So I have a few concerns about this new FF MMO that I hope are not in the final version of the game.
It's a little long winded, so please bear with me. If you know that any of these are true, just let me know to soften the blow.
#1 - There may be no jumping. I know it seems pointless, but without that ability, I feel as though I am plastered against a 2D plane. Whether the game is in 3D or 2D, if I cannot jump it bothers me immensely. Imagine playing Mario and never being able to jump...
#2 - A mysterious invisible barrier that instantly stops me a foot away from touching all objects, like a box, wall, or lamppost. When this happens, it makes a game feel so restrictive and linear.
#3 - Unable to enter bodies of water. It is very rare to find a new 3D MMO these days that do not allow you to enter water. So rare, that I do not even know of any current ones that limit you in such a way and are of high quality.
#4 - Very slow movement speed. I understand all MMO's try to immerse you in its game-world, but I don't need it to be so immersive that it literally takes me ten minutes to walk from the bank to the auction area. FF-XI was painfully slow.
#5 - Overly complex crafting element. I love gathering things and making something functional from them to use or sell... However if I must click on little boxes 10+ times to generate 1 item of random quality or complete failure, I'm going to be very disappointed. I do not understand why there cannot be both methods of creating items -- One-click creations and the Multi click skilled creations... maybe make extremely rare recipes a skill game and all the rest one click wonders. By extremely rare, I mean extremely rare... Maybe 15 to 20 recipes require a "skill game" to complete. Another idea for having both methods would be after you have mastered a particular tier, all recipes in that tier become one-click creations. For instance, you're cooking a tier III fish recipe and you get enough cooking experience that you finally mastered tier III cooking... now that T3 fish recipe only takes one click to produce with a better chance of getting a high quality result.
#6 - All game servers may be in Japan. There is no point to explain why this would be bad. It should be common sense.
#7 - Transition animations prior to every single battle. Ok, this used to be cool I guess, but it is extremely boring now. I can see it used on boss encounters and only bosses.
#8 - Unable to tell a friend what server I am on so they can create a character on it. Never have I seen this done before...ever...until FF-XI. This better not happen again.
#9 - Artificial limitations to crafting skills. I should not have to be level 50 to be able to use certain crafting or fishing instruments. I can see you being unable to use a tier III fishing rod unless you have tier III fishing ability... just don't also make the requirement need a level 30 character as well. Levels and crafting skills should be completely independent from each other.
#10 - Artificial limitations to consumption items. It is odd to see a drink or food item that says you need to be level 65 to use it... Just make the stat increase that the item gives a percentage based on your level. If I am level 12 and want to purchase a top tier item that increases HP for three hours, then great... I give away my Gil and consume the item granting me +48 HP for three hours. At level 27 consuming the same item gives me +312 HP. ...and so on.
--- I have a feeling though... a horrible one... that all of the above concerns will be true. Every single one of them. Even
#6 which they said there would be servers in other locations this time around -- I have doubts. I just wish they'd realize that
#1 through
#8 are simply not fun in MMO's that take far more time than a single player game ever would. I guess I can only hope for the best and expect the worst. As an FF fan, I'm going to have to try it regardless.
#1 - There may be no jumping. I know it seems pointless, but without that ability, I feel as though I am plastered against a 2D plane. Whether the game is in 3D or 2D, if I cannot jump it bothers me immensely and consistently.
#2 - A mysterious invisible barrier that instantly stops me a foot away from touching all objects, like a box, wall, or lamppost. When this happens, it makes the game feel so restrictive and linear.
#3 - Unable to enter bodies of water. It is very rare to find a new 3D MMO these days that does not allow you to enter water. So rare, that I do not even know of any current ones that limit you in such a way and are of high quality.
#4 - Very slow movement speed. I understand all MMO's try to immerse you in its game-world, but I don't need it to be so immersive that it literally takes me ten minutes to walk from the bank to the auction area.
#5 - Overly complex crafting element. I love gathering things and making something functional from them to use or sell... however if I must click on little boxes 10+ times to generate 1 item of random quality or complete failure, I'm going
to be very disappointed. I do not understand why there cannot be both methods of creating items -- One-click creations and the Multi click skilled creations... maybe make extremely rare recipes a skill game and all the rest one click
wonders. By extremely rare, I mean extremely rare... Maybe 15 to 20 recipes require a "skill game" to complete. Another idea for having both methods would be after you have mastered a particular tier, all recipes in that tier become
one-click creations. For instance, you're cooking a tier III fish recipe and you get enough cooking experience that you finally mastered tier III cooking... now that T3 fish recipe only takes one click to produce.
#6 - All game servers are in Japan. There is no point to explain why this would be bad. It should be common sense.
