You guys know the error they were getting with the boats during january/february right? It would just disappear from thin air, making the players fall and disconnect, the ones that tryed to reconnect would crash the server. Seems to me that if they had this bizarre error, they could have many more. I remember during the beta, the lag was so terrible that when I looted a creature my character would remain in that position for 5 minutes or more, but I still could move my character. Seems to me like some faulty coding by Blizzard.
I was getting that lag error a lot in the early days too, where I would click on mob and perform an action and then i wouldnt be able to do any other action cuase the first one didnt finish. Then after several seconds/minutes I would get back into the game and the mob or me would be dead. So this happend to me, and im sure to everybody else in WoW world. So it has to be something else in your case Moo.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Originally posted by //\//\oo If somebody could please post my argument (and the arguments of others) that imply that IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE THAT MANY OF THE PLAYERS THAT WERE BANNED ARE INNOCENT on the forums Since players whose accounts are suspended are not allowed to post on the forums.... (ironic again isn't it ?) You would be doing all of us a tremendous favor... and if you ever come to the server Stonemaul on the Horde side. I promise you all of my possessions(that are not soulbound) and my abilities as a lvl 280 Elemental LW Server: Stonemaul Character Name: Butasama Level, class, allegiance: 51(almost 52), Rogue, Horde Guild: Forgotten Legacy Please post on this forum with a link to your post so I can verify. Of course I can only give you the stuff if I get my account reactivated lol... In any case: You will be doing blizzard players (as well as Blizzard itself) a big favor by revealing it's flaw (refer to my previous post) .
dude, i think i may do it for you just because i believe Blizzard is at fault here, you dont have give me your stuff. I think after reading the evidence you gave and the information other posters made, that you in fact are an innocent victim of misidentification of a speed hack.
i spend some time on the wow forums and some hacking site last night after i saw they banned alots of ppl and from what i can understand lag cant be the reason of bans like fadeus said..they looked at the logs for those moving over a great distance at a high speed..if you only lag the server will notice you moved over some distance but when they look at the log they easily see if you was moving at a normal speed by looking the time of your old position and the updated one and the distance between the 2 posisition..if the speed is normal then no ban at all...most ppl who get banned was those using teleport hack to port in instances to only have to kill the boss to get rewards without having to kill all the elite they deserved the ban
i dont say moo is a liar but i hardly doubt blizzard banned ppl at random or banned them without real proof
blizzard always been working like that..gatter data...find hackers and ban in mass and they will never give any explainations cause if they tell you when you hacked and how you get caught hackers will know how to avoid the detection
Originally posted by Fadeus Here is a silly question though after reading the official forums today, don't it seem kinda odd that all the sudden there was a mass influx of this one particular abuse?
Did you see the blizzhack site that got posted on this forum a little ways back? I dunno if that's why they have been banning quite a few of players lately I don't know exactly. I did go to the site and was not happy to say the least... and I came back to this forum the next day to see if there was a response to the thread, it seemed the MMORPG staff deleted it or it got covered up with other threads. A thought to consider..
Originally posted by //\//\oo My Response to my permanent account closure due to "teleportation hacking".. instead of rewrite for forums just c & p To whom this may concern, I am a full-time student with a part-time job that has been paying for this game independently since it's release: I had so anticipated this game that I pre-ordered it 3-4 weeks before it was available in stores (without having played it or been able to participate in the open beta since I was on a 56k connection). I am not trying to pander to emotions, but to reveal to you how disgusted I am with your company's absurd notion of "rigor" and why I am so incensed about your vapid accusations: Being on a 56k connection with latencies in the 500-700 range, there are often instances where my commands no longer respond (I am guessing that it is because your server does not receive packets sent from the program?) and I often end up waiting for 5-15 minutes (or less) for the server to respond. I noticed that by moving and attacking different targets, that I would have less waiting time... (maybe this is because it was a means of sending packets continuously to the server? I don't know...) This might be why there were discrepancies between the last packet the server received and the packet received there-after...... If the inviduals that were responsible for reviewing the logs had bothered to notice... the intervals that contained the discrepancies were within only a few 5-10 minute intervals OVER 3-8 hours of play time..... meaning that the use of a "teleport hack" or whatever you're accusing me of would not be a valid accusation... or else I would have used it ONCE within a 3hr interval? .... I also would disconnect often in the auction house...meaning that I would click on the list of prices for certain items and they would not display... and would then log on only to find myself on the zeppelin or in a different zone. I am only guessing that these are the reasons for the accusations.... but having NEVER USED NOR CREATED (NOT EVEN THE ENDORSED KOSMOS) A WOW MOD I wouldn't know.... Ironically, I have been having this problem for eons... since the launch, although less frequently once I switched to a server with a small population. Yet... you suspend/terminate my account once you implement the "Permanent" closure policy... without adequate proof or intelligent justification. Is this your means of rooting out the 56k users before the implementation of Battle Grounds (as raiding has been impossible as it is to 56k users)....?
