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Ok, let me start off by saying that I personally was expecting this and am not upset by this. I make no judgements on it, but I didn't notice if it was talked about yet so here it is.
In the video of the sith inquisiter on her starting planet about half-way through she begins fighting groups of NPCs. Every time she kills one you can notice that there is a text updating her on how many, out of 10, she has killed. So for anyone out there who believes that there are not going to be quests like this, the video seems to say otherwise.
Now, it's still in beta, its just one quest, etc. etc. However, the fact that it is in there does indicate that those types of quests will be present. It might change of course, but personally I would be expecting them.
Here's the link:
(Third video down)
EDIT: For those who continue to only read this post and none of the others. The reason I am saying this is not because I disagree with it. However, I have seen others on the forums believe that these sorts of quests will not be in the game. While I always disagreed with those people there was no hard evidence of that until now. I am posting this to illuminate those who still believe that this game will not be like most other MMOs in regards of quests.
In a few hands on demo reviews I've read they said that, yes there will be "kill 10 clowns" quests, etc. which they found as being part of the side quests throughout the world, though that isn't ALL they have.
Some of the kill X bears quests are inevitable. To not have any would be unrealistic. Repetition is part of all achievements, whether its real life, like growing stronger, or in a game to achieve a goal. It becomes cumbersome when ever 2nd quest makes you kill 15 turtleducks.
I agree that it is inevitable for an MMO, but I know there were others who felt that this was going to be the MMO where we never had to do anything like that. I am, personally, hoping that it doesn't turn out to be a lot of them. However, I don't think I would really be upset or surprised if we saw more of them than the demos indicated when the game comes out.
That being said, I have to say that I am starting to get the feel that this is indeed a full-fleged MMO more and more so I think the people who say this is a single-player online game should be taking some more looks at the game.
I read the same thing, that apparently those are part of side quests and not the main story arc.
I'm with you on that one, I really hope they keep those quests to a minimum. Honestly though I don't think they'll be able to do it. They say that the content is way over the top, I've never seen an MMO even with a quarter of the content TOR is pledging to be in game to do anything BUT have kill X amount quests and Fedex quests multiple times, in multiple chains.
The story arc is where I think we'll see the most diverse quests, as well as the arcing group quests, but I don't think that will make up the entirety of the content we'll be playing through. I have a good feeling we'll see many of the MMO questing mainstays repeated numerous times.
Its one of those things I've just come to expect from an MMO. If they make combat exciting enough, it won't feel like a chore like it does in other games.
I guess it is the context and how much overall part of the game it makes. So out of context it is impossible to judge. Generally, what did you expect in a MMO? Killing just DOES take a major part. *shrug*
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I guess that OP is just refering to those raving lunatics who said that Bioware is doing this and that and it will be nothing like the previous MMOs story-wise. Having a quest to kill a said number of critters is likely there to provide a meaningful leveling curve. Then again, if the pacing of "leveling quests" and "story quests" is off balance it can make the game feel like a simple mob grind instead of it being an immersive story. This is one of the dilemmas they have to face at Bioware: How much story content they can justify per level to make it financially sustainable? It is much like leveling dungeons in other themepark MMOs; if you don't have them people will feel they are missing something but their value to the game's longevity is next to nothing.
All-in-all, killing quests are bread and butter of MMOs. With poor quest design you can make it feel like a grind, whereas well-designed quests make you feel that you are actually achieving something whilst killing those critters. Hence, the quest mentioned by OP seems to be something like this as there is also some other achievement linked to simple "kill 10 Xs" quest. Say, you are cutting down the numbers and shutting down their super-machine of goodness/ebilness. Still, Daniel Erickson should maybe stay quiet for a while for he is actually fuelling people's beliefs that there will be no single such critter killing quest in the game (viz. Darth Hater interview from E3).
Ok, i see many people complaining about quests about killing mobs. Very well then.
Stop complaining and start writing your ideas about how quests should be, cuz im really interested in knowing what type of quests do you want, since TOR will even allow us to choose our answers and modify our path along the way in terms of factions etc. Much like a true RPG, wich is great, for the first time a game will let us personalize our standings with all kinds of factions by the simple way we choose to answer them.
What do I care if I have to kill 10 mobs? Thats pretty much how works are done in real life. Someone hires you to do something, and you do it or you dont, period.
Work in real life pays you. Work in an mmo you pay to do. Simple enough. Anyone else see the flaw here?
And I wondered why my friends said they didn't like the TOR community. Did you read my post at all before you assumed I was complaining about something? Or did you miss the multiple times I said I was not against it? Then you go on to talk about how we can choose our standing in our faction which has nothing to do with this at all. Finally you compare playing a video game to work.
Is this supposed to be a real response?
100% correct. I have read threads more than a few times that have people saying that this will be just like KotOR and ME in terms of story, and that killing 10 sith is against some "Bioware Code" (which is the title of the next Dan Brown novel ). It doesn't ever seem to matter how many times people tell them that an MMO has to work differently to some extent. I made this to try and keep people from having those unrealistic expectations.
This is a mainstream themepark MMO. No surprise.
For me, from the vids, leaks and interviews this game has always seemed to be pretty standard mmo wise with a more indepth sort of solo/small group story arc added, this where I think much of the instance type play will take place.
