So.... I've been playing Counter Strike for years. I should do more damage and have more health than people who just begin the game. Also I should have body armor and an awp/deagle every spawn.
I want all this because I invested in my character. I am scared to have an even competitive field. Please please please don't take away my advantage. I'm hardcore and scared of noobs. I don't welcome compitition.
Who does that sound like? Sounds like a "hardcore pvper" from Darkfall. 90% of these "hardcore" kids are carebears in disguise. The hardcore ones arn't complaining. They are probably rejoicing because it is getting rid of you unskilled players and making it easier to have some real compitition.
oh what the fuck ever, there is multiple people in VAMP that have millions and millions of gold (one has 55mill) because they duped, I'm sure there are tons of others in the game that have done the same damn thing, ... these are VETS mind you, that have endless money and resource because of it.
Assuming that you're playing hardcore since launch, you will have 50 million of gold.
Many fortunes were build upon "insta-respawn" trick, which was fixed 4 months ago. Basically some mob loot was inbalanced, and if you could spawn the mob instantly after it's beed killed - you could earn up to 50k per hour per player.
But - you can earn 100k in one day without cheating. Or even 300k, if you have player vendor in good location.
oh what the fuck ever, there is multiple people in VAMP that have millions and millions of gold (one has 55mill) because they duped, I'm sure there are tons of others in the game that have done the same damn thing, ... these are VETS mind you, that have endless money and resource because of it.
Assuming that you're playing hardcore since launch, you will have 50 million of gold.
Many fortunes were build upon "insta-respawn" trick, which was fixed 4 months ago. Basically some mob loot was inbalanced, and if you could spawn the mob instantly after it's beed killed - you could earn up to 50k per hour per player.
But - you can earn 100k in one day without cheating. Or even 300k, if you have player vendor in good location.
So - 50 mln does not require duping
duping did happen., what you described is still an exploit and the riches obtained then are no possible for new players, the game should have been rolled back.
This I fully agree with. As it has been stated many times already, while vets had it easy, being allowed to macro their way up through various means (such as BloodWalls, etc), glitch mobs to rank their skills up as much as possible and exploit other mobs to farm them, exploited a duping bug, etc much for character progression. And AV never did a rollback, in fear of alienating their playerbase.
New players have a completly different reality: By macro'ing, they risk being kicked out of server and banned after a certain amount of offense. It is a lot more harder to glitch mobs now then it used to be and GMs now watch over the remaining Glitched Mobs spawns (Basalt Golem anyone?). Same for exploiting mob AI.
Now AV makes it a little easier for New Players to play and co-exist with Vets by modifying the HP gain and some silly pseudo-hardcore are outraged. Well if they leave, good riddance I say.
If you did not macro than you fell way behind and were considered a noob by those who macroed because compared to their skills you would be.
this is what ignorant noobs who suck at the game actually believe.
I never really saw a problem with macroing, some people are adamantly against it, why would you want to click over and over? and you blame the game for being designed that way? can you think of a better way to reward city raiding and long term development than a system like that in a way that someone other than yourself would deem nearly as good? that was the goal in mind and I saw nothing wrong w/ it , yet still the whiners bitch instead of finding a game easy enough for them. Darkfalls problem is that it is such a good game in so many ways that the whiners (b/c they think they need to have the exact same HP as the guy who put 1 year into developing his char before they can pvp) and instant gratification babies not willing to put forth the effort, will play DF because they can't find a better game.
Long term progression is what keeps playing in the world for long periods of time and has them macroing in cities with loads of regs. You may not know what its like to city raid but before magic got made easymode 6x faster gains, there were always loads of magic macoers in cities and huge profits to be made for city raiders, that is no longer the case thanks to the whiners, it is now a rare site to catch someone w/ a lot of regs on them. consistently ruining the game for those who enjoy it b/c you can't find a game you like. If you didn't like some major aspect of DF, why is DF for you and not for me? I like the game how it was, you cant say people dont like grinding, some do, and that is the only niche DF really has. You really DO want a grind, mmorpg w/o grind wouldnt be a mmorpg would it? you just want the grind to be enough that you can handle so you can compete with the best, that is the truth of it, you are just as selfish and not willing to put forth the effor to develop your character so you bitch and whine untill the game gets made easier for you. I guess AV didn't want that base anyway.
