You're basing a lot of assumptions on very limited amounts of information that was actually presented. The videos were designed to showcase some of the things we will see in game, but it's not an all encompassing demonstration. ANet even stated that in one of the videos the character was invisible and immortal.
What we did see was that the animations are very fluid. The UI is clean and functional (not a lot of screen clutter). We saw environmental weapons being used. We also saw two players being able to use their skills to set up a "combo" attack of sorts, where the elementalist dropped flame wall and the warrior was whirling in the middle launching the elementalists flames with his weapons.
Now, we did see enough to form a base of an opinion, but there simply wasn't enough shown for us to be able to make a wide range of judgements without making many assumptions.
The OP seems to forget that its still an MMO, and will and should feel like an MMO..
The OP remembers all the bold claims Anet made to generate tons of hype and excitement for their game.
but maybe the OP got to expect too much? . to me it sounded right from start like a traditional MMO with some twists - that they want to sell them as highly innovative, well guess that depends what you focus on, and sure the devs want you to focus on the twists they want to sell the game on.
NPC with quest marker over the head, yep hope thats only some starter area thing and not part of the game over all.
the event notification? yes thats a game breaker for me as well, hope you can turn that off.
fast travel dislike that alot but know most of some reason just see it as waste of time sadly.
my main hope for this game is that the way quests is presented to you is more involving than your current NPC standing about waiting for you to stumble by, that the cycling events over all make the game world feel abit more living. but other than that all they have come with is just little twists, but sounds like awesome twists.
then the absolute main selling point to me is that its a B2P MMO....with alittle cashshop *cough* atleast in GW1 that thing is moved out of the game and doesnt feel as pushy as SOE made theirs - well it is pushy on the trial, as you all the time have this poster on the screen reminding you, you should buy this. but that were the only thing I really really disliked about my GW1 trial.
edit: wow this thread exploded while typed this obvious alot already covered all this ;P
-The review (from IGN who actually played the demo) supports that the game is story driven and focuses on your character's personal story.
-The combat setup looks like what they described (though it will be hard to tell how it plays until we see an organized group play the game)
-We saw much less instances than GW1 had. (Don't confuse the map travel w/ instances.
From what I remember, their claims were basically "we don't like these aspects of MMOs, so we aren't going to implement them", and as far as I can tell, they haven't.
Lets put it this way will it take what WAr started with its attempt to make questing less stattic more group centered (but failed at), YEs it seems so. This is new its not wowish.
Will they make it so content doesn't just respawn over and over game changes you make stay thay way for you (kill a boos , its dead forever [for that character]) Yes this is a tep into a less used better way of mmorpging.
Just haveign a FREE presitant world with AAA quality might very well be the largest revolutionary thing GW2 is doing. (Just think if it works we may see more).
Does the game look good yes.
It exp is a standard non scaling rate to remove the grind.
They are tryign new class breakdowns in the roles they fullfil also.
Is the game lookign good in quality yes.
Is the game so revolutionary that its totaly VR and i cna see , feel smell, everythign my toon is doing.... NO.
I mean what would revolutionary be to you ? What does a game have to do to be it?
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Lets put it this way will it take what WAr started with its attempt to make questing less stattic more group centered (but failed at), YEs it seems so. This is new its not wowish.
Will they make it so content doesn't just respawn over and over game changes you make stay thay way for you (kill a boos , its dead forever [for that character]) Yes this is a tep into a less used better way of mmorpging.
Just haveign a FREE presitant world with AAA quality might very well be the largest revolutionary thing GW2 is doing. (Just think if it works we may see more).
Does the game look good yes.
It exp is a standard non scaling rate to remove the grind.
They are tryign new class breakdowns in the roles they fullfil also.
Is the game lookign good in quality yes.
Is the game so revolutionary that its totaly VR and i cna see , feel smell, everythign my toon is doing.... NO.
I mean what would revolutionary be to you ? What does a game have to do to be it?
It's become a trend, that whenever a game nowadays tries to change the way MMOs work, people cry bloody murder. But then when a game releases that's similar to what they are already playing, they whine that it feels the same, and play it anyway.
I mean what would revolutionary be to you ? What does a game have to do to be it?
I think the problem is that people came to expect way to much from the game. Honestly, for me it met all my expectations and exceeded it. What were my expectations: I just had one, and that is the game has to be fun. From the videos the game looks fun. Anet appears to have actually kept all their promises, the only problem is that people blew their promises way out of proportion. They made it seem as if ZOMG THIS WILL BE THE BEST THING EVAR!, whereas no. It's just different from our usual MMO.
I took you seriously until you spout the game will be easy mode when you have never played it and can not determine the difficulty of the game. That really made you come off sounding like a troll. not to mention the video of the guy rezing npc's was a dev with god mode turned on and invisible to npc's. Try rezing somone in the middel of combat, you would get interupted in a normal scenario.
ok, I see a lot of people flaming this poor guy. All he said was his opinion on the game and his opinion was pretty positive about it. I mean jeez , this game is subject to scrutiny just like all the other games on here , right?
EDIT, hmm I was confusing the OP with the guy on the top here, but anyhow the OP has some valid points.
It is almost impossible to see if a game is innovative or not just by looking on a few vids.
But I was happy with what I saw, nice graphics and animations. Clean UI without junk. Combat looked fun enough (even though it looked somewhat slower than the old GW combat but it might just be the difference between playing and watching a vid).
I would like to read a review from someone that played it for more than 15 minutes however. And I really want a date for the beta to start.
The polish looks pretty good, as expected of ANET. AoC might possibly just reached that polish if at all, same with WAR and this is a game still in Alpha testing.
ok, I see a lot of people flaming this poor guy. All he said was his opinion on the game and his opinion was pretty positive about it. I mean jeez , this game is subject to scrutiny just like all the other games on here , right?
EDIT, hmm I was confusing the OP with the guy on the top here, but anyhow the OP has some valid points.
Its all good, but he still has to show some screenshots of his concerns, so that we too can ask questions or it will just be everyone bombarding him.
ok, I see a lot of people flaming this poor guy. All he said was his opinion on the game and his opinion was pretty positive about it. I mean jeez , this game is subject to scrutiny just like all the other games on here , right?
EDIT, hmm I was confusing the OP with the guy on the top here, but anyhow the OP has some valid points.
Some peopel can't take evne the slightest negative comment toward GW2 on this forum...SW:TOR is fair game but GW2 is sacred.ArenaNet could release a video of thme shaking cardboard cut outs to represent gameplay and speak gibberish and people her ewoudl exclaim that it was fresh and innovative.Proof is not needed when blind faith is prevalent.
Now I personally found the video encouraging and it looked fun but would agree it in no way constitutes proof of anything Arenanet has expounded on in words only and the OPS hands on experience on the demo seems to soldiify that.Still even if it does turn out to be less innovative than is being expounded as long as it's fun and engaging I'll still give it a go and there's still a lot of time for ArenaNet to deliver the cheques their mouths are writing.
ok, I see a lot of people flaming this poor guy. All he said was his opinion on the game and his opinion was pretty positive about it. I mean jeez , this game is subject to scrutiny just like all the other games on here , right?
EDIT, hmm I was confusing the OP with the guy on the top here, but anyhow the OP has some valid points.
Some peopel can't take evne the slightest negative comment toward GW2 on this forum...SW:TOR is fair game but GW2 is sacred.ArenaNet could release a video of thme shaking cardboard cut outs to represent gameplay and speak gibberish and people her ewoudl exclaim that it was fresh and innovative.Proof is not needed when blind faith is prevalent.
Now I personally found the video encouraging and it looked fun but would agree it in no way constitutes proof of anything Arenanet has expounded on in words only and the OPS hands on experience on the demo seems to soldiify that.Still even if it does turn out to be less innovative than is being expounded as long as it's fun and engaging I'll still give it a go and there's still a lot of time for ArenaNet to deliver the cheques their mouths are writing.
It was the same way when TOR information was first released up until they started releasing a lot more information and videos and people started getting tired of waiting. Then the trolls come out, and we'll see it for GW2 as well. As usual the truth is always in the middle between fanatics. These games will always be better then the most antagonistic troll tries to convince you it will, but it will never be as good as the most avid fanboy pretends it will be. If you are a regular gamer, these will just be good games, but nothing here gives me a shining example that TOR or GW2 will truly revolutionize gameplay for years to come. They may both be popular for many years to come, maybe even as popular as World of Warcraft if they play their cards right, but lets face it, WoW didn't revolutionize anything. Innovations and polish aside, neither will these upcoming games.
The best I can hope for is a solid, fun game on release.
It was the same way when TOR information was first released up until they started releasing a lot more information and videos and people started getting tired of waiting. Then the trolls come out, and we'll see it for GW2 as well. As usual the truth is always in the middle between fanatics. These games will always be better then the most antagonistic troll tries to convince you it will, but it will never be as good as the most avid fanboy pretends it will be. If you are a regular gamer, these will just be good games, but nothing here gives me a shining example that TOR or GW2 will truly revolutionize gameplay for years to come. They may both be popular for many years to come, maybe even as popular as World of Warcraft if they play their cards right, but lets face it, WoW didn't revolutionize anything. Innovations and polish aside, neither will these upcoming games.
The best I can hope for is a solid, fun game on release.
That is really hard to say since we don't know what features that will revolutionize future games. It is true that no game is as good as the really optimistic persons hope and no game is as bad as the worst pessimists believe, but it is always hard to tell the future.
I believe that some of the ideas we see in GW2 will live on in future games but exactly which ones is still impossible to say.
But who cares? The important thing is that the game is fun to play and that it hopefully feel somewhat fresh and new.
I personally hope that the game wont be as popular as Wow, as popular as the first GW is enough for me. Just look on how much hacking and gold spamming there is in Wow because it is the largest game, I prefer that in a game I don't play.
The OP seems to forget that its still an MMO, and will and should feel like an MMO..
The OP remembers all the bold claims Anet made to generate tons of hype and excitement for their game.
but maybe the OP got to expect too much? . to me it sounded right from start like a traditional MMO with some twists - that they want to sell them as highly innovative, well guess that depends what you focus on, and sure the devs want you to focus on the twists they want to sell the game on.
NPC with quest marker over the head, yep hope thats only some starter area thing and not part of the game over all.
the event notification? yes thats a game breaker for me as well, hope you can turn that off.
fast travel dislike that alot but know most of some reason just see it as waste of time sadly.
my main hope for this game is that the way quests is presented to you is more involving than your current NPC standing about waiting for you to stumble by, that the cycling events over all make the game world feel abit more living. but other than that all they have come with is just little twists, but sounds like awesome twists.
then the absolute main selling point to me is that its a B2P MMO....with alittle cashshop *cough* atleast in GW1 that thing is moved out of the game and doesnt feel as pushy as SOE made theirs - well it is pushy on the trial, as you all the time have this poster on the screen reminding you, you should buy this. but that were the only thing I really really disliked about my GW1 trial.
edit: wow this thread exploded while typed this obvious alot already covered all this ;P
Every bold claim is there? They basically said they are reinventing the mmorpg, they talked their dynamic event system up many times in many articles and what we actually saw, what was actually there, no distortion, no exaggeration, was 2. an event that functioned like a collection quest, and a new event alerter that functions like a gold exclamation point.
1. The quality of the videos are watchable, you can see clearly what is going on unless you have poor vision. Anyway I am simply basing things off of all currently observed information and content. I mean if you want you could argue that everything is "subject to change" so it is all an illusion, but the reality of it is they just released a design manifesto that made a lot of bold claims and from the videos we have just seen there are aspects of the game that blatantly contradict what they are perpetuating in the design manifesto.
It isn't about my personal expectations, 3. I am just trying to hold anet accountable for specifically what they have claimed. Also as far as it looking like aion being just my opinion, have you seen aion videos? It's the same flamboyant animation style you find in various asian mmos.
I originally thought this was a post by "our man in Cologne" ~ Angeldark, who said he/she should be able to report back on actually playing the game.
1. Those vids are terrible quality and I think very little can be gleaned off them, not not saying there's a lot more info there than before, but it's still "tertiary evidence" lol to our high court drama here!!
2. Holding ArenaNet accountable for hyperbole reminds me of the saying, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". The whole MMORPG industry indulges in this sort of crazy blowing up of mmo gamers' expectations. That not to be an apologist for ArenaNet or defend an indefensible position, it's just a fact. The communication of actual game mechanics from a very technical description to marketing spiel for joe public is what you are really critiqueing.
3. It's a bit of a crusage tbh given the evidence called forth above, the court will be adjourned would be my verdict for now ; )
4. Good observations on some things that I missed seeing. I agree GW2 seems to be able to polish features and take them to the "next level" as did wow in a sorta comparative pov given so many mmos seem unable to do even that, that's a feather in the cap more than a black eye, is my opinion on that aspect.
5. Understanding of combat mechanics will be a big decider in just how innovative this game is apart from looking like a work of art already at this stage in it's development.
Originally posted by Zeroxin I am currently satisfied with what I have seen. I wasn't able to catch the live stream but I can say from what I've seen the innovation is in the experience of playing the game yourself. Speculation: The auto attack skills seem to be mainly used for skills that have no recharge, for instance; Flare, ice spear, and stone daggers. You might also be able to set skills with long recharge times on auto attack for it to be reused immediately after its cooldown. This also seems like its mainly for weapon skills. Since some skills have no recharge (like the ones mentioned above) and therefore can be spammed, it would make sense to have them set to auto attack.
So basically you don't have to really use your skillbar completely, you can just set your skills to use themselves and sit there eating a pizza?
It also seems like you can only set one skill on auto.
As a follow up to this; the game does not have a standard auto attack.
You can't "swing" your weapon without using a Weapon Skill. The auto-use of a skill is just there to simulate a standard auto attack so you don't wear down your keyboard.
I'd also like to point out that you earlier stated you're not trolling; yet the, "sit there eating a pizza" comment suggests anything but.
There's a lot more footage now, so I'd say take a look at the videos in the thread I'm about to link and reserve your judgement until after the end of the convention.
We were discussing this over in guru, about the quest giver.
Truth is, we cannot say what the hell was that, but we thought in the possibility of that being the npc collector 2.0, like the ones you had on GW1.
But instead of collecting the items and then trading them, you would get the quest to them collect the item to trade for equips later.
as for the dynamic events, I think that they looked great, like defend the steeleye part
PS: Nice to see that you're argumentating and just not trolling finally
If I am correct, this is the video that demonstrates the player playing a Charr and is reviving players in the first 75% of the video. (Take note it was said that the developer had enabled a god mode function to demonstrate the reviving without having to worry about himself falling)
Anyway back to what I was getting at, the last 25% of the video he uses the map and goes to another zone. He talks to an NPC and moves on to an event that has him kill some bird like creatures. If you listen closely through the static and fuzz towards the end, the developer explains that the NPC he spoke to before the fight was not the quest giver but was an NPC that the player used to buy a potion from.
The point is that they ragged on traditional MMORPGs for having a gold exclamation marks to direct players into their questing lines. But the dynamic event system is doing the exact same thing with the dynamic event alerter.
In a demo, players have a limited timeframe in which to experience the content. If the gameplay elements that were being showcased were set up as easter eggs for the player to discover, then some players would end up missing out on those features. That would make for an ineffective demo.
With that in mind, there's nothing preventing the designers from conveying the same message using environmental cues if they didn't want to be in-your-face about it. It's a bit like getting upset over those pop-up tips that show up in when you first start a character in an mmo. Perhaps someday you won't need them, and they'll disappear for good. Who knows?
Doesn't Gamescom start on the 22nd, like....four days from now? I missing something here?
it started on the 18th I believe.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Honestly though, there are two points I see the OP make and defend that are utterly preposterous. No offense, and I really am not out to attack you my friend - but try to look at it from where I sit.
Loosely Quoted...
1. The Event system looks just like every other game! There was a marker to tell you where to go AND a notification!
Well... I didn't see the marker, but the notification to me is something different altogether. I saw the notification and to me it seems like "Hearing an event". I mean if you just heard random screaming, you might look around and whatever... but then go back to what you were doing and say to yourself "Must have been a bird". Sure, some people might pick up on it and an online strategy guide might in the future tell you that "The Screaming is an event starting".
But... while your out hunting, wouldn't you rather have the character hear it and have a banner tell you "Event nearby!". To me, that seems more friendly to people that play with sound off too. Also to people that aren't quite close enough to hear it.
2. You are obviously quoting the bare bones demo that was released. Since then, more game play vids have been released with a complete focus on action.
So let's consider this, you go to a "Gamescom" - nearly a year (assumedly) before a game releases. I mean, we aren't even in beta yet and if beta starts in December - well... I imagine it will go on for a few months before the release so let's call this a safe assumption.
But yeah, you go to Gamescom and find that the demo you have been eagerly waiting for is watered down with character creation (It may be awesome, but if you only have an hour to play - my choice wouldn't be to sit on character creation for 10 minutes) and observing NPCs... I don't know about you but I would be left with more questions than I entered with. Instead they give us two demos, one culminating in a fight with a rising Earth Elemental and another culminating in a fight with a huge ass dragon! A dragon that mind you a week ago, people said wouldn't be in the game but only in a cut scene or my favorite "It won't be that big".
The fact of the matter is, you are trying to be objective - but lean more towards the direction of negatively subjective. You observed a single drop of information and made extreme conclusions about it. I suggest going on Youtube and looking up more vids. The demo is different every time even though it is only two scenes, it plays out crazily. If what we see is what is to be expected of things to come, then how can you say that this one time purchase won't be worth you time?
People think it's fun to pretend your a monster. Me I spend my life pretending I'm not. - Dexter Morgan
I think the thing people fail to realize is that what ArenaNet is doing is changing the way MMO's work, but a lot of it is not going to be "in your face" innovation that you are looking for. There's a lot probably that you aren't going to be able to see right off the bat, especially from a simple demo. I think only once we can sit down and play through the finished product will we be able to see the changes that have been made.
I believe you are referring to the charr and asura event. First off, if you notice, the Asura was not standing outside his tent waiting to give a "quest." Actually, had that Charr ran by, he would have missed it. The Asura was only noticed AFTER he steps out and starts speaking about something... (can't understand...)
And if an event is occuring, such as the charr arena, you cannot start it anymore. If the event was in motion, it was in motion. Unlike other games where if a hundred players were doing a quest, you could also go and start the same quest. In GW2, from all the events we have seen, once it has started, players can join at will without the need to spark the event via NPC or randomness.
Also, one of the great features of GW2 was the voice acting. So far, every NPC that was on a clear video has had a voice. Even the ones that spark events. And in one fo the clips, the NPC starts speaking of the event before the player even reaches him. It's like saying... in the SW:TOR clips, there is hardly any voice acting, so BioWare must have lied about the voice acting. And there are plenty more SW:TOR clips then GW2...
With all that said, we still have not experienced personal story choices, ambient audio, the mist, the actual rate of leveling, the side-kick system, underwater exploration/combat, actual gameplay graphics in motion from high quality clips or all of the other things that make the game better. We've also just begun to see some cross-profession combos.
From what I gather by reading the thread, you are simply upset because one of the events had you go and kill a few guys.
The event notification DOES NOT point you in a direction... and it is not the same as seeing an exclamation mark. If you really think it is the same, look at it like this. In GW2, as you adventure, you may get the event notification (which could just be low level scenarios OR demo. I don't believe I have seen the notification in Charr area yet. Might be wrong, have been paying more attention to maps and other U.I.) so then you would know that something was happening. You don't know where, or don't know what. Comparing that to the general MMO would be like this... As your level 80 Paladin walks into Azeroth, a note would appear and say "Quest givers nearby." But that isn't how it works. In Azeroth, you would see multiple exclamation marks that would then spark a quest. That is the difference between events and quests. That and all the other cool things, like temporary effects in the world, consequences, and blah blah.
I'm not going to say that ANet is doing anything revolutionary with Guild Wars 2. I need to actually play the game before I can make that assessment. However, from what I've seen in the gameplay videos, the game seems to be very action packed and fun.
Whether or not ANet succeeds, just by trying to do something different from the rest of the flock, they get my respect.
Heh, same here, though hey, in reality, Honesty is about as real as a lie, its all subjective. In his own little world he's being completely honest, not one-sided.
And as it has been stated, the video he loves to mention was a run-through, not the official. They were mainly just checking if sound and everything was working well, and had GM-powers active so they wouldn't have to deal with mobs.
You're basing a lot of assumptions on very limited amounts of information that was actually presented. The videos were designed to showcase some of the things we will see in game, but it's not an all encompassing demonstration. ANet even stated that in one of the videos the character was invisible and immortal.
What we did see was that the animations are very fluid. The UI is clean and functional (not a lot of screen clutter). We saw environmental weapons being used. We also saw two players being able to use their skills to set up a "combo" attack of sorts, where the elementalist dropped flame wall and the warrior was whirling in the middle launching the elementalists flames with his weapons.
Now, we did see enough to form a base of an opinion, but there simply wasn't enough shown for us to be able to make a wide range of judgements without making many assumptions.
but maybe the OP got to expect too much? . to me it sounded right from start like a traditional MMO with some twists - that they want to sell them as highly innovative, well guess that depends what you focus on, and sure the devs want you to focus on the twists they want to sell the game on.
NPC with quest marker over the head, yep hope thats only some starter area thing and not part of the game over all.
the event notification? yes thats a game breaker for me as well, hope you can turn that off.
fast travel dislike that alot but know most of some reason just see it as waste of time sadly.
my main hope for this game is that the way quests is presented to you is more involving than your current NPC standing about waiting for you to stumble by, that the cycling events over all make the game world feel abit more living. but other than that all they have come with is just little twists, but sounds like awesome twists.
then the absolute main selling point to me is that its a B2P MMO....with alittle cashshop *cough* atleast in GW1 that thing is moved out of the game and doesnt feel as pushy as SOE made theirs - well it is pushy on the trial, as you all the time have this poster on the screen reminding you, you should buy this. but that were the only thing I really really disliked about my GW1 trial.
edit: wow this thread exploded while typed this obvious alot already covered all this ;P
Care to give examples?
-I saw no grind
-The review (from IGN who actually played the demo) supports that the game is story driven and focuses on your character's personal story.
-The combat setup looks like what they described (though it will be hard to tell how it plays until we see an organized group play the game)
-We saw much less instances than GW1 had. (Don't confuse the map travel w/ instances.
From what I remember, their claims were basically "we don't like these aspects of MMOs, so we aren't going to implement them", and as far as I can tell, they haven't.
Lets put it this way will it take what WAr started with its attempt to make questing less stattic more group centered (but failed at), YEs it seems so. This is new its not wowish.
Will they make it so content doesn't just respawn over and over game changes you make stay thay way for you (kill a boos , its dead forever [for that character]) Yes this is a tep into a less used better way of mmorpging.
Just haveign a FREE presitant world with AAA quality might very well be the largest revolutionary thing GW2 is doing. (Just think if it works we may see more).
Does the game look good yes.
It exp is a standard non scaling rate to remove the grind.
They are tryign new class breakdowns in the roles they fullfil also.
Is the game lookign good in quality yes.
Is the game so revolutionary that its totaly VR and i cna see , feel smell, everythign my toon is doing.... NO.
I mean what would revolutionary be to you ? What does a game have to do to be it?
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
It's become a trend, that whenever a game nowadays tries to change the way MMOs work, people cry bloody murder. But then when a game releases that's similar to what they are already playing, they whine that it feels the same, and play it anyway.
I think the problem is that people came to expect way to much from the game. Honestly, for me it met all my expectations and exceeded it. What were my expectations: I just had one, and that is the game has to be fun. From the videos the game looks fun. Anet appears to have actually kept all their promises, the only problem is that people blew their promises way out of proportion. They made it seem as if ZOMG THIS WILL BE THE BEST THING EVAR!, whereas no. It's just different from our usual MMO.
I took you seriously until you spout the game will be easy mode when you have never played it and can not determine the difficulty of the game. That really made you come off sounding like a troll. not to mention the video of the guy rezing npc's was a dev with god mode turned on and invisible to npc's. Try rezing somone in the middel of combat, you would get interupted in a normal scenario.
ok, I see a lot of people flaming this poor guy. All he said was his opinion on the game and his opinion was pretty positive about it. I mean jeez , this game is subject to scrutiny just like all the other games on here , right?
EDIT, hmm I was confusing the OP with the guy on the top here, but anyhow the OP has some valid points.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
It is almost impossible to see if a game is innovative or not just by looking on a few vids.
But I was happy with what I saw, nice graphics and animations. Clean UI without junk. Combat looked fun enough (even though it looked somewhat slower than the old GW combat but it might just be the difference between playing and watching a vid).
I would like to read a review from someone that played it for more than 15 minutes however. And I really want a date for the beta to start.
The polish looks pretty good, as expected of ANET. AoC might possibly just reached that polish if at all, same with WAR and this is a game still in Alpha testing.
Its all good, but he still has to show some screenshots of his concerns, so that we too can ask questions or it will just be everyone bombarding him.
This is not a game.
Some peopel can't take evne the slightest negative comment toward GW2 on this forum...SW:TOR is fair game but GW2 is sacred.ArenaNet could release a video of thme shaking cardboard cut outs to represent gameplay and speak gibberish and people her ewoudl exclaim that it was fresh and innovative.Proof is not needed when blind faith is prevalent.
Now I personally found the video encouraging and it looked fun but would agree it in no way constitutes proof of anything Arenanet has expounded on in words only and the OPS hands on experience on the demo seems to soldiify that.Still even if it does turn out to be less innovative than is being expounded as long as it's fun and engaging I'll still give it a go and there's still a lot of time for ArenaNet to deliver the cheques their mouths are writing.
It was the same way when TOR information was first released up until they started releasing a lot more information and videos and people started getting tired of waiting. Then the trolls come out, and we'll see it for GW2 as well. As usual the truth is always in the middle between fanatics. These games will always be better then the most antagonistic troll tries to convince you it will, but it will never be as good as the most avid fanboy pretends it will be. If you are a regular gamer, these will just be good games, but nothing here gives me a shining example that TOR or GW2 will truly revolutionize gameplay for years to come. They may both be popular for many years to come, maybe even as popular as World of Warcraft if they play their cards right, but lets face it, WoW didn't revolutionize anything. Innovations and polish aside, neither will these upcoming games.
The best I can hope for is a solid, fun game on release.
That is really hard to say since we don't know what features that will revolutionize future games. It is true that no game is as good as the really optimistic persons hope and no game is as bad as the worst pessimists believe, but it is always hard to tell the future.
I believe that some of the ideas we see in GW2 will live on in future games but exactly which ones is still impossible to say.
But who cares? The important thing is that the game is fun to play and that it hopefully feel somewhat fresh and new.
I personally hope that the game wont be as popular as Wow, as popular as the first GW is enough for me. Just look on how much hacking and gold spamming there is in Wow because it is the largest game, I prefer that in a game I don't play.
Well he should read this:
The person that played the game for an hour tells that GW2 is exactly what Arenanet promissed.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
I originally thought this was a post by "our man in Cologne" ~ Angeldark, who said he/she should be able to report back on actually playing the game.
1. Those vids are terrible quality and I think very little can be gleaned off them, not not saying there's a lot more info there than before, but it's still "tertiary evidence" lol to our high court drama here!!
2. Holding ArenaNet accountable for hyperbole reminds me of the saying, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". The whole MMORPG industry indulges in this sort of crazy blowing up of mmo gamers' expectations. That not to be an apologist for ArenaNet or defend an indefensible position, it's just a fact. The communication of actual game mechanics from a very technical description to marketing spiel for joe public is what you are really critiqueing.
3. It's a bit of a crusage tbh given the evidence called forth above, the court will be adjourned would be my verdict for now ; )
4. Good observations on some things that I missed seeing. I agree GW2 seems to be able to polish features and take them to the "next level" as did wow in a sorta comparative pov given so many mmos seem unable to do even that, that's a feather in the cap more than a black eye, is my opinion on that aspect.
5. Understanding of combat mechanics will be a big decider in just how innovative this game is apart from looking like a work of art already at this stage in it's development.
As a follow up to this; the game does not have a standard auto attack.
You can't "swing" your weapon without using a Weapon Skill. The auto-use of a skill is just there to simulate a standard auto attack so you don't wear down your keyboard.
I'd also like to point out that you earlier stated you're not trolling; yet the, "sit there eating a pizza" comment suggests anything but.
There's a lot more footage now, so I'd say take a look at the videos in the thread I'm about to link and reserve your judgement until after the end of the convention.
Title made me smile though.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
If I am correct, this is the video that demonstrates the player playing a Charr and is reviving players in the first 75% of the video. (Take note it was said that the developer had enabled a god mode function to demonstrate the reviving without having to worry about himself falling)
Anyway back to what I was getting at, the last 25% of the video he uses the map and goes to another zone. He talks to an NPC and moves on to an event that has him kill some bird like creatures. If you listen closely through the static and fuzz towards the end, the developer explains that the NPC he spoke to before the fight was not the quest giver but was an NPC that the player used to buy a potion from.
In a demo, players have a limited timeframe in which to experience the content. If the gameplay elements that were being showcased were set up as easter eggs for the player to discover, then some players would end up missing out on those features. That would make for an ineffective demo.
With that in mind, there's nothing preventing the designers from conveying the same message using environmental cues if they didn't want to be in-your-face about it. It's a bit like getting upset over those pop-up tips that show up in when you first start a character in an mmo. Perhaps someday you won't need them, and they'll disappear for good. Who knows?
it started on the 18th I believe.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Honestly though, there are two points I see the OP make and defend that are utterly preposterous. No offense, and I really am not out to attack you my friend - but try to look at it from where I sit.
Loosely Quoted...
1. The Event system looks just like every other game! There was a marker to tell you where to go AND a notification!
Well... I didn't see the marker, but the notification to me is something different altogether. I saw the notification and to me it seems like "Hearing an event". I mean if you just heard random screaming, you might look around and whatever... but then go back to what you were doing and say to yourself "Must have been a bird". Sure, some people might pick up on it and an online strategy guide might in the future tell you that "The Screaming is an event starting".
