Anyways, great stuff renewed my interest in the game. I think this game will be the One.
I hate that excuse.
The Jedi are in a time of great Conflict in the Clone Wars too.
Obi-Wan and Anakin both wear armor durring some of their missions durring the Clone Wars 2D animated series.
Also the conclicts of the Old Republic time line was infact MUCH greater then that of the Clone Wars saga. The Old Republic war lasted for some 3-4 thousand years. There were easly as many Sith lords at this time as there were Jedi at the time the Star Wars prequals and many of those Sith lords had there own armies, as well as allot of those Sith were working together, just like the Jedi. This was also a time period when some of the greatest and most powerful Sith lords were around. It was the longest and most chaoic time period in Star Wars history. Even at the end of it all, thousands of Jedi had brutally fallen beneath the power of the Dark Side.
Yeah, and the world has really embraced that Clone Wars 3d Cartoon series. It sure is going to go down in history as a shining example of Star Wars glory.
Anyways, great stuff renewed my interest in the game. I think this game will be the One.
I hate that excuse.
The Jedi are in a time of great Conflict in the Clone Wars too.
Obi-Wan and Anakin both wear armor durring some of their missions durring the Clone Wars 2D animated series.
Also the conclicts of the Old Republic time line was infact MUCH greater then that of the Clone Wars saga. The Old Republic war lasted for some 3-4 thousand years. There were easly as many Sith lords at this time as there were Jedi at the time the Star Wars prequals and many of those Sith lords had there own armies, as well as allot of those Sith were working together, just like the Jedi. This was also a time period when some of the greatest and most powerful Sith lords were around. It was the longest and most chaoic time period in Star Wars history. Even at the end of it all, thousands of Jedi had brutally fallen beneath the power of the Dark Side.
Yeah, and the world has really embraced that Clone Wars 3d Cartoon series. It sure is going to go down in history as a shining example of Star Wars glory.
Give me a break.
He said the "2D Clone Wars series" not the 3D one. The 2D series was actually quite good.
I don't understand how there is so much hating on these forums. How can you not get goose bumps just thinking about a modern technology Star Wars MMO?
Again you are using the wrong word. Look up the definition of hate, you seem to need an English lesson.
Posters should be critical of any of these up and coming games. We have not seen a decent release in ages. Nothing wrong in criticizing this game either. It seems to be another theme park, pretty much a Wow in space. Nothing innovative about it and the recently announced space combat feature most certainly is a negative.
It is fine that is what you expect and want, but people on these forums are looking for something beyond that. Let's not anoint a game before it comes out. Who knows Bioware might actually surprise us If you set your expectations high, you will just be disappointed.
I suppose if you didn't have the stick jammed so far up you-know-where you would realize what I was refering to with the term 'hate'. I was using it in a slang reference, so no English lesson would provide teachings on that.
Posters should be critical, but these critical posters act like their opinions are written facts.
You're going to try and throw this 2-bit intellectual bs at me, and then say that because the game is a themepark, it's pretty much Wow in space. That was such an original thought. To assume because a game is a themepark it will be WoW is such a new, non-hating concept (there I go using 'hate' that way again, call the grammar nazis). You are the first person to use this saying, it's so innovative.
Since you are clearly so much more innovative than this game is, Bioware should take notes from you. Your statement is based completely on facts. I bet you know the ins and outs of this game more than beta testers do.
Animations still don't really feel smooth. Idk, maybe it'll be different when I play the game.
I hate to say it, but that was my dominant thought while watching too. I've been following TOR for some time, mainly at DarthHater, and with some regret it is time to admit to myself that conceptually and visually it just isn't working for me.
Ah well. There do seem to be lots of games coming out in 2011.
I suspect the hate for SOTOR, WoW or any widely popular game is similar to that found for once-trendy bands who commit the unforgivable sin of becoming successful and popular. Mix one part edgy visionary self image, one part solipsistic crybaby, add a dash of masturbatory nihilism, and apply liberally.
Although i think to an extent you're right. There are the people that get butt hurt because their favorite band/game/whatever is no longer cloaked in obscurity and thus by becoming popular they are no longer a beautiful unique snowflake for liking the band/game/whatever.
On the flip side of the coin, there are people like me, who have hate, because of the METHOD in which the band/game/whatever becomes popular.
