Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
The places with the highest murder rates in the US are those with the strictest gun laws. Guns are used in self defense 2,000,000+ times a year. When the government tries to take away guns, it is time for those with guns to remake the government. That is why the second ammendment exists.
Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
The places with the highest murder rates in the US are those with the strictest gun laws. Guns are used in self defense 2,000,000+ times a year. When the government tries to take away guns, it is time for those with guns to remake the government. That is why the second ammendment exists.
i agree and would like to say this take guns off the market, and give people pepperball a certified police nonlethal self defense method. it is very effective, and it has multi use when it hits you it has rougly 3-5 times the force of paintball enough to stop most attackers, but then when the ball bursts it realizes stunning gas, or different gasses depending on what type of shell it has. best yet it is considerable cheaper.
if every house had one of these and then a pair of handcuffs and then wait for the police i think not only will crime rates go down but police efficency go up. hell u could have a training class on this in high school. that would be way to stop crime
but then on the other hand look at TEXAS, the state with one of the lowest crime rates.just because there is a concealed weapon law in effect. which means 1/5 citizens is packing. so this stops most crimes, nand if the guns are registered ballistically i dont see a problem with this. and bank robberys have all but stopped, and so have most robberies of all kind. assaults have dropped by nearly 1/2.
this is proof that more guns can help.
but look at the UK, no guns stops crimes too.
but then again the UK, is small geographically therefor police response time is minimized. and stastically u are closer to a police station then in the US. so that is why people on ranch's farms and people who live more thena certain distance from a police station should be able to defend themselves.
this is think the most balanced look at the issue of gun control done in this particular thread.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
Take away all freedoms, make man slaves, and 99% of crimes will be non-existant.
Guns don't kill people, idiots kill people.
Screw the constitution right? I mean they already have thus far, erasing the 2nd ammendment can just continue that tradition, oh hell...Why stop there. Hail Caesar!
P.S. Illegalizing guns does one thing. Law abiding citizens don't have them, and criminals and psycho's who don't give a damn, will.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
Take away all freedoms, make man slaves, and 99% of crimes will be non-existant.
Guns don't kill people, idiots kill people.
Screw the constitution right? I mean they already have thus far, erasing the 2nd ammendment can just continue that tradition, oh hell...Why stop there. Hail Caesar!
P.S. Illegalizing guns does one thing. Law abiding citizens don't have them, and criminals and psycho's who don't give a damn, will.
I dunno if you are using sarcasm or w/e but,
Taking away freedom is possibly the worst thing to ever do, freedom is what my country is about when you are in a jail cell and you lost your privilage its then you realize what freedom really is. Less freedom gives people reason to act malicious and less peaceful.
Idiots kill themselves usually on accident and probably someone else is hurt, crazy meticulous psychotic individuals are the ones that'll kill people.
And you might be right there the constitution has turned into a piece of toilet paper to some nowadays... sad. I think it was written on stolen parchment too.
Your P.S. is pretty accurate deranged people will stop at nothing to get what they want if it be guns, while peaceful folk have other things on their mind such as their 5 year old birthday party.
Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
I live in Alaska. A large part of my summer entertainment comes from hiking, camping, hunting, and occasionally even fishing. Most of these activities take me into areas where I could - literally - be torn apart by a raging monster. A bear. A wolf. Some crazy ****ing tourist from Europe. I can't be sure, and so I carry a pistol.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
Ben Franklin said "Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I agree. Criminalize weapons, and only criminals will have weapons. Criminals and the government.
Also, I don't like the idea of people taking away my rights, because some crazy person killed some people. I'm not responsible for the actions of a crazed, depressed, probably abused kid in Minnesota. Don't punish me for his actions. I've never threatened, assaulted, or murdered anyone with a weapon. I'm never going to, either, unless some circumstances too extreme to foresee occur, driving me beyond the bounds of reason. And were that to happen, not having a gun wouldn't stop me, I'd use a kitchen knife, or bat, or a sharp stick, or a big rock. Anything to get the job done.
Guns are a tool. They are meant to be used to protect a person's life, and freedom, just like all weapons. Take away our tools, and what do we have to protect ourselves?
Besides all that, I have a lot of money invested in my weapons. I own several rifles, shotguns, and a pistol. A couple of these weapons were gifts from my grandfather, and I have absolutely no intention of selling or giving away my grandfather's guns.
