I'm guessing this game is primarily built with a controller in mind and therefore anyone playing using the traditional PC style of mouse and keyboard is going to need time to adjust to the controls, no wonder then this video shows someone at the beginning stage of getting their hands and head around an alien control system. Some of the comments have been less than thoughtful *sigh*.
As a combat video, yeah it sucked but at least we get to see something of the world, looks OK. I'll reserve any judgment on combat until I get to play. Scrub that last comment
If I wanted turn based strategy I would play SC2. This is just boring and the typical "go play wow" answer is well typical of those who can't handle criticism. Hey, throw wow out as a red herring and get people on the anti-wow bandwagon and maybe they'll forget that this game is junk.
SC2 is a real-time strategy game dude!
I think all anyone is trying to explain to you is that FF mmo is a very different game from WoW. If you don't like FF maybe just move on?
lol ... yeah glad I had decided to pass on this one. I'll stick with the more action oriendted combat systems and games that require some strategy and tactics beyond the generic holy trinity lol. Fairly done with those for awhile.
No strategy or tactics needed. Get a healer, tank and some DPS. Healer keeps tank alive, tank keeps hate, everyone else kills. It got boring in FFXI and not ready to do another couple of years doing the same thing. Time for games to evolve and start requiring some real tactics and strategy some look like they are FFXIV certainly isn't one of them.
To each there own, this is just my opinion on the matter.
No strategy or tactics needed? You must be kidding me, and you said you played FFXI?
Dude, FFXI might not be unrealisticly difficult but not all encounters are tank and spank like that. Try those BCs with standard party configuration and see how tough that is. I have not played in a long time but back then even the 5 Ark Angels fight was pretty rough if you are not using 18 blm configuration. The RDM last limit break was also pretty challenge back then.
As for the combat speed in the video, it looks like about equal with FFXI currently which is not really that bad. While some jobs in FFXI have monotonic combat style, many jobs demand lots of attention and fast reaction (like ninja tanking, fastcast + stun...)
will be perfectly fine if combat really is filled with tactical decisions to make, be great to have time to chat about it then. but if its just sit and wait for the attacks you know will make this fight a piece of cake, the combat side will annoy me.
and now since when have WoW and EQ2 combat speed been twitch style gameplay. have always loved EQ2s relaxed pace, feeling ok fast in fights you dont know....but not faster than "non been gaming all my childhood away" ppl could learn to follow.
saying WoW and EQ2 in same breath, never played wow past lvl 14 or so, but ppl claim the combat is smooth, didnt quite feel that, but then EQ2 you dont have main part of your spells till lvl 35....and not all till lvl 80. well higher if you slack on getting AAs and missed out on what makes the game great p
either way,. as said before FFXIV to me aint a combat game, but a proper adventure game (even if still lack to show its true adventure "meat" to me, but started out great) just find it weird to focus on combat in this kind of game.
ow and yeas controls is annoying when you aint used to console controllers, but easy to get hang of once figured what moves what and done it for an hour or so. just hope they will enhance the WASD + mouse controls, atm no reason to use the mouse at all...might be better in beta version.
You can only blame so much on the operator if the controls arnt intuitive enough for a semi-noob to use. Because he(?) had to be a gamer if he was at E3 and was part of the MMORPG.com's team? *raised eyebrows at MikeB*
But they really should have had an over-the-shoulder lockable camera view.
And yea!!!, to the asian-anime-style of jumping attacks the crab did.
Ohh and all the running after the low health creatures!!! Woot! "You have to chase that guy down now.", "Yup keep running.", "You can sheath your weapon to run faster.", "Yeah keep running, he went that way."
So I decided to watch this to better gauge the camera controls. And yeah, he (the games producer) was still having a semi-hard time lining up to the crab to make an attack.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
I usually watch people argue it out but this time i decided to share my opinion.