well for some, the game doesnt have enough "grind" as you call it, already. people are getting bored and logging off, character progression is subconciously entertaining. In other games you can make other characters and character development has longevity but once you finish your char in DF, you are done and game seems more boring, it happens in every game, thats why I'm playing eve now, character progression has stoped for me and I only log in when i hear of something going on in vent. I guess you want a Darkfall with no grind with no players because nobody logs in to farm mobs or macro in cities for hours on end, you ignorant noobs who cry about grind don't realize you are going to destroy DF. grind is all DF has. Some other gaming company will copys darkfalls model and all the instant gratification children like you will play that game and Darkfall will have no niche to speak of. They already lost their niche really, its only a matter of time untill blizzard or EA copys the model.
Are you denying the fact that noobs deal 5-10 damage to a vet while a vet deals 45-50 dmg to a noob?
in equivilant gear? YES, god yes, people are so ignorant and misinformed, you get hit with a really expensive weapon in the back and you hit the vet with a leafblade in the front and you look at your damage and you dont understand so you cry on the forums "WTF AV". I understand a lot of the cries about the game, all comming from ignorant noobs who don't know WTF they talking about. Ed zitrons everywhere
every 10 points of STR adds +1 damage, big whoop
macroing for a month to get stoneskin from 1 to 99 will get you a whopping extra .6 less damage, that is POINT SIX, just so you understand the insignificant character differences you guys are crying about.
the last 10 points of mastery aren't worth grinding for b/c you will get like +1 more damage for getting 100, mastery damage increase is linear so you do just with 75. My buddy started a new char a couple weeks ago and he already has over 60 weapon mastery adn near 350 HP, its easier to blame the game than blame yourself for why you suck.
ask Alt Ffour on NA server how long he has been playing and ask him to link you his skills on NA. He will put you guys to shame, he already has near 350 hp and hasn't even been playing a month.
If you did not macro than you fell way behind and were considered a noob by those who macroed because compared to their skills you would be.
this is what ignorant noobs who suck at the game actually believe.
I never really saw a problem with macroing, some people are adamantly against it, why would you want to click over and over? and you blame the game for being designed that way? can you think of a better way to reward city raiding and long term development than a system like that in a way that someone other than yourself would deem nearly as good? that was the goal in mind and I saw nothing wrong w/ it , yet still the whiners bitch instead of finding a game easy enough for them. Darkfalls problem is that it is such a good game in so many ways that the whiners (b/c they think they need to have the exact same HP as the guy who put 1 year into developing his char before they can pvp) and instant gratification babies not willing to put forth the effort, will play DF because they can't find a better game.
Long term progression is what keeps playing in the world for long periods of time and has them macroing in cities with loads of regs. You may not know what its like to city raid but before magic got made easymode 6x faster gains, there were always loads of magic macoers in cities and huge profits to be made for city raiders, that is no longer the case thanks to the whiners, it is now a rare site to catch someone w/ a lot of regs on them. consistently ruining the game for those who enjoy it b/c you can't find a game you like. If you didn't like some major aspect of DF, why is DF for you and not for me? I like the game how it was, you cant say people dont like grinding, some do, and that is the only niche DF really has. You really DO want a grind, mmorpg w/o grind wouldnt be a mmorpg would it? you just want the grind to be enough that you can handle so you can compete with the best, that is the truth of it, you are just as selfish and not willing to put forth the effor to develop your character so you bitch and whine untill the game gets made easier for you. I guess AV didn't want that base anyway.
well for some, the game doesnt have enough "grind" as you call it, already. people are getting bored and logging off, character progression is subconciously entertaining. In other games you can make other characters and character development has longevity but once you finish your char in DF, you are done and game seems more boring, it happens in every game, thats why I'm playing eve now, character progression has stoped for me and I only log in when i hear of something going on in vent. I guess you want a Darkfall with no grind with no players because nobody logs in to farm mobs or macro in cities for hours on end, you ignorant noobs who cry about grind don't realize you are going to destroy DF. grind is all DF has. Some other gaming company will copys darkfalls model and all the instant gratification children like you will play that game and Darkfall will have no niche to speak of. They already lost their niche really, its only a matter of time untill blizzard or EA copys the model.
be careful what you wish for ignoramuses.
