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Star Wars: The Old Republic devs have revealed the advanced classes for the Jedi Knights: Sentinel and Guardian. Sentinels are dual-lightsabre wielding dynamos and Guardians protect the vulnerable. In addition to a description of each of the advanced classes, Bioware has produced a new video showing off the Jedi Knight in action.
Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. Manipulating the Force, the Sentinel can see holes in the enemy defense, potential flaws in their own technique and how best to plan for both.
Find out more about SWTOR Jedi Knight classes.
I don't understand how there is so much hating on these forums. How can you not get goose bumps just thinking about a modern technology Star Wars MMO?
I'm not a big jedi fan, I usually play bounty hunter types, but the video was really good. The world looks great in TOR and I was surprised to find the character models to be much less cartoony then the last time I saw them. The combat was pretty awesome looking too. Decent fan friday update.
people hate on what most people want to succeed for the sake of being either original or the devil's advocate.
coming along just fine imo.
Meh, it's the internet.
I'm not here to complete my forum PVP dailies.
I'd wager it's typically because this IP, more than most in the fan genre, has so much to live up to. Star Wars fans are very dedicated and have high expectations. Just because it's SW doesn't mean it will be good, there have been a great deal of turds that won't flush. I, myself, can see a reason to maybe be leary of this incarnation of SW. I'm not a fan of the graphics, but the fact that it is a glorified KOTOR does hold some value for me. Many folks I know got burned on previous Star Wars games and the direction it has gone over the years with few bright moments. Hope that helps lend some insite on the folks I know that view this game with intense distrust.
Wonder why they didn't show the differences in Sentinel and Guardian. Anyway eye candy alwyas nice befire weekend
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I suspect the hate for SOTOR, WoW or any widely popular game is similar to that found for once-trendy bands who commit the unforgivable sin of becoming successful and popular. Mix one part edgy visionary self image, one part solipsistic crybaby, add a dash of masturbatory nihilism, and apply liberally.
Imo it keeps looking better. Who knows maybe we might have a good one in the works finally.
Video looked nice. I am very excited now about the jedi knight. Didn't want to play one, but I think I may have to play a jedi In this game. My original choices were BH and imp agent. Still plan on playing the Imp Agent, seems like a road that will be less traveled.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
i think they polish and improve graphic. it looking better than previous videos i may try this game when it come out
Graphics and animations looked much better then the crap i saw a month ago. Then again this is on my wait to buy list, not gonna touch this game at least 2-3 months after release. It worked on STo and saved my money.
nice but doesnt't really seem like new info, just shows different sith text for the mirror class. I do like it though
Do........ you
Have... to wear... ARMOR.
I don't want a Jedi who looks like BUZZ LIGHTYEAR.
Who says you have to?
Every fricken picture of their jedi that they release.
Then we must be looking at two different games because I've seen many jedi in TOR with robes.
First time anything on this game has given me a mild semi , so i guess thats progress, lookin little better.
I've seen Jedi with "capes". I've never seen one in this game wearing a Robe, like the ones in the films.
Again you are using the wrong word. Look up the definition of hate, you seem to need an English lesson.
Posters should be critical of any of these up and coming games. We have not seen a decent release in ages. Nothing wrong in criticizing this game either. It seems to be another theme park, pretty much a Wow in space. Nothing innovative about it and the recently announced space combat feature most certainly is a negative.
It is fine that is what you expect and want, but people on these forums are looking for something beyond that. Let's not anoint a game before it comes out. Who knows Bioware might actually surprise us If you set your expectations high, you will just be disappointed.
On the very same page for the Jedi Knight, scroll over to outfitting it shows a robe as an outfit for the Jedi Knight to wear. thats without even having to search.
Because the Jedi are in a time of great conflict. Watch the Trailer where the Jedi are attacked by the Sith.
Anyways, great stuff renewed my interest in the game. I think this game will be the One.
Have you ever seen a film of TOR? Nope didn't think so.
Perhaps it was common practice in this time era that jedi in battle would wear armor?
I don't see the problem with it. I am sure you may have an option to wear a robe, or at least I would hope so.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
if you have ever read any of this guys TOR posts it is constant complaining and negativity. Can't think of a time I seen him post something positive about the game.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"