It's no bad thing, mmo's are how they are for a reason, people like them and to change a lot of the fundamentals would be too much risk for too much investment.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
You win eleventy billion internets!
Thanks for the laugh!
Long ago Bioware made some sweeping comments one was about multiple players ganging up to take down a boss mob and another was about every combat feeling heroic and not just being the killing of 10 rats. Now we have seen in the group combat a group bashing a boss mob and from the hands on demo that you will be killing 10 space rats or slugs. I don't think this should come as much of a surprise to anyone, its an MMO. You can't just have slaying one opponent and then returning or you are going to be through the game very quickly and they want to keep you playing and paying for many months.
I do think it shows a little of the inexperience of Bioware in the MMO market. A lot of times this E3 they spoke about if other mmo's have it we will or it will be wow like or if wow and war have it then we will have it or they will see how testing goes and decide from then. This makes me feel they lack an overal design structure, rather than having a vission of what the game is going to be, they decided they were going to have story and add this to the MMO. And now they realise that isn't an MMO thats just one of 4 pillars and now they are lacking a vission so they start looking to other MMO's. And realising that you have to have boss fights, you have to have kill 10 rats and you have to have PvP and crafting. What we will see though may end up being a mess where these things weren't part of the orginial concept and overlooked and now have to be forced into the game.
Bioware has a good reputation for story and making the quests that they comprise interesting and varied. The 'kill ten rats' missions we hvae seen during the gameplay sequences released atr E3 do seem rather simple; however, that may just be because they are 'starter missions' designed to get the player used to the controls and conventions of the game.
I hope youre right about the factions because all latest BW games and your answers in them dont really affect your game experience (look at ME or Kotor, yeah somebody dies, someone dont, something is destroyed or not...a simple 10sec cinematic is all you get)
And about the quests: Well instead of kill 10 a simple clean this area of clowns (where there would be 10 clowns) is much nicer and looks less grindy
Sith way: Punish those traitors punish, you spill your evility all over the place until a holocom tells you enough of need for number bar..
should I continue?...and Im not paid 153483gazzillions of dollars...
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Unfortunately I think we all saw it coming. For whatever reason MMO creators just can't understand the fact that they don't have to put us on a roller coaster and control the whole experience. I just wish they would give us the tools and an open world to control our selves.
This game reminds me more of WAR than any other game. I love a lot of things about TOR, but I am so burned out on having a task list of quests to complete for XP. I just want to kill bad guys for XP when I feel like it and explore on my own oppose to being told where to go and and what to kill with quests. It is a let down for me, but nothing I didn't expect.
Well, I do wish they had found a way to not have kill X of creature B quests. So that instead you got "eliminate the nest/base/whatever of X" and you'd go there, kill/chase away all of them, and be done. Yeah, probably killing the same number, but it feels a lot different. More complicated to program, I admit, as ideally you'd want challenges to change dynamically a bit. That said, seems like that's the direction GW2 is going, so it isn't impossible.
I always see people bitching about these kinds of quests... but the truth is, there's not a whole lot of other interesting types of quests that could be done. If you want a quest where combat is involved, it boils down to killing x.
Exactly. And some random NPC text box asking me to go kill X amount of clowns is different than being caught up on the story and gameplay and being convinced to go kill x amount of clowns for a good reason. Mass Effect 2 had kill x of y quests but they didn't were good because the story and gameplay was good and presented to the player in a really rich way.
Name me one Bioware game that didn't have "traditional" quests along side the main storyline.
Don't waste your time, they all do!
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
As you do the main "story quest" you also get quests from maybe an npc you save, a data file thingy on the ground. These are the normal, go here click that, kill these mobs, etc. But it works towards the overall story. And not...collect 10 bare asses so I can give you a knife....
I would think most people would expect kill quests and the like in any mmo. Just there is no where near the main focus on it like other games.
I have no idea why you are stating the obvious here, there is not a single MMO now or in the future that ISN'T going have these types of quests, because of the thousands upon thousands of quests that need to be in these types of games in order to advance without mob grinding, otherwise the companies would need 10+ years in developement only for quests.
I'm going to come down hard on Bioware for this. They just shouldn't do it. There is no excuse and there is no reason.
All the developers have to do is NOT specify the X. Whether it is a number to be killed or a number to be collected, never make it more than 3 unless there is a logical reason (like needing 4 wheels for a car). Have the NPC scratch his chin, look worried, and say "Well, that's gonna need a phi-driver or I'm a Sith Lord. Make sure you get a few just in case." Sure, contrive things so we'll probably have to kill 20 whatever, but don't set us a quest objective that deliberately and mind-numbingly makes us watch a count to 10.
Really, what the hell does it matter that we end up killing 8 instead of 10?
The time in MMOs to ask players to obviously grind like this should be OVER. GW2 realises it. TOR should too.
I saw this video, and really, I'm sitting on the green grass side of the lawn. These kill 'X' quests do not scare me at all, as this is the basic formula for any type of quest or a mission, some may elaborate slightly, but it all boils down to this simple Kill 'x'.
The major highlight of this game will be to play in a un-explored star wars universe and experience a story, whether you choose to live this story with a friend or not, is your choice. But the these main campaign quests are extraordinary, so to hell with these minor side quests of kill 'x' ! No big deal at all, the campaign will be highly satisfying if I go by my previous experience with Bioware's franchise.
No one else agree....?