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Well I have decided to take a break from this game for a while after this. Giving away most of the exclusive pre-order content so early in the game....
There's going to be some very unhappy players now, especially those that purchased the lifetime subs... I did pre-order and did have some exclusives of my own. Luckily I went with the 1 month sub plan.
I would like to know what the rest of you think...
Developers are so quick when it comes to things that are directly monetized, heh.
Not even one year has passed...
I thought the idea of selling multiple copies to stack pre order bonuses was greedy and ridiculous to begin with. Im not surprised to see them screw over the people who fell for their bs.
They alreadyt gave the tos uniforms away free a while back. Why would they put them up for cash when most people already have them?
When you have people all over the boards claiming they'll $10-20 for TOS constitution, of course cryptic is going to be all over that like white on rice.
When a company is known for chasing a dollar for doing the absolute minimum, should any of this be surprising? I feel no pity for people that forked over the cash for a lifetime sub for the "exclusive bonuses", because the whole thing smelled funny from the start. Search this section, I am sure there are some threads at least from that time.
And further, since Cryptic basically stuck it to everyone who purchased by releasing a half finshed and less than half featured game to begin with, that they would further bleed people for everything they can is no surprise whatsoever. The word is out on this title, and I'll give everyone one guess on how good the overall gaming community thinks this game is....
IMO the only people who have a right to bitch are the people who bought the CO lifetime subs for the STO exclusives, because that was before Cryptic updated the FAQ to basically say that, yes, they may someday put "exclusives" in the C-store, whether or not I think people who spent $250 or w/e for a digital item are fools notwithstanding.
I'm literally LOL'ing at the people who spent multiples of $50 on more boxes of the game for a digital item and are crying that these items will soon be in the C-store for a fraction of that, and at Cryptic's marketing for once again taking a dump on their loyal customers.
WoW, I never thought I'd see the day where company could make money selling pixels and rpg titles. LOL If they are selling that stuff, making exclusives non-exclusives, and changing the rules as they see the market change, I mean why not! You purchased 5 different boxes to get exclusive????
AHAHAHA!!! Please allow me to laugh while I ride toward the sunset on my celestial mount.
On top of this there appears to be a Galaxy Dreadnaught threadnaught starting about the Galaxy X not being available/being bugged.
To me more than anything else Cryptic has done, them linking all the different pre-order bonuses to actual copies of the game showed their sheer greed. Sure most MMOs have different pre-order items available depending on which store you get them from, but those items are linked to pre-order codes and not actual game boxes. That they are now making them all available, before the game has reached the one year mark, is just sad.
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
Not sure why anyone would think this so sad since every game I have ever seen that did pre-order items has done this. None of them hold off long after the initial release. This is NORMAL! Plus it is a who cares. None of these items offer anything of substance to the game. They where just neat little extras used for marketing hype. If you bought them thinking you where getting something special then you where dupped but again that happens in every game.
I have a soap box and I am not afraid to use it.
Are you crazy? The speed Cryptic goes about trying to snatch up as much money as possible seems like a mid-afternoon cartoon.
I'm not sure if you're only playing Cryptic games but this doesn't happen in every game.
Let me ask you all a question, is this really a surprise coming from Cryptic?
LOL you're either a liar or have only played Cryptic games. For one, not every MMO has a monthly subscription AND a substantial cash shop. To this day, SWG has never made the preorder bonus available. LotRO still has items that only preorder and/or lifetime subscriber got. AoC gave away some of the preorder perks out as incentives to new subs a YEAR after launch, but not all of them, and not this soon. They are the only MMOs I've preordered or bought CEs of, so maybe others can give other examples of how wrong you are.
Most of the people that accepted the fact that *eventually* most of the preorder bonuses would end up in the C-store probably figured a year or so later, or after the LTSs had paid for themselves, and not four months after launch. This is just yet another desperate cash grab from a failing game. Apparently, some people do care, otherwise there wouldn't be threads about it in the official forums, although personally, I wouldn't really give a crap.
It's funny...some of those fanbots on the official forums will defend ANYTHING Cryptic does. I know some of those same people defending putting those preorder bonuses in the cash shop defended the Galaxy-X being a referral "exclusive", and six months from now (assuming the game is still alive) will defend the Galaxy-X being in the C-store.
It's almost embarrassing to watch, isn't it?
They are not all available like the anitmatter battery, automated defense turret, chryo armor, phaser rifle etc so to say all is quite wrong in fact. I saw my lifer perks being in the c-store and part of the rewards the day I bought it and It was mentioned in the preorder faq that the preorder items would probably end up in the c-store..
This is actually incorrect, not only for the reasons others pointed out above, but also for the reason I gave in my previous post; other MMOs such as AoC, WAR, and many others offered preorder bonuses but did not link those bonuses to actual copies of the game. They linked them to preorder codes and didn't require people to actually buy a copy of the game and then use the game's activation code to actually get the item. That is what is so crummy about what Cryptic is doing here. If they had waited at least a yera to do this, then it would not be as bad (though anyone who bought multiple copies of the game would still have a legitimate complaint). While you may not care, don't be so quick to assume that the people who paid for those extra copies of the game are happy with it.
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
cryptc said alot of the pre-order items would appear in the c-store so why is this a shock to everyone. Is it alittle early ya but in all honesty everyone saw this coming. Also everything that they are offering in the c-store are fluff pieces.
They eventually said that, and that is the problem; with STO (and CO to a lesser extent), Cryptic hasn't been upfront from the beginning everytime they have offered stuff like this. For example when the Mirror, Mirror uniform was offered as a STO perk for those who purchased a lifetime subscription to Champions Online, Cryptic originally let everyone believe when the offer first became available that the only time the uniform offer would be available was then. In a similar fashion, when the STO lifetime subscriptio was first offered it was made to read as if the lifetime subscription would only be made available for a limited time, just like the CO offer was.
Being clear and concise has been a problem with Cryptic both with CO and STO; there were so many times where they stated something, people had a fit, and then they step back in days later and say "Oh, no! That's not what we meant! This is what we really meant to say!" A lot of bad PR could have been avoided if they had just thought about what they were saying in interviews or posting in the forums and made sure everything was clear from the beginning (a good example would be the closed beta access they sold bundled with the CO 6-month and lifetime subscriptions).
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
Once again Cryptic shows it sees customers only as a never ending money tree to shake down anytime they need a spot o cash.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
rofl very good
OR PM ME FOR A BUDDY KEY (need your email address).
Ned Beatty finally gets his revenge? o.O
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
I don't like exclusives. Cryptic went way overboard with the exclusives.
Upcoming C-Store Release
Not everything planned for the upcoming C-Store is listed below and dates are tentative
Pack 7 - June 15
KLG Bridge Pack - Raptor
FED Costume Pack - DS9
FED Costume Pack - MU
FED Costume Pack - TNG
FED COstume Pack - TOS
FED Costume Pack - Wrath of Khan
FED Light Cruiser - TOS USS Enterprise
FED NX Ship Registry Prefix
FED Playable Fed Species: "Caitian" (crossing fingers)
FED/KLG Playable Species: "Joined Trill"
FED Borg Bridge Officer
KLG Borg Bridge Officer
KLG Pet - "Targ"
Emote - Bloodwine
Emote - Khan
"Rivera" Tribble
wow 4 months and they put all the exclusives up on cstore? I would have thought they would have waited a little longer but I guess if people are willing to throw money at them....
Everyone kept asking for cryptic to release them. So they did