But... while your out hunting, wouldn't you rather have the character hear it and have a banner tell you "Event nearby!". To me, that seems more friendly to people that play with sound off too. Also to people that aren't quite close enough to hear it.
2. You are obviously quoting the bare bones demo that was released. Since then, more game play vids have been released with a complete focus on action.
So let's consider this, you go to a "Gamescom" - nearly a year (assumedly) before a game releases. I mean, we aren't even in beta yet and if beta starts in December - well... I imagine it will go on for a few months before the release so let's call this a safe assumption.
But yeah, you go to Gamescom and find that the demo you have been eagerly waiting for is watered down with character creation (It may be awesome, but if you only have an hour to play - my choice wouldn't be to sit on character creation for 10 minutes) and observing NPCs... I don't know about you but I would be left with more questions than I entered with. Instead they give us two demos, one culminating in a fight with a rising Earth Elemental and another culminating in a fight with a huge ass dragon! A dragon that mind you a week ago, people said wouldn't be in the game but only in a cut scene or my favorite "It won't be that big".
The fact of the matter is, you are trying to be objective - but lean more towards the direction of negatively subjective. You observed a single drop of information and made extreme conclusions about it. I suggest going on Youtube and looking up more vids. The demo is different every time even though it is only two scenes, it plays out crazily. If what we see is what is to be expected of things to come, then how can you say that this one time purchase won't be worth you time?
People think it's fun to pretend your a monster. Me I spend my life pretending I'm not. - Dexter Morgan
I think the thing people fail to realize is that what ArenaNet is doing is changing the way MMO's work, but a lot of it is not going to be "in your face" innovation that you are looking for. There's a lot probably that you aren't going to be able to see right off the bat, especially from a simple demo. I think only once we can sit down and play through the finished product will we be able to see the changes that have been made.
I believe you are referring to the charr and asura event. First off, if you notice, the Asura was not standing outside his tent waiting to give a "quest." Actually, had that Charr ran by, he would have missed it. The Asura was only noticed AFTER he steps out and starts speaking about something... (can't understand...)
And if an event is occuring, such as the charr arena, you cannot start it anymore. If the event was in motion, it was in motion. Unlike other games where if a hundred players were doing a quest, you could also go and start the same quest. In GW2, from all the events we have seen, once it has started, players can join at will without the need to spark the event via NPC or randomness.
Also, one of the great features of GW2 was the voice acting. So far, every NPC that was on a clear video has had a voice. Even the ones that spark events. And in one fo the clips, the NPC starts speaking of the event before the player even reaches him. It's like saying... in the SW:TOR clips, there is hardly any voice acting, so BioWare must have lied about the voice acting. And there are plenty more SW:TOR clips then GW2...
With all that said, we still have not experienced personal story choices, ambient audio, the mist, the actual rate of leveling, the side-kick system, underwater exploration/combat, actual gameplay graphics in motion from high quality clips or all of the other things that make the game better. We've also just begun to see some cross-profession combos.
From what I gather by reading the thread, you are simply upset because one of the events had you go and kill a few guys.
The event notification DOES NOT point you in a direction... and it is not the same as seeing an exclamation mark. If you really think it is the same, look at it like this. In GW2, as you adventure, you may get the event notification (which could just be low level scenarios OR demo. I don't believe I have seen the notification in Charr area yet. Might be wrong, have been paying more attention to maps and other U.I.) so then you would know that something was happening. You don't know where, or don't know what. Comparing that to the general MMO would be like this... As your level 80 Paladin walks into Azeroth, a note would appear and say "Quest givers nearby." But that isn't how it works. In Azeroth, you would see multiple exclamation marks that would then spark a quest. That is the difference between events and quests. That and all the other cool things, like temporary effects in the world, consequences, and blah blah.
I'm not going to say that ANet is doing anything revolutionary with Guild Wars 2. I need to actually play the game before I can make that assessment. However, from what I've seen in the gameplay videos, the game seems to be very action packed and fun.
Whether or not ANet succeeds, just by trying to do something different from the rest of the flock, they get my respect.
Heh, same here, though hey, in reality, Honesty is about as real as a lie, its all subjective. In his own little world he's being completely honest, not one-sided.
And as it has been stated, the video he loves to mention was a run-through, not the official. They were mainly just checking if sound and everything was working well, and had GM-powers active so they wouldn't have to deal with mobs.