Dude nothing personal and I don't play DF, I do want to though, but the problem I see is that the game is a grind fest! You said it yourself that, that is all the game has going for it! I mean if I want to grind like hell all I have to do is play a free to play game from asia!
I think you are also missing the other posters point about Macroing! The fact that it is now a bannable offence makes it unfair to newer players that the vets had this available to them and not to new players.
Originally posted by ChinaCat. Hacks have been going on since the start like all games and have been addressed rather well by AV. This is no more an issue today it was a year ago, actually less as I can tell you first hand from my own experience in fights in the game now; I am not running in to them and I know them when I do having played since beta.
sorry chinacat, you dont know what you are talking about. I like your DF advocacy but its obvious to me I know more about the game than you do and what good players do and what some players will do. I'm surprised you thought veterans could have 500 HP but the fact you don't think aimbots willbe a huge advantge shows you don't really understand how pvp plays out. Aimbots werent effective in DF before because projectiles had long enough flight time that they werent usefull, and LOTS of playres use hacks in DF and this is giving them an extreme advantage. you dont see any teleporting people or speedhackers but there are plenty of hackers, I assure you. My friend who i had know for a year was recently banned for hacking, I had no idea, and he know who other hackers are too b/c they can see each other through walls. There are a lot more hackers than you realize, just b/c you dont see them flying around and speehacking doesnt mean they dont exist.
If you did not macro than you fell way behind and were considered a noob by those who macroed because compared to their skills you would be.
this is what ignorant noobs who suck at the game actually believe.
I never really saw a problem with macroing, some people are adamantly against it, why would you want to click over and over? and you blame the game for being designed that way? can you think of a better way to reward city raiding and long term development than a system like that in a way that someone other than yourself would deem nearly as good? that was the goal in mind and I saw nothing wrong w/ it , yet still the whiners bitch instead of finding a game easy enough for them. Darkfalls problem is that it is such a good game in so many ways that the whiners (b/c they think they need to have the exact same HP as the guy who put 1 year into developing his char before they can pvp) and instant gratification babies not willing to put forth the effort, will play DF because they can't find a better game.
Long term progression is what keeps playing in the world for long periods of time and has them macroing in cities with loads of regs. You may not know what its like to city raid but before magic got made easymode 6x faster gains, there were always loads of magic macoers in cities and huge profits to be made for city raiders, that is no longer the case thanks to the whiners, it is now a rare site to catch someone w/ a lot of regs on them. consistently ruining the game for those who enjoy it b/c you can't find a game you like. If you didn't like some major aspect of DF, why is DF for you and not for me? I like the game how it was, you cant say people dont like grinding, some do, and that is the only niche DF really has. You really DO want a grind, mmorpg w/o grind wouldnt be a mmorpg would it? you just want the grind to be enough that you can handle so you can compete with the best, that is the truth of it, you are just as selfish and not willing to put forth the effor to develop your character so you bitch and whine untill the game gets made easier for you. I guess AV didn't want that base anyway.
well for some, the game doesnt have enough "grind" as you call it, already. people are getting bored and logging off, character progression is subconciously entertaining. In other games you can make other characters and character development has longevity but once you finish your char in DF, you are done and game seems more boring, it happens in every game, thats why I'm playing eve now, character progression has stoped for me and I only log in when i hear of something going on in vent. I guess you want a Darkfall with no grind with no players because nobody logs in to farm mobs or macro in cities for hours on end, you ignorant noobs who cry about grind don't realize you are going to destroy DF. grind is all DF has. Some other gaming company will copys darkfalls model and all the instant gratification children like you will play that game and Darkfall will have no niche to speak of. They already lost their niche really, its only a matter of time untill blizzard or EA copys the model.
be careful what you wish for ignoramuses.