For bands, i'll use POD as an example. POD's first succesful album southtown? Pretty hard rock with some rap in it, yes, definitely had a christian influence to the lyrics, but overall the feel of the music, and the lyrics seemed to come from an honest place, it had an identity to it. After this album, their following works were TOTALLY different musically. Much more toned down rock, with a hugely greater emphasis on how much they loved jesus. Now, i am deist, so i dont really subscribe to religious dogma, but i have no beef with it, as long as people are consistent. Had POD started out with the super jesus'y lyrics, i wouldnt have hate for them. But, i feel they weren't as popular as they could be, and pulled the christian rock card out to acheive the success they desired.
Coming to MMO's, many of us hate games like WOW, because of how they acheived their success. Yes, people will argue that WOW is very polished and blah blah, but the blind man can see the game was popular because they designed it towards casual gamers. The game's hardware requirements were specifically set at a low level (it ran flawlessly on 2 year old gaming rigs when it was released in 2004), this showed in the graphics. They were able to compensate somewhat via a cartoony art style. The game was made very easy, you could easily solo to level 60 without any real hiccups in a relatively short amount of time. Good items were embarassingly easy to obtain.
All of this combined to make a game that for the core MMO gamer, the type who doesnt mind time investments and sees the benefit and enjoyment that can be gained from "work now, reward later" type of play, rather than "you logged on, here's your reward!"
Imagine being a blacksmithing enthusiast. you have your own world and group of people who appreciate the hard work and artistry in the smithing field. All of a sudden, some company releases a "blacksmithing kit", which in reality is just a bunch of cast molds where people can melt and poor really cheap, shitty metal into the molds and make armor and swords. Then, they start swarming your conventions, talking about how great they are and how they're blacksmiths, while you and your buddies are sitting there hemorhhaging blood at the eyes at how fucking clueless and stupid these people are. All the while you get labelled as being short sighted, and liking "grinds" and being uninnovative.
This is pretty much what the release of WOW did to the gaming community. So, yes, a lot of us have hate, but we have our reasons, and yes they are valid reasons. Its not the success that we hate, its the method of success.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
I suspect the hate for SOTOR, WoW or any widely popular game is similar to that found for once-trendy bands who commit the unforgivable sin of becoming successful and popular. Mix one part edgy visionary self image, one part solipsistic crybaby, add a dash of masturbatory nihilism, and apply liberally.
Although i think to an extent you're right. There are the people that get ... (snipped for brevity)
Thanks for the detailed examples, but I was using the music comparison as shorthand for someone who dislikes something simply because it is popular. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike bands, video games, etc.
The thing I find indefensible is presenting a preconception as a foregone conclusion, and being condescending about it. If that's not what you do, I don't have a problem with you. Criticize any game or music you like. I don't play WoW anymore either.
If you wanted to make your argument stronger, and sound a little less emo, you might focus on how easy loot cheapened your experience and achievements rather than how stupid and clueless others are.
I'm no hater nor fanboys but the picture they choose to represent a Jedi is far from what i imagine. It look like some generic chick in armor, Jedi have armor now ?
I'm no hater nor fanboys but the picture they choose to represent a Jedi is far from what i imagine. It look like some generic chick in armor, Jedi have armor now ?
I think it's only Jedi Knights, not Jedi Consulars, and then maybe only the advanced class Jedi Knight Guardian.
But I haven't read up on all the official info regarding SW:TOR, only vaguely recalling some other stuff and comments I read.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Anyways, great stuff renewed my interest in the game. I think this game will be the One.
I hate that excuse.
The Jedi are in a time of great Conflict in the Clone Wars too.
Obi-Wan and Anakin both wear armor durring some of their missions durring the Clone Wars 2D animated series.
Also the conclicts of the Old Republic time line was infact MUCH greater then that of the Clone Wars saga. The Old Republic war lasted for some 3-4 thousand years. There were easly as many Sith lords at this time as there were Jedi at the time the Star Wars prequals and many of those Sith lords had there own armies, as well as allot of those Sith were working together, just like the Jedi. This was also a time period when some of the greatest and most powerful Sith lords were around. It was the longest and most chaoic time period in Star Wars history. Even at the end of it all, thousands of Jedi had brutally fallen beneath the power of the Dark Side.
