100 times better than what ive seen in SWTOR gameplay videos
Yeah I know the way the weapons interacted with each other... oh wait.....
I was personally underwhelmed, I know this is flame bait but..... WoW combat with better graphics. You stand in front of me, whack me with your sword then I do the same till one of us dies.
Who cares if the weapons interact with each other if the combat looks rigid and doesn't have a natural flow? You stand in front of me, whack my lightsaber with your lightsaber then I do the same till one of us dies.
From what I've seen in these videos, the combat looks much faster, smoother and more brutal than SWTOR. Sure, you don't actually hit the person's weapon but so what? TOR only have 4 classes that use this and from what I've seen in the videos, it doesn't even look that great anyway.
Looked too "action beat-em-up" for me sadly. Will reserve judgement for now, to see how it changes between now and next years release though.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
Gotta laugh at how many people are judging the game based solely on 5 minutes of poor quality footage, especially when they actually don't have a clue what they're even seeing.
I don't want be too quick to judge, but i have seen some other gameplay vids, and the necro's looks too 'normal' for me. What i liked about GW was that every class has there own look. The necro i saw in the GW2 vids doesn't look like a necro at all.
Not very impressive. Perhaps they oversold us with the trailers so far. The combat seemed a little slow and passive. More like a RTS.
Wasn't too impressed with the gameplay vids.
All the big numbers flying on the screen and the flashy moves looks a bit over the top korean mmo style.
The UI looks strange as well some diablo style HP sphere? I hope not.
Necro spell effects all look the same, just big green/black clouds. All spells seem to be spammable without any significant cast times.
Although i will most likely play it and love it, I would have prefered it to be more like GW1.
Who cares if the weapons interact with each other if the combat looks rigid and doesn't have a natural flow? You stand in front of me, whack my lightsaber with your lightsaber then I do the same till one of us dies.
From what I've seen in these videos, the combat looks much faster, smoother and more brutal than SWTOR. Sure, you don't actually hit the person's weapon but so what? TOR only have 4 classes that use this and from what I've seen in the videos, it doesn't even look that great anyway.
First, after the others -.-
Looked too "action beat-em-up" for me sadly. Will reserve judgement for now, to see how it changes between now and next years release though.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
Gotta laugh at how many people are judging the game based solely on 5 minutes of poor quality footage, especially when they actually don't have a clue what they're even seeing.
I don't want be too quick to judge, but i have seen some other gameplay vids, and the necro's looks too 'normal' for me. What i liked about GW was that every class has there own look. The necro i saw in the GW2 vids doesn't look like a necro at all.