Dude nothing personal and I don't play DF, I do want to though, but the problem I see is that the game is a grind fest! You said it yourself that, that is all the game has going for it! I mean if I want to grind like hell all I have to do is play a free to play game from asia!
I think you are also missing the other posters point about Macroing! The fact that it is now a bannable offence makes it unfair to newer players that the vets had this available to them and not to new players.
if you think you have to grind to have fun in DF, if you consider any part of it a "grind" and not just natural long term character progression. DF may not be for you. They really reduced the "grind" so maybe DF is for you and not for me anymore. apparently AV feels like they have to cater to these whiney babies not willing to put forth the effort to develop their characters, the game actually has to change to accomodate the masses. this all happening before any serious advertising or box version on shelves, its sad. EvE didn't get where it is today by allowing the 1 month old players to have the same stats and skills as the 8 year old players. AV admitted they changing some of their philosophys and they will prob lose their niche b/c of it. Long term progression is the only niche they could hold onto b/c other gaming companys will have much more off the mass appeal that AV is currently exhibiting.
It has nothing to do with long term character progression as much as who found a sweeter macro spot and did what while they were sleeping/working . .. Banning macroing fixes nothing.
Sure I miss the advantage that I had but I would much rather be excited that more people are going to play.
its clear to me that you are just a selfish person. just b/c a few players exploited you want to ruin the game for those who put forth the effort to develop their chars. you arent willing to put forth the effort to compete on an even level with those who were so why should you be handed advantages that took them several months to attain? its welfare gaming, AV caved to the whiners and made game more about numbers than skill and hard work. see you really want a grind, you just want it to be something you can handle enough so you that you can compete on equal terms with those who were willing to put forth 10x more effort into developing their chars than you. Its not a 1v1 game either and lots of peoples have buddies to fight with so not everyone really needed 400 hp to play, its just that AV caved to the whiners crying about the HP gap, its a shame. AV exhibits welfare gaming over and over and all the ignoramuses say its good for the game while the base of dedicated players slowly stop logging in and when some other gaming company copys DF model, well that will be the end of DF b/c all the niche DF had was long term character progression.
oh what the fuck ever, there is multiple people in VAMP that have millions and millions of gold (one has 55mill) because they duped, I'm sure there are tons of others in the game that have done the same damn thing, ... these are VETS mind you, that have endless money and resource because of it.
a noob gets 50 more HP quicker and you can't shoot the ground and win via splash damage and you cry about it... are you kidding me ? he still needs to be able to afford good weapons, armor, and a ass ton of reagents to skill up, before he's even close to the output damage of what a vet is doing.
funny how much "hardcore" people QQ , now lets go swim up against the wall some more, its fun!!!
I may have to stop trying to be nice. You said in two brief paragraphs what its taken me a novel to say lol
you should prob stop posting b/c his cry cry is completely unrelated to anything im saying. fail troll is fail.
So.... I've been playing Counter Strike for years. I should do more damage and have more health than people who just begin the game. Also I should have body armor and an awp/deagle every spawn.
I want all this because I invested in my character. I am scared to have an even competitive field. Please please please don't take away my advantage. I'm hardcore and scared of noobs. I don't welcome compitition.
Who does that sound like? Sounds like a "hardcore pvper" from Darkfall. 90% of these "hardcore" kids are carebears in disguise. The hardcore ones arn't complaining. They are probably rejoicing because it is getting rid of you unskilled players and making it easier to have some real compitition.
dont you understand that mmorpgs have character progression and there are different games where you can just log in and aimbot? seriosly think a little bit before you post. comparing apples to oranges.
ask Alt Ffour on NA server how long he has been playing and ask him to link you his skills on NA. He will put you guys to shame, he already has near 350 hp and hasn't even been playing a month.
that will tell us that he has no life?
seriuosly this guy makes everyone in this thread look like a huge whiney baby that doesn't want to life a finger . he does what these crybabies say it takes 1 year to achieve of duping and exploiting and bloodwalling for months on end.
oh what the fuck ever, there is multiple people in VAMP that have millions and millions of gold (one has 55mill) because they duped, I'm sure there are tons of others in the game that have done the same damn thing, ... these are VETS mind you, that have endless money and resource because of it.
a noob gets 50 more HP quicker and you can't shoot the ground and win via splash damage and you cry about it... are you kidding me ? he still needs to be able to afford good weapons, armor, and a ass ton of reagents to skill up, before he's even close to the output damage of what a vet is doing.
funny how much "hardcore" people QQ , now lets go swim up against the wall some more, its fun!!!