#7 - Transition animations prior to every single battle. Ok, this used to be cool I guess, but it is extremely boring now. I can see it used on boss encounters and only bosses.
#8 - Unable to tell a friend what server I am on so they can create a character on it. Never have I seen this done before...ever...until FFXI. This better not happen again.
#9 - Artificial limitations to crafting skills. I should not have to be level 50 to be able to use certain crafting or fishing instruments. I can see you being unable to use a tier III fishing rod unless you have tier III fishing ability... just don't also
make the requirement need a level 30 character as well. Levels and crafting skills should be completely independent from each other.
#10 - Artificial limitations to consumption items. It is odd to see a drink or food item that says you need to be level 65 to use it... Just make the stat increase that the item gives a percentage based on your level. If I am level 12 and want to
purchase a top tier item that increases HP for three hours, then great... I give away my Gil and consume the item granting me +48 HP for three hours. At level 27 consuming the same item gives me +312 HP. ...and so on.
#1 - There may be no jumping. I know it seems pointless, but without that ability, I feel as though I am plastered against a 2D plane. Whether the game is in 3D or 2D, if I cannot jump it bothers me immensely and consistently.
#2 - A mysterious invisible barrier that instantly stops me a foot away from touching all objects, like a box, wall, or lamppost. When this happens, it makes the game feel so restrictive and linear.
#3 - Unable to enter bodies of water. It is very rare to find a new 3D MMO these days that does not allow you to enter water. So rare, that I do not even know of any current ones that limit you in such a way and are of high quality.
#4 - Very slow movement speed. I understand all MMO's try to immerse you in its game-world, but I don't need it to be so immersive that it literally takes me ten minutes to walk from the bank to the auction area.
#5 - Overly complex crafting element. I love gathering things and making something functional from them to use or sell... however if I must click on little boxes 10+ times to generate 1 item of random quality or complete failure, I'm going
to be very disappointed. I do not understand why there cannot be both methods of creating items -- One-click creations and the Multi click skilled creations... maybe make extremely rare recipes a skill game and all the rest one click
wonders. By extremely rare, I mean extremely rare... Maybe 15 to 20 recipes require a "skill game" to complete. Another idea for having both methods would be after you have mastered a particular tier, all recipes in that tier become
one-click creations. For instance, you're cooking a tier III fish recipe and you get enough cooking experience that you finally mastered tier III cooking... now that T3 fish recipe only takes one click to produce.
#6 - All game servers are in Japan. There is no point to explain why this would be bad. It should be common sense.
#7 - Transition animations prior to every single battle. Ok, this used to be cool I guess, but it is extremely boring now. I can see it used on boss encounters and only bosses.
#8 - Unable to tell a friend what server I am on so they can create a character on it. Never have I seen this done before...ever...until FFXI. This better not happen again.
#9 - Artificial limitations to crafting skills. I should not have to be level 50 to be able to use certain crafting or fishing instruments. I can see you being unable to use a tier III fishing rod unless you have tier III fishing ability... just don't also
make the requirement need a level 30 character as well. Levels and crafting skills should be completely independent from each other.
#10 - Artificial limitations to consumption items. It is odd to see a drink or food item that says you need to be level 65 to use it... Just make the stat increase that the item gives a percentage based on your level. If I am level 12 and want to
purchase a top tier item that increases HP for three hours, then great... I give away my Gil and consume the item granting me +48 HP for three hours. At level 27 consuming the same item gives me +312 HP. ...and so on.
Anyone that would know that about the game would be in a beta, and under a non-disclosed. Keep this post for a week or two after the game comes out.
Personally, I think 1 will be true. It will suck, but the FF style could easily keep it out. 2 and 3 I would hope won't be, and any game you had this issue in probably did not have high production values, or was rather old. 4... No idea, but I too hope it's faster than 11.
I have issues with 5. If only the super rare items required a skill game, then people would not have practice with the game. It's not a good idea to make the level 100 Giant Sword that took 5 hours to farm the materials for the first time you had played the mini-game with a risk of loss-failure.
I really don't think servers would be Japan only, at least not when the game is launched state-side. 8 is a legitimate concern and all the crap you have to go through to get set up in 11 HAS to be improved for 14 or that alone will scare away alot of players.
9 and 10 I have little opinion on. I prefer a game just have a fast out of combat regen and forgo food type items all together (A la WAR) or just make food items buffs/in-combat heals, not something you arbitrarily have to sit around and eat after every fight. And the limitation on using crafting items is very, very likely, considering there are going to dedicated crafting classes in 14.
Hopefully that helped and, again, it's pretty much just opinions and my own hopes.
-Been there, done that: Xsyon, WoW, EVE, Maplestory, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, FF11, Rift
-Currently playing: Not MMOs
-Wants to check out: SWTOR, Dark Millennium
#1 and #2 are in the game. You can't jump and because of that you will sometimes encounter invisible walls.
