player that buys these games. MAYBE 5% of people that play MMORPGs post on forums, and that's being generous.
The vast majority of players never post on a forum. But they do pay their sub fees or buy items. THAT is who the developers make games for, not you.
Because MMORPGs are not going downhill. I just have a tons of fun with WOW & some free DDO. I don't need a change.
It's called Darkfall yo.
No you are not the average player that buys these games. MAYBE 5% of people that play MMORPGs post on forums, and that's being generous.
The vast majority of players never post on a forum. But they do pay their sub fees or buy items. THAT is who the developers make games for, not you.
So true, but people forget I doesn't automatically equal WE. We (forum goers) are an insignificant splat on game publishers radar screens. We can be loud and obnoxious, that's about the extent of our use. The problem is nothing of value comes from our group think, because we don't have one. There's no message we're sending as a group, not a single one.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I played UO since its beta and jumped ship once EQ is out. It is not that good a game. There is a reason why EQ overtook UO so fast.
MMORPGS going downhill? That's a good one. Not because you and maybe 300 more people think that a game sucks labels it as a crappy game. Otherwise you wouldn't have over 40 million worldwide playing Maple Story. We've all been there,saying Maple sucks , hell even I play Maple from time to time and I find the game well perceived.Who would of thought that taking a Super Mario side scrolling game would have such a huge impact. Shows you how old school is still in the hearts of the many and 3D graphics really doesn't count when it comes to MMO fun (Which brings FF14 to my concern list , but that's a topic left for another thread). You got more people currently playing Super Mario Bros on the NES then all of the MMORPG combined (excluding WoW and Maple).
To return on topic , saying that the MMO business is going downhill is just a selfish/arrogant way on saying that no game suits you. Tough luck for you I guess.
Also did it ever come to any of you on why WoW still has millions of subs? While the new release MMO's barely have 10K? Take Aion for example and remove NcSoft from there and slap a Blizzard sticker on the box ... give it a week and you'll have over 20mil subs playing Aion. Blizzard has been in the business since then 70's creating a few NES games and so on (Do your homework if you haven't known this) So yes Blizzard is a huge liability and NcSoft is still a baby compared to it. WoW will never fall,not in our lifetime anyway , it will keep evolving even after D3 is released and the day StarCraft Online is released ... well let's just say that for those who don't like Blizzard for any odd reason , might actually commit suicide or go into rehab to eliminate PC's from their lives.
To return on topic again, MMORPGS for some might seem going downhill because none of these companies are able to deliver as Blizzard did with WoW. If these companies would stop thinking about beating WoW graphically , they might actually start having a chance to actually be able to compete against WoW.It's not a hard concept to understand,the more you put on graphics the more the demand will be to run the game,now logically in a business perspective, why would I want to force people on upgradeing their systems to play my game knowing that it's no where as fun then other really fun MMO's out there that require barely no PC requirement? If you ask me , looking at 3D environement is no fun,after looking out the window for 30 years I get enough of it already. Anyways I'm just an average joe speaking my mind or should I say typeing my mind.
I loved UO. It was one of the very few MMOs that could hold my interest for more than a few days. It also has a lot more staying power than most games being churned out today (its still here). I truly hope that UO stays around, at least long enough to inspire someone to pull us out of this post-WoW rut.
Umm... I agree with 99% of everything you just said. This comment, however... I don't think anyone is trying to beat WoW graphically... that's like trying to beat up a sleeping quadripalegic retarded monkey. Blizzard, in fact, prides themselves on using lower-end, stylized graphics.
I understand, you were kinda saying "do what they did; focus on the game rather than the graphics". But...that was also half a decade ago. I accidentally make better graphics than WoW, and I'm not even an artist. So... yes, make better graphics than WoW... but then also, focus on gameplay, content, immersion, ya know... fun.
Ya know I was a hard core WoW player fro 4 years, was in one of the top guilds on my server, had 4 epic'd out 80's, and saw every single bit of content up to and including Ulduar. I didn't quit playing because of content or challenge, I quit because of how the community was changing, and the constant nerf/buff/nerf/buff scenarios that the dev's kept implementing. I actually saw the devs fail at trying to rapidly respond to complaints of the community by making classes god's in one patch and making them weaker than medicated cotton in the next. Making it so easy to get epic gear that finding new raiders that knew how to play was becomming a job.
So then I go to Atlantica Online, and found a game that was interesting at first, but the level grinds, crafting grinds, and recycled content become monotonous. And this game has developers that just plain don't care about their community. It has a great community though, I have found very helpful players, and ones that like to group together and do things for content sake or advancement sake. So after about 9 months of play I have given that game up because of poor developers.
Now, I am playing some DDO and haven't gotten too far in to the content, so the jury is still out for me there.
I guess this is winded, but there has to be a game development team that will sit down before creating their game and get with both hard core and casual players to find out their intrests, likes, and dislikes during the planning, design, and alpha testing. And a group of dev's that will listen to community feedback once the game is relesed to make it better without over or under compensating as is the case with most MMO's today.
And the only way we can make a difference in any of these situations is if enough of the community stop paying subs or spending cash on item malls. But that isn't going to ever happen because the gaming community is so diverse that you can find thousands of people to support or oppose any percieved problem with any game on the current market.
I stopped reading right after this.
I hope you realise that whatever you are saying after that break is irrelevant.
Irrelevant to the state of the game, irrelavant to the state of the industry, irrelevant to us.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
I stopped reading right after this.
I hope you realise that whatever you are saying after that break is irrelevant.
Irrelevant to the state of the game, irrelavant to the state of the industry, irrelevant to us.
Why is that?
The "industry" wouldn't exist as it is today without WoW.
I played UO since its beta and jumped ship once EQ is out. It is not that good a game. There is a reason why EQ overtook UO so fast.
It doesn't take a genius to know people don't like being ganked and prefer a game with a bit more direction.
EQ was awesome, the sheep in UO needed a place to go. they couldn't deal with UO and how harsh the game was.
People will take the road of least resistance my friend, this is why games like EQ/Wow sell and UO/Eve/Df cover a small niche.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I don't agree with him stopping to read either, but that logic is stupid. It's like saying we would have no computers if Windows was not developed.
There would be no WoW if WoW did not exist. That's it. There would be some other super-popular game for everyone to hate and/or love.
Your mmo
s may be going downhill but my games (sandbox) are looking up.
UO is still around, I got indy games like Wurm,DF and Ryzom to play. Eve is king. New games like MO, ER and others are down the road.
True the themepark sub-genre is hell but as a sandbox fan, I find the future interesting.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
So you're playing UO? What's the problem? UO has like a hundred thousand subs today, if memory serves.
Are you unhappy with UO? I don't get it.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren