LMAO! gotta love the RUNESCAPE ADVERTISERS these days. Now if you venture around these forums, you will undoubtedly see that runescape is not very popular with REAL GAMERS. Browse through the developers corner, and you will see that most consider it a " poor business model" but do give them credit for their use of miniclip to gain new children to play. Jagex themselves has called their game a " junior mmo" . Yes, that is right, a Junior mmo for children and heavily advertised their child safety features at E3.
Real Gamers. ROTFL. Now THAT'S funny...
Anyone who uses "ROTFL" is not a real gamer...
It's "ROFL" or nothin' bro.
I guess that would be true with this crowd. The additional 'T' might make their heads explode and that would just make a mess in their new, shiny protective helmets.
Bah, the whole "ROTFL" came about because of some stupid Comcast commercial trying to appeal to the internet generation; if you're going to try and use acronyms popular with a certain group, at least make sure that you get them right.
LOL! you are the one trolling threads and tossing accusations at posters rather than content. No sorry, no trolling here, I made my assessment of Jagex specifically targeting children by:
1. Jagex promoted their child safety awards at E3 and referred to their game as a "Junior MMO"
2. They removed their 13+ age restriction.
3. They implemented a parent control dashboard.
4. They badvertise on MiniClip.
5. There are articles published referring to Runescape as a Childrens MMO.
I used facts to point out that Jagex specifically targeted children, whereas you come along making assumptions about a forum user based on only your " opinion as to what you see as childish" without any further investigation. You are entitled to you opinion, but you are incorrect in your assessment that trolling would be years worth of research on game vs a lazy 5 second opinion based on an avatar, name and what you perceive as "childish behavior".
The rest of what you were babbling about.. like some kind of strange conversation with yourself .. you are a very confused individual. LOL
You should heed your own advice: "Now go crawl back under your bridge."
Whatever you say, princess...
You posted this:
"LMAO! gotta love the RUNESCAPE ADVERTISERS these days. Now if you venture around these forums, you will undoubtedly see that runescape is not very popular with REAL GAMERS. Browse through the developers corner, and you will see that most consider it a " poor business model" but do give them credit for their use of miniclip to gain new children to play. Jagex themselves has called their game a " junior mmo" . Yes, that is right, a Junior mmo for children and heavily advertised their child safety features at E3."
and later on you claim you:
" I made my assessment of Jagex specifically targeting children by:
1. Jagex promoted their child safety awards at E3 and referred to their game as a "Junior MMO"
Which happens to come from a Featured article on this site. It also includes the removal of the 13 + age restriction , and parent controls dashboard listed below.
2. They removed their 13+ age restriction. "Previously, players had to to be 13+ to play the game. Runescape launched the under 13 game in June."
3. They implemented a parent control dashboard. "In the Quarter 2 or 3 of 2009, the Parental Controls dashboard will be launched"
There is much more but I am not going to do ALL your homework for you.
5. There are articles published referring to Runescape as a Childrens MMO. I already posted one of those in this thread, but there are numerous ones linked in this very forum.
I used facts to point out that Jagex specifically targeted children, blah, blah, blah...
None of which was in your original post. I guess we were supposed to pick up on your reasoning (if you can call it that) telepathically.
Classic. Troll. Classic.
I see you added more to your post! Thank you for proving my point!
No you should not pick up my reasoning telepathically, you pick it up from the POSTS here in this forum that you posted on before reading. LOL
Do you repeat yourself in EVERY post? I would think that if someone is bothering to post in a forum, they would have at least looked around before they did.
Get some reading glasses, get up to speed. I will give you a break because you appear to be a newbie to these parts of the woods.
It isn;t like this is the first time ANY of this has been posted in these forums.. LMAO! If you browsed a bit, you might actually " get" the warrior princess joke.
Because it's free, nothing more. At the moment they don't really have any real competition in the free MMO (or browser mmo) market.