Yeah, and the world has really embraced that Clone Wars 3d Cartoon series. It sure is going to go down in history as a shining example of Star Wars glory.
Please FULLY read a post before you criticize it. Thanks. Otherwise it just leaves you looking like you have no idea what your saying, nor anyone else for that matter...
I'm no hater nor fanboys but the picture they choose to represent a Jedi is far from what i imagine. It look like some generic chick in armor, Jedi have armor now ?
This was already an ongoing thing in the above posts. But yes, the Jedi Knight - Guardian, one of the Jedi Knight Advanced Classes, will or can wear armor. BioWare is making it seem like they do have to wear armor, but not sure on that either, just going off of screen shots. Jedi Knight Guardians are heavy combat, hard hitting Jedi, so they often need to wear armor.
And yes, there have been Jedi who have worn armor before in the Star Wars saga.
I have to agree with the comments on the animations... they really don't look very smooth at all. Bad animations were the one thing that made it impossible for me to enjoy LOTRO properly back when it launched so I imagine if they aren't improved I won't be enjoying SWTOR either.
Also to those arguing that SWTOR is being innovative: voice acting and branching storylines are not exactly what I'd call innovative in a MMO, especially when they've both been done before in past MMOs. True innovation would have to come about in actual gameplay mechanics such as combat or crafting (or travelling *cough*spacebattlesonrails*cough*) and so far there is nothing innovative in any of these aspects of gameplay.
Love it. I think it's so awesome that you'll be able to choose between 2 branches to go down, in order to take your character farther down, in a new path. If BioWare does it right, it'll be really awesome both story and comebat wise. And it basicly means the game will have infact 16 class combinations, rather then just 8. Plus whatever effect the race you picked has over combat, if any at all.
I just hope BioWare fleshes out these "Advanced Classes". Not just have them add just a few more skills and that's it. I really hope they give you a really good reason to even want to be an advanced class. Hopefully they'll pull off something great, story + game play wise, that Blizzard should have done with WoW, when you became a Death Knight.
As far as the combat goes, it for sure looks tighter and smoother in this video to me then in past ones. I also think the combat looks better and funner then ANY other MMO on the market right now. Can't wait.
I have to agree with the comments on the animations... they really don't look very smooth at all. Bad animations were the one thing that made it impossible for me to enjoy LOTRO properly back when it launched so I imagine if they aren't improved I won't be enjoying SWTOR either.
Also to those arguing that SWTOR is being innovative: voice acting and branching storylines are not exactly what I'd call innovative in a MMO, especially when they've both been done before in past MMOs. True innovation would have to come about in actual gameplay mechanics such as combat or crafting (or travelling *cough*spacebattlesonrails*cough*) and so far there is nothing innovative in any of these aspects of gameplay.
Watch the Developer Walkthrough video on the main site, it's like 20 minutes long. They give allot of good detail on the innovative combat and mutiplayer play. There are other videos as well that address this even further. I mean, I don't think there has EVER been a MMO this story driven AND pretty much every disision you make effects that story and also effects story of others around you.
Plus skills of all the classes of each faction are designed to work/go together, like peanut butter and jelly. I know I can't wait to force choke an enemy, while my friend dowses them with his Bounty Hunter flame thrower...
I suspect the hate for SOTOR, WoW or any widely popular game is similar to that found for once-trendy bands who commit the unforgivable sin of becoming successful and popular. Mix one part edgy visionary self image, one part solipsistic crybaby, add a dash of masturbatory nihilism, and apply liberally.
Although i think to an extent you're right. There are the people that get ... (snipped for brevity)
Thanks for the detailed examples, but I was using the music comparison as shorthand for someone who dislikes something simply because it is popular. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike bands, video games, etc.
The thing I find indefensible is presenting a preconception as a foregone conclusion, and being condescending about it. If that's not what you do, I don't have a problem with you. Criticize any game or music you like. I don't play WoW anymore either.
If you wanted to make your argument stronger, and sound a little less emo, you might focus on how easy loot cheapened your experience and achievements rather than how stupid and clueless others are.
Well, i understand what you're saying, but i already had a proverbial wall of text so i was trying to keep it down. That and this isn't a "whats wrong with WOW/ Here is how WOW ruined the MMO genre" thread.