..... (what follows was not sent to blizzard) There you have it... I have played WoW since release and was banned instantly... I am angry and disappointed at blizzard... I have never had an MMORPG experience as gratifying as that of WoW.... but it was cut short by faulty administration...... let this be a warning to prospective 56k users...... Guess I'll just have to wait till DnL and GW P.S : If you happened to have the same experience (of being accused of using mods when you didn't) please respond to this thread in order to give credence. I am still in shock at losing my account with my lvl 51 character....... I am guessing, by symmetry, that I am not the only user that will be a victim.
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 'ni' at will to old
Were two of these identical threads really nessicary.
Eh sorry... originally I posted it in general AND here..
The thread that was intended for here (this thread) was made, since I wanted to provide player/server info available in this thread and not the other thread.
The admin moved the other thread to this section after the one that was already in this section had gotten a lot of responses so that is why there are two versions. My apologies.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I have no tech backgroud but I have noticed when playing DAOC in RVR you get a lot of what are called lag ghosts where it looks like a char is running by you but he is actually not anywhere near you at all could something like this be a possiable explanation for why the logs would check out the way they did ? maybe the servers are recording his lag ghosts.
Originally posted by airtrooper I have no tech backgroud but I have noticed when playing DAOC in RVR you get a lot of what are called lag ghosts where it looks like a char is running by you but he is actually not anywhere near you at all could something like this be a possiable explanation for why the logs would check out the way they did ? maybe the servers are recording his lag ghosts.
I'm pretty sure a GM would have maybe .000000000000000000000002 latency ingame, before they start banning players. So they pretty much see all and hear all that's going in their area.
From his description of what happened he was told he was banned due to them reading the logs it did not sound like they where even online at the time. would they be still able to tell what the latency was at from the logs?
Dont get me wrong I just wish DAOC was half as zealous as WOW was for banning cheaters.. one thing that ruins that game for me is I have yet to play for longer than a few hours in rvr without running into someone that was using some kind of cheat. 50-80% ( estimate of observations of when i have played)of casters in the game use the lag casting cheat and daoc does nothing to stop it (that i have heard of or know about) other than saying its not permitted.
Just sounds to me that WOW has gone in the opposite direction and is banning to easly.
Originally posted by Fadeus MmMM, in blizzards case from having do deal with all those years it may not be so hard a process, and they also may have a bad perspective on the whole operation due to that. But I am not accusing them of that. Here is a silly question though after reading the official forums today, don't it seem kinda odd that all the sudden there was a mass influx of this one particular abuse?
the most probable answer is that Blizzard managed to identify and counter such hack right today. Banned the accounts and gave news of it.
You surely agree is no good to give info about an hack BEFORE dealing with it
About the OP, i tend to agree that is quite impossible to not see the difference between teleporting and lag. no matter what happened to your packets. They are still sent X number over Y time. They KNOW how many packets the server should receive and in what time. so if you moved in normal speed in that time with your disconnected client, is no big deal. Yes, you would teleport from place to place, but it would be a normal, lag induced, teleport as they prolly had thousands, heck, hundred thousands since the start of the game (surely you are not the only 56k and it can happens to anybody when lag is bad enough).
What could have happened is that the GM, by mistake, cancelled your account instead of one of a real hacker. This is, of course, unfortunate, but surely blizzard will give you back the account if this is the case, mind not the "under any circumstances" sentence. that apply only if you are guilty of the crime.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Ok... so it's been two days since I've hard from them (even though I followed their instructions for contacting
I'm on my last f**king nerve with this company: It is almost impossible to contact them by phone without being played a recording in the end, so that they don't have to deal with "account closures/restrictions" in person and FORCE You to use email.... which they take anywhere from one day to a week to reply to.
I guess it's their way of cutting back on employees; f**k customer service, the overwhelming demand will compensate for any lost customers...
It's such a shame that a game this great is regulated by a bunch of incompetent, grade-school programmers (I am still convinced that their accusation is BASED ON USING SOME NAIVE ALGORITHM TO FIND DISCREPANCIES IN PACKETS).
Their account closure was obviously automated, which is why I've been given the run-around by pretty much every living entity I could gain contact with.
I've NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM in any other MMORPGS (Anarchy Online, FFXI), implying that either the infrastructure of the game or the management sucks.
Even if I manage to get my account back I will think twice about purchasing any on-line blizzard product again.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Actually once during a raid on Tarren Mills I was by bat rider and purchased path to UC:
I was able to move around on the bat for short distances, until I was teleported back to a point I had been at before. This continued for about less than hour or so till I got tired of not being able to move around really (only very short distances before getting teleported back).
This happened during latencies around 20-30k (since I'm on 56k and this was a 50+ player raid).
Happened around 1-2 weeks ago though, so I didn't think it was their basis of ban (since I thought that scanning weeks-months of logs THOROUGHLY would require lots of time...) .... maybe I was wrong..
Even if I do get my accoutn back I want Blizzard to have to compensate for their crappy admins/gms.
Even assuming that they used the bat-riding bug as their basis: Don't you think that 1 hour of constant teleportation within a 3-4 month interval is kind of suspicious? ... in any case ... since they lack servers as it is it almost makes sense to ban a population of users to generate immediate income and buy new ones (if you assume there's a population to immediately replace them).. (from the sales of new copies of WoW)
Originally posted by //\//\oo Did some researching.... apparently I'm not the only one.. And these are only the people with 2 or more accounts !!!!! An interesting thread... Actually once during a raid on Tarren Mills I was by bat rider and purchased path to UC: I was able to move around on the bat for short distances, until I was teleported back to a point I had been at before. This continued for about less than hour or so till I got tired of not being able to move around really (only very short distances before getting teleported back). This happened during latencies around 20-30k (since I'm on 56k and this was a 50+ player raid). Happened around 1-2 weeks ago though, so I didn't think it was their basis of ban (since I thought that scanning weeks-months of logs THOROUGHLY would require lots of time...) .... maybe I was wrong.. Even if I do get my accoutn back I want Blizzard to have to compensate for their crappy admins/gms. Even assuming that they used the bat-riding bug as their basis: Don't you think that 1 hour of constant teleportation within a 3-4 month interval is kind of suspicious? ... in any case ... since they lack servers as it is it almost makes sense to ban a population of users to generate immediate income and buy new ones (if you assume there's a population to immediately replace them).. (from the sales of new copies of WoW)
Seems to me that thred is about one person with multiple accounts or one person with friends who got banned, bitching on Bliz.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Just suck it up and go, what good is whining about it? You can't break the agreement you made prior to playing WoW. All I got to say is get over it, sheesh.
That's quite easy for you to say: Hey buddy you got f**ked, take a deep breath and walk away..
An analog would be some a police-offer running into your house and shooting your dog, a dog that you had raised from a puppy, because he had confused it with a rabid pitbull across the street.
He says, "Sorry buddy.. this looked like a pitbull from the distance and my beer-belly ass couldn't make it that far across the road....not on my salary at least."
I didn't break the EULA in any form: I never used third-party programs, annoyed players etc... yet I was accused of having used them because of their refusal to pay decent wages or hire enough employees (or competent employees).