You think not having guns would have stopped this? It's possible. It's also possible that the kid would have built a bomb. Or gone on a rampage with a freaking chainsaw. Or run someone over with a vehicle, or STABBED THEM IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDERING IRON.
Let's ban saudering irons.
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
but the one thing i have to say is if someone really wants to kill someone i believe u can find the ingrediants to poison, suffocate, burn, or blow someone up at wallmart. this Ex. FBI explosives expert one time did a articles for CNN or some other news organinzation. and it was about deadly things or things that can be used to make deadly things he found at his local walmart. he had a list of how to make incendiaries, explosives, boobie traps, miscellaneous weapons. this was all before going to the hardware/sporting goods department.
so basically any weapon you can imagine can be MADE AT WALLMART, this isnt to say i buy a gun from the sporting goods department. this is things u can find in cleaning/hardware/hobbies.
so i believe removing guns from retail outlets wont solve the problem it will just make online chaos guides like the anarchists cookbook teach people to be better terrorist.
In fact i believe their are several guides in how to make ur own stem gun(fully automatic 9 milllimeter WWII, sub machine gun) onine. and the basic ingredients arent even under lock and key at your local home depot. then it just becomes a simple matter of finding ammunition.
i guess the point is if u take away weapons people can just start to make their own, which would be much worse just because then their would be no standard set of ballistics tests. or anything to identify weapons.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Originally posted by Aelraz seriously though, for the love of god, why dont you (america) just ban guns? Why do you cling to that wild west mentality? And dont give me that crap about "its my human right to be packing arms". How many more lives are your "freedom" gonna cost? Its time to give NRA the big boot! No, I dont thing the mere presence of guns is the pure reason things like this happend, there's other social/psycologial (maybe even economical) reasons for that. But the way the world looks today, things like this will always occur as long as there is no real problem to get your hands on a gun. But I guess you've heard these things a million times before and you just sigh and think "another smart-ass european".
I live in Alaska. A large part of my summer entertainment comes from hiking, camping, hunting, and occasionally even fishing. Most of these activities take me into areas where I could - literally - be torn apart by a raging monster. A bear. A wolf. Some crazy ****ing tourist from Europe. I can't be sure, and so I carry a pistol.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
Ben Franklin said "Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I agree. Criminalize weapons, and only criminals will have weapons. Criminals and the government.
Also, I don't like the idea of people taking away my rights, because some crazy person killed some people. I'm not responsible for the actions of a crazed, depressed, probably abused kid in Minnesota. Don't punish me for his actions. I've never threatened, assaulted, or murdered anyone with a weapon. I'm never going to, either, unless some circumstances too extreme to foresee occur, driving me beyond the bounds of reason. And were that to happen, not having a gun wouldn't stop me, I'd use a kitchen knife, or bat, or a sharp stick, or a big rock. Anything to get the job done.
Guns are a tool. They are meant to be used to protect a person's life, and freedom, just like all weapons. Take away our tools, and what do we have to protect ourselves?
Besides all that, I have a lot of money invested in my weapons. I own several rifles, shotguns, and a pistol. A couple of these weapons were gifts from my grandfather, and I have absolutely no intention of selling or giving away my grandfather's guns.
You think not having guns would have stopped this? It's possible. It's also possible that the kid would have built a bomb. Or gone on a rampage with a freaking chainsaw. Or run someone over with a vehicle, or STABBED THEM IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDERING IRON.
Let's ban saudering irons.
PS misfitz, how exactly does one kill a bear, and i know in alaska the bears are frigin huge with a pistol. my uncle emtied 2 clips from a 22 caliber rifle into one when he was camping when he was young and it barely died. i believe the largest caliber pistol available inside the US is a 50 caliber pistol, and it ahs a max of a 10 shot magazine. but their have been 60 caliber pistols historically a berit one was made in 1878 i think.
i guess my point is i wouldnt feel safe just carrying a pistol, because i believe u guys have kodak bears up their which i think can get up to 800 pounds, and above 12 feet tall. i dont see any possibility in killing that with a pistol. do u carry a rifle?????