Just to flesh my position out a little more, without really going into detail. The problem a lot of us have is that when something popular, like wow, comes along, due to its *financial* success, producers/investors, etc, have a brain anuerysm and throw their artistic integrity out the window in an attempt to get a piece of that delicious money pie.
I have no problems with people who like ez-mode gaming. I have no problems with people who like full loot rights, sandbox style, open world PVP only mmo's who think everyone who doesnt like griefing are carebears. Do i think they're imbecilic morons? yes. But, i don't begrudge them their favored form of entertainment... here is the kicker... as long as its not forced upon me. Just like everything in real life. If you want to be a furry and dress up in a bear suit and dry hump your girlfriend, fine by me, just do it in the privacy of your own home.
The issue with WOW is it became almost Apple-esque in the playerbase, i.e. almost cult-esque. Basically you had this hord of fanbois, who decided it was their sole mission in life to spread the gospel and flood the forums and boards of other games to tell us how stupid we are and how awesome they and their game is, etc and so forth. What was already insulting about this, is we were already going to be denied "our" preferred playstle of MMO due to the pre discussed financial issues of game developers. No game company was going to get financed if they weren't making a WOW clone. So, because of that, every AAA MMO since WOW was released with a ton of concessions made to try to capture the wow playerbase. It ruined many a game.
Now, FINALLY, the investors are starting to realize that WOW was a once in a lifetime fluke, and it is highly unlikely that any one single game is going to capture that large of an audience again. I say this, because if you look at the WOW playerbase, there are clear splits amongst them. There is a healthy portion that enjoys the arena PVP format. A healthy portion that enjoys the ultra casual part of the game. A healthy portion that enjoys the full time job of raiding part of the game. probably 90% of the WOW playerbase is also people who were new to the MMO genre. Everyone knows what kind of hold your first MMO has on you. Despite how pissed you get at the game, you will generally play it for months or possibly years longer than you should because of a sense of loyalty, etc. I think people are finally starting to get disenchanted with the game, especially now that cataclysm has basically pulled all the major cool features people were excited about, and in reality isnt adding any new content, but just slapping a new coat of paint on all the old shit. Of course the fanbois are lapping it up like its the nectar of the gods, but thats to be expected.
I feel that whats happening now is the MMO field is starting to return back to its original "pre wow" development path, where rather than 1-3 major games dominating the market, it would be like the rest of the gaming field, and more specialized, tailored games would be released to suit specific styles of MMO gamers.
Anyways, im rambling again, but i thought you might be interested to hear that /shrug.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
Face it people. This is NOT the same team that made DA, ME or BA. Reading and watching the developers blogs have been really scary in the fact that how little these people know about MMOs.
Looks good to me, I'm pumped.
Animations still don't really feel smooth. Idk, maybe it'll be different when I play the game.
"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." -Bob Marley
I'm probably one of those people who just get wet.
He said the "2D Clone Wars series" not the 3D one. The 2D series was actually quite good.
I suppose if you didn't have the stick jammed so far up you-know-where you would realize what I was refering to with the term 'hate'. I was using it in a slang reference, so no English lesson would provide teachings on that.
Posters should be critical, but these critical posters act like their opinions are written facts.
You're going to try and throw this 2-bit intellectual bs at me, and then say that because the game is a themepark, it's pretty much Wow in space. That was such an original thought. To assume because a game is a themepark it will be WoW is such a new, non-hating concept (there I go using 'hate' that way again, call the grammar nazis). You are the first person to use this saying, it's so innovative.
Since you are clearly so much more innovative than this game is, Bioware should take notes from you. Your statement is based completely on facts. I bet you know the ins and outs of this game more than beta testers do.
lol get over yourself.
I hate to say it, but that was my dominant thought while watching too. I've been following TOR for some time, mainly at DarthHater, and with some regret it is time to admit to myself that conceptually and visually it just isn't working for me.
Ah well. There do seem to be lots of games coming out in 2011.
Although i think to an extent you're right. There are the people that get butt hurt because their favorite band/game/whatever is no longer cloaked in obscurity and thus by becoming popular they are no longer a beautiful unique snowflake for liking the band/game/whatever.
On the flip side of the coin, there are people like me, who have hate, because of the METHOD in which the band/game/whatever becomes popular.