I may have to stop trying to be nice. You said in two brief paragraphs what its taken me a novel to say lol
you should prob stop posting b/c his cry cry is completely unrelated to anything im saying. fail troll is fail.
I don't think you even know what the hell you are saying to be honest.
QQ more. Another vet crying that the game isn't easy mode for him anymore.
another noob blaming the game for why he died? suck it up and l2p
Your the one who needs to l2p if your QQing on the forums about how you can't win anymore then quitting lol. As the darkfall forums would say, GSO. Anyways, you ARE blaming the game for why you die.
oh what the fuck ever, there is multiple people in VAMP that have millions and millions of gold (one has 55mill) because they duped, I'm sure there are tons of others in the game that have done the same damn thing, ... these are VETS mind you, that have endless money and resource because of it.
a noob gets 50 more HP quicker and you can't shoot the ground and win via splash damage and you cry about it... are you kidding me ? he still needs to be able to afford good weapons, armor, and a ass ton of reagents to skill up, before he's even close to the output damage of what a vet is doing.
funny how much "hardcore" people QQ , now lets go swim up against the wall some more, its fun!!!
I may have to stop trying to be nice. You said in two brief paragraphs what its taken me a novel to say lol
you should prob stop posting b/c his cry cry is completely unrelated to anything im saying. fail troll is fail.
I don't think you even know what the hell you are saying to be honest.
yea, you know whats good too nice games you play there. lol
QQ more. Another vet crying that the game isn't easy mode for him anymore.
another noob blaming the game for why he died? suck it up and l2p
Your the one who needs to l2p if your QQing on the forums about how you can't win anymore then quitting lol. As the darkfall forums would say, GSO. Anyways, you ARE blaming the game for why you die.
dont forget, eve's had a lot longer to have its kinks ironed out (and i've been playing eve since late 06 so i know about them)! And by the way, eve's had patches to make things easier for the masses as well (for instance, a lot of us veterans remember not being allowed to warp-to-zero).
but, as you can see y my "currently playing" list, ya i think eve's a better game and thus is getting my sandbox money but DF still has time to improve.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
dont forget, eve's had a lot longer to have its kinks ironed out (and i've been playing eve since late 06 so i know about them)! And by the way, eve's had patches to make things easier for the masses as well (for instance, a lot of us veterans remember not being allowed to warp-to-zero).
but, as you can see y my "currently playing" list, ya i think eve's a better game and thus is getting my sandbox money but DF still has time to improve.
yea, darkfall is already killing their game, doing welfare gaming and killing long term progression, which is the only niche they really had. Eve never caved to the whiners, if you dont like eve, you find another game. I'm sure the babies who weren't willing to develop their chars have been trying to destroy that game for years and look how successful eve has become, its a competitive game and it has long term character progression that matters much more than Darkfall and look how succesful it is. These whiners destroy everything that is good. i wish they would just find a game that was easy enough for them instead of trying to turn every hard game into instant gratification land, that is every other mmorpg. Problem is Darkfall is such a good game, these whiners cant find anything easy enough for them to play that is as much fun. Everyone wants a grind but they want the grind to be enough that they can handle and still be able to compete on equal terms with the guy who has worked 100x harder to developtheir character.
These selfish entitled whiners who aren't willing to put for the effort but want to have same advantages as those that do just make me sick. Its a real problem in society, all these welfare leeches expecting things to be handed to them that people have worked hard for. Darkfall is not about welfare gaming. You whiners know who you are, always trying to make the game easier for you, you are the death of all things good.
QQ more. Another vet crying that the game isn't easy mode for him anymore.
another noob blaming the game for why he died? suck it up and l2p
Your the one who needs to l2p if your QQing on the forums about how you can't win anymore then quitting lol. As the darkfall forums would say, GSO. Anyways, you ARE blaming the game for why you die.
l2read QQ more
You are the one QQing in yet another thread about how you can't win as easily when outnumbered now...