But more MMOs are offering free play. By the end of this year you will be able to play LOTRO for free (with some limitations), which totally blows Runescape away in every department. Once that happens Jagex will see their player numbers drop sharply, Runescape simply doesnt offer the same level of quality or gameplay.
Runescape isn't really a game. It makes believe its a game and only kids will play it. Lets face it, if kids thought eating hand grenades was cool, they'd eat them. What do expect from someone with 14 years of <cough> life experience? Nothing in, nothing out.
The first thing missed here totally is that Runescape began as directed more to adults. It was just the younger generation taking over in Jagex that showed the real greedyness of the modern younger generation. Kids come and go continually but adults play the game genuinely and keep trying to trudge on with more idiotic kids than ever trying to mess all the game up.
Notice now how big-mouth kids bott their way to high levels fast without playing much of the game at all. to then go do a quest with false stats means they arent even doing much at there. Botting is total cheating and those 80% of accounts that are doing that are vertually non-existance as no work is no work. Parents are paying for software to do everything while that child becomes dumber by the day. Todays kids are well known for their total laziness and this is just an extension of that behaviour.
A lot of the abuse here is also simply kids trying to cause arguements and shows the real lack of any true intelligence at all. Intelligence isn't what exam marks you get, but moreso how people will respect you in real life in the community.
Why so many playing with it not advertised: Would you advertise when you have so many botter accounts operating and you do absolutely nothing against the hackers that steal so so many accounts on a regular basis? No it's just repeat players that worked out how to play while also finding the easiest way to cheat that have upped the numbers.
Don't forget that Jagex attempted to make 'Mechscape' but that bombed so they labelled it 'Dungeoneering' and stuck it into the heart of Runescape too. Already heaps of people have botted to get a 99Dung cape which you can work out the statistics to see if they played long enough for that level, they would be dead now from now sleep at all.
Finally for me, all the updates keep going back to some form of PVP which is killing off those that stayed playing once the old Wildy was removed. Mini-game quests are just another stupid direction to make more people quit aswell.
Jailce, I very much agree with your post. To put it in simple terms I think saying RuneScape has gone down the drain is basically what you just said. I know of many people who have seriously botted their accounts on RuneScape. Even in such activities as mining pure ess where now you spawn in a random location, there are still bots smart enough to work through this minor obsticle. Aditionally, have you heard about that massive ban Jagex did a couple months back? Appearently they had some sort of monitor within runescape that detected 100's of bots. Note that these bots were on the high scores and they were also some of the top elite RuneScape players.
Unfortunatly, even with this mass ban these players will be able to rejoin the RuneScape community within a year or so. Since all offenses now expire after a years time. Personally I think this is a failure in design since they will just resume where they left off and being botting again. Thus it will take another few months before Jagex once again detects them. By that time they've already had their fill of the game and are ready for another break by being banned.
At the moment I still do currently play RuneScape, since I will not allow any idiotic updates Jagex does slow me down in getting my goals and making my in game dreams a reality. Some say this is pathetic and that I should just join the ranks of others who cheat in the game and constantly insult innocent players on a regular basis. However, I've never been one to conform and I refuse to start now.
Well said Soda. I was worried when I saw your name suggesting you were a nerd kid as they are seriously into sodapop but everyone needs to remember it helps you to die younger. To back up the reasons; consider a worker that reinspects for annual certification on jobs that we take care of, this guy used to drink a 2 litre sodapop bottle a day and at 55 he has both servere diabetes aswell as prostate cancer with another cancer I think is bowel cancer - all these are attributed to him drinking so much sodapop or as we say here Fanta, Coke and L&P (Lemon & Paeroa).
Now reading your comment I am so much satisfied with your reply being fully true. The exception is I didn't think Jagex have done anything to botters at all. As you say mining pure ess is full of botters and I have reported heaps without seeing any change at all. Another place I have recently trained at is World84 Rocktail fishing along with killing a few Living Rocks. This is a serious mass of pixels as most of the 1100-1500 regularly there happen to all be in that same little area compared to the rest of Faldor let alone the whole of Runescape. This area clearly has mostly botters with just a few people trying to help the rest (not realising many of these are botting) and there are a small number that actually do talk aswell.
Last night after I wrote here, I was playing when the hackers brother contacted me saying he wanted to help get me a lot of stuff back. He expressed deeply his concern and was shocked when I told him his younger 16 yr old brother had said he wanted his mom to die. This is the way these little spoilt brats of hackers retaliate when found out. Regardless I always say that I play my own game and never let anyone else use my account. Trying to help others I have had 4 whips now & lost 3 of them, I had 3 cannons & have none now, I had a Dragon Axe & a DH set aswell and these were about the only items I ever purchased. I tried to play a fully true game but even with that gear it was still a little cheating. People that buy all their items are still cheating as that is simply laziness and means a 50% true account - worse still this is how hackers and botters benefit from their cheating and the GE is Botter & Hacker Central for this purpose.
I am seriously considering whether to keep playing as i've now spent over $2000 in my 8th year of the game. Yet any attempts at making the game better I just get punished for while stupid kids are continually allowed every method of cheating available. I know where you are coming from as I don't give up easy but it seems Jagex lack any maturity at all to think of the people that actually pay for their existance. Kids come and go as does Jagex income from this game. I saw on another site a comment from Mod Andrew that talked about how jagex use Runescape as a test case for developing other games - this being the primary reason for so many stupid changes that keep ruining the game more.
Geez time to stop here as I could go on and on about Jagex failures, seriously they have so few improvements the failures greatly outnumber them altogether. Take care fellow genuine players as maybe some day Jagex will become bankrupt and someone listening & decent may take over.
Some of the first people spread the word of Runescape and now look where it is. Mostly everybody knows about it. I wouldn't think they would need advertisements if almost everybody know about it.
Yeah Jailice the story behind my name on here as well as RuneScape is more silly then any habbit of the actual drink. In a school I was in a few years back people pronounced my last name wrong. "Soto" came out "Soda" then before I knew it that was my official name >.> Yeah I don't worry to much about people knowing my last name since there are 100's of 1000's of Soto's the world. For that matter there are also streets & stores with that similar name, haha! None the less, I have grown to like the name and now use it for almost anything.
Aditionally, I cannot see how most people can stand drinking soda. Personally, I find it to be quite painful to have that sensation in my throat. Any form of drink is supposed to be pleasurable, I cant see how drinking something that causes you pain can be happy. Some people say I'm lucky for not likeing it, others say I'm insane for not likeing it. I guess it just depends on what angle their viewing it from.
Anyway yeah, I do too doubt the truth behind that mass bann Jagex issued. It is possble, although in some ways it isn't. I think the goal of making profeit seriously gets in the way of inforcing rules. Sure Jagex "may" want to have a nice friendly community, but if it's not possible I highly doubt they'd place respect infront of staying in business. In some ways you have to expect this in today's society although that doesn't mean it's right. Then again many things in life that are "legal" arn't morally or ethicaly right either.
I think using bots within RuneScape is also seriously harmful to a players computer as well. I tried 1 not to long ago, atlhough I wasn't using it to gain levels. Upon going to house parties many times noobs would ask me to do agility emote. Over the months I've gotten sick of these constant requests so I downloaded a auto clicker just to do the emote over & over for a little while when the noobs requested. Although I immediatly deleted this as it was seriously messing with Java and made it impossible for me to load RuneScape. Following this I had to reinstall Java in order for it to run properly again.
I consider myself very lucky that this was the only problem I encountered from using a clicker for a minor purpose. As I've found out many people have gotten serious viruses and keyloggers from downloading these.
Lol Sodapop, we have something in common. Schutz is my real last name but not too long ago in school, one of my friends made a nickname for me and it was Schutzy. Just because of my nickname I am now one of the most popular kids in my grade. It feels good to be popular but I also feel bad to people who aren't popular too much like nerds or something.
i've been seeing some ads for it ever since they released the new skill. and it's already really popular. pretty much every person that plays MMORPG's has played runescape at some point.