For bands, i'll use POD as an example. POD's first succesful album southtown? Pretty hard rock with some rap in it, yes, definitely had a christian influence to the lyrics, but overall the feel of the music, and the lyrics seemed to come from an honest place, it had an identity to it. After this album, their following works were TOTALLY different musically. Much more toned down rock, with a hugely greater emphasis on how much they loved jesus. Now, i am deist, so i dont really subscribe to religious dogma, but i have no beef with it, as long as people are consistent. Had POD started out with the super jesus'y lyrics, i wouldnt have hate for them. But, i feel they weren't as popular as they could be, and pulled the christian rock card out to acheive the success they desired.
Coming to MMO's, many of us hate games like WOW, because of how they acheived their success. Yes, people will argue that WOW is very polished and blah blah, but the blind man can see the game was popular because they designed it towards casual gamers. The game's hardware requirements were specifically set at a low level (it ran flawlessly on 2 year old gaming rigs when it was released in 2004), this showed in the graphics. They were able to compensate somewhat via a cartoony art style. The game was made very easy, you could easily solo to level 60 without any real hiccups in a relatively short amount of time. Good items were embarassingly easy to obtain.
All of this combined to make a game that for the core MMO gamer, the type who doesnt mind time investments and sees the benefit and enjoyment that can be gained from "work now, reward later" type of play, rather than "you logged on, here's your reward!"
Imagine being a blacksmithing enthusiast. you have your own world and group of people who appreciate the hard work and artistry in the smithing field. All of a sudden, some company releases a "blacksmithing kit", which in reality is just a bunch of cast molds where people can melt and poor really cheap, shitty metal into the molds and make armor and swords. Then, they start swarming your conventions, talking about how great they are and how they're blacksmiths, while you and your buddies are sitting there hemorhhaging blood at the eyes at how fucking clueless and stupid these people are. All the while you get labelled as being short sighted, and liking "grinds" and being uninnovative.
This is pretty much what the release of WOW did to the gaming community. So, yes, a lot of us have hate, but we have our reasons, and yes they are valid reasons. Its not the success that we hate, its the method of success.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks for the detailed examples, but I was using the music comparison as shorthand for someone who dislikes something simply because it is popular. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike bands, video games, etc.
The thing I find indefensible is presenting a preconception as a foregone conclusion, and being condescending about it. If that's not what you do, I don't have a problem with you. Criticize any game or music you like. I don't play WoW anymore either.
If you wanted to make your argument stronger, and sound a little less emo, you might focus on how easy loot cheapened your experience and achievements rather than how stupid and clueless others are.
I'm no hater nor fanboys but the picture they choose to represent a Jedi is far from what i imagine. It look like some generic chick in armor, Jedi have armor now ?
Not going to be my class at release, but looks nice!
I think it's only Jedi Knights, not Jedi Consulars, and then maybe only the advanced class Jedi Knight Guardian.
But I haven't read up on all the official info regarding SW:TOR, only vaguely recalling some other stuff and comments I read.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Please FULLY read a post before you criticize it. Thanks. Otherwise it just leaves you looking like you have no idea what your saying, nor anyone else for that matter...
After getting so used to Aion, SWTOR's combat animations make me cringe.
This was already an ongoing thing in the above posts. But yes, the Jedi Knight - Guardian, one of the Jedi Knight Advanced Classes, will or can wear armor. BioWare is making it seem like they do have to wear armor, but not sure on that either, just going off of screen shots. Jedi Knight Guardians are heavy combat, hard hitting Jedi, so they often need to wear armor.
And yes, there have been Jedi who have worn armor before in the Star Wars saga.
I have to agree with the comments on the animations... they really don't look very smooth at all. Bad animations were the one thing that made it impossible for me to enjoy LOTRO properly back when it launched so I imagine if they aren't improved I won't be enjoying SWTOR either.
Also to those arguing that SWTOR is being innovative: voice acting and branching storylines are not exactly what I'd call innovative in a MMO, especially when they've both been done before in past MMOs. True innovation would have to come about in actual gameplay mechanics such as combat or crafting (or travelling *cough*spacebattlesonrails*cough*) and so far there is nothing innovative in any of these aspects of gameplay.