Look this is for the ignorant people, im not here to defend FFXIV but evry game that people will just jump from topic to topic look at a video of a demo presentation or pictures and make a half baked opinion on thinking that their god and evrybody should lisen to them. Truth is their opinion dosent mean nothing especially when they start with o this game looks like shit or the other half brained BS. If somebody actually took the time to 1) Watch Video's (more than one) 2) Check pictures 3) Try the beta or even the game ( As i said this is for all games not just ffxiv, (since its only in alpha evrything can change form one day to the next). Then based their opinion on what they say and experienced it would add a whole new level of depth to discussing Pro VS. Cons in a game forum rather then people lacking in common sense to hop on the forum and spew crap out like this game is shit or the combat sux.
Take your time and please think before you post. (Dont say anything especially if you gonna spew some retarded shit from your mouth, and make urself look like a fool.)
Even though this game is a brother to FFXI the combat may seem the same to people but if they took the time to look at diffrent video or pictures around the net official or leaked. You will see that they made significant improvements on to the combat and as i said this game is in ALPHA. And im not gonna post the improvements since if you took ur time to look at the vids/pics you would have noticed them unless your lack of inteligence is blinding you.
lol ... yeah glad I had decided to pass on this one. I'll stick with the more action oriendted combat systems and games that require some strategy and tactics beyond the generic holy trinity lol. Fairly done with those for awhile.
No strategy or tactics needed. Get a healer, tank and some DPS. Healer keeps tank alive, tank keeps hate, everyone else kills. It got boring in FFXI and not ready to do another couple of years doing the same thing. Time for games to evolve and start requiring some real tactics and strategy some look like they are FFXIV certainly isn't one of them.
To each there own, this is just my opinion on the matter.
No strategy or tactics needed? You must be kidding me, and you said you played FFXI?
Dude, FFXI might not be unrealisticly difficult but not all encounters are tank and spank like that. Try those BCs with standard party configuration and see how tough that is. I have not played in a long time but back then even the 5 Ark Angels fight was pretty rough if you are not using 18 blm configuration. The RDM last limit break was also pretty challenge back then.
As for the combat speed in the video, it looks like about equal with FFXI currently which is not really that bad. While some jobs in FFXI have monotonic combat style, many jobs demand lots of attention and fast reaction (like ninja tanking, fastcast + stun...)
I've done a ton of BCNM's, I can solo several of them lol. So yeah.... you can't really consider it strategic when things never change. Most people can go look on FFXIclopdia and look up how to beat a BCNM, Mission Arena, or w/e....
So no lol, unpredictable AI would require strategy and tactics to win. That however isn't something you will see in FFXIV meaning that the slow combat is just that... slow combat. It has it's fans.... I'm just not one of them anymore. It's not strategic, it doesn't promote tactics, it's just slow and borring.
But as I said... thats just my opinion. Your intitled to yours just as I am intitled to mine
I mean seriously FFXI required so much strategy and tactics that I watched TV, Hulu or movies while I played........ and still managed to do my missions, parties, BCNM's, etc. just fine lol.
I mean seriously FFXI required so much strategy and tactics that I watched TV, Hulu or movies while I played........ and still managed to do my missions, parties, BCNM's, etc. just fine lol.
I along with thousands if not millions of other people could say the same thing about almost every MMO out right now. Once you know a fight and pick up on what you need to look for and what you can ignore they become easy. Just like any other game. Don't even bring up PvP either because I've done it lots of times in PvP, especially PvP instances. Even in open PvP I could pick a nice viewing spot with lots of cover, only one entry and a decent amount of foot traffic. Just relax and lay back until I see someone and pounce on 'em, kill them in a few seconds and go right back to my spot, or prefably a similar nearby spot.
No doubt people will be able to do this same half AFK behavior in TERA, SWTOR, Rift and many others. Its just something that happens when you play a game a lot. Going to keep happening until they come up with some ground breaking AI that is both unpredictable but also controllable by developers.
Until then only real way to make it so people have to pay attention 100% is severely lowering the margin for error and recovery.
Well gray ghost considering Hulu launched in 2008 while XI launched in 2002 I think your frame of reference is a bit within your own mind with regards FF.
