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Okay, so i know there have bee a lot more threads similar to this one on this site, but this one is stricl for my benefit or the benefit of others on my situation.
So, my birthday is coming up, and i'm trying to decide between an XBox 360 or a Gaming Computer and i'm a bit torn between the two. So, i was wondering if you guys would vote on which would be better and list the pros and cons of the one you voted for. This will be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
-Anarkii Out
Kind of depends on the types of games you like, but considering this is im assuming youre into MMORPGs so.... definitely a gaming pc as theres not really anything in terms of MMOs for the 360 coming up that im aware of. Overall youre better off with a gaming pc either way since the majority of the games on 360 you can also play on PC, and hell even play it with a controller just like the 360.
Get the gaming PC if it's going to cost them over 500 bucks.
If not get the Xbox 360 and make sure they get the Kinect bundle.
- I am assuming someone will be buying it for you-
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
Most MMORPG are still developed mostly on PC, though there are some MMORPG that seem to get a console release, but then again been hearing that for years, I mean even Star Wars Galaxies before it was released had a console version, so they stated back then, and perhaps there are 2 or 3 MMO's that have been released on consoles, yet they never really grown big, as far I know or remember.
Buying a console might be cheaper just for the console compared to a gaming rig, but if you are a gamer and want to keep updated with the newest games they often are more pricey then pc games, I also don't believe in the console exclusive title's as most of those so-called exclusive title's found their way to PC eventually. And on top of that getting all the controlers or might you get into Kinetic all together would get you a nice gaming rig.
Also resolution plays a part for me as I like to extend to high res. even though console games are looking better and better, I have yet to see a console game meet the ingame quality of a gaming rig.
But you will be able to buy 4 -5 XBox 360's basic compared to a future proof gaming pc. But of money is no concern I would really suggest a gaming PC.
That's like asking if you want that F15 fighter jet on the runway or the tricycle next to it. Get the PC.
Yeah. Mid-spec gaming PC will probably cost you about 5 XBOXes.
You can't play MMOs on Xbox so I don't see how you personally will benefit from one since you seem to be a part of MMO community.
What MMO's? all the MMO's right now suck. I play MW2 as of now...
Get out of your box already...
A Gaming Console at least leaves you in control of the game.
Its up to developers now to make discs for their online games to run with them to stop the mass botting and hacking that ruining most the games.
I know but haven't played WOW, Final Fantasy XI or Diablo online and even Quake has a long standing online community.
Why not a PS3? Free blue-ray player. In any case, I would never buy a PC specifically built for gaming. They start to become obsolete way too fast, and they're way too expensive. You could buy a PS3, 360, a Wii, and a whole collection of games for the price of a good gaming PC.
I'll vote for the 360, but I still think you should get a PS3 unless the 360 exclusive titles are something you absolutely must have.
Why not the PS3? Its a free blue ray reader, it has games like Metal Gear Awesomesauce and looks cooler
This said it really depends , i got a PS3 mainly because of PS-only releases (like MGS) . If there aren't any games you want who are only released on the X-box i'd go for a gaming PC.
Oh ye an other reason i wanted a console is because our TV is awesomesauce and my PC screen is crapity ^^ (i know i could plug my pc onto my TV but than i can't play when people watch TV )
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
As was said, I wouldn't buy a computer designed just for gaming. I paid about 1500 for my multimedia computer (that incudes the price of a wide screen monitor which it didn't come with), put a better power supply in it and bought a better graphics card and any of the mmo's I play can be played at max settings and I still get 60 - 80 fps.
My step son has a xbox and plays lots of multiplayer games. I pay his monthly fee for the online gold membership, but he has a job so he buys all his games. After buying the game, then all the addons and addtional stuff for it, that 40 or 50 dollar game is now over 100. Had that been an mmo, he probably would have gotten all the additional stuff for free. He is now moving towrards mmo's since it cost's him less and he likes playing games with others around.
If you like Single player games, go xbox. If you like multiplayer games, go PC and you dont need a gaming rig.
I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.
Oh PC gaming all the way.
I have this argument with one of my brothers all the time. He loves his 360 and tries to get me to play with him either together on his, or multi with us on our own machines. I keep telling him there are just too many buttons on a controller and forget trying to chat with anyone without the headset. All the damn combinations that have to be memorized just to be able to play and forget about shooters alltogether. I've got way too many other thing to remember as an adult than Y,X,A,X,LT,B,A,RT,LT2&RT2 then left to uppercut. I really don't know how console players do it to be honest but hey to each his own, I've heard the expression "you're all thumbs" before but that's not me.
So now I have a 360 that collects dust and a PS3 that is just a blu-ray player while I do all my gaming on my PC.