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
You can kill a bear with a pistol. A .44 Magnum will destroy a bear. I carry a .45 with hollow-point ammunition. It's not like I'm hunting the creatures, I just want to disable them to the point where they can't harm me, if for some reason they feel like attacking me. Besides, I don't want to lug around a shotgun or rifle all day if I'm on a long hike. A hollow-point .45 has as much stopping power as most high-powered rifles. Rifle bullets are made to pierce to the vitals, driving a clean hole through an unsuspecting creature for an instant kill. Hollow-point rounds are meant to impact, to knock down and back, and they fragment upon impact, shredding everything beyond the point of impact. It's better to knock a bear down and discourage them. Bears have a slow metabolism, which in this case means they're slow to die, even if they've suffered a mortal wound. If you knock them to the ground, you buy yourself time to shoot them again. There are plenty of stories of grizzlies being shot at close range by a rifle, and viciously mauling or killing someone before they finally collapse.
You don't shoot them in the head. You aim for the lungs, heart, shoulder, or if they're really close (you're probably screwed in this case) the open mouth. Grizzlies have extremely thick, hard skulls protecting their brains, and they have very small eyes for their body size. Hitting the eye, or piercing the skull, isn't a dependable method unless you're a professional trick shot, and even then you'd have to be a lunatic to try.
It's quite rare for bears to attack humans, but I don't really see the point in taking the risk of it happening, without some form of protection.
As for the .22 caliber... LOL! You could empty any number of .22 rounds into a grizzly, and you'd only be signing your death warrant. The velocity of a .22 round isn't enough to pierce through tough fur and hide, and thick muscle and bone, to reach any vital targets. An extremely lucky shot could do the job, but...I wouldn't count on it.
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
Originally posted by dekron How much do you want to bet that some group, member of congress, senator, etc. is going to try and pin this on kids playing video games again. They will see some clip in a video game that looks remotely like what the kid did and try and pin it on the gaming industry, yet again.
Ironicly enough it did not take more than 48 hours for this to actually happen. Anti Video Game Advocate Attorney Jack Thompson was on a Birmingham,AL talk radio program this morning claiming that video games and heavy metal music were resposible for the shootings. He claimed that Jeff Weise was trained to kill by video games, influnance by heavy metal music to kill and movie violence. He wnet on to claim that the screen name the shooter had used on various websites, "Angel of Death", was taken from a video game which makes players choose to side with the froces of Heavan or Hell, He later went on to claim in the radio interview that Jeff Weise chose his targets in the shooting based on this premise. I have tried to find information on this game in several webs searches using various search engines with no results found. I have found however that Jack Thompson has a long history of filing lawsuits that support censorship dating back to 1989. Thompson based his conclusions only on snipets of news reports that he allagedly heard from Red Lake, MN which ironically were not reported by any known news organization so far. It sickens me when attention seekers like Jack Thompson use tragadies like this to further their censorship agendas.
Originally posted by Coman MisfitZ, What would you do with your gun when the army dicieds to turn against there own poeple?
I honestly have no idea. I don't plan my life around scuh extremely unlikely events. I suppose that if I felt the army was turning against America for an unjust reason, such as a military takeover by a corrupt leader, I would join an organized resistance force.
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
I live in Alaska. A large part of my summer entertainment comes from hiking, camping, hunting, and occasionally even fishing. Most of these activities take me into areas where I could - literally - be torn apart by a raging monster. A bear. A wolf. Some crazy ****ing tourist from Europe. I can't be sure, and so I carry a pistol. Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand. Ben Franklin said "Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I agree. Criminalize weapons, and only criminals will have weapons. Criminals and the government. Also, I don't like the idea of people taking away my rights, because some crazy person killed some people. I'm not responsible for the actions of a crazed, depressed, probably abused kid in Minnesota. Don't punish me for his actions. I've never threatened, assaulted, or murdered anyone with a weapon. I'm never going to, either, unless some circumstances too extreme to foresee occur, driving me beyond the bounds of reason. And were that to happen, not having a gun wouldn't stop me, I'd use a kitchen knife, or bat, or a sharp stick, or a big rock. Anything to get the job done. Guns are a tool. They are meant to be used to protect a person's life, and freedom, just like all weapons. Take away our tools, and what do we have to protect ourselves? Besides all that, I have a lot of money invested in my weapons. I own several rifles, shotguns, and a pistol. A couple of these weapons were gifts from my grandfather, and I have absolutely no intention of selling or giving away my grandfather's guns. You think not having guns would have stopped this? It's possible. It's also possible that the kid would have built a bomb. Or gone on a rampage with a freaking chainsaw. Or run someone over with a vehicle, or STABBED THEM IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDERING IRON. Let's ban saudering irons.