Well gray ghost considering Hulu launched in 2008 while XI launched in 2002 I think your frame of reference is a bit within your own mind with regards FF.
Well gray ghost considering Hulu launched in 2008 while XI launched in 2002 I think your frame of reference is a bit within your own mind with regards FF.
? ....... I said watch hulu, watch TV and movies.
TV has been commercially avaible since the 1930's?
And Video cassetes came out in the 1970's, meaning since 1970 I could watch movies at home!
So...... I'm not understanding what point you were trying to make. I actually quit playing FFXI 2010... which is this year..... so..... could you reply back and let me know what your point was?
I mean seriously FFXI required so much strategy and tactics that I watched TV, Hulu or movies while I played........ and still managed to do my missions, parties, BCNM's, etc. just fine lol.
I along with thousands if not millions of other people could say the same thing about almost every MMO out right now. Once you know a fight and pick up on what you need to look for and what you can ignore they become easy. Just like any other game. Don't even bring up PvP either because I've done it lots of times in PvP, especially PvP instances. Even in open PvP I could pick a nice viewing spot with lots of cover, only one entry and a decent amount of foot traffic. Just relax and lay back until I see someone and pounce on 'em, kill them in a few seconds and go right back to my spot, or prefably a similar nearby spot.
No doubt people will be able to do this same half AFK behavior in TERA, SWTOR, Rift and many others. Its just something that happens when you play a game a lot. Going to keep happening until they come up with some ground breaking AI that is both unpredictable but also controllable by developers.
Until then only real way to make it so people have to pay attention 100% is severely lowering the margin for error and recovery.
It's called PvP lol. And no worries, I think my days of bland combat on top of bland AI are over. I can't do it anymore. If the combat system is at least fun then I can handle the bland AI, if not I can't.
This is why I said this is just my opinion. Your not required to agree with me, but I am allowed to feel the way I do with out your consent
FFXI actually did a few things I look forward to in the future. Besieged, Campaign and the skill chains with magic bursting. I also liked Garrison. Those are things I hope to see more of, but not the slow slow combat system.
And SC'ing kind of fell out of popularity in FFXI after the first year or 2, so I'm not very optomistic about seeing it again
On a happy note though GW2 seems to have a system similar. Player A creates a ring of fire, Player B shoots an arrow through it which lights the arrow on fire. So tthere is hope
Many of u said its too slow and u rather stick with more action based combat which i think is fine and in the end just personal preferences....but correct me now if i am wrong here but does it really hurt to use tactic in your fights actually plan your steps and do it right instead of being a berserk er all the time??
And guys lets be honest here what we get from most mmos has nothing to do with how u would fight in rl in rl u r planing your moves u r not just rushing in and swing your fists as fast as possible. (at least not if u plan to win tho lol)
While i would have to agree that the fight speed shown might have been too slow even for a more tactic based fighting do i believe that a lot of that could be changed with the proper use of skills and a better planing of your stamina bar (at least i hope so) talking of which i just LOVE the stamina idea that's an awesome feature which is well known for rpgs and hopefully over long time will make its way into MMORPGs in general as well.
It is not the speed,that is the problem,i have always been an advocate of realistic act and react combat.
The problem is what i call "easy mode".it means developers are turning to giving players easy win battles,they figure there is too many cry babies that cry foul if they die,so they just allow them easy win situations.
I do not like the fact that Square has "masked" spells by changing their meaning from FFXI,like Phalanx for example,could they not think of a new name for a different ability?Also Leves are just quests,why the change of name?It does not fool anybody.Turning from a productive FFXi type game ,more towards a conventional questing game is a very weak idea,we already have a ton of these types of games,so why on earth would they want to compete in a market that is flooded with these clone games.
You also know that when the game guide keeps saying "COOL" that it is not cool,but he is trying his best to inspire what looked to be boring easy mode combat,i do not think those players were ever in danger of even an inkling of death.