I keep telling him that consoles are quickly becoming PC's anyway with the hard drives, internet capabilities, graphics processors. All they need is a mouse and keyboard and there you have it. Then he tries to make the argument that PC's need to be upgraded for each new game that comes out and that's when I learn him on just how ignorant a pro-consoler is of how real games should be played. Ten minutes later and I've gone through all the things that PC's can do way better and more easily than a console can and he doesn't want to argue anymore.
I started gaming on consoles way back with the Atari 2600 and played them through the Nintendo 64, then I got my first PC. Shortly after that I forgot all about consoles. Because I gre up on consoles though I have succumb to the 360 and PS3 hype. That's mostly due to the HD-DVD player for the 360 and then when that went the way of the dodo the built in blu-ray on the PS3 made me go that way but I'm pretty sure that these will be my last consoles. Life is just way better on a PC.
Your posting this question on an MMORPG gaming site, so expect to hear alot of answers favoring the PC.
It heavily depends on what you prefer, but for me, I prefer doing my video gaming on a good PC rig. A good rig can make games look spectacular. Keyboard & Mouse controls offer alot of control and freedom, especially for FPS games. MMORPGs are at home on the PC (again, you're posting on a MMO site).
Lastly, the single biggest advantage PC gaming offers that Consoles will never, ever have? Mods. Mods to tweak, improve, expand upon, or totally convert a "Vanilla" / original version of many games. You'll never see that sort of freedom and appreciation for the fanbase on consoles. NEVER. Some would love to see it on their favorite Consoles, but the powers that be will never allow it on Consoles. Flight sims, RPGs, FPS, RTS, Strategy, etc. Games from many genres get varying degrees of Mods, which is dependent on the fan community.
A good example is for Fallout 3, which is released across several platforms. People see some of the mods out for FO3 and ask, "Can this be used on the PS3/360 version?" Unfortunately for them, the answer is a no.
Mods can potentially wring alot more life out of a game.
Edit to add: The last time I was a hardcore Console player was back in the days of the PS1 / Saturn days. For such a long time, the biggest advantage I thought Consoles had was no-fuss gaming. EVERYTHING works perfectly fine on a Console. But not these days. I'm hearing about bugs, technical issues, etc. Just like on a PC! Hahahaha!
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Personally, I would get a PS3 or a 360 (have a PS3 myself). There is also a larger variety of games for consoles. Unless you have a certain MMO that you will need a new PC for, or you prefer more PC games than consoles. You might also want to get the console if you want to be considerate. It will be cheaper than a high end PC. Unless of course, your parents don't really care about the price.
As others have said it really depends on what you are looking for in gaming. The PC is the much better option for MMO's and RTS if that is your thing (although FF XIV and the DC Universe MMO willl both be PS3).
personally I have both a real good gaming rig and a few consoles (and handhelds and phone games... ok im an addict). I get a great deal of enjoyment out of both, and the online play of consoles these days is starting to feel alot more massive and encompassing. So that is a real good option.
is there a reason you are specifying an XBox 360? While XBox Live is the better online experience, the hardware itself is at best questionable and problematic and at worst a reason for homicide. There is a reason why the term RRoD has entered the common vocabulary. Plus that better XBL experience comes from it costing.
Like a few others have mentioned, I really prefer the experience on the PS3. Online play is free with the console, all voice chat requires is a bluetooth headset as used by any phone, you will really fall in love with the Blueray player and the hardware is sturdy cool and extremely dependable.
Anyone even suggesting a Wii around these parts will be beaten, clubbed, skinned and left tied up outside the nearest dragons cave.
OMG Sanguinelust & Warmaker, PCs are heaps ahead in failing. Computers need replacing and upgrading themselves a hell of a lot while the gaming machine keeps on going. The Atari 400 was a beast of a gaming machine before the Atari 1200 was out. At the same time computers needed a room to themselves and couldn't play many games at all. Playstation have built machines that still keep working well but the latest are made so any old discs can still play on them aswell. Gaming console discs don't get upgraded like PC online games and thats a reason for being so much better aswell.
Computers need upgrading to keep up with online game developements. The games get upgraded and eventually turn you off them after a long time playing for poor reward, the botters that are proliferent in almost all online games are able to do everything and the games engine rewards the accounts on the game longest instead. For being a botter account all the time on the owner of the account hardly played so that account is a noob account still. With so many botters operating that also slows your system down so you get to play even less with all the bugs. Support for gaming is always prejudiced towrds the makers so attempts for honest help never eventuates. Then after you struggle through all this some ignorant kid finds a way to hack your account and all your PC playing is down the drain.
