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Neocron/Neocron 2



  • cavedogcavedog Member Posts: 9

    Originally posted by gimboid

    I dont think buying it is a waste of time, and 7 months of hard gaming was a good return on my original purchase.

    Just wait till the next "database" error image of 22 days.

    Like I posted previously: I lost a whole month of hardcore leveling and gathering items and KK says "oooops I did it again, sry image " and their reaction: pay and play (and keep getting fucked up by promises that will never be kept).

    It isn't the fact that the failure occured (and a 22 days reroll) that made me quit (though that would also be enough), bu the way KK reacted on the situation. MANY people leveled and collected tons of items and after "loosing" them to KKs fault it never came in mind to give ppl back their stuff by spawning items and capping chars. Sure you could argue: "But there will be ppl who will get lvlups and items without meriting them, cause they didn't have a capped char", but I say who cares? MOST of the ppl playing on saturn had capped chars and MOST had 4-5 slotted items in their quickbelt together with mc5s and other imps. Sure, some ppl would have gotten items and capped chars without deserving them, but at least you wouldn't have lost so many ppl (and don't tell me BS about the NC server pop nid, I know how many ppl on the international server (thats saturn + pluto + uranus population) are and it's just a good laugh. kthxbye

    PS: you still hope for a job at KK if you act like a fanboi on non KK forums? oh and nid... dont try to becore offtopic by telling user "bla" is banned or not, that has absolutely nothing lost here and isn't exactly contributing to the topic of KKs incompetence (on any domain). you're a mod, you should know what offtopic, and your posts regarding banned or not were 100% offtopic image

    heh mjs image is probably next to post here

  • freebassxfreebassx Member Posts: 34

    BLAH!!! ::::07::

    I'll post my comments in the next day or two..

    Remember, Nid is paid by KK.. So, of course, he is going to run rampant in here to defend them.

    Yet, the consumer needs to be aware of the outstanding issues in the game that yet to be resolved. (ie. FRE (fatal runtime errors) and the sync'ing issue).

    Originally posted by demon-surge
    And you have yet to justify how you can ban people for comments made on other forums, where does that break any rule within the game, or what rules does it violate? I still dont understand that one either.

    WTF?!?!! Your kidding right?!!?!?

  • demon-surgedemon-surge Member Posts: 67

    No, someone was banned for saying stuff about the game on

    If you go look on thier neocron forums you can read about it.

    Weapons of Mass Destruction

  • ZoneseeKZoneseeK Member Posts: 48

    someone was also banned IN-GAME for something they said on a 3rd party forum that had NOTHING to do with neocron

    kk are a joke, too busy picking apart internet forums trying to find reasons to ban people...maybe thats why they have so little time to fix bugs it seems image

    Originally posted by StanLee2

    I have to weigh in also. Neocrap 1 and 2 are both terrible.

    As an MMORPG game designer (wont say for whom) this should never have been taken out of alpha.


    Originally posted by StanLee2

    I have to weigh in also. Neocrap 1 and 2 are both terrible.

    As an MMORPG game designer (wont say for whom) this should never have been taken out of alpha.


  • gimboidgimboid Member Posts: 15

    Originally posted by cavedog

    it never came in mind to give ppl back their stuff by spawning items and capping chars. Sure you could argue: "But there will be ppl who will get lvlups and items without meriting them, cause they didn't have a capped char",
    PS: you still hope for a job at KK if you act like a fanboi on non KK forums

    ok, First of all, if any game did this I would go mental, you cant ´refund´people, on what they claim to have lost, everyone would milk that to completly kill any fairness left in the game, I´ve worked on some other MMORPGS, and such things would never be acceptable.
    If you lost a TL50 gun, and knew you could get a replacement without any proof, you´d ask for a TL100 gun.
    As far as skills, giving players skill points they claim to have lost would be awful, I personally wouldnt trust the word of 1000 players of what they thought they had before the problem.
    Finally, I tried responding to this post in a constructive way, pointing out my opinion, this is only what i think, and do not claim it to be law. there is no need to be offensive.
    I work in the gaming industry, and in no offense to the guys at KK, have no intention of moving to Germany to work on Neocron 2, I lost interest in playing that game for myself a long time ago, and would make a crappy dev if i didnt love the project.

  • cavedogcavedog Member Posts: 9

    Originally posted by gimboid

    ok, First of all, if any game did this I would go mental, you cant ´refund´people, on what they claim to have lost, everyone would milk that to completly kill any fairness left in the game, I´ve worked on some other MMORPGS, and such things would never be acceptable.

    The problem of the whole issue was the timing. Just when all of the server prepared for doy it happened, they couldn't have been a better time. Lots of people lost whole capped chars. I for myself lost a months work of leveling 2 chars and gathering items for them,. In the end I didn't have 4 quickbelts full of 4-5 slot items, but I had some, though few usefull items. When they reset the database I didn't was there with actually 2 half leveled chars and 2 (0 slot) rares that I even couldn't use.
    And other MMORPGs have (working) Itemtracking System, so it's no problem to get stuff back you lost to bugs/syncs etc.