Wow, guess I stepped on some toes here
First of all, its difficult for me to relate to this whole "right to bear arms" thing since where I come from (sweden) its always been forbidden, unless you got a hunters licence (quite many do) or are in some way related to the military or police. Im fine with the way things work here, I dont want a "ban everything that could be dangerous" rule. Yeah, maybe I was a bit blunt earlier, but these school massacres (spelling?) really moves me, and maybe a stronger gun regulation could prevent these things from happening. *shrug*
And lets face it, its not likely he wouldve done what he did if he only had a knife or something similar. And even if he did, Im sure they wouldve stopped him much easier.
Of course I dont have a problem with you carrying a gun if youre out in the wilderness hunting, hiking or whatever you wanna do, thats fine. But I dont think you have to fear the european hikers, they didnt take the trouble of hiking all the way out there just to kill you.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
ok, if you (against all odds) manage to defeat the US military, what stops you from doing the same thing all over, since youre the guy with the power now. Not to mention all civilians killed in a civil war.
These killings were all made by police-issued weapons. His grandfather was a police officer. He went to his grandfather's house, stole the police issued guns, killed his grandparents, drove to school in his grandfather's police squad car, and then open fire in the school.
Banning weapons from the general populace would not have helped in this case.
I was wondering if anyone would get that reference.
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
The places with the highest murder rates in the US are those with the strictest gun laws. Guns are used in self defense 2,000,000+ times a year. When the government tries to take away guns, it is time for those with guns to remake the government. That is why the second ammendment exists.
The places with the highest murder rates in the US are those with the strictest gun laws. Guns are used in self defense 2,000,000+ times a year. When the government tries to take away guns, it is time for those with guns to remake the government. That is why the second ammendment exists.
i agree and would like to say this take guns off the market, and give people pepperball a certified police nonlethal self defense method. it is very effective, and it has multi use when it hits you it has rougly 3-5 times the force of paintball enough to stop most attackers, but then when the ball bursts it realizes stunning gas, or different gasses depending on what type of shell it has. best yet it is considerable cheaper.
if every house had one of these and then a pair of handcuffs and then wait for the police i think not only will crime rates go down but police efficency go up. hell u could have a training class on this in high school. that would be way to stop crime
but then on the other hand look at TEXAS, the state with one of the lowest crime rates.just because there is a concealed weapon law in effect. which means 1/5 citizens is packing. so this stops most crimes, nand if the guns are registered ballistically i dont see a problem with this. and bank robberys have all but stopped, and so have most robberies of all kind. assaults have dropped by nearly 1/2.
this is proof that more guns can help.
but look at the UK, no guns stops crimes too.
but then again the UK, is small geographically therefor police response time is minimized. and stastically u are closer to a police station then in the US. so that is why people on ranch's farms and people who live more thena certain distance from a police station should be able to defend themselves.
this is think the most balanced look at the issue of gun control done in this particular thread.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Take away all freedoms, make man slaves, and 99% of crimes will be non-existant.
Guns don't kill people, idiots kill people.
Screw the constitution right? I mean they already have thus far, erasing the 2nd ammendment can just continue that tradition, oh hell...Why stop there. Hail Caesar!
P.S. Illegalizing guns does one thing. Law abiding citizens don't have them, and criminals and psycho's who don't give a damn, will.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Take away all freedoms, make man slaves, and 99% of crimes will be non-existant.
Guns don't kill people, idiots kill people.
Screw the constitution right? I mean they already have thus far, erasing the 2nd ammendment can just continue that tradition, oh hell...Why stop there. Hail Caesar!
P.S. Illegalizing guns does one thing. Law abiding citizens don't have them, and criminals and psycho's who don't give a damn, will.
I dunno if you are using sarcasm or w/e but,
Taking away freedom is possibly the worst thing to ever do, freedom is what my country is about when you are in a jail cell and you lost your privilage its then you realize what freedom really is. Less freedom gives people reason to act malicious and less peaceful.
Idiots kill themselves usually on accident and probably someone else is hurt, crazy meticulous psychotic individuals are the ones that'll kill people.
And you might be right there the constitution has turned into a piece of toilet paper to some nowadays... sad. I think it was written on stolen parchment too.
