no....a capsuleer that dies outside of his capsule would just become a rotting corpse instead of frozen corpse.
Why couldn't a capsuleer outside of a capsule have a clone activated if killed in a bar?
Because the clone requires a neural image to be taken from a capsuleers brain after it has been injected with a high speed neurotoxin to freeze the activity of the brain for the scan. meaning that in order for the capsuleer to awaken in a new body they will have to carry around a Neural scanner and an injector for the Neurotoxin. DUST ground pounders utilize a single scan done before combat and don't replace the data till there is significant downtime. End result is that a capsuleer gets screwed since they don't keep an "archived" version of thier brain scan comparred to a DUST soldier.
OP what amazes me is your belief that EVE is all about ships and pod pilots and them living and breathing ships. Yes I know the lore and guess what if you read the stories written by fans, and even in some novels, the lore is broken all the time continuously. So that means the lore that you so fervently hold onto is not written in stone. Pod pilots do leave their ships and do so quite regularly it seems. It is silly to assume that humans would evolve as you'd like them to be, to subsist of living a life in a pod full of goo...never to know love, never to know the touch of another human, to taste real food or to look upon the heavens with their own eyes and behold the glory of it all. Do you honestly think that humans would forgo all that makes us what we are to be encased in a pod full of goo for all eternity? I do not see it and I doubt any human in their right mind would agree to such a life - because that is not life - that is death.
I wrote a story where all the pod pilots were the hybrid offspring of Jar Jar and a colony of Ewoks after Jar Jar mistaked a bowl of Viagra for a bowl of Skittles...and because I wrote that as a fan, it makes it true - per you.
Capsuleers are not your average human that is out there knowing love, the touch of another human, to taste real food, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum...
...they have traded part of who they were or could be for what they saw as more, having weighed the risks - what would be lost - what could be gained.
Want to know love, human touch, and all the rest - then go be one of the insignifcant people that I could buy and sell for cheaper than reloading my guns... do not try to make me less because you regret your decision and there is only one class in EVE. speak as if your ship is a God unto itself, yet it is easily destroyed. This whole silly notion that pod pilots are Gods is just that...silly. You're only immortal if your clone is available...::walks over and pulls the plug on Virus Dancers clone:: so much for being a God. LOL!
Thank you for agreeing with the point of those that have an issue of capsuleers leaving their pods without some sort of nifty advancement in technology and lore on CCP's part...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Lore wise i am betting that the Jovians will give some new tech that solves the dying outside a pod problem.
Otherwise there will be no out of pod pvp.
Also read the first eve novel as it highlights severall aspects of out of pod stuff in eve.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
OP what amazes me is your belief that EVE is all about ships and pod pilots and them living and breathing ships. Yes I know the lore and guess what if you read the stories written by fans, and even in some novels, the lore is broken all the time continuously. So that means the lore that you so fervently hold onto is not written in stone. Pod pilots do leave their ships and do so quite regularly it seems. It is silly to assume that humans would evolve as you'd like them to be, to subsist of living a life in a pod full of goo...never to know love, never to know the touch of another human, to taste real food or to look upon the heavens with their own eyes and behold the glory of it all. Do you honestly think that humans would forgo all that makes us what we are to be encased in a pod full of goo for all eternity? I do not see it and I doubt any human in their right mind would agree to such a life - because that is not life - that is death.
I wrote a story where all the pod pilots were the hybrid offspring of Jar Jar and a colony of Ewoks after Jar Jar mistaked a bowl of Viagra for a bowl of Skittles...and because I wrote that as a fan, it makes it true - per you.
Capsuleers are not your average human that is out there knowing love, the touch of another human, to taste real food, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum...
...they have traded part of who they were or could be for what they saw as more, having weighed the risks - what would be lost - what could be gained.
Want to know love, human touch, and all the rest - then go be one of the insignifcant people that I could buy and sell for cheaper than reloading my guns... do not try to make me less because you regret your decision and there is only one class in EVE. speak as if your ship is a God unto itself, yet it is easily destroyed. This whole silly notion that pod pilots are Gods is just that...silly. You're only immortal if your clone is available...::walks over and pulls the plug on Virus Dancers clone:: so much for being a God. LOL!
Thank you for agreeing with the point of those that have an issue of capsuleers leaving their pods without some sort of nifty advancement in technology and lore on CCP's part...
I take it then that not many of you have read the EVE book(s)?
I'm not talking about stories written by fans, posted to the official website. I'm talking about the book commissioned by CCP and written by Tony Gonzales (and the newer one written by Hjalti Danielsson).
In my mind, if there is any "official" lore to be considered, it's in these books. I've only read the first one (GREAT book by the way!) and it very clearly has entire chapters filled with capsuleers out and walking and talking in the "real world". It also speaks about these very same capsuleers fulfilling their carnal desires, etc.
I take it then that not many of you have read the EVE book(s)?
I'm not talking about stories written by fans, posted to the official website. I'm talking about the book commissioned by CCP and written by Tony Gonzales (and the newer one written by Hjalti Danielsson).
In my mind, if there is any "official" lore to be considered, it's in these books. I've only read the first one (GREAT book by the way!) and it very clearly has entire chapters filled with capsuleers out and walking and talking in the "real world". It also speaks about these very same capsuleers fulfilling their carnal desires, etc.
The first novel is marketing material, you know that - right? Written for the release of Empyrean Age - as a means to try to attract others to the game, etc, etc?
The lore most folks here are probably going by is the combination of the chronicles and approved articles in EVElopedia.
It is a trip though, that you would bring up a book about the starting FW stuff - when FW is one of the abandoned nifty ideas. Just saying...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
I take it then that not many of you have read the EVE book(s)?
I'm not talking about stories written by fans, posted to the official website. I'm talking about the book commissioned by CCP and written by Tony Gonzales (and the newer one written by Hjalti Danielsson).
In my mind, if there is any "official" lore to be considered, it's in these books. I've only read the first one (GREAT book by the way!) and it very clearly has entire chapters filled with capsuleers out and walking and talking in the "real world". It also speaks about these very same capsuleers fulfilling their carnal desires, etc.
The first novel is marketing material, you know that - right? Written for the release of Empyrean Age - as a means to try to attract others to the game, etc, etc?
The lore most folks here are probably going by is the combination of the chronicles and approved articles in EVElopedia.
It is a trip though, that you would bring up a book about the starting FW stuff - when FW is one of the abandoned nifty ideas. Just saying...
I'd argue that all books related to any particular game franchises are written to market the franchise... so I'm not sure what your point is there? Are we seriously arguing about WHICH lore is the more OFFICIAL lore?
Also, given that the book was also "approved" by CCP, once again, not sure where you get the idea that chronicles area any more (or less) official than the books.
Lastly, what does the existence of an FW storyline have to do with capsuleers getting out of their ships? Just because that storyline has been abandoned (news to me, though admittedly I don't even actively play EVE anymore), does that invalidate the entirety of the concepts introduced in the book?
I take it then that not many of you have read the EVE book(s)?
I'm not talking about stories written by fans, posted to the official website. I'm talking about the book commissioned by CCP and written by Tony Gonzales (and the newer one written by Hjalti Danielsson).
In my mind, if there is any "official" lore to be considered, it's in these books. I've only read the first one (GREAT book by the way!) and it very clearly has entire chapters filled with capsuleers out and walking and talking in the "real world". It also speaks about these very same capsuleers fulfilling their carnal desires, etc.
The first novel is marketing material, you know that - right? Written for the release of Empyrean Age - as a means to try to attract others to the game, etc, etc?
The lore most folks here are probably going by is the combination of the chronicles and approved articles in EVElopedia.
It is a trip though, that you would bring up a book about the starting FW stuff - when FW is one of the abandoned nifty ideas. Just saying...
I'd argue that all books related to any particular game franchises are written to market the franchise... so I'm not sure what your point is there? Are we seriously arguing about WHICH lore is the more OFFICIAL lore?
Also, given that the book was also "approved" by CCP, once again, not sure where you get the idea that chronicles area any more (or less) official than the books.
The chronicles, articles on EVElopedia, etc - are also "approved" by CCP.
Lastly, what does the existence of an FW storyline have to do with capsuleers getting out of their ships? Just because that storyline has been abandoned (news to me, though admittedly I don't even actively play EVE anymore), does that invalidate the entirety of the concepts introduced in the book?
It was just a statement on the irony of it.
edit: typo demons, arggh!
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Because the clone requires a neural image to be taken from a capsuleers brain after it has been injected with a high speed neurotoxin to freeze the activity of the brain for the scan. meaning that in order for the capsuleer to awaken in a new body they will have to carry around a Neural scanner and an injector for the Neurotoxin. DUST ground pounders utilize a single scan done before combat and don't replace the data till there is significant downtime. End result is that a capsuleer gets screwed since they don't keep an "archived" version of thier brain scan comparred to a DUST soldier.
Thank you for agreeing with the point of those that have an issue of capsuleers leaving their pods without some sort of nifty advancement in technology and lore on CCP's part...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Lore wise i am betting that the Jovians will give some new tech that solves the dying outside a pod problem.
Otherwise there will be no out of pod pvp.
Also read the first eve novel as it highlights severall aspects of out of pod stuff in eve.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I take it then that not many of you have read the EVE book(s)?
I'm not talking about stories written by fans, posted to the official website. I'm talking about the book commissioned by CCP and written by Tony Gonzales (and the newer one written by Hjalti Danielsson).
In my mind, if there is any "official" lore to be considered, it's in these books. I've only read the first one (GREAT book by the way!) and it very clearly has entire chapters filled with capsuleers out and walking and talking in the "real world". It also speaks about these very same capsuleers fulfilling their carnal desires, etc.
The first novel is marketing material, you know that - right? Written for the release of Empyrean Age - as a means to try to attract others to the game, etc, etc?
The lore most folks here are probably going by is the combination of the chronicles and approved articles in EVElopedia.
It is a trip though, that you would bring up a book about the starting FW stuff - when FW is one of the abandoned nifty ideas. Just saying...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
I'd argue that all books related to any particular game franchises are written to market the franchise... so I'm not sure what your point is there? Are we seriously arguing about WHICH lore is the more OFFICIAL lore?
Also, given that the book was also "approved" by CCP, once again, not sure where you get the idea that chronicles area any more (or less) official than the books.
Lastly, what does the existence of an FW storyline have to do with capsuleers getting out of their ships? Just because that storyline has been abandoned (news to me, though admittedly I don't even actively play EVE anymore), does that invalidate the entirety of the concepts introduced in the book?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Incarna makes me want to make a Male character, so I can dress him up like this.