    They failed a keeping/maintaining/updating/whatever and noone can tell me that it is "normal" for a MMORPG to lose 22 days of data before the long awaited expansion where you can only take 10 items from you quickbelt+imps+useless armor and you'd naturally fill that up with the best of the best items you'd have AND just to say "sry, we had a db failure, 22 days data lost, kthxbye" AND to expect that people keep paying for something like this. If it would be the exception, then you could forgive it once.. but they are always making promises and well souning phrases and can't keep them, knowing that they still tell always the same... the grass will be greener with the Tokio II expansion image

  • gimboidgimboid Member Posts: 15

    Originally posted by cavedog

    Originally posted by gimboid

    ok, First of all, if any game did this I would go mental, you cant ´refund´people, on what they claim to have lost, everyone would milk that to completly kill any fairness left in the game, I´ve worked on some other MMORPGS, and such things would never be acceptable.

    The problem of the whole issue was the timing. Just when all of the server prepared for doy it happened, they couldn't have been a better time. Lots of people lost whole capped chars. I for myself lost a months work of leveling 2 chars and gathering items for them,. In the end I didn't have 4 quickbelts full of 4-5 slot items, but I had some, though few usefull items. When they reset the database I didn't was there with actually 2 half leveled chars and 2 (0 slot) rares that I even couldn't use.
    And other MMORPGs have (working) Itemtracking System, so it's no problem to get stuff back you lost to bugs/syncs etc.

    They failed a keeping/maintaining/updating/whatever and noone can tell me that it is "normal" for a MMORPG to lose 22 days of data before the long awaited expansion where you can only take 10 items from you quickbelt+imps+useless armor and you'd naturally fill that up with the best of the best items you'd have AND just to say "sry, we had a db failure, 22 days data lost, kthxbye" AND to expect that people keep paying for something like this. If it would be the exception, then you could forgive it once.. but they are always making promises and well souning phrases and can't keep them, knowing that they still tell always the same... the grass will be greener with the Tokio II expansion image

    no, thats fair responce, I wasnt around when that happened, and you are right, 22days of data lost is a critical error, and some sort of compensation would be nice, although giving people things they claimed to have lost would not be it. I Would expect at least for a free month, since they practically erased a month of peoples work.

  • cavedogcavedog Member Posts: 9

    They only said "sry". But server population speaks for itsself what people think of the company

  • CiphexCiphex Member Posts: 1

    "First off: I completely agree with the threadstarter.

    Second: I don't think he's "narrow minded" at all. He just voiced his opinion, the same you did and I am doing also. "

    Thought that tidbit was worth reiterating.

    Since Neocron-2's release, I have witnessed three incidences where databases have fell corrupt and player data had to be set back by 16-24 hours. It wasn't uncommon if you lost or acquired new inventory as a result of these "hickups". Not to mention the potential for severe XP loss. The developers have yet to pinpoint the source of these corruptions, so they naturally become part of the backups and some very bizarre game anomalies have occured as a result. I finally retired my character when a database restore resulted in over 8+ lvls (it's a lot when you're avg lvl is 50 [char 48/50]) lost and a epic quest short-circuited not to mention the items lost. The game suffers from a lot of sensless PKing and despite methods to control this, they would seem largely insufficient. I dig the theme-- a cyberpunkish neoapocalyptic era-- but it hasn't seen enough care and development, imho, to maintain the ambience that is so critical to an MMO. Sooner or later the limitations of the software will get the better of you. They got to me along with a slew of others.

    Other major drawbacks:
    - The game really hasn't much of a story line. And epic-missions are only barely functional.
    - The game suffers from such a small population that unless you join ranks with a clan-- you'll find it difficult to excel at a pace that makes the game rewarding enough to continue playing.
    - Bugs bugs and more bugs
    - Game maintenance (patching) is suprisingly slow considering the severity and number of problems afflicting the game.
    - Sensless PKing
    - Lack of items in circulation. Very difficult to match arms with veteran players.

    Some of the Pro's
    - Skill system is alright, I'm in favor of it.
    - Researching and Constructing Vehicles, Weapons, Armor, Et Cetera...
    - Implants
    - Hacknet (currently not finished, or only partially functional)
    - First-Person Perspective

    ^^ I'll add more as they come to me, but don't hold your breath.


    PS> I should also mention that I was heavily involved in the Neocron 1 beta, but since the game never really seemed to evolve beyond it's beta stages I held out participating any further until I heard rumors of Neocron-2's launch, when I returned.

  • YourWaytoHelYourWaytoHel Member Posts: 3

    all u say is true, but who cares, no other game has free aiming like nc2 fight like the best or die like the rest image

  • Dirk_GentlyDirk_Gently Member Posts: 193

    You are giving a rather inaccurate view of Neocron y'know 'YourWaytoHel'. The aiming is free in that you can aim anywhere you want (as long as it is a targetable object) but it is like Morrowind in that aiming at the target does not necessarily mean you will hit it. Also you have to lock on a target before you can fire with any hope of hitting (like Deus Ex). All of that is perfectly fair enough and works OK in the game (though it totally wrecks the whole FPS aspect) but it is not what you are describing.