Console playing you can keep everything safely and if it's able to go online you can control this. This way if online by Console gives any problems you can go offline and keep playing. Also with Consoles you pay once and thats it but PC online games you keep spending a fortune for so little unless you just lazy cheat for a wasted account.
Cheating by botting, hacking accounts are both useless and are the equal of all the Nigerians & Chinese people used to moan about a couple of years ago!
Also too much gaming all up takes years off your life, so which is easier to limit your playing to?
This isn't a biased poll at all, lol.
The only "next gen" console I own is the Wii, and that's for two reasons.
1) No console game can do anything better than my PC, except maybe fighting/racing games which I don't play.
2) The Wii offers something different, plus I love Mario and Zelda games.
You just walked into a Catholic Church and worshipped the Devil
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
Tell me what types of games you enjoy and I'll tell you what platform provides you with the best versions of those games. Console vs. PC has always been about the genres imo.
Most of the genres I enjoy are strongest on the PC, so I spend most of my time on a PC.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
PC's are inferentially better than any console currently on the market.
With PC's you can do a lot more beside from gaming. You can upgrade, if you want yourself and if you haven't got the money to upgrade the whole thing, then buy it a part at a time from any manufacture you like. And if a part eventually goes, you can take it to anywhere place you want and sometimes even repair yourself.
Consoles on the other hand, live in a walled garden, upgrading them is near to impossible. Unless you want to go out and buy a new one. Repairs have to go back to the manufacture, which can be costly, if your outside of the service warranty. And some of them charge a subscription for accessing on-line services which should be free to begin with.
This is a fact of our modern world, “PC's rule, consoles drool.”
PC gaming is heaps ahead in failing, eh? LOL, we've been hearing that for more than 10 years now.
Consoles are not as reliable if you compare them to how systems were in the 90s. Games having problems at release. Games having serious performance issues (Bayonetta on PS3 for example?). Games needing updates and patches now. What's this about 360's taking a crap with the red light for some users?
But you and I have 2 different mindsets it seems.
If you want to be herded into a corral, led by the hand as to how you can enjoy your games, limit your experience of gaming by only what the console developer allows, then yes, Consoles are where you want to be.
But I want superior control, being able to vastly customize my game experience (remember mods?), better graphics and performance. I'm happy to upgrade parts every couple years and do some tweaking along with it. That's a small price to pay for the freedom in gaming I gain.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Consoles are OK at what they do, but the PC knocks crap out of them for the games I like. I can never understand why console controllers are so popular when a mouse and keyboard give so many more control options.
I started gaming on a PS1 before moving on to the PS2. Shortly after I got hooked on COD2 on the pc and have never looked back. The PC can do almost everything better than a console can. I also purchased a 360 so I could play with my RL friends who owned them. The 360 community is awful. XBL is just full of 12 year olds trying to sell you hacks or making inane noises down the mic. The only games I have since bought for the xbox were cod4, codmw2 and the orange box.. The first two of which were far better on PC. If you like MMO's get the PC. If you like any other games bar racing games or sports based games like Fifa get the PC.
Commander Jim
Were all living on knife's edge when will you fall off?
While computers are more superior in graphics and processing the only games that are exclusive to them now is MMOs and Starcraft. Unless u wanna count junk games like Bejeweled and Solitare. People are right in saying u can do more with PCs but is the cost of the rig really worth playing so few games that are around for it just for a bit of extra graphics. People can argue the whole MMO thing but really how many of those MMOs that are out at the moment are worth playing. That can be argued with taste in game but unless ur playing Wow none of the other games can hold a population worth mentioning. Warhammer is a joke, Aion here in the US is struggling, AOC is basically dead and that is the PC gamers biggest argument. If u want to be a PC gamer u need to know a lil about how computers work and while many will say its easy and not complicated at all for them,it may be difficult for others. It really is boiled down to what genre u enjoy and at the moment consoles do lag behind with graphics and the whole MMO genre but that will not be the case in a few more yrs considering there is only so far u can go with graphics and we are just bout to that plateau. All in all its about how much u know bout PC gaming and if u really want to sit there and mess with all the drivers and settings and requirements vs putting the game in and playing it.
Applications for MMO guilds??? Sorry not that pathetic just yet
Look up microsofts recently scrapped project to allow PC gamers and Xbox 360 gamers the ability to play together.
Reason behind scrapping it. PC gamers stomped Xbox 360 gamers to much that it would show that PC gamers and the PC in general is a better gaming platform.
Keyboard and mouse FTW.
Also, considering this is an mmo website. When was the last GOOD mmo released on a console. (FFXI, soon to be FFXIV) and thats PS3, not even Xbox.