I also noticd that exactly like in FFXIII,the zones look all one colour ,everything looks the same and there is nothing but emptiness ,until thye final,ly reached the crabs they were after.If yo uare goign to make players run all over,the nat least offer some danger along the way or some props or something,anything is better than emptiness.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
It looks better than before but that is not saying much. Graphics look good as well but the combat is still dull and my god why would you market a video like this! Put someone who knows what they are doing to play the game instead of us watching him sheathe his sword a million times.
Btw stop with the fallacy that this takes anymore skill than WoW because it is slower. If anything it gives you more time, and by more i mean a whole lot more, to think up what strategy to do next. A rogue in WoW with that kind of stamina/energy bar would have an easy time throwing all sorts of combos out.
Now WoW is not hard, but this is like WoW on kiddy mode.
Many of u said its too slow and u rather stick with more action based combat which i think is fine and in the end just personal preferences....but correct me now if i am wrong here but does it really hurt to use tactic in your fights actually plan your steps and do it right instead of being a berserk er all the time??
And guys lets be honest here what we get from most mmos has nothing to do with how u would fight in rl in rl u r planing your moves u r not just rushing in and swing your fists as fast as possible. (at least not if u plan to win tho lol)
While i would have to agree that the fight speed shown might have been too slow even for a more tactic based fighting do i believe that a lot of that could be changed with the proper use of skills and a better planing of your stamina bar (at least i hope so) talking of which i just LOVE the stamina idea that's an awesome feature which is well known for rpgs and hopefully over long time will make its way into MMORPGs in general as well.
erh no you would plan your tactics before the actual fight.
but yes MMOs always were terrible action games, and one reason I ve liked them....FFXIV could be my "new love". tho think will stick to guildwars2. not cause of gameplay, but rl situation...no matter how much you try to keep that thing out of the door :
They really need to demo battle regimens, think those would turn a lot of people on the fence. Like skillchains or EQ2's heroic opportunities on crack.
It looks better than before but that is not saying much. Graphics look good as well but the combat is still dull and my god why would you market a video like this! Put someone who knows what they are doing to play the game instead of us watching him sheathe his sword a million times.
Btw stop with the fallacy that this takes anymore skill than WoW because it is slower. If anything it gives you more time, and by more i mean a whole lot more, to think up what strategy to do next. A rogue in WoW with that kind of stamina/energy bar would have an easy time throwing all sorts of combos out.
Now WoW is not hard, but this is like WoW on kiddy mode.
lol. Again speed != Skill. You have more options in FF14 than you do time or resources to expend them. You can't just come up with a chain of attacks and go down your macro bar and /win. And frankly, If all a person played was WoW they would get demolished in the high end of most MMO's, including FF11 and FF14.
They really need to demo battle regimens, think those would turn a lot of people on the fence. Like skillchains or EQ2's heroic opportunities on crack.
ow hell yea wish they - SOE - had kept update this mechanic, so sad to see hardly any newer player even know of it now....used to be so great at start of the game - one reason got excited about FFXIV, reading about FFXIs "heroic opportunityish" way of effective group play
amoung a ton of things SOE have done wrong with that game, in their pursuit of becoming WoW.
edit: and yea hope you right that you cant just get one skill chain and beat everything. I ll remain doubtful till tried it tho...even if being able to access all classes skilss, and have to manage your TP points, would imagine its fast to find a rotation that works against any NPC. buut one of the cool things in MMOs is to get new abilities and figure if they better than what you ve got on the priority list atm. but will see ;
no that cant be since u already explained that u do not need tactic for that.
even tho i would be willing to bet that u would solo your BCNMs using a certain tactic to do so right??
oh no wait again u said u don't need a tactic so i suppose it wouldn't matter for u at all which job u do the BCNM with and which ability's u use u still would be able to win them hmm??
And if u would watch a few educational programs during your semi afk times u might have noticed that even in rl u will get confronted with a lot of situations ppls using the same kind of tactic for the same situation over and over again like in sport war and so on....
Maybe u would have seen it different if u actually would have tried to find out the ways to beat the BCNMs on your own instead of just looking it up and copy it for than i am sure it would seem like that there is nothing needed to win them.