I paid for this game from my own pocket and pre-ordered it WEEKs before it arrived. I had SO MUCH CONFIDENCE in blizzard that I chose to buy it over the other console titles that had been released at the same time (since I only have finite resources.. earning money from a 8-10$ job part-time) and HOW WAS I REWARDED?
Permanently banned from the game and forums (although I never did post on them).
Unless the same thing happened to you, you couldn't really sympathize.
And no, I will not stop bumping this thread.
There might be some WoW players out there that don't have multiple accounts and need a place to rally. For them I want to preserve this thread.. and to make potential blizzard customers really think twice, lest they buy the game and go through the same BS that I had to go through.
Shame the mods won't let me move this puppy to general, since people should really know about how Blizzard treats it's customers.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I HIGHLY doubt his is due to lag..simply because I work though a satalite at my house and a 56k at a friend's house and I lag twice as much on the satalite..I average 1600 latency when i solo! I have never been accused of teleporting, and I even contacted a GM after reading you forum about the issue, fearing that possibly the same may happend to me. He cleary stated that lag and teleportation hack are so easily distinguished from eachother that even a novice could see which is lag and which is hacks. When you speak of your comp (56k) sending packets to Blizzard as a possible reason for lag think about a satelite sending it from the satelite to my comp then to me extra lag which is quite frustrating. It seems that only as of late have people been complaining about being booted for "lag" confused of hacking. I have been playing Blizzard for a LONG time..I've played all Warcrafts, all Diablos, Starcraft, and even bought a few of the books. I've had nothing but exceptional feeling towards this company and feel that they are not corrupt in any way. I bet at least 20% of the users on WoW are using 56k. But it seems that about .001% are complaining of being accused of hacking. That makes very little sense to me. If that was the case then why wouldn't all 20% + being banned? Makes you really think weather or not that speed hack was worth it..I feel sorry you're missing out on such a superb game, because you were a little impatient about running around. You remind me of Barry Bonds with steriods. He said he used some "clear substance" he didn't know was steriods..WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE..and you claim "lag" we all experience lag but the difference is we experience lag deal with it and move choose to cheat. You should go play a game that lets hackers flourish..and of course you weren't accused of speed hacking in FFXI..they didn't have!
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.- Frank Zappa
Originally posted by Johnark Okay dude, I've read the official WoW forums, I saw how dozens of people have been permanently banned. And according to the people in-game, THEY WERE CHEATERS! Am I accusing you of cheating? Hmm... lemme think... sure why not. They all got banned, they were p1ssed, so they are trying to ruin Blizzard's reputation by saying they did nothing wrong when they really did. Blizzard isn't stupid. If they see you are doing something wrong, they will know, they've always been able to know. How many of those banned whinners came to the forums saying: "I'm using my wife's account to post this since I got banned". Do I sense a 2nd account BOT by any chance? Uh oh!!! Caught red handed! It's like that guildmate we had last month, he got his mount at level 40, he had tones of Blue Items equipped and kept showing them off. All of a sudden he disapeared from the Server. We all knew he was an Ebay-whore. Crime doesn't pay, he got owned by Blizzard.
Hey Johnark,
Hey you!
That picture you got under your name... is that from that one movie where the kids have to kill each other to leave the island? (My memory is vague, saw it years ago)
Or does that picture come from some website? Maybe one I should be told about?
Or is it one of your daughters, or siblings, in which case I should mind my own business....
Originally posted by Vercades Just suck it up and go, what good is whining about it? You can't break the agreement you made prior to playing WoW. All I got to say is get over it, sheesh.
You know what I'd say if someone told me that? "Yup..." then I'd go do something else not involving w/e screwed me.
Alright it worked for him, let's see if it works for me:
Thank you for your follow-up email. Unfortunately, we have provided all pertinent information regarding the World of Warcraft account in question. We regret to inform you that the account closure decision is final and the account status permanent. The World of Warcraft account will not be re-opened or re-activated under any circumstance.
We hope this has cleared up any concerns you may have had and expect no further communication on this matter.