Since everyone is under a NDA, I can speak for everyone when I say: Alpha testing!
#1: [quote]Imagine playing Mario and never being able to jump... [/quote]
An invalid statement. In Mario games you need to jump to reach content of the game. In FF14, you don't. I'm not sure whether jumping will be implemented in the game. Read some of the interviews.
#2: Alpha Testing.
#3: There will be swimming because you need to swim to certain islands. Again, read the interviews.
#4: Alpha Testing.
#5: Don't know.
#6-10: Alpha Testing.
As I usually say, I judge based on the prior showings of before. Yes its a new game HOWEVER its the same developers too. I'll have to agree with the concerns on crafting. No I'm not in beta but unless SE did something dramatically insane to crafting that results in an overhaul or had some new insight that they never had during FF11, I really can't see crafting not eventually becoming a "broke" system. Frankly synergy from FF11 was complicated but also begs to ask "was this something they released to see whether it'd be applicable in FF14"? As for concerns on the terrain, I'll go on record and say I always get annoyed by being stopped by a 1 ft rock's invisible barrier that stops me from stepping on it BUT I at least have had enough mmorpg gaming experience and programming hindsight to say I at least can see a reason for that invisible wall. I just reserve the right to get annoyed by it. On the brighter side, if SE spends the right amount of cash and gets the pings right, servers will be fine, I'm more concerned with "artificial latency" where they just say "oh they're far away from the server lets give them a latency that favors them so whenever they claim a mob it looks unclaimed on everyone elses monitor but they can't claim it and look dumb standing there trying to claim it".
There are cases when you are in a higher latitude like only even a feet higher and you can't jump down. You have to go in circles in flat terrain to reach what was only one jump away. I've seen it and it really hurts the freedom of travelling.
That is not true. The only times when I couldn't fall down were so high that I would have hurt myself if I did so.
For smaller dropdowns, there is no invisible walls. If you could jump from that height in real life without getting hurt, you can do that in XIV as well.
It's not an invalid statement. The developers of Mario easily decided that giving him the ability to jump made the game better. It was probably such an obvious choice that they didn't even have debate whether to have that ability or not. They could have made Mario just run in a straight line and throw shells, but that would be stupid. It is just as stupid to not be able to jump in an MMO or practically any 3D game in an open world. There's just no way I can truly emote my disappointment in not being able to jump. Only in Final Fantasy games do I try to ignore that critical missing element.
I can see where they might have believed that jumping is not wanted or necessary given that the first FF games were overworld views, then more of an iso view with FF-VI, but they continued that trend with FF-VII and beyond to their first MMO. That was a bad mistake and I know they could have done it. Jumping is so critical to me that the instant I realized you couldn't jump in FF-XI, which was after taking 3 hours to go through the install registration process, it really killed me. I truly believe that if they added jumping, even if it doesn't help you in any way, that the game will be more enjoyable. Oh well, I might as well stop ranting about it... most people won't even read this far, heh.
Basically it all comes down to this.
I'm sorry to hear about your wicked relationship to said feature, but I'm not going blame SE for not implementing a feature that doesn't help you or add any substance to the game in any way.
Only people like you will be turned off by the lack of jumping function, and I think SE is willing to lose that 0,000001% of potential subscriptions if they don't have to mess with an unneeded feature.
Seems that you only had one real concern after all, so you could have just posted your opinion that everyone surely wants to know on the jumping thread that currently exists.
Heh another block of complaints...if you have that much worry and concern then why are you even interested in FFXIV. Go play something that you know has those features and stop with the whining, "oh this better have or else"; we don't care if you're not going to play it if you can't jump around like a chicken with its head cut off, go play a game that allows it and begone....sheesh
Wait so this is a topic complaining about jumping... lol..
If there is no jumping in the game then it doesn't serve a purpose and would be pointless otherwise... I'd add a duh but that would be rude. I've never played a game where I was like "awwww booo I wish they had jumping." That just seems like the last thing that should be on anyone's mind. How often do we jump in real life anyway? Not very for the most part other than little hops and skips.
Bottom line: I didn't miss it in FFXI or any other Final Fantasy game for that matter. Probably wont miss it in this one... Final Fantasy XI was one of the most immersive MMOs I ever played and I never once thought "oh this game would be cool if only I could jump." Or "This game would feel more realistic and immersive if I could jump right now." ... I mean... seriously? -_-
Good information Hyanmen, thanks.
Nor in other poorly received titles such as Resident Evil 4-5, Metal Gear Solid 2-4, Fallout 2, Demon's Souls, Batman: Arkham Asylum and the list goes on and on...