Lol Sodapop, we have something in common. Schutz is my real last name but not too long ago in school, one of my friends made a nickname for me and it was Schutzy. Just because of my nickname I am now one of the most popular kids in my grade. It feels good to be popular but I also feel bad to people who aren't popular too much like nerds or something.
you're school must be easy to game prestige in. "who wants a lollipop?" and now i'm popular lol.
Actaully I no longer go to this school as they didn't realy teach much. Furthermore they had RuneScape blocked on all their computers as they were using linux. I think more less my nickname came about because of their own lack in grammer. Funny how I always had the highest grades in English in my entire class. Of course the Jr. through HS class room only consisted of 20 kids or less too. I simply stuck with this new nickname because it was the only name people really liked me for a lot. I guess this is because my real 1st name is very common.
If you're gonna use a bot, I highly recommend that you get internet security so it doesn't affect your computer.
Ehhh...I very much doubt I would ever even download a bot again even for such minor purposes as I mentioned. The reason it messed with Java is because it's a program that runs within Java script. Internet security has nothing to do with it. Aditionally, I think when I uninstalled it this in itself may have been the cause of the problem. Since I had RuneScape running willest doing this. Normaly if a warning message displayed sugguesting I close all other programs I would, but it didnt. Bots to gain even a couple levels in RuneScape or make money are all out cheeting. And unless Jagex for some weird reason allowed them I have no intention of ever using one again, even for doing an emote.
That is the only reason so many people play this lump turd of a game.
he wasn't asking why is it popular, he was asking why you don't see any advertisements. and if it's a "turd of a game" why are there 500K+ subs and over 1million free to players? most P2P games have less.
It doesn't need adverts because word of mouth works so well for it. Some kid starts playing it, passes it on to his friends. You don't have to download anything and the game runs on Java. This combined with possibly the lowest system requirements I've ever seen on a 'modern' game is why they don't need to advertise. Once again, word of mouth from one kid to another works. It got me when I was just a lil' thing.
Oh, and the quality of something is not represented by the sales/subscriptions/players. Psychonaughts is a great example of a game that was great and was critically aclaimed, but did poorly in sales.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I see Runescape advertisements EVERYWHERE, including This site. LOL
They DO advertise quite a bit. I am not buying the " word of mouth" nonsense since most people bad mouth it that have played it, that would not be the kind of advertising a company would want.
Their main source of revolving players is from miniclip- everyone knows that.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I see Runescape advertisements EVERYWHERE, including This site. LOL
They DO advertise quite a bit. I am not buying the " word of mouth" nonsense since most people bad mouth it that have played it, that would not be the kind of advertising a company would want.
Their main source of revolving players is from miniclip- everyone knows that.
actually i heard about it from a buddy six yeas ago. i told all my friends about it too and they started playing. but i do see advertisements for it. i think they just started advertising it more though, because i never saw an ad for it before 09.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I see Runescape advertisements EVERYWHERE, including This site. LOL
They DO advertise quite a bit. I am not buying the " word of mouth" nonsense since most people bad mouth it that have played it, that would not be the kind of advertising a company would want.
Their main source of revolving players is from miniclip- everyone knows that.
actually i heard about it from a buddy six yeas ago. i told all my friends about it too and they started playing. but i do see advertisements for it. i think they just started advertising it more though, because i never saw an ad for it before 09.
Just in case you missed the whole Miniclip ordeal:
"Then came the evil known as Miniclip. Runescape was listed as the best free online world on this site. And lo! Evil newbies poured forth in uncountable numbers from tutorial island. The once fair land of Runescape was covered in darkness. Thenceforth good was vanquished forevermore. Scammers, beggars, trash talkers and the like now ruled the once fair Lumbridge."
Bah, the whole "ROTFL" came about because of some stupid Comcast commercial trying to appeal to the internet generation; if you're going to try and use acronyms popular with a certain group, at least make sure that you get them right.
I see you added more to your post! Thank you for proving my point!