Many of u said its too slow and u rather stick with more action based combat which i think is fine and in the end just personal preferences....but correct me now if i am wrong here but does it really hurt to use tactic in your fights actually plan your steps and do it right instead of being a berserk er all the time??
And guys lets be honest here what we get from most mmos has nothing to do with how u would fight in rl in rl u r planing your moves u r not just rushing in and swing your fists as fast as possible. (at least not if u plan to win tho lol)
While i would have to agree that the fight speed shown might have been too slow even for a more tactic based fighting do i believe that a lot of that could be changed with the proper use of skills and a better planing of your stamina bar (at least i hope so) talking of which i just LOVE the stamina idea that's an awesome feature which is well known for rpgs and hopefully over long time will make its way into MMORPGs in general as well.
erh no you would plan your tactics before the actual fight.
but yes MMOs always were terrible action games, and one reason I ve liked them....FFXIV could be my "new love". tho think will stick to guildwars2. not cause of gameplay, but rl situation...no matter how much you try to keep that thing out of the door :
Well u can roughly plan what u would like to do in the upcoming fight but unless u posses the power of looking into the future ull always have to react and change your strategy during the actual battle.
Look at this video starting at around 2:00 minutes....
Same demo from E3 but with someone who actually knows what they're doing.
I'm guessing this game is primarily built with a controller in mind and therefore anyone playing using the traditional PC style of mouse and keyboard is going to need time to adjust to the controls, no wonder then this video shows someone at the beginning stage of getting their hands and head around an alien control system. Some of the comments have been less than thoughtful *sigh*.
As a combat video, yeah it sucked but at least we get to see something of the world, looks OK. I'll reserve any judgment on combat until I get to play. Scrub that last comment
Watched it, not impressed.
No strategy or tactics needed? You must be kidding me, and you said you played FFXI?
Dude, FFXI might not be unrealisticly difficult but not all encounters are tank and spank like that. Try those BCs with standard party configuration and see how tough that is. I have not played in a long time but back then even the 5 Ark Angels fight was pretty rough if you are not using 18 blm configuration. The RDM last limit break was also pretty challenge back then.
As for the combat speed in the video, it looks like about equal with FFXI currently which is not really that bad. While some jobs in FFXI have monotonic combat style, many jobs demand lots of attention and fast reaction (like ninja tanking, fastcast + stun...)
Looks twice as fast as the orignal video for the thread. And....it is the same game????
So not the best camera controls.
You can only blame so much on the operator if the controls arnt intuitive enough for a semi-noob to use. Because he(?) had to be a gamer if he was at E3 and was part of the MMORPG.com's team? *raised eyebrows at MikeB*
But they really should have had an over-the-shoulder lockable camera view.
And yea!!!, to the asian-anime-style of jumping attacks the crab did.
Ohh and all the running after the low health creatures!!! Woot! "You have to chase that guy down now.", "Yup keep running.", "You can sheath your weapon to run faster.", "Yeah keep running, he went that way."
Look at this video starting at around 2:00 minutes....
Same demo from E3 but with someone who actually knows what they're doing.
So I decided to watch this to better gauge the camera controls. And yeah, he (the games producer) was still having a semi-hard time lining up to the crab to make an attack.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
I usually watch people argue it out but this time i decided to share my opinion.
Look this is for the ignorant people, im not here to defend FFXIV but evry game that people will just jump from topic to topic look at a video of a demo presentation or pictures and make a half baked opinion on thinking that their god and evrybody should lisen to them. Truth is their opinion dosent mean nothing especially when they start with o this game looks like shit or the other half brained BS. If somebody actually took the time to 1) Watch Video's (more than one) 2) Check pictures 3) Try the beta or even the game ( As i said this is for all games not just ffxiv, (since its only in alpha evrything can change form one day to the next). Then based their opinion on what they say and experienced it would add a whole new level of depth to discussing Pro VS. Cons in a game forum rather then people lacking in common sense to hop on the forum and spew crap out like this game is shit or the combat sux.