Ticall Account Administration Blizzard Entertainment
This was in response to:
Having NOT used any third party programs and also heard testimonies from others that they were WRONGFULLY BANNED, I have finally realized that is futile to try and communicate with you.
To preclude public awareness of any fallacy, you constrain the accused to email communication. You certainly generate enough revenue to hire representatives to deal with this issue, yet you brick wall us in order to preserve your cheap methods.
Where does our money go? Profits? More candy for the shareholders? It certainly doesn't go in maintenance/server-administration.
There are many different assertions I can make about HOW I was falsely accuse of using a speed hack, but I can't prove any of them since this game is 100% black box.
The very least you could do is run a second GM check and convey to your ever-faithful subscribers that were banned WHEN they were using the "teleportation/speed-hack" and HOW IT IS NOT ONE OF THE MYRIAD BUGS IN YOUR GAME.
Try incorporating some kind of case-analysis before trying to do it though....
Because your first check was cursory at best.
Although I am tempted to fall for your scam and create another account, I will not: Since I was wrongly accused once for something I didn't do, why couldn't it happen again?
I am giving you and your company 2 days to respond to this email (nevermind that is the weekend, considering your situation you should be working 24-hr shifts overtime), or I am going to give up and find my entertainment elsewhere.
Lesson learned: Don't bad-mouth the Nazi-motherf**kers at Blizzard, lest you desire to lose your account.
Oh yeah, and get somebody on an Alt to post for you on the forums (if they do wrongfully ban you).
F**k you Blizzard, thank your gods that I don't live anywhere near your server-admins and employees, or else I would ban them from the planet.
Well at least I went down fighting instead of getting bored at lvl 60 (which I was only 8 lvls away from).
Or even worse... switching to Alliance.... maybe I was spared a horrible fate >.<
Horde FTW :X
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I don't know if he was cheating and nore do I necessarily care. If he was, yay for Blizzard and is he wasn't, shame on Blizzard. I would like to think Blizzard would have researched the situation before taking final action. After all they would be terminating a legit subscriber if he was not cheating which is somthing an MMO NEVER wants to do.
As for the packet sniffing software, well it IS possible to do this over a network but I would think Blizzard has no doubt encrypted the actual data being sent to prevent this. So I don't believe packet manipulation is a legit explanation in this case. Well to be honest I dont know what is a legit explanation in this case.
You guys know the error they were getting with the boats during january/february right? It would just disappear from thin air, making the players fall and disconnect, the ones that tryed to reconnect would crash the server. Seems to me that if they had this bizarre error, they could have many more. I remember during the beta, the lag was so terrible that when I looted a creature my character would remain in that position for 5 minutes or more, but I still could move my character. Seems to me like some faulty coding by Blizzard.
Warhammer Guild
I was getting that lag error a lot in the early days too, where I would click on mob and perform an action and then i wouldnt be able to do any other action cuase the first one didnt finish. Then after several seconds/minutes I would get back into the game and the mob or me would be dead. So this happend to me, and im sure to everybody else in WoW world. So it has to be something else in your case Moo.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
i spend some time on the wow forums and some hacking site last night after i saw they banned alots of ppl and from what i can understand lag cant be the reason of bans like fadeus said..they looked at the logs for those moving over a great distance at a high speed..if you only lag the server will notice you moved over some distance but when they look at the log they easily see if you was moving at a normal speed by looking the time of your old position and the updated one and the distance between the 2 posisition..if the speed is normal then no ban at all...most ppl who get banned was those using teleport hack to port in instances to only have to kill the boss to get rewards without having to kill all the elite they deserved the ban
i dont say moo is a liar but i hardly doubt blizzard banned ppl at random or banned them without real proof
blizzard always been working like that..gatter data...find hackers and ban in mass and they will never give any explainations cause if they tell you when you hacked and how you get caught hackers will know how to avoid the detection
A thought to consider..
Eh sorry... originally I posted it in general AND here..
The thread that was intended for here (this thread) was made, since I wanted to provide player/server info available in this thread and not the other thread.