Your P.S. is pretty accurate deranged people will stop at nothing to get what they want if it be guns, while peaceful folk have other things on their mind such as their 5 year old birthday party.
I live in Alaska. A large part of my summer entertainment comes from hiking, camping, hunting, and occasionally even fishing. Most of these activities take me into areas where I could - literally - be torn apart by a raging monster. A bear. A wolf. Some crazy ****ing tourist from Europe. I can't be sure, and so I carry a pistol.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
Ben Franklin said "Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I agree. Criminalize weapons, and only criminals will have weapons. Criminals and the government.
Also, I don't like the idea of people taking away my rights, because some crazy person killed some people. I'm not responsible for the actions of a crazed, depressed, probably abused kid in Minnesota. Don't punish me for his actions. I've never threatened, assaulted, or murdered anyone with a weapon. I'm never going to, either, unless some circumstances too extreme to foresee occur, driving me beyond the bounds of reason. And were that to happen, not having a gun wouldn't stop me, I'd use a kitchen knife, or bat, or a sharp stick, or a big rock. Anything to get the job done.
Guns are a tool. They are meant to be used to protect a person's life, and freedom, just like all weapons. Take away our tools, and what do we have to protect ourselves?
Besides all that, I have a lot of money invested in my weapons. I own several rifles, shotguns, and a pistol. A couple of these weapons were gifts from my grandfather, and I have absolutely no intention of selling or giving away my grandfather's guns.
You think not having guns would have stopped this? It's possible. It's also possible that the kid would have built a bomb. Or gone on a rampage with a freaking chainsaw. Or run someone over with a vehicle, or STABBED THEM IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDERING IRON.
Let's ban saudering irons.
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
I agree Misfitz, very well said.
Firearms are merely the tool for destruction, the operator of that tool is the crazed lunatic carrying it.
mizfitz i agree.
but the one thing i have to say is if someone really wants to kill someone i believe u can find the ingrediants to poison, suffocate, burn, or blow someone up at wallmart. this Ex. FBI explosives expert one time did a articles for CNN or some other news organinzation. and it was about deadly things or things that can be used to make deadly things he found at his local walmart. he had a list of how to make incendiaries, explosives, boobie traps, miscellaneous weapons. this was all before going to the hardware/sporting goods department.
so basically any weapon you can imagine can be MADE AT WALLMART, this isnt to say i buy a gun from the sporting goods department. this is things u can find in cleaning/hardware/hobbies.
so i believe removing guns from retail outlets wont solve the problem it will just make online chaos guides like the anarchists cookbook teach people to be better terrorist.
In fact i believe their are several guides in how to make ur own stem gun(fully automatic 9 milllimeter WWII, sub machine gun) onine. and the basic ingredients arent even under lock and key at your local home depot. then it just becomes a simple matter of finding ammunition.
i guess the point is if u take away weapons people can just start to make their own, which would be much worse just because then their would be no standard set of ballistics tests. or anything to identify weapons.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I live in Alaska. A large part of my summer entertainment comes from hiking, camping, hunting, and occasionally even fishing. Most of these activities take me into areas where I could - literally - be torn apart by a raging monster. A bear. A wolf. Some crazy ****ing tourist from Europe. I can't be sure, and so I carry a pistol.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
Ben Franklin said "Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I agree. Criminalize weapons, and only criminals will have weapons. Criminals and the government.
Also, I don't like the idea of people taking away my rights, because some crazy person killed some people. I'm not responsible for the actions of a crazed, depressed, probably abused kid in Minnesota. Don't punish me for his actions. I've never threatened, assaulted, or murdered anyone with a weapon. I'm never going to, either, unless some circumstances too extreme to foresee occur, driving me beyond the bounds of reason. And were that to happen, not having a gun wouldn't stop me, I'd use a kitchen knife, or bat, or a sharp stick, or a big rock. Anything to get the job done.
Guns are a tool. They are meant to be used to protect a person's life, and freedom, just like all weapons. Take away our tools, and what do we have to protect ourselves?
Besides all that, I have a lot of money invested in my weapons. I own several rifles, shotguns, and a pistol. A couple of these weapons were gifts from my grandfather, and I have absolutely no intention of selling or giving away my grandfather's guns.
You think not having guns would have stopped this? It's possible. It's also possible that the kid would have built a bomb. Or gone on a rampage with a freaking chainsaw. Or run someone over with a vehicle, or STABBED THEM IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDERING IRON.