Take your time and please think before you post. (Dont say anything especially if you gonna spew some retarded shit from your mouth, and make urself look like a fool.)
Even though this game is a brother to FFXI the combat may seem the same to people but if they took the time to look at diffrent video or pictures around the net official or leaked. You will see that they made significant improvements on to the combat and as i said this game is in ALPHA. And im not gonna post the improvements since if you took ur time to look at the vids/pics you would have noticed them unless your lack of inteligence is blinding you.
- Have a nice day !
I've done a ton of BCNM's, I can solo several of them lol. So yeah.... you can't really consider it strategic when things never change. Most people can go look on FFXIclopdia and look up how to beat a BCNM, Mission Arena, or w/e....
So no lol, unpredictable AI would require strategy and tactics to win. That however isn't something you will see in FFXIV meaning that the slow combat is just that... slow combat. It has it's fans.... I'm just not one of them anymore. It's not strategic, it doesn't promote tactics, it's just slow and borring.
But as I said... thats just my opinion. Your intitled to yours just as I am intitled to mine
I mean seriously FFXI required so much strategy and tactics that I watched TV, Hulu or movies while I played........ and still managed to do my missions, parties, BCNM's, etc. just fine lol.
I along with thousands if not millions of other people could say the same thing about almost every MMO out right now. Once you know a fight and pick up on what you need to look for and what you can ignore they become easy. Just like any other game. Don't even bring up PvP either because I've done it lots of times in PvP, especially PvP instances. Even in open PvP I could pick a nice viewing spot with lots of cover, only one entry and a decent amount of foot traffic. Just relax and lay back until I see someone and pounce on 'em, kill them in a few seconds and go right back to my spot, or prefably a similar nearby spot.
No doubt people will be able to do this same half AFK behavior in TERA, SWTOR, Rift and many others. Its just something that happens when you play a game a lot. Going to keep happening until they come up with some ground breaking AI that is both unpredictable but also controllable by developers.
Until then only real way to make it so people have to pay attention 100% is severely lowering the margin for error and recovery.
nice... you made my day, full of win. xD
? ....... I said watch hulu, watch TV and movies.
TV has been commercially avaible since the 1930's?
And Video cassetes came out in the 1970's, meaning since 1970 I could watch movies at home!
So...... I'm not understanding what point you were trying to make. I actually quit playing FFXI 2010... which is this year..... so..... could you reply back and let me know what your point was?
It's called PvP lol. And no worries, I think my days of bland combat on top of bland AI are over. I can't do it anymore. If the combat system is at least fun then I can handle the bland AI, if not I can't.
This is why I said this is just my opinion. Your not required to agree with me, but I am allowed to feel the way I do with out your consent
FFXI actually did a few things I look forward to in the future. Besieged, Campaign and the skill chains with magic bursting. I also liked Garrison. Those are things I hope to see more of, but not the slow slow combat system.
And SC'ing kind of fell out of popularity in FFXI after the first year or 2, so I'm not very optomistic about seeing it again
On a happy note though GW2 seems to have a system similar. Player A creates a ring of fire, Player B shoots an arrow through it which lights the arrow on fire. So tthere is hope
Many of u said its too slow and u rather stick with more action based combat which i think is fine and in the end just personal preferences....but correct me now if i am wrong here but does it really hurt to use tactic in your fights actually plan your steps and do it right instead of being a berserk er all the time??
And guys lets be honest here what we get from most mmos has nothing to do with how u would fight in rl in rl u r planing your moves u r not just rushing in and swing your fists as fast as possible. (at least not if u plan to win tho lol)
While i would have to agree that the fight speed shown might have been too slow even for a more tactic based fighting do i believe that a lot of that could be changed with the proper use of skills and a better planing of your stamina bar (at least i hope so) talking of which i just LOVE the stamina idea that's an awesome feature which is well known for rpgs and hopefully over long time will make its way into MMORPGs in general as well.
It is not the speed,that is the problem,i have always been an advocate of realistic act and react combat.
The problem is what i call "easy mode".it means developers are turning to giving players easy win battles,they figure there is too many cry babies that cry foul if they die,so they just allow them easy win situations.
