It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!'s Joe Iulani had the chance to sit down and play TERA at this year's PAX convention. According to Joe, this wasn't the standard demo experience as players were put into a five man coordinated group with four of the character classes represented. Joe has a lot to say about his hands on time with TERA so be sure to check it out. Join the conversation on our forums and let us know what you think!
The folks at En Masse Entertainment definitely put on one of the best gameplay displays I've come across. For those of you who may have had the chance to demo a game at any convention, the time you are generally allotted isn't that much. Generally you get to take a quick look at the game and just have enough time to generate the most basic yea or nay opinion. This gameplay experience was certainly an outstanding change of pace. Rather than your standard sit at the terminal and strut around some starter zones, players were immersed into a coordinated five member party.
Read more TERA: Hands On at PAX.
Nice this game is going to be BIG !!!
Noob to me for posting nothing
Noob to MMORPG to allowing it
Uhm this game is going to be another Korean Grind Fest... was trying to avoid ur noob post... seams it fails in ur 2nd try
"After playing a while, I do think the console controller may be the way to go"
After seeing that quote I have to wonder about how much gaming Joe has done. Anyone with any sort of knowledge about gaming knows that mouse/keyboard is so much better than a console controller, there is just no contest there at all. I would think that for the dynamic combat, it would be even more so.
The dynamic combat is interesting, just wish their character models were not so ridiculous looking. I hope for everyone that this game is as good as you are hoping for. Be nice to have another option for a game to play.
Can we get someone with keyboard/mouse experience to sit down with the game and give us some real impressions of the combat please.
Blue Hole Studios is the original Developer and they are Korean. Their version of the game will no doubt be a Korean grind game.
En Masse Studios is the NA Publisher of TERA and has already stated that this game will not be a grind as that is not what their audience (NA Players, EU players with Frogster, should see a similar style of gameplay that the NA players will see). Their FGTs (focus group test) that they do try to focus in on what the NA players want. They have, according to FGTers, lowered the major grind down a bit, added new quests( over a thousand in their words), to try and lessen the grind.
I don't want this game to be a grind either, at least not like L2 was. But I don't want to hit max level in one week. ALL GAMES HAVE GRIND. Whether its levels or skills. It all depends on how the developer or publisher present you ways to level or skill up. If they hide it right, they you won't really care that there is a grind.
Good write up non the less. This is one of the games I have been watching for over a year. Can't wait for FGT3 to crop up here soon.
If En Masse let's us testers actually test the whole game instead of the first half like NCsoft did then there shouldn't be a problem. I doubt they will but we can hope.
Did they throw you out of Pax for putting your hands on Tera like that? Did she even say it was ok? Pervert staff of MMORPG shame on you...... was it nice?
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
I believe the reason he said that was the game is based off of having like 5 hotkeys, all of which have to be hit quickly while moving around.
The default key setup has several keys near WASD used as those hot keys to make it easier to keep pushing directions while hitting abilities but I too also expect it would be easier and more fluid using a controller where you can do full movement while having access to all the buttons you need.
It certainly is doable on the keyboard and wasn't even that hard but I think a controler would allow for a tad more control and skill. This isn't like a FPS where a keyboard and mouse far outperforms a traditional console controller, this is a different type of setup.
About controller. Same demo run but with a controller review:
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Looks great so far, I've been watching this game for a while. I'm sure En Masse makes sure we won't be grinfesting our way to level 60, but I wouldn't mind grind, since the combat looks FUN!
Can't wait to be physically pushing a boss back as a Lancer! >:3
What's up with linking to this blurb then to the article proper?
Oh wait, ad impressions. Nevermind.
I can do that.
I was also in one of the press demos and the article got it wrong. The group was:
Lancer: Melee Tank
Berserker: Melee Tank
Slayer: Melee DPS
Archer: Ranged DPS
and the Healer played by En Masse.
In the demo I was Bob, the Slayer. Basically I ran around with a big sword dealing damage and AOE attacks while avoiding getting pinned down by mobs.
The combat system with the keyboard and mouse can be a bit challenging due to the mobs always moving around, quite a few of my attacks whiffed because the mobs dodged them (yes the mobs don't just stand there and let you beat on them). The hardest part is keeping yourself aimed on the target. Mouse sensitivity adjustment will be very important with this game so you don't end up spinning around missing everything while trying to attack. The two main attacks you use though are Right and Left click on the mouse. Dodge is set up as the "C" key which is easy enugh to hit while moving. Jump is spacebar as usual. The hardest part is using your abilities (number keys 1-5) while moving with the WASD keys. But if you have any experience with 3rd person shooters or palying Age of Conan, it should not be too difficult for you.
Overall I really enjoyed the demo, and since my group won (not a single death even) I got a pretty sweet TERA hoodie and t-shirt.
I wish we would be told how latency will be handled in this game. If I have 500ms does my character stagger across the screen? Or do the monsters simply not register damage for a few seconds after I strike them? I just can't fathom how a game that is so heavily reliant on hit detection will work with so many players.
It will play like any on-line game will with crap. Dude upgrade your ISP.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Looks like the writer isn't a big specialist in MMOs. What does it mean "dynamic gameplay"? In WoW, for example, gameplay is very dynamic and good moving and positioning is everything. And boss fights are very sophisticated. Does this mean TERA is like WoW? Man, if you know nothing of games, don't write about them...
big and full of bugs :S
QFT. I won't comment on writer's rest article but there is nothing wrong in that phrase.
TERA will be EPIC and mind blowing, MMORPG will never be the same again after TERA. Don't you people see this is what we wanted for years!! wake the hell up and stop saying stupid bs like "Another Korean grind" I can say this tho (The gind will not be boring)
Reread those two questions and see if you can spot the error you made. *hint, 1 second = 1000 ms.
Anyway, I hope the game will be a success. Always good with variety in gameplay in any genre. Worrying about hitdetection at this point is pointless.