Cry me a river. Most people have actually reacted positively to the recent changes. It has brought some people like myself back to the game. You're just upset because it is actually SLIGHTLY more difficult to curb-stomp noobs now... its pathetic.
QQ more. Another vet crying that the game isn't easy mode for him anymore.
another noob blaming the game for why he died? suck it up and l2p
Your the one who needs to l2p if your QQing on the forums about how you can't win anymore then quitting lol. As the darkfall forums would say, GSO. Anyways, you ARE blaming the game for why you die.
l2read QQ more
You are the one QQing in yet another thread about how you can't win as easily when outnumbered now...
Cry me a river. Most people have actually reacted positively to the recent changes. It has brought some people like myself back to the game. You're just upset because it is actually SLIGHTLY more difficult to curb-stomp noobs now... its pathetic.
when was it ever easy to win outnumbered? don't be stupid, you don't know what its like to be good, some people only find challenge in fighting outnumbered b/c 1v1 holds none. yea im QQing now b/c the whiners got their way and AV will continue to cave, im not qqing about how the game needs to be made easier for me so I can compete on equal terms with those who are willing to develop their characters.
most people like WoW, your pathetic arguments are invalid. scrubs had to destroy the only hard mmorpg left.
So.... I've been playing Counter Strike for years. I should do more damage and have more health than people who just begin the game. Also I should have body armor and an awp/deagle every spawn.
I want all this because I invested in my character. I am scared to have an even competitive field. Please please please don't take away my advantage. I'm hardcore and scared of noobs. I don't welcome compitition.
Who does that sound like? Sounds like a "hardcore pvper" from Darkfall. 90% of these "hardcore" kids are carebears in disguise. The hardcore ones arn't complaining. They are probably rejoicing because it is getting rid of you unskilled players and making it easier to have some real compitition.
Assuming that you're playing hardcore since launch, you will have 50 million of gold.
Many fortunes were build upon "insta-respawn" trick, which was fixed 4 months ago. Basically some mob loot was inbalanced, and if you could spawn the mob instantly after it's beed killed - you could earn up to 50k per hour per player.
But - you can earn 100k in one day without cheating. Or even 300k, if you have player vendor in good location.
So - 50 mln does not require duping![:) :)](
This I fully agree with. As it has been stated many times already, while vets had it easy, being allowed to macro their way up through various means (such as BloodWalls, etc), glitch mobs to rank their skills up as much as possible and exploit other mobs to farm them, exploited a duping bug, etc much for character progression. And AV never did a rollback, in fear of alienating their playerbase.
New players have a completly different reality: By macro'ing, they risk being kicked out of server and banned after a certain amount of offense. It is a lot more harder to glitch mobs now then it used to be and GMs now watch over the remaining Glitched Mobs spawns (Basalt Golem anyone?). Same for exploiting mob AI.
Now AV makes it a little easier for New Players to play and co-exist with Vets by modifying the HP gain and some silly pseudo-hardcore are outraged. Well if they leave, good riddance I say.
@ MrsLumps
Are you denying the fact that noobs deal 5-10 damage to a vet while a vet deals 45-50 dmg to a noob?
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
![image]( - pre-WW2 genocide.
this is what ignorant noobs who suck at the game actually believe.
I never really saw a problem with macroing, some people are adamantly against it, why would you want to click over and over? and you blame the game for being designed that way? can you think of a better way to reward city raiding and long term development than a system like that in a way that someone other than yourself would deem nearly as good? that was the goal in mind and I saw nothing wrong w/ it , yet still the whiners bitch instead of finding a game easy enough for them. Darkfalls problem is that it is such a good game in so many ways that the whiners (b/c they think they need to have the exact same HP as the guy who put 1 year into developing his char before they can pvp) and instant gratification babies not willing to put forth the effort, will play DF because they can't find a better game.