No you should not pick up my reasoning telepathically, you pick it up from the POSTS here in this forum that you posted on before reading. LOL
Do you repeat yourself in EVERY post? I would think that if someone is bothering to post in a forum, they would have at least looked around before they did.
Get some reading glasses, get up to speed. I will give you a break because you appear to be a newbie to these parts of the woods.
It isn;t like this is the first time ANY of this has been posted in these forums.. LMAO! If you browsed a bit, you might actually " get" the warrior princess joke.
Because it's free, nothing more. At the moment they don't really have any real competition in the free MMO (or browser mmo) market.
But more MMOs are offering free play. By the end of this year you will be able to play LOTRO for free (with some limitations), which totally blows Runescape away in every department. Once that happens Jagex will see their player numbers drop sharply, Runescape simply doesnt offer the same level of quality or gameplay.
Runescape isn't really a game. It makes believe its a game and only kids will play it. Lets face it, if kids thought eating hand grenades was cool, they'd eat them. What do expect from someone with 14 years of <cough> life experience? Nothing in, nothing out.
The first thing missed here totally is that Runescape began as directed more to adults. It was just the younger generation taking over in Jagex that showed the real greedyness of the modern younger generation. Kids come and go continually but adults play the game genuinely and keep trying to trudge on with more idiotic kids than ever trying to mess all the game up.
Notice now how big-mouth kids bott their way to high levels fast without playing much of the game at all. to then go do a quest with false stats means they arent even doing much at there. Botting is total cheating and those 80% of accounts that are doing that are vertually non-existance as no work is no work. Parents are paying for software to do everything while that child becomes dumber by the day. Todays kids are well known for their total laziness and this is just an extension of that behaviour.
A lot of the abuse here is also simply kids trying to cause arguements and shows the real lack of any true intelligence at all. Intelligence isn't what exam marks you get, but moreso how people will respect you in real life in the community.
Why so many playing with it not advertised: Would you advertise when you have so many botter accounts operating and you do absolutely nothing against the hackers that steal so so many accounts on a regular basis? No it's just repeat players that worked out how to play while also finding the easiest way to cheat that have upped the numbers.
Don't forget that Jagex attempted to make 'Mechscape' but that bombed so they labelled it 'Dungeoneering' and stuck it into the heart of Runescape too. Already heaps of people have botted to get a 99Dung cape which you can work out the statistics to see if they played long enough for that level, they would be dead now from now sleep at all.
Finally for me, all the updates keep going back to some form of PVP which is killing off those that stayed playing once the old Wildy was removed. Mini-game quests are just another stupid direction to make more people quit aswell.
Jailce, I very much agree with your post. To put it in simple terms I think saying RuneScape has gone down the drain is basically what you just said. I know of many people who have seriously botted their accounts on RuneScape. Even in such activities as mining pure ess where now you spawn in a random location, there are still bots smart enough to work through this minor obsticle. Aditionally, have you heard about that massive ban Jagex did a couple months back? Appearently they had some sort of monitor within runescape that detected 100's of bots. Note that these bots were on the high scores and they were also some of the top elite RuneScape players.
Unfortunatly, even with this mass ban these players will be able to rejoin the RuneScape community within a year or so. Since all offenses now expire after a years time. Personally I think this is a failure in design since they will just resume where they left off and being botting again. Thus it will take another few months before Jagex once again detects them. By that time they've already had their fill of the game and are ready for another break by being banned.
At the moment I still do currently play RuneScape, since I will not allow any idiotic updates Jagex does slow me down in getting my goals and making my in game dreams a reality. Some say this is pathetic and that I should just join the ranks of others who cheat in the game and constantly insult innocent players on a regular basis. However, I've never been one to conform and I refuse to start now.
Soda ®
Well said Soda. I was worried when I saw your name suggesting you were a nerd kid as they are seriously into sodapop but everyone needs to remember it helps you to die younger. To back up the reasons; consider a worker that reinspects for annual certification on jobs that we take care of, this guy used to drink a 2 litre sodapop bottle a day and at 55 he has both servere diabetes aswell as prostate cancer with another cancer I think is bowel cancer - all these are attributed to him drinking so much sodapop or as we say here Fanta, Coke and L&P (Lemon & Paeroa).
Now reading your comment I am so much satisfied with your reply being fully true. The exception is I didn't think Jagex have done anything to botters at all. As you say mining pure ess is full of botters and I have reported heaps without seeing any change at all. Another place I have recently trained at is World84 Rocktail fishing along with killing a few Living Rocks. This is a serious mass of pixels as most of the 1100-1500 regularly there happen to all be in that same little area compared to the rest of Faldor let alone the whole of Runescape. This area clearly has mostly botters with just a few people trying to help the rest (not realising many of these are botting) and there are a small number that actually do talk aswell.
Last night after I wrote here, I was playing when the hackers brother contacted me saying he wanted to help get me a lot of stuff back. He expressed deeply his concern and was shocked when I told him his younger 16 yr old brother had said he wanted his mom to die. This is the way these little spoilt brats of hackers retaliate when found out. Regardless I always say that I play my own game and never let anyone else use my account. Trying to help others I have had 4 whips now & lost 3 of them, I had 3 cannons & have none now, I had a Dragon Axe & a DH set aswell and these were about the only items I ever purchased. I tried to play a fully true game but even with that gear it was still a little cheating. People that buy all their items are still cheating as that is simply laziness and means a 50% true account - worse still this is how hackers and botters benefit from their cheating and the GE is Botter & Hacker Central for this purpose.
I am seriously considering whether to keep playing as i've now spent over $2000 in my 8th year of the game. Yet any attempts at making the game better I just get punished for while stupid kids are continually allowed every method of cheating available. I know where you are coming from as I don't give up easy but it seems Jagex lack any maturity at all to think of the people that actually pay for their existance. Kids come and go as does Jagex income from this game. I saw on another site a comment from Mod Andrew that talked about how jagex use Runescape as a test case for developing other games - this being the primary reason for so many stupid changes that keep ruining the game more.
Geez time to stop here as I could go on and on about Jagex failures, seriously they have so few improvements the failures greatly outnumber them altogether. Take care fellow genuine players as maybe some day Jagex will become bankrupt and someone listening & decent may take over.
BTW have a look at 'Runescape Cons' aswell and see what happened to a large part of my hard work in the game and that $2000 + expenditure.
I wonder what all other decent people have spent in this game only to have it all wasted with no real gain.
Some of the first people spread the word of Runescape and now look where it is. Mostly everybody knows about it. I wouldn't think they would need advertisements if almost everybody know about it.
Yeah Jailice the story behind my name on here as well as RuneScape is more silly then any habbit of the actual drink. In a school I was in a few years back people pronounced my last name wrong. "Soto" came out "Soda" then before I knew it that was my official name >.> Yeah I don't worry to much about people knowing my last name since there are 100's of 1000's of Soto's the world. For that matter there are also streets & stores with that similar name, haha! None the less, I have grown to like the name and now use it for almost anything.
Aditionally, I cannot see how most people can stand drinking soda. Personally, I find it to be quite painful to have that sensation in my throat. Any form of drink is supposed to be pleasurable, I cant see how drinking something that causes you pain can be happy. Some people say I'm lucky for not likeing it, others say I'm insane for not likeing it. I guess it just depends on what angle their viewing it from.
Anyway yeah, I do too doubt the truth behind that mass bann Jagex issued. It is possble, although in some ways it isn't. I think the goal of making profeit seriously gets in the way of inforcing rules. Sure Jagex "may" want to have a nice friendly community, but if it's not possible I highly doubt they'd place respect infront of staying in business. In some ways you have to expect this in today's society although that doesn't mean it's right. Then again many things in life that are "legal" arn't morally or ethicaly right either.