Love it. I think it's so awesome that you'll be able to choose between 2 branches to go down, in order to take your character farther down, in a new path. If BioWare does it right, it'll be really awesome both story and comebat wise. And it basicly means the game will have infact 16 class combinations, rather then just 8. Plus whatever effect the race you picked has over combat, if any at all.
I just hope BioWare fleshes out these "Advanced Classes". Not just have them add just a few more skills and that's it. I really hope they give you a really good reason to even want to be an advanced class. Hopefully they'll pull off something great, story + game play wise, that Blizzard should have done with WoW, when you became a Death Knight.
As far as the combat goes, it for sure looks tighter and smoother in this video to me then in past ones. I also think the combat looks better and funner then ANY other MMO on the market right now. Can't wait.
Watch the Developer Walkthrough video on the main site, it's like 20 minutes long. They give allot of good detail on the innovative combat and mutiplayer play. There are other videos as well that address this even further. I mean, I don't think there has EVER been a MMO this story driven AND pretty much every disision you make effects that story and also effects story of others around you.
Plus skills of all the classes of each faction are designed to work/go together, like peanut butter and jelly. I know I can't wait to force choke an enemy, while my friend dowses them with his Bounty Hunter flame thrower...
Some people confuse KOTOR era with the movies one, KOTOR happened years before the movies events.
I wish I was impressed. I want to be impressed. I'm not.
that armor looks outrageous. she looks like a hybrid trooper with lightsaber
Just thought I would give credit where credit is due. Great response nAAtimus!!!!!
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
Well, i understand what you're saying, but i already had a proverbial wall of text so i was trying to keep it down. That and this isn't a "whats wrong with WOW/ Here is how WOW ruined the MMO genre" thread.
Just to flesh my position out a little more, without really going into detail. The problem a lot of us have is that when something popular, like wow, comes along, due to its *financial* success, producers/investors, etc, have a brain anuerysm and throw their artistic integrity out the window in an attempt to get a piece of that delicious money pie.
I have no problems with people who like ez-mode gaming. I have no problems with people who like full loot rights, sandbox style, open world PVP only mmo's who think everyone who doesnt like griefing are carebears. Do i think they're imbecilic morons? yes. But, i don't begrudge them their favored form of entertainment... here is the kicker... as long as its not forced upon me. Just like everything in real life. If you want to be a furry and dress up in a bear suit and dry hump your girlfriend, fine by me, just do it in the privacy of your own home.
The issue with WOW is it became almost Apple-esque in the playerbase, i.e. almost cult-esque. Basically you had this hord of fanbois, who decided it was their sole mission in life to spread the gospel and flood the forums and boards of other games to tell us how stupid we are and how awesome they and their game is, etc and so forth. What was already insulting about this, is we were already going to be denied "our" preferred playstle of MMO due to the pre discussed financial issues of game developers. No game company was going to get financed if they weren't making a WOW clone. So, because of that, every AAA MMO since WOW was released with a ton of concessions made to try to capture the wow playerbase. It ruined many a game.
Now, FINALLY, the investors are starting to realize that WOW was a once in a lifetime fluke, and it is highly unlikely that any one single game is going to capture that large of an audience again. I say this, because if you look at the WOW playerbase, there are clear splits amongst them. There is a healthy portion that enjoys the arena PVP format. A healthy portion that enjoys the ultra casual part of the game. A healthy portion that enjoys the full time job of raiding part of the game. probably 90% of the WOW playerbase is also people who were new to the MMO genre. Everyone knows what kind of hold your first MMO has on you. Despite how pissed you get at the game, you will generally play it for months or possibly years longer than you should because of a sense of loyalty, etc. I think people are finally starting to get disenchanted with the game, especially now that cataclysm has basically pulled all the major cool features people were excited about, and in reality isnt adding any new content, but just slapping a new coat of paint on all the old shit. Of course the fanbois are lapping it up like its the nectar of the gods, but thats to be expected.
I feel that whats happening now is the MMO field is starting to return back to its original "pre wow" development path, where rather than 1-3 major games dominating the market, it would be like the rest of the gaming field, and more specialized, tailored games would be released to suit specific styles of MMO gamers.
Anyways, im rambling again, but i thought you might be interested to hear that /shrug.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
that armor looked fuckin awesome dude ....
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Face it people. This is NOT the same team that made DA, ME or BA. Reading and watching the developers blogs have been really scary in the fact that how little these people know about MMOs.