The admin moved the other thread to this section after the one that was already in this section had gotten a lot of responses so that is why there are two versions. My apologies.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
From his description of what happened he was told he was banned due to them reading the logs it did not sound like they where even online at the time. would they be still able to tell what the latency was at from the logs?
Dont get me wrong I just wish DAOC was half as zealous as WOW was for banning cheaters.. one thing that ruins that game for me is I have yet to play for longer than a few hours in rvr without running into someone that was using some kind of cheat. 50-80% ( estimate of observations of when i have played)of casters in the game use the lag casting cheat and daoc does nothing to stop it (that i have heard of or know about) other than saying its not permitted.
Just sounds to me that WOW has gone in the opposite direction and is banning to easly.
the most probable answer is that Blizzard managed to identify and counter such hack right today. Banned the accounts and gave news of it.
You surely agree is no good to give info about an hack BEFORE dealing with it
About the OP, i tend to agree that is quite impossible to not see the difference between teleporting and lag. no matter what happened to your packets. They are still sent X number over Y time. They KNOW how many packets the server should receive and in what time. so if you moved in normal speed in that time with your disconnected client, is no big deal. Yes, you would teleport from place to place, but it would be a normal, lag induced, teleport as they prolly had thousands, heck, hundred thousands since the start of the game (surely you are not the only 56k and it can happens to anybody when lag is bad enough).
What could have happened is that the GM, by mistake, cancelled your account instead of one of a real hacker. This is, of course, unfortunate, but surely blizzard will give you back the account if this is the case, mind not the "under any circumstances" sentence. that apply only if you are guilty of the crime.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Ok... so it's been two days since I've hard from them (even though I followed their instructions for contacting
I'm on my last f**king nerve with this company: It is almost impossible to contact them by phone without being played a recording in the end, so that they don't have to deal with "account closures/restrictions" in person and FORCE You to use email.... which they take anywhere from one day to a week to reply to.
I guess it's their way of cutting back on employees; f**k customer service, the overwhelming demand will compensate for any lost customers...
It's such a shame that a game this great is regulated by a bunch of incompetent, grade-school programmers (I am still convinced that their accusation is BASED ON USING SOME NAIVE ALGORITHM TO FIND DISCREPANCIES IN PACKETS).
Their account closure was obviously automated, which is why I've been given the run-around by pretty much every living entity I could gain contact with.
I've NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM in any other MMORPGS (Anarchy Online, FFXI), implying that either the infrastructure of the game or the management sucks.
Even if I manage to get my account back I will think twice about purchasing any on-line blizzard product again.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Did some researching.... apparently I'm not the only one..
And these are only the people with 2 or more accounts !!!!!
An interesting thread...
Actually once during a raid on Tarren Mills I was by bat rider and purchased path to UC:
I was able to move around on the bat for short distances, until I was teleported back to a point I had been at before. This continued for about less than hour or so till I got tired of not being able to move around really (only very short distances before getting teleported back).
This happened during latencies around 20-30k (since I'm on 56k and this was a 50+ player raid).
Happened around 1-2 weeks ago though, so I didn't think it was their basis of ban (since I thought that scanning weeks-months of logs THOROUGHLY would require lots of time...) .... maybe I was wrong..
Even if I do get my accoutn back I want Blizzard to have to compensate for their crappy admins/gms.
Even assuming that they used the bat-riding bug as their basis: Don't you think that 1 hour of constant teleportation within a 3-4 month interval is kind of suspicious? ... in any case ... since they lack servers as it is it almost makes sense to ban a population of users to generate immediate income and buy new ones (if you assume there's a population to immediately replace them).. (from the sales of new copies of WoW)
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Seems to me that thred is about one person with multiple accounts or one person with friends who got banned, bitching on Bliz.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Just suck it up and go, what good is whining about it? You can't break the agreement you made prior to playing WoW. All I got to say is get over it, sheesh.
That's quite easy for you to say: Hey buddy you got f**ked, take a deep breath and walk away..
An analog would be some a police-offer running into your house and shooting your dog, a dog that you had raised from a puppy, because he had confused it with a rabid pitbull across the street.
He says, "Sorry buddy.. this looked like a pitbull from the distance and my beer-belly ass couldn't make it that far across the road....not on my salary at least."
I didn't break the EULA in any form: I never used third-party programs, annoyed players etc... yet I was accused of having used them because of their refusal to pay decent wages or hire enough employees (or competent employees).
I paid for this game from my own pocket and pre-ordered it WEEKs before it arrived. I had SO MUCH CONFIDENCE in blizzard that I chose to buy it over the other console titles that had been released at the same time (since I only have finite resources.. earning money from a 8-10$ job part-time) and HOW WAS I REWARDED?
Permanently banned from the game and forums (although I never did post on them).
Unless the same thing happened to you, you couldn't really sympathize.
And no, I will not stop bumping this thread.
There might be some WoW players out there that don't have multiple accounts and need a place to rally. For them I want to preserve this thread.. and to make potential blizzard customers really think twice, lest they buy the game and go through the same BS that I had to go through.
Shame the mods won't let me move this puppy to general, since people should really know about how Blizzard treats it's customers.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
Hey Johnark,
Hey you!
That picture you got under your name... is that from that one movie where the kids have to kill each other to leave the island? (My memory is vague, saw it years ago)
Or does that picture come from some website? Maybe one I should be told about?
Or is it one of your daughters, or siblings, in which case I should mind my own business....
Let me know....
So there may be some light at the end of the tunnel...
Alright it worked for him, let's see if it works for me:
Thank you for your follow-up email. Unfortunately, we have provided all
pertinent information regarding the World of Warcraft account in
question. We regret to inform you that the account closure decision is final
and the account status permanent. The World of Warcraft account will
not be re-opened or re-activated under any circumstance.
We hope this has cleared up any concerns you may have had and expect no
further communication on this matter.
Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment
This was in response to:
Having NOT used any third party programs and also heard testimonies
from others that they were WRONGFULLY BANNED, I have finally realized that
is futile to try and communicate with you.
To preclude public awareness of any fallacy, you constrain the accused
to email communication. You certainly generate enough revenue to hire
representatives to deal with this issue, yet you brick wall us in order
to preserve your cheap methods.
Where does our money go? Profits? More candy for the shareholders? It
certainly doesn't go in maintenance/server-administration.
There are many different assertions I can make about HOW I was falsely
accuse of using a speed hack, but I can't prove any of them since this
game is 100% black box.
The very least you could do is run a second GM check and convey to your
ever-faithful subscribers that were banned WHEN they were using the
"teleportation/speed-hack" and HOW IT IS NOT ONE OF THE MYRIAD BUGS IN
Try incorporating some kind of case-analysis before trying to do it
Because your first check was cursory at best.
Although I am tempted to fall for your scam and create another account,
I will not:
Since I was wrongly accused once for something I didn't do, why
couldn't it happen again?
I am giving you and your company 2 days to respond to this email
(nevermind that is the weekend, considering your situation you should be
working 24-hr shifts overtime), or I am going to give up and find my
entertainment elsewhere.
Lesson learned: Don't bad-mouth the Nazi-motherf**kers at Blizzard, lest you desire to lose your account.
Oh yeah, and get somebody on an Alt to post for you on the forums (if they do wrongfully ban you).
F**k you Blizzard, thank your gods that I don't live anywhere near your server-admins and employees, or else I would ban them from the planet.
Well at least I went down fighting instead of getting bored at lvl 60 (which I was only 8 lvls away from).
Or even worse... switching to Alliance.... maybe I was spared a horrible fate >.<
Horde FTW :X
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I don't know if he was cheating and nore do I necessarily care. If he was, yay for Blizzard and is he wasn't, shame on Blizzard. I would like to think Blizzard would have researched the situation before taking final action. After all they would be terminating a legit subscriber if he was not cheating which is somthing an MMO NEVER wants to do.
As for the packet sniffing software, well it IS possible to do this over a network but I would think Blizzard has no doubt encrypted the actual data being sent to prevent this. So I don't believe packet manipulation is a legit explanation in this case. Well to be honest I dont know what is a legit explanation in this case.
sucks for you