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It used to be mostly adults that played these type of games,because adults had credit cards.Now you have game time cards.So kids get their parents to buy them or some parents will let their kids use the their credit cards.(which i don't understand)
I remember when AO first came out.I was adults that played the game,so the community was mature and everyone seemed to help each other out.I ask this only because of playing wow and dealing with that crappy community
I never seen such inmature players in games like i do now.I think when they review any of these games they should include what the community is like in them.In wow my ignore list was the biggest i've ever had in any game.And the chat was full of racist and sexist talk that got disturbing even for me.
So are game time cards at fault or are kids today just spoiled brats that go online to be jerks.I do know that not all kids act this way but its something like 2 out of 5 that act mature online.And yes i know some adults act like jerks to.But in wow i now its kids just by reading tha chat.
Are you sure it's not adults newbies?
Plenty of people I know are playing WoW as one of their first online computer games, and they don't all type as proficiently as many veteren players do. They are prone to using abbreviations, acronyms, and Netlish, just like a lot of kids are. Leet speech isn't always leet, a lot of times it's just lazy.
But I see what you're getting at. The new players are getting younger and younger as MMoGs get more mainstream. This leads to problems with the community, it is inevitable that younger players are going to treat other players with a lot less respect than you might find from older, more mature players.
Look at Counter-Strike, if you doubt me.
Although, a lot of times it is slightly older players, in their late teens, early 20s that also act like they are 12, but can be much more of a problem, because their lack of maturity combined with gaming experience can turn them into a super-pest. This is where griefers and the like come from. How many middle-aged players, or rather, mature individuals of any age, get their rocks off by spreading misery?
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
After hearing the horror stories about the community in the US my biggest fear for the EU release was the community would turn out to be a game-breaker.
Fortunately on the server I play on (Earthen Ring) the community is pretty mature.
I'm don't know if you're from the EU or not but if you're not then do yourself a favour and get onto the EU servers (if possible).
Don't jump off the roof Dad
You'll make a hole in the yard
I agree with you, and I hope you don't get flamed by people for stating your opinion, though those who do are most likely the jerks you mentioned. I played UO and EQ back in the old days of MMOs, and it wasn't as bad as it is now back then. I don't play WoW anymore... only did beta, so i only read complaints about it here. I don't see that much immaturity in CoH tho. Kids are spoiled brats who get their way..... wait, let me fix that, SOME kids are.
well we can't ban "kids" from gaming, and unless something magical happens kids are gona continue to be kids, until they become adults as they make a few more trips around the sun. kids arnt supposed to be well ajusted, well manered, fully socialised adults, they are kids; and as annoying as that can be sometime, better to remember ones youth and all the silly, foolish things one did and if that doesnt allow you to empathise then just ignore them. ralling against somehting that isnt going to change is a waste of energy and only likely to drive you to stop enjoying the game.
I played on a US PvP server and the server was overall very friendly, only met two rude players.
Now I have EU, and I play on a ROLEPLAYING server, and I've only been playing for 15 days or so and i've met a lot of annoying brats.
I swear. One conversation went like this (I screenshotted it, it went something like this)
Me: "Sir, would you perhaps like to group with me?"
Him/her: : "Wt ru a moron?"
Me: "Uh, no. You do know you're playing on an RP server, right?"
Him/her: "im not a sir im 15 u idiot, not some lifeless 20 yr old like u who sits on there fat ass playing games all day"
Me: "I'm actually 16, just came home from fitness, and I'm joining the navy in a few months. How is that lifeless and fat, sir?" (Me, friendly as always, because apparently it annoys them.)
Him/her: y dont u fuck off or i report u for griffing
Me: "Oh, don't be worried. I actually already reported you. And now you're on ignore." (I didn't really report him, but I don't care.)
This is one of the wisest things I ever heard regarding this matter.
So 20 is old now? I too have experienced the major troubles caused by Children in mainstream MMORPGs.
WoW is the main offender of this sort, with children experiencing their first world of complete and utter freedom, without the restraints that their parents put on them. And because it's just a game, they see their complete and utter control over everything that happens in the world. They're paying $15.00 a month, they should be able to do whatever they want, right?
They seem to misunderstand that their desire to do whatever they want, screw whoever else happens to be playing, actually causes a net loss for the game companies. You're level 12 and go to Orgrimmar, and the first thing you see in the Durotar general channel is some idiot complaining about "I'm fishing here, go away [racial slur]".
You are understandably put off by the attitude. Then, you level up a bit and go to Ragefire Chasm or Wailing Caverns, and discover more 13 year olds who feel, "I'm a spellbinder, so I can roll on anything". "What? A blue piece of cloth armor? Bind on pickup, and I'm a warrior? Who cares, I can roll a 93 if I want to!"
Understandably, they ruin the atmosphere of the games. RP servers GENERALLY attract more mature people. PvP servers generally attract less mature people, unfortunately. "OMG!!! Alliance is so gay!" and other such statements abound.
What can you do? Form a guild with an 18+ age limit? Well..., great idea, but there are mature 15 year old children, and immature 40 year old adults. Not to mention the fact that you really have no idea how old the person actually is.
Young kids ruining MMORPGs? Probably not. As long as you can find a community of people with which you can relate, whether it be in a guild, a friends list, whatever, you're fine.
Are they making them seem less open and warm to a newcomer t to the genre? Probably.
But remember, there's always a way to learn their language and how to relate. At least up until companies release more FFA PvP servers and you can take matters into your own hands.
I played FFXI for nearly a year (recently retired) I think it's more a maturity label I put on players than an actual age. I'm 32 years old and I ran a linkshell on Titan in FFXI. I think our oldest member was mid to late 30's and the youngest was in junior high school. Our average member ranging from early to mid 20's. For the most part everyone was respectful of each other and it was a cool place to hang out.
So I guess to answer the thread question I guess I can say "yes" in not so many words. I think immaturity can ruin your game if you let it. If you build a guild or linkshell with the types of people you want to game with and black list the people that spam /shout's you can police up your own world. You can't hate on some kids simply acting like kids, because most of us were the same way at their age. I won't some person's lack of maturity (young or old) ruin my gaming experience. I'm going to be playing MMORPG's for a long time so it's simply something I will just deal with and not cry about. I hope I added to everyone's perspective on this.
Early Adopters are typically more mature consumers, and Anarchy Online was definitely in the Early Adopter phase of the MMOG product cycle. WoW has ushered in the Early Majority phase of the curve, and we are seeing a major rush of new gamers to the genre
What that means is a lot of young players who are not only young in years but inexperienced in the etiquette and manners of online gaming. They will go through the growing pains of a new player to a MMOG community, and take us along for the ride. You cannot avoid this, I'm afraid, except to understand that it's just a part of the human cultural landscape that you must contend with. The more popular the game and the less "hardcore it is the more likely it will be to see mypotic, immature personalities.
In the end, building up your own community is the right way to approach the problem. But equally effective is learning how to simply ignore the banter you don't like in /shout and /ooc. If you cannot learn to filter that out mentally, then turn those channels off. I guarantee you that you will not be missing out on much!
I think a lot of this would be resolved if the games released their RP servers as an extra $5 a month. Most kids and immature players would not be willing to pay the extra fee to be annoying on an RP server this way, and many RPers I know (myself included) would gladly pay this extra money for an "unspoiled" experience. Many of these same immature players are the ones screaming about paying a monthly fee in the first place, and wouldn't get any value add from this extra $5.
I have seen this as well although hasnt happened to me. kinda funny really. This is the only thing that really worries me about guildwars (hordes of kids spamming and griefing) I will put up with it but do find it annoying. Learnt one lesson though ...shouldnt play female chars lol
that being said I also beleive juveniles have just as much right to be there as you or I. Would be nice though if they had their own server..maybe with something that would attract them to it( kiddy rides, dating bulletin boards etc)
Well its nice to be able to talk about this and get other views on the subject.I do enjoy these games and will play them for a long time.Times are changing in gaming, and we old computer geeks have to live with it.
I do agree with alot of the things you all said.I can only think back as a kid,how i would act.What is the point of being a smartass,just because you can?Gaming is fun.So why would anyone want to pay a monthly fee to be a jerk to other people?Oh if your parents are paying why not.
I guess maybe i'm old school.In Arnarchy online people would go out of their way to help someone new to the game,get into it.I mean the more players the longer the game will be around.The way wow is now,how many really think that game will have a long life?I think in a few months things will be different for that game.
The playerbase from what i've been hearing is starting to shrink.All because of the community,so a games community does have an effect on a games shelf life. I'm not saying the game will shut down,just that it will maybe become another fanboy blizzard game.And everyone knows how those games are.
In my experience the players that are the least mature and cause problems are the ones in their 20s and 30s.
I do kind of take offense to that comment in a sense, but let me try to put it in a way that I think makes more sense then the idea you might be thinking. True, the age of MMORPG gamers have gone down, but you know, over these past years since the days of UO, EQ, and many many MUDS also, there have been many, many more gamers that have stumbled upon this genre. Obviously then, when more people come to a genre, especially when you have a genre where online playing is the whole point of these games, you will get a different attitude towards "the community". You can have people who are less "mature" in your eyes, you can have people like the above posters said who are not used to the "mature" atmosphere of an MMORPG trying to talk like they are talking in an IM. You will see that more often. Just because you see things like that really doesn't mean that it's us young kids persay. (I don't really consider myself young at almost 18, but since some do, I guess I'll just refer myself as young) It's just the genre is expanding to many different types of people, and this can lead to possible "corruptions" within the community. It really isn't the young kids, it's everyone in general really. The new gamers for not understanding the level of maturity of MMORPGs, and the veterans for some of them not trying to help out the newcomers, but trying to stay within their own branch of veterans. I didn't say all veterans, I said some, just wanted to make that clear.
Games are getting simpler by each release to cater to kids, instead of the loyal MMO players. So yes, MMOs are getting worse each year, to suit children or those with a childs mentality.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
I'm not gonna bother reading every last post in this topic that I've seen many times before but here's my two cents:
You can't say that it's the kids who are even the immature ones. I've met plenty of older people who just seem like total idiots online. You've seen an increase in the number of immature people, possibly some from more kids, but more than likely from more and more people getting into these games. People aren't hindered to act in socialy acceptable standards in games online like they are in real life, so this provides some with a thrill. This is mainly due to lack of punishment (besides being shunned by some players) for any misbehavior that's not outright against the rules. I've found that most of the time, any child that's old enough to understand how to play, can be more mature than any adult who was to pick it up if you give them a little guidance.
Pray for a game to come along that incorporates Permadeath. They will either stay away or you can group with mature colleagues and end them. Let's hope it makes it to the market...because the game design is fantastic, and most of the more immature types can't stomach losing something.
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
Goddam mad dog gnaws wang! Goddam mad dog!
Sorry, I've been playing MMOs since 11-12 years old and never have acted like what the other "young kids" do.
For one thing, you don't know how old someone is when you meet them in an MMOG. They could go shouting "I'M 8 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!" and for all you know they could be some fat, lazy, 50 year old transexual sitting at home with nothing better to do. Stop judging people by their age, it may be true that some of the immature people in MMOGs are kids, but still, you never know for real, it might be a person not familiar with english, with broken english words trying to ask for help.
Anyways, i've already posted in this kind of thread before, and got flamed for it for some odd reason, so that's the end of my opinion.
Having played FFXI, AO, WoW...., I have seen assholes in an age range from 5-55.....
While MOST kids are immature and disruptive, there are exceptions: There were 10 year olds that I
had taken for 20 year olds (by their syntax and spelling), while I would assume the converse of 18-20
year old couples.
Being a kid means that you are LIKELY to be immature, but the statement; being a
kid implies being immature, isn't tautologous.
Since there is no real way to prevent disruptive/exploitative players from playing the game
(for those of you that read the "great scam" post by Nightfreeze (on Eve) especially or have been
deceived in such a selfish manner) ,
it isn't fair to the set of mature/adaptive children to impose age restrictions on games.
I haven't always had this opinion: In fact I used to agree with the original poster (perhaps? sorry I've
read all of the posts I could and it might be somebody else I'm thinking of) until I met kids that I
could hardly believe were kids. It seems like the younger generations are maturing at a faster rate.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.