Long term progression is what keeps playing in the world for long periods of time and has them macroing in cities with loads of regs. You may not know what its like to city raid but before magic got made easymode 6x faster gains, there were always loads of magic macoers in cities and huge profits to be made for city raiders, that is no longer the case thanks to the whiners, it is now a rare site to catch someone w/ a lot of regs on them. consistently ruining the game for those who enjoy it b/c you can't find a game you like. If you didn't like some major aspect of DF, why is DF for you and not for me? I like the game how it was, you cant say people dont like grinding, some do, and that is the only niche DF really has. You really DO want a grind, mmorpg w/o grind wouldnt be a mmorpg would it? you just want the grind to be enough that you can handle so you can compete with the best, that is the truth of it, you are just as selfish and not willing to put forth the effor to develop your character so you bitch and whine untill the game gets made easier for you. I guess AV didn't want that base anyway.
well for some, the game doesnt have enough "grind" as you call it, already. people are getting bored and logging off, character progression is subconciously entertaining. In other games you can make other characters and character development has longevity but once you finish your char in DF, you are done and game seems more boring, it happens in every game, thats why I'm playing eve now, character progression has stoped for me and I only log in when i hear of something going on in vent. I guess you want a Darkfall with no grind with no players because nobody logs in to farm mobs or macro in cities for hours on end, you ignorant noobs who cry about grind don't realize you are going to destroy DF. grind is all DF has. Some other gaming company will copys darkfalls model and all the instant gratification children like you will play that game and Darkfall will have no niche to speak of. They already lost their niche really, its only a matter of time untill blizzard or EA copys the model.
be careful what you wish for ignoramuses.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
in equivilant gear? YES, god yes, people are so ignorant and misinformed, you get hit with a really expensive weapon in the back and you hit the vet with a leafblade in the front and you look at your damage and you dont understand so you cry on the forums "WTF AV". I understand a lot of the cries about the game, all comming from ignorant noobs who don't know WTF they talking about. Ed zitrons everywhere
every 10 points of STR adds +1 damage, big whoop
macroing for a month to get stoneskin from 1 to 99 will get you a whopping extra .6 less damage, that is POINT SIX, just so you understand the insignificant character differences you guys are crying about.
the last 10 points of mastery aren't worth grinding for b/c you will get like +1 more damage for getting 100, mastery damage increase is linear so you do just with 75. My buddy started a new char a couple weeks ago and he already has over 60 weapon mastery adn near 350 HP, its easier to blame the game than blame yourself for why you suck.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
that will tell us that he has no life?
Dude nothing personal and I don't play DF, I do want to though, but the problem I see is that the game is a grind fest! You said it yourself that, that is all the game has going for it! I mean if I want to grind like hell all I have to do is play a free to play game from asia!
I think you are also missing the other posters point about Macroing! The fact that it is now a bannable offence makes it unfair to newer players that the vets had this available to them and not to new players.
sorry chinacat, you dont know what you are talking about. I like your DF advocacy but its obvious to me I know more about the game than you do and what good players do and what some players will do. I'm surprised you thought veterans could have 500 HP but the fact you don't think aimbots willbe a huge advantge shows you don't really understand how pvp plays out. Aimbots werent effective in DF before because projectiles had long enough flight time that they werent usefull, and LOTS of playres use hacks in DF and this is giving them an extreme advantage. you dont see any teleporting people or speedhackers but there are plenty of hackers, I assure you. My friend who i had know for a year was recently banned for hacking, I had no idea, and he know who other hackers are too b/c they can see each other through walls. There are a lot more hackers than you realize, just b/c you dont see them flying around and speehacking doesnt mean they dont exist.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
if you think you have to grind to have fun in DF, if you consider any part of it a "grind" and not just natural long term character progression. DF may not be for you. They really reduced the "grind" so maybe DF is for you and not for me anymore. apparently AV feels like they have to cater to these whiney babies not willing to put forth the effort to develop their characters, the game actually has to change to accomodate the masses. this all happening before any serious advertising or box version on shelves, its sad. EvE didn't get where it is today by allowing the 1 month old players to have the same stats and skills as the 8 year old players. AV admitted they changing some of their philosophys and they will prob lose their niche b/c of it. Long term progression is the only niche they could hold onto b/c other gaming companys will have much more off the mass appeal that AV is currently exhibiting.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
its clear to me that you are just a selfish person. just b/c a few players exploited you want to ruin the game for those who put forth the effort to develop their chars. you arent willing to put forth the effort to compete on an even level with those who were so why should you be handed advantages that took them several months to attain? its welfare gaming, AV caved to the whiners and made game more about numbers than skill and hard work. see you really want a grind, you just want it to be something you can handle enough so you that you can compete on equal terms with those who were willing to put forth 10x more effort into developing their chars than you. Its not a 1v1 game either and lots of peoples have buddies to fight with so not everyone really needed 400 hp to play, its just that AV caved to the whiners crying about the HP gap, its a shame. AV exhibits welfare gaming over and over and all the ignoramuses say its good for the game while the base of dedicated players slowly stop logging in and when some other gaming company copys DF model, well that will be the end of DF b/c all the niche DF had was long term character progression.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
you should prob stop posting b/c his cry cry is completely unrelated to anything im saying. fail troll is fail.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
dont you understand that mmorpgs have character progression and there are different games where you can just log in and aimbot? seriosly think a little bit before you post. comparing apples to oranges.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
QQ more. Another vet crying that the game isn't easy mode for him anymore.
seriuosly this guy makes everyone in this thread look like a huge whiney baby that doesn't want to life a finger . he does what these crybabies say it takes 1 year to achieve of duping and exploiting and bloodwalling for months on end.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
another noob blaming the game for why he died? suck it up and l2p
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
Your the one who needs to l2p if your QQing on the forums about how you can't win anymore then quitting lol. As the darkfall forums would say, GSO. Anyways, you ARE blaming the game for why you die.
yea, you know whats good too
nice games you play there. lol
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
l2read QQ more
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
dont forget, eve's had a lot longer to have its kinks ironed out (and i've been playing eve since late 06 so i know about them)! And by the way, eve's had patches to make things easier for the masses as well (for instance, a lot of us veterans remember not being allowed to warp-to-zero).
but, as you can see y my "currently playing" list, ya i think eve's a better game and thus is getting my sandbox money
but DF still has time to improve.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
yea, darkfall is already killing their game, doing welfare gaming and killing long term progression, which is the only niche they really had. Eve never caved to the whiners, if you dont like eve, you find another game. I'm sure the babies who weren't willing to develop their chars have been trying to destroy that game for years and look how successful eve has become, its a competitive game and it has long term character progression that matters much more than Darkfall and look how succesful it is. These whiners destroy everything that is good. i wish they would just find a game that was easy enough for them instead of trying to turn every hard game into instant gratification land, that is every other mmorpg. Problem is Darkfall is such a good game, these whiners cant find anything easy enough for them to play that is as much fun. Everyone wants a grind but they want the grind to be enough that they can handle and still be able to compete on equal terms with the guy who has worked 100x harder to developtheir character.
These selfish entitled whiners who aren't willing to put for the effort but want to have same advantages as those that do just make me sick. Its a real problem in society, all these welfare leeches expecting things to be handed to them that people have worked hard for. Darkfall is not about welfare gaming. You whiners know who you are, always trying to make the game easier for you, you are the death of all things good.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2
You are the one QQing in yet another thread about how you can't win as easily when outnumbered now...
Cry me a river. Most people have actually reacted positively to the recent changes. It has brought some people like myself back to the game. You're just upset because it is actually SLIGHTLY more difficult to curb-stomp noobs now... its pathetic.
This thread reminds me of that iPhone4 vs. EVO video that's on YouTube..
..I don't care..
It prints money..
..I don't care..
"If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford
when was it ever easy to win outnumbered? don't be stupid, you don't know what its like to be good, some people only find challenge in fighting outnumbered b/c 1v1 holds none. yea im QQing now b/c the whiners got their way and AV will continue to cave, im not qqing about how the game needs to be made easier for me so I can compete on equal terms with those who are willing to develop their characters.
most people like WoW, your pathetic arguments are invalid. scrubs had to destroy the only hard mmorpg left.
currently playing: Darkfall, EVE, SC2