Let's ban saudering irons.
PS misfitz, how exactly does one kill a bear, and i know in alaska the bears are frigin huge with a pistol. my uncle emtied 2 clips from a 22 caliber rifle into one when he was camping when he was young and it barely died. i believe the largest caliber pistol available inside the US is a 50 caliber pistol, and it ahs a max of a 10 shot magazine. but their have been 60 caliber pistols historically a berit one was made in 1878 i think.
i guess my point is i wouldnt feel safe just carrying a pistol, because i believe u guys have kodak bears up their which i think can get up to 800 pounds, and above 12 feet tall. i dont see any possibility in killing that with a pistol. do u carry a rifle?????
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
You don't kill a bear with a pistol...Unless you aim for the eyes! Or maybe the face...But it definitely is risky.
Get yourself an SKS!
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
LoL, guys...
You can kill a bear with a pistol. A .44 Magnum will destroy a bear. I carry a .45 with hollow-point ammunition. It's not like I'm hunting the creatures, I just want to disable them to the point where they can't harm me, if for some reason they feel like attacking me. Besides, I don't want to lug around a shotgun or rifle all day if I'm on a long hike. A hollow-point .45 has as much stopping power as most high-powered rifles. Rifle bullets are made to pierce to the vitals, driving a clean hole through an unsuspecting creature for an instant kill. Hollow-point rounds are meant to impact, to knock down and back, and they fragment upon impact, shredding everything beyond the point of impact. It's better to knock a bear down and discourage them. Bears have a slow metabolism, which in this case means they're slow to die, even if they've suffered a mortal wound. If you knock them to the ground, you buy yourself time to shoot them again. There are plenty of stories of grizzlies being shot at close range by a rifle, and viciously mauling or killing someone before they finally collapse.
You don't shoot them in the head. You aim for the lungs, heart, shoulder, or if they're really close (you're probably screwed in this case) the open mouth. Grizzlies have extremely thick, hard skulls protecting their brains, and they have very small eyes for their body size. Hitting the eye, or piercing the skull, isn't a dependable method unless you're a professional trick shot, and even then you'd have to be a lunatic to try.
It's quite rare for bears to attack humans, but I don't really see the point in taking the risk of it happening, without some form of protection.
As for the .22 caliber... LOL! You could empty any number of .22 rounds into a grizzly, and you'd only be signing your death warrant. The velocity of a .22 round isn't enough to pierce through tough fur and hide, and thick muscle and bone, to reach any vital targets. An extremely lucky shot could do the job, but...I wouldn't count on it.
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
What would you do with your gun when the army dicieds to turn against there own poeple?
.44 mag = hollow tip = wide impact = Large amounts of grizzly bear on your shirt.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
Wow, guess I stepped on some toes here
First of all, its difficult for me to relate to this whole "right to bear arms" thing since where I come from (sweden) its always been forbidden, unless you got a hunters licence (quite many do) or are in some way related to the military or police. Im fine with the way things work here, I dont want a "ban everything that could be dangerous" rule. Yeah, maybe I was a bit blunt earlier, but these school massacres (spelling?) really moves me, and maybe a stronger gun regulation could prevent these things from happening. *shrug*
And lets face it, its not likely he wouldve done what he did if he only had a knife or something similar. And even if he did, Im sure they wouldve stopped him much easier.
Of course I dont have a problem with you carrying a gun if youre out in the wilderness hunting, hiking or whatever you wanna do, thats fine. But I dont think you have to fear the european hikers, they didnt take the trouble of hiking all the way out there just to kill you.
Now, that's not the only reason I value my right to own guns. There's a long, long history of the weaponless population being opressed by the military controlling government. It's happened everywhere on the planet. What, that can't happen in this day an age? Bullshit. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, fine. I'll call you a shortsighted fool with your head in the sand.
ok, if you (against all odds) manage to defeat the US military, what stops you from doing the same thing all over, since youre the guy with the power now. Not to mention all civilians killed in a civil war.
These killings were all made by police-issued weapons. His grandfather was a police officer. He went to his grandfather's house, stole the police issued guns, killed his grandparents, drove to school in his grandfather's police squad car, and then open fire in the school.
Banning weapons from the general populace would not have helped in this case.
Christopher Walkins rules!
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby