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Turns out we are getting Skaven though the details won't come out till Saturday. RR is also gonna be boosted to 100. Read this article, and discuss!
oh that's kewl, but seriously wtf is this in general?
What do you mean? They're either adding them as a playable race for certain factions, or are adding a new faction completely.
so basically....
- Skavens wont be a playable race starting at lvl1...makes me think in some sort of PvMonster ala LotR, or Balaur NPC race like in Aion. watever they end up being, sounds like they arent adding the third faction that this game has been needing since it was released
- more RR? more vertical progression is the LAST thing WAR needs
- are they hinting microtransactions? way to go Mythic, way to go...
- no word of new zones or redesign on the older ones, which would be along with a third race the only thing that would save this game
- no word about changes to the existing lacky, stale and buggy content, no word about new content...for a 2 years old moribund game that is hurting for an xpac this sounds really underwhelming.
I predict WAR will shut by the end of the year, and Mythic will have dethroned Cryptic as the worst developers in the long and sad history of MMO epic failures
First of all, it says they will be playable but not at lvl 1. This may mean that it's a new faction but they don't want it playable right off the bat because balance would be a huge issue, or the less desired path would be a WoW Death Knight model ewww... Anyways, Andy said that there will be no microtransactions like F2P and cashshops, but they will be moving smaller expansions out. Will we pay for them? Idk, is that what you meant by microtransactions? Also, I am sure there will be new zones and such, like it said the whole outline of the pack will be delivered later this is just a tease of information. And, I call bull on your prediction, the population has been growing, and long term the game may not be in the safest zone, but shut down at the end of the year? Crazytalk.
Unless they can somehow introduce a playable third faction in this game, nothing they can do will resurrect it.
And you are correct. Let's see if they listen to the pleas of the playerbase, and ex-playerbase.
Skaven huh? So not only is the game ailing it is now going to be infested with vermin as well.
Against my better judgement I keep hoping this game will somehow pull itself out of the pit its creators dropped it into. I guess we will have to see how this pans out.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, riddle 'em with bullets
Honestly I don't think that would help.
This game needs more of everything.
Not just a third faction. The simple fact that WAR felt more like playing on little disconnected maps than a true game world was one of its major flaws for me. Adding on top of that the pve is very thin, crafting blows, SCs while fun dont pop fast enough, Orvr is basically Pve 99% of the time and we still havent seen any of the other cities even in a pve type of function.
To toss more wood on the fire the game suffers from major balancing issues, stability issues (still) and even with a amrmor graphics bump it looks horribly dated for a stylized game.
People would play this third faction for a month then the games true colors would shine.
This game needs way more tlc if bioware/mythic wanna keep it from going under.
Edit: I also found it funny that i asked a bunch of WAR questions recently and the best anyone could come up with to answer me was "I dont play WAR for that" LOL!!!! Seriously WAR has such a long way to go before its considered a real mmo in my eyes. Most people only play 1 mmo at a time, its stupid to release a mmo with bogus crafting, next to no pve and repetative easily avoidable while highly rewarding pvp. Its just a pure fail and it makes me sad.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
ive given up on warhammer online and put my energy into aniticipating warhammer 40k dark millenium in 2013, lets all hope they dont take the ea mythic path and actually make an enjoyable new experience for us to delve into and waste money upon. for the nightlord!
2 years of barely enough content to even justify having a subscription at all and instead of an expansion they 'move away' from it to some kind of dlc type thing, and then not even now yet but in the future?
They didn't mention there wouldn't be f2p like microtransactions, they mentioned that the game wouldn't go F2P but they are looking at the f2p to incorporate the things that people like from that. Character transfer and name change will most likely be micro transactions and the new 'three way' power, something, personality pack looks to be incredibly DLC-like which basically is a microtransaction.
Come on guys this is some good news. .Bbetter late then never right?
90% of haters are begging for love. 10% just want a little attention -- Paulo Coelho
I'm more interested in what they are announcing this weekend...
Supposedly its what makes this an RvR pack...
I play this game because there is no better casual PvP game to play, and sadly,none on the horizon ( I have interest in Earthrise, but that one just seems to get farther and farther away).. The game has problems, some of which are highly exxagerated on these and many forums, and some of which (imo) are not brought up enough.
I have an older rig, that is certainly due for an upgrade, and i have minimal problems with lag, crashes etc. Some due in fact to the compressing of battles no doubt, but even in larger keep takes, i can't complain all things considered. Playing on Badlands server, scenerios pop frequently. T3 can be lil rough at times, but theres typically RvR, so it works... Other servers, scenerios can certainly be a problem no do doubt. Balance between the two factions isn't too bad in my opinion, balance between classes inside each faction isn't so great.. Crafting is quite poor, yes, and its certaily a gear grind game (which i really dislike).. Do i need 20 more renown levels.. ? hell no!
Personally, i'm very curious what else they have in store for end game RvR, because honestly, thats the part the bugs me most. Trading city sieges can get a bit repetative to say the least. I think they really need something else to keep the current players interested, and old ones curious.
Adding Skaven to the game will hardly change anything at all, unless its a 3rd faction, which I highly doubt. I chuckle at people who say if they add Skaven, they would resub immediatley... because honestly, what has changed with your game experience? Your avatar? I don't get it.... Perhaps its just me ; ) I haven't seen that comment in this thread, but i have seen it lurking about..
Do I have faith in this "big" announcement?
But as I said, until i find a better casual PvP type game, here I'll be. Sadly, i think i have a loong wait....
wont even bother coming back unless its 3rd faction playable, otherwise just more boring pve like Aion.
How cool are Skaven now "playable" in WAR?! That really is a good development, no two ways about it.
But how disappointing it has taken so long to get it and the game, still is encumbered by a limiting factor of RvR of 2-Factions, despite fun, casual PvP.
A new MMO concept needs to be used for these IP's WH, WH40K, which involves B2P + every 3-6months a new expansion of a new race/faction or something with multiple faction PvP. Can't keep on making wow clones, got to try something new, imo.
Honestly, why do you care enough to spit this venom?
If the Skaven aren't playable, I don't give a rats ass. Yes people want Skaven, but we want PLAYABLE Skaven.
That last carry interview really didn't make it sound like they'll be playable in a normal sense ... sounds more like they'll be monster play or something.
Monster Play would actually be an acceptable mechanic, as long as it's deep and had a lot to offer. If it's just a one trick pony of briefly taking control of cannon fodder to die without doing any real damage - then there is no fun to be had,
*sigh* the following also goes to all the other "THIS GAME IS DEAD OMEGEEE!!!" people...
around 90.000 subscribers....... 1.3 million dollars A MONTH....
seriously people. There's MMOs with 10000 subscribers that do just fine... The only reason why it COULD be closed down is if EA pulls the plug.... that on the other hand doesn't make Mythic a fail developer... rather it strengthens EA in their greedy bastard position...
PvMP Skaven ftl.... meh.... no sense resubscribing then
An Agency that kicks so much ass it has to be written in all capital letters... divided by dots!
Um, that number is pure estimation. There has been no official announcements of subs since the 300k mark, a time when the game was VASTLY bigger than it is now.
Most people estimate it somewhere close to 50k these days, far more likely than close to 100k given all the shrinking the game has done, closing of foreign sites and the estimation based on the census results for characters.
Poor Warhammer I love the IP and they could have done so much better than this, now it is just an ever increasing downward spiral into oblivion. I figure it will go on for years in the current maintenance mode it might as well be in.
For the poster mentioning casual PvP type game. I picked up Global Agenda and I must say it runs many many circles around War as far as casual PvP goes. You can queu up and get PvP mini-games very quickly and the PvP is far more balanced and fun as well.
I did like War, played it for at least 10-12 months at least so far but I don't think I'll be ever coming back to it. Barring them busting up all the current races and making a nice 3-way or more war and making the maps far more connected and interesting. Most of all though fixing the broken sorry excuse of a game that is at T4.
so the remaining 50k ppl from the the original 1.2 million will enjoy the skavens, if they hold on a few more years they might even fix the game as they promised at release. And a few years after that they might even get Paul Barnett back, and a few years after that they might actually hit 100k subscribers again. And a few years after that they might actually start to steal off WOW's customers as they intended in the first place. I Knew this game was going to be the WOW_KILLER!
So many haters, it hurt my eyes....
Im looking forward to the skaven exp. pack. Just tried the endless trail (again) and had a lot of for, yeah enough to to resub again.
War is not the best game out there and for sure not a worthy daoc successor, but its war away from beiin dead. With the server menges the ones that are online are full of players. In Tier 1 you have hordes of players and non stop action, even T2,T3 are gettig more crowded couse more pleaple sighn up couse they like what they saw in the free trail.
Hates hate... just let them. Will be the same with Dark Millenium. Im gonna enjoy as long as I have fun here and not waste my energy in bitching around.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.