The bottom line is, that jumping is not a function that should be automatically in every game, it is a function that is added in if the gameplay needs it.
Indeed... and to put the point even more into light... Mario, Prince of Persia, or Ratchet and Clank ect are games where you SHOULD have jumping as the game is built with elements using that particular mechanics...
Why do you wish for jumping so much? if you want to jump go play WoW! heres question for you do you Jump every single day every were you go in real life? no you don't that why they dont need to impalment jumping in most mmos, wow was one of the frist to add jumping now everyone thinks jumping is a must i think jumping from pont a to b is just pointless and a waste of resores to add that in FFXIV.
i can see were you want jumping just to jump for fun or jump uup a ledge of a mountain or cliff face but if they add jumping in FFXIV it will just be stupid like it was in wow were 5million dumb ass people just jump all day and jump around in pvp like fools which made the combat so boring as stupid just because they wanted to jump around you over and over making it hard to fight back if you didn't like to jump around and you wanted to duel str8 up. without having to damn jump all the time, WoW made jumping stupid now evreyone wants jumping like mario, but thats why i hate mario who the hell jumps all the time in real life everyday noone thats why it shouldnt be in FFXIV.
but if they add jumping in FFXIV they need to make it were it has a stamina effect so you can spam jump the whole time making it so it has a real life feel to it like hya said before walls are there because who in there right mind in real life is gonna jump off a mountian and not die or take dmg if it is to high up it's not needed in the game at all its just a fun option to have yes but only if you can't spam it like in wow which made wow feel to kidish to me.
jumping with mounts jumpingrandomly jumping in Pvp jumping while fighting monsters its just retarded if they add jump it needs to have a stmina timer on it saying you can only jump like 5x every 5-10mins not an infinnate amount of jumping it wouldjust make it feel like a WoW rippoff.
which no FF fan wants i thought jumping in an mmo was stupid to beagin with to behonest with you its not needed at all. swimming on the other hand is needed to get from point a to b like say you have a guild leve it says go kill the monster on that island but if you cant swim to it when its right in front of you and you ave to take a boat its kinda stupid so i can see were people want swimming in FFXIV.
which is in the game from what i read which is good but i dont think jumping is needed i dont see jumping being useful at all in FFXIV if you have to jump then make it so the PC char you play asauto jumps at points in the game when its needed and nothing else. not trying to sound like an ass hole about it but jumping endlessly is kinda stupid...
hI have to disagree about jumping. I know some people like to be able to jump even if it's inconsequential, but, I'm exactly the opposite way. Seeing a bunch of people jumping around in circles at an outpost for no other reason than they can ruins a game for me. It's true that this is a very faulty premise to base my opinion of a game on, but then, so is the opposite.
Not adding jumping is just lazy. And people who get ticked off by other people jumping is just their problem. I find it rediculous to have to walk around for 10 minutes to reach a place where you would have gotten there in a second by jumping.
(I'm talking about area's with altitude differences, without jumping you have to follow the path all the way down but with jumping you could just jump down . )
Seriously people stop judging a game based on a Early as hell alpha where most of the crap doesn't even work properly. Wait till open beta then judge (OB in my eyes is bascally the relese client) Also if you'd played ff11 you'd know by now that square has a guy whos sole job is to make everything takes as long as frigging possible to do.
I personally call FF11: Final Fantasty timesink. Since so much stuff in the game takes a stupdily long amount of time for how simple some of the stuff is.
"An MMORPG could be completely diffirent from WoW. Just look at games like Dofus, Wizard101 or EVE. But as it is, most of the Western MMOs are trying to succeed by out-WoWing WoW. It's like an army of 10 sports games made about same sports, and barely none about other sports. WoW clone is an accurate description of those games, it manages to convey much information with only two words."
-Poster on
Rift: World of Warcraft clone #9321 Nothing special to see here move along.
Actually, No you are incorrect. FFXI only had Japanese based servers, still does only have them, many people argue that it didn't make a bit of difference, however if you question them enough they'll admit it was a few tenths of a second delay at least, and a second delay at most.
Whats a second?
When you are claiming a world boss its "too late" even two tenths of a second is still too late if you didn't get claim because of it.
.2 seconds or 1 second or any amount of lag time that is added because they dont' want to localize servers. What does the NA branch of SE do exactly?
I really hope they make some servers in NA and EU so that way there is no home field advantange.
That stopped being a problem in 2005. Before then, yes it was a ridiculously huge advantage for the JP shells when it came to claiming.
You're also assuming that SE would go the same idiotic route of world spawn bosses for endgame gear. Now i'm just assuming, but that's one lesson above all that i think they learned. Again, we don't know yet.
Or create the content in a way that there is no home field advantage (as they have, surprising!).