I do not like the fact that Square has "masked" spells by changing their meaning from FFXI,like Phalanx for example,could they not think of a new name for a different ability?Also Leves are just quests,why the change of name?It does not fool anybody.Turning from a productive FFXi type game ,more towards a conventional questing game is a very weak idea,we already have a ton of these types of games,so why on earth would they want to compete in a market that is flooded with these clone games.
You also know that when the game guide keeps saying "COOL" that it is not cool,but he is trying his best to inspire what looked to be boring easy mode combat,i do not think those players were ever in danger of even an inkling of death.
I also noticd that exactly like in FFXIII,the zones look all one colour ,everything looks the same and there is nothing but emptiness ,until thye final,ly reached the crabs they were after.If yo uare goign to make players run all over,the nat least offer some danger along the way or some props or something,anything is better than emptiness.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I think the combat is fine, keeping the tradition of FFXI. Looking forward to this a little bit more now.
It looks better than before but that is not saying much. Graphics look good as well but the combat is still dull and my god why would you market a video like this! Put someone who knows what they are doing to play the game instead of us watching him sheathe his sword a million times.
Btw stop with the fallacy that this takes anymore skill than WoW because it is slower. If anything it gives you more time, and by more i mean a whole lot more, to think up what strategy to do next. A rogue in WoW with that kind of stamina/energy bar would have an easy time throwing all sorts of combos out.
Now WoW is not hard, but this is like WoW on kiddy mode.
erh no you would plan your tactics before the actual fight.
but yes MMOs always were terrible action games, and one reason I ve liked them....FFXIV could be my "new love". tho think will stick to guildwars2. not cause of gameplay, but rl situation...no matter how much you try to keep that thing out of the door :
They really need to demo battle regimens, think those would turn a lot of people on the fence. Like skillchains or EQ2's heroic opportunities on crack.
lol. Again speed != Skill. You have more options in FF14 than you do time or resources to expend them. You can't just come up with a chain of attacks and go down your macro bar and /win. And frankly, If all a person played was WoW they would get demolished in the high end of most MMO's, including FF11 and FF14.
ow hell yea wish they - SOE - had kept update this mechanic, so sad to see hardly any newer player even know of it now....used to be so great at start of the game - one reason got excited about FFXIV, reading about FFXIs "heroic opportunityish" way of effective group play
amoung a ton of things SOE have done wrong with that game, in their pursuit of becoming WoW.
edit: and yea hope you right that you cant just get one skill chain and beat everything. I ll remain doubtful till tried it tho...even if being able to access all classes skilss, and have to manage your TP points, would imagine its fast to find a rotation that works against any NPC. buut one of the cool things in MMOs is to get new abilities and figure if they better than what you ve got on the priority list atm. but will see ;
I must repectfully agree this is one boring video....
Graphics gives me horrible flashbacks from Aion,
The controls I hope are a lot better for the average person, than the one doing the gaming had no clue...
It really looks like it lacks "some thing" else..I just can't put my finger on it.
Come on SE, don't let me down...
So hmm what would i look up on the Ffwiki pages??
not a TACTIC how to beat an BCNM/NM or w/e?
no that cant be since u already explained that u do not need tactic for that.
even tho i would be willing to bet that u would solo your BCNMs using a certain tactic to do so right??
oh no wait again u said u don't need a tactic so i suppose it wouldn't matter for u at all which job u do the BCNM with and which ability's u use u still would be able to win them hmm??
And if u would watch a few educational programs during your semi afk times u might have noticed that even in rl u will get confronted with a lot of situations ppls using the same kind of tactic for the same situation over and over again like in sport war and so on....
Maybe u would have seen it different if u actually would have tried to find out the ways to beat the BCNMs on your own instead of just looking it up and copy it for than i am sure it would seem like that there is nothing needed to win them.
Well u can roughly plan what u would like to do in the upcoming fight but unless u posses the power of looking into the future ull always have to react and change your strategy during the actual battle.