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I haven't played WoW since April. Today I was bored and was looking at different games. I decided I would try World of Tanks, so I got the beta key, downloaded the client. Installed it. during the installation there was an odd moment where it said it had to repair the Microsoft Visual C++. That was a bit odd, I have never seen that before and I've installed lots of software over the years.
So I decided to resub to WoW. I go to my account to resub, and find it's been resubbed, TODAY!. But with a completely different credit card number I've never seen before. I was even able to log in, fortunately nothing had been changed yet. I called Blizzard, they had me change everything etc. so I am Extremely blessed today.
Not saying it is DEFINITELY the World of Tanks Beta client, but it's the ONLY thing I can think of that changed today on my PC. I have promptly removed it from my computer and am even more wary now of trying any FTPs these days.
I also think some f2ps are up to shady business. Shortly after my brother installed RoM his WoW account was hacked.
Heheh, I know I know. I seriously tried to play everything under the sun in the last 3 months and NONE of them satisfied me at all. I'm not even sure WoW is going to satisfy me. Currently I just can't wait to get the summer over with, have September hit so I can dive into FFXIV with abandon.
Free bump to keep the warning message alive.
thanks. I'm so wary now about even launching Martial Empires or Battle of the Immortals. This kind of sucks. We need someone to come up with a program that sees these hidden phishers in websites and other games.
While it may be a possiblility, it is highly unlikely the installation of that game did this. Do you really think that a company that has spent several million dollars on a product would be willing to lose it all because they thought they might possibly get temporary control of a few thousand World of Warcraft accounts?
Many games use some version of Visual C++. Most of those game's installers are made to assume the part of C++ that is needed for the game to work is not on the computer it is installing to. Some actually check before attempting to install a C++ redistributable.
Now if you downloaded the game client from an unofficial source this possibility increases.
So where else are these phishers hidden then? I'm pretty careful with the net. I don't open emails from strange sources. Ever. If I could just see an example of the phisher program itself I could find it. I know my way around my PC, so this just baffles me. The only other thing I can think of, and this is probably a stretch, is that it gets embedded in certain downloads from unsuspecting companies, like the FTP games. Also, how do you know how much these FTP/Indy developers spend? I don't trust em at all. Especially foreign companies, no offense to the good ones, but they aren't exactly worried about the BBB or reports against them from anyone in America.
Well the term phishing means something different than what you appear to be using it for. Here's the Wikipedia entry for phishing. The basics of it is that phishing requires a person to respond and choose to provide their information to a poseur.
Having never had an active virus on my system and thus never having to remove one I can't provide much more help on this other than to try the usual.
Perform complete scans of your system with at least two different anti-virus programs. Also run at least two different malware detection programs.
Decent free anti-virus programs that are available include but are not limited to Avast, AVG, Microsoft Security Essentials, Nod32, and Trend Online's online virus scanner. Don't have more than one anti-virus program running at the same time.
Decent malware programs include Malwarebytes, Spybot Search & Destroy, and ummm, one I can't remember the freakin' name of right now. Again don't run more than one at the same time.
Thats scary shit. Thanks for head ups!
Hater of hater of World of Tank. Latest wargame from
Yeah for some reason I'm not seeing this as being the source of your account getting hacked. Because the main thing is, it usually takes a few weeks for them to hack it, it wouldn't have been instant, they like to wait or their accounts get banned for transferring gold to them or whatever they might be doing. but thanks for the warning.
So after removing FFXI windower, Martial Empires and World of Tanks from my PC, since those were the major changes in the last month to my PC, I also ran 2 antivirus/spyware scanner programs.
I came up with nothing. Not one thing.
So again, just be WARY of these FTPs and little known companies and of course ANY addon for any game heheh.
You could be the victim of a java drive-by.
Eleanor Rigby.
Not first one from Martial Empires Ive heard, so its not WoT.
Hater of hater of World of Tank. Latest wargame from
World of Tanks For Your Account Info?
Willing to bet that the cause was the windower you were using for FFXI. It's common knowledge that majority of 3rd party apps for FFXI are nothing but packages for trojans and other sorts of nasty things.
Ok, so you say you installed WoT, then the SAME DAY you go to resub to WoW. Considering you weren't subbed to WoW means you weren't logging in, that means there is no way for a program to grab your info. A phish gets your info when you type it in, the first time you went to type it in you found your account subbed by someone else, that means it wasn't anything that came from WoT.
Did you use the same account info for wow and anything else?
A lot of inactive accounts have been strangely hacked out of the blue.
I'm one who is ever wary of phishing and hacking tricks. You could find no one else more paranoid. Yet my EU WoW account got hacked last year after 2 years of being inactive.
Doubt it is this "World of Tanks", though you never know since there was that whole Evony scandal.
-Azure Prower
Been using the FFXI windower for 6 or more years.... it's clean...
idk i had my wow account hacked last year (inactive account for 9+months)and i have never had any accounts hacked before or given my passwords out.
also it happen around the same time that their was a big uprise in accounts being hacked.
also had that extra pw thing added on when it was hacked had to get support to remove it.
lots of fishy stuff with wow but i wouldnt blam any f2p companies of anything like that. my pw wasnt at the time the hardest to crack iam sure someone could of just used a dictinary thing to get it which they probly did with many ppls accounts.
This is the biggest Bullshit i have ever heared that game got some awards. It really has potential on the market and you guys think they hack wow accounts omg...
Please stop playing WoT.
Well, technically you don't know that. First I went to to check my account and the status was active which made me go "What?!" and then I dug deeper and found the credit card info, etc. They had ALL day from when I installed WoT to when I checked the account on WoW to get the password and resub.
Anyway, I didn't say it WAS WoT just to be WARY as it possibly COULD be WoT. I still want to know what type of java code it might have been and which site I went to, which most probably was a video game site, since that's where I spend 90% of my online time.
If you dont trust indy companies who you install that shit, go back to WoW. Blizzard is everyone's friend! Im not kidding, internet is dangerous place. All kind of cyberbullies, cyberpedos. etc etc. Sick mother fucker stalkers!
Hater of hater of World of Tank. Latest wargame from
I wonder if it has nothing to do with phishers or viruses but is just plain blackmail from inside employees. Or something like it, someone who can access the WoW logging database and goes' through inactives. Like an inside job.
I had my account frozen for 4 months in wow, and I recieved an email stating that my account had been banned. Someone had activated it, done michievious things with my main, melted all vendorable items and then my account was banned. At the time, I didnt really care, because I had no plans of ever going back to wow. several months later, after finding nothing at all to hold my interest, I went through the channels to reinstate my account. Turns out that after the hacker took my account, they told thier credit card company to deny the charges. Blizz support team told me that there was no way to identify what was taken, and since the account was in the hole 15 dollars, I had to pay it to get it back, there was nothing I could do.
Not sure exactly how they got my account, my theory is that through addons/ftp games w/e, they already have a list of user and passes longer than they can attack at once, and just go into accounts when they get to them. If you dont have the authenticator, you WILL get hacked, its just a matter of time.