I think using bots within RuneScape is also seriously harmful to a players computer as well. I tried 1 not to long ago, atlhough I wasn't using it to gain levels. Upon going to house parties many times noobs would ask me to do agility emote. Over the months I've gotten sick of these constant requests so I downloaded a auto clicker just to do the emote over & over for a little while when the noobs requested. Although I immediatly deleted this as it was seriously messing with Java and made it impossible for me to load RuneScape. Following this I had to reinstall Java in order for it to run properly again.
I consider myself very lucky that this was the only problem I encountered from using a clicker for a minor purpose. As I've found out many people have gotten serious viruses and keyloggers from downloading these.
Lol Sodapop, we have something in common. Schutz is my real last name but not too long ago in school, one of my friends made a nickname for me and it was Schutzy. Just because of my nickname I am now one of the most popular kids in my grade. It feels good to be popular but I also feel bad to people who aren't popular too much like nerds or something.
If you're gonna use a bot, I highly recommend that you get internet security so it doesn't affect your computer.
i've been seeing some ads for it ever since they released the new skill. and it's already really popular. pretty much every person that plays MMORPG's has played runescape at some point.
you're school must be easy to game prestige in. "who wants a lollipop?" and now i'm popular lol.
Actaully I no longer go to this school as they didn't realy teach much. Furthermore they had RuneScape blocked on all their computers as they were using linux. I think more less my nickname came about because of their own lack in grammer. Funny how I always had the highest grades in English in my entire class. Of course the Jr. through HS class room only consisted of 20 kids or less too. I simply stuck with this new nickname because it was the only name people really liked me for a lot. I guess this is because my real 1st name is very common.
Ehhh...I very much doubt I would ever even download a bot again even for such minor purposes as I mentioned. The reason it messed with Java is because it's a program that runs within Java script. Internet security has nothing to do with it. Aditionally, I think when I uninstalled it this in itself may have been the cause of the problem. Since I had RuneScape running willest doing this. Normaly if a warning message displayed sugguesting I close all other programs I would, but it didnt. Bots to gain even a couple levels in RuneScape or make money are all out cheeting. And unless Jagex for some weird reason allowed them I have no intention of ever using one again, even for doing an emote.
There could be viruses in a bot though.
Hmmm why is runescape so popular.
I think this can be summed up into one word.
That is the only reason so many people play this lump turd of a game.
he wasn't asking why is it popular, he was asking why you don't see any advertisements. and if it's a "turd of a game" why are there 500K+ subs and over 1million free to players? most P2P games have less.
It doesn't need adverts because word of mouth works so well for it. Some kid starts playing it, passes it on to his friends. You don't have to download anything and the game runs on Java. This combined with possibly the lowest system requirements I've ever seen on a 'modern' game is why they don't need to advertise. Once again, word of mouth from one kid to another works. It got me when I was just a lil' thing.
Oh, and the quality of something is not represented by the sales/subscriptions/players. Psychonaughts is a great example of a game that was great and was critically aclaimed, but did poorly in sales.
Disagreement Heirarchy
I have no idea what you are talking about, I see Runescape advertisements EVERYWHERE, including This site. LOL
They DO advertise quite a bit. I am not buying the " word of mouth" nonsense since most people bad mouth it that have played it, that would not be the kind of advertising a company would want.
Their main source of revolving players is from miniclip- everyone knows that.
actually i heard about it from a buddy six yeas ago. i told all my friends about it too and they started playing. but i do see advertisements for it. i think they just started advertising it more though, because i never saw an ad for it before 09.
Just in case you missed the whole Miniclip ordeal:
"Miniclip ends the Age of Innocence" -December 2007
"Then came the evil known as Miniclip. Runescape was listed as the best free online world on this site. And lo! Evil newbies poured forth in uncountable numbers from tutorial island. The once fair land of Runescape was covered in darkness. Thenceforth good was vanquished forevermore. Scammers, beggars, trash talkers and the like now ruled the once fair Lumbridge."
I heard this game from a friend, but Runescape wasn't just on miniclip, it was on other "flash game" websites too.