    A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus

  • DoseDose Member Posts: 1

    I agree with the threadstarter simply discussing this game gives me heartburn argh... there it goes again...

    Avs include Replica, Simone, Julia, nd Mr. Solomon... argh

  • NeurotikNeurotik Member Posts: 3

    Well I've played NC a long time about 2 1/2 years and NC1 was great lots of action and lots to do most games get boring when your almost at max lvl ( I have played lots of other MMORG's (AO, EVE, EQ, SWG and now WOW) but i still enjoyed playing NC the whole time. But its true that KK doesnt give a shit about the community. Thats why almost all old players have left or look at new players as prey not as companions.

    So long

  • bllingblling Member Posts: 1

    Reakktor is a big Joke.

    I played Neocron 1 for years and switched to Neocron 2
    in hope that Reakktor learned something,
    but notthing happend. Just more promises....gain and again.

    Zoneseek was right with the "Reakktor banning law".

    let the customers pay for promises untill they left.


  • ezzaezza Member Posts: 88

    wel i myself left NC for a while disappointed with what was happening, not just 3 year old bugs but the changes KK did to the game in trying to market it as new game.

    however im back playing now, have been for a month or 2, sure its got problems, still FREs in the game, and new bugs like getting lag from CS fire(tho not everyone is effected by this) but still im having fun.

    thats the only reason i play these games and the reason im still playing NC, i could be playing a diffrent game but the others are not my cup of tea.

    people who are still getting angry at KKs "lies" need to chill, i pay no attention to it until i see results then i comment.

    imo love or hate him, since Nidhogg has been doing customer support or whatever his title is, the communication has been better, and that was one thing always leveled at KK that they didnt do.

    they are getting ready for international release, guess we will see what happens there.

    the game atm is poor, the populations are down worse than NC1, saturn was still getting 200+ people at the end of NC1, but i rarely see NC2 terra get above 150.

    if KK sorted the problems out that stop people playing then they would easily get the 500+ people on server(could they handle it tho)however KK need to stomp the bugs problems now, maybe that would mean bringing in more staff to deal with it, if the results are right then it would be worth it for the KK team, the money they get would go up from the increased population from a game that works.

    edit: you may think im either mental or stupid for sticking with the game for all this time with the problems its had. and ill accept thatimage


  • Dirk_GentlyDirk_Gently Member Posts: 193

    Originally posted by ezza
    the populations are down worse than NC1, saturn was still getting 200+ people at the end of NC1, but i rarely see NC2 terra get above 150.

    I think that has more to do with Click-2-Pay, Reakktor's chosen payment system, than the game itself.

    Personally I will not buy the game (again) until all of the features promised to us at the end of NC1 are put into the game.

    A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus

  • ezzaezza Member Posts: 88

    i agree to an extent that C2P is at fault, however to take the last 3 clans i was in in NC1, Titans, black cartel and Followers of crahn.

    i think about 1 Titan, maybe 3 or 4 Cartel and 2 FoC are in game.

    a very large number of those are non C2P related, but then if KK are going to say this will be in and that will be in then dont provide either, then they deserve that.

    however with or without those features i like the game, would like the game even more if my old clans were back but hey not gonna happen.


    as for not buying until the features they promised are in, i can understand that, KK said they should be in and they are not, so i appreicate the principal that you are making.

    im sure there are many more who are like that and waiting for what KK does next.

  • Dirk_GentlyDirk_Gently Member Posts: 193

    Though having said all that if KK announced that they were removing monks from the game I'd be back in a shot. ::::35:: Having a full-blown mage class in a Sci-Fi game always grated with me a bit.

    Alot of the people I used to play with have left too, though I guess after playing a game for over two years it wasn't all that surprising that loads of people left. Unlike alot of the other people on this thread I genuinely wish KK well (despite all their failings) because Neocron is by far the best MMO I've ever played, and I had 2+ years of great fun.

    A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus

  • Dirk_GentlyDirk_Gently Member Posts: 193

    Originally posted by beatbox

    You might wanna read the story, you would know what are PSI Monks and why they have such powers. Besides, APUs are very easy to kill, they usually dont go around without PPUs, dont expect to kill a ppu without help though.

    Unless the story has been rewritten Psi Monks were in the storyline as having Psionic Powers a la System Shock 2 (which had they put that in the game would have been fantastic). They used telekinesis and the like; they at no point explained why mental projection suddenly involved throwing fireballs and christ knows what else around. If you remember back to the early days of the game monks were never so powerful as they are now, they had nowhere near as many "spells" especially nowhere near as many high-level non-rare spells.

    APUs are fine apart from their ability to insta-lock and fire through solid objects, but PPUs???? Well....lets not even start that debate

    A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus

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