I'm sorry but I find that all they show and talk about is the questing, group questing, how the questing will be different with each class oh and those little other bits of info. I have yet to see a demo with a companion or walking around your ship and if there are any out there direct me to them plz. I say demos where people are playing around in them. Right now there isnt enough info for me to go oh my goodness this is coming along nicely.
ok let me say something thats been on my mind. Rift goes into their demos showing off thier Rifts, GW2 thier dynamic system then ToR comes and shows thier voice acting which is pretty cool then shows 5 people doing a group quest and this demo get shown over and over. Its only a 5man group doing a quest, its kinda not a big deal ==". Hmmmm I dunno maybe its just me.
I think they have not let the change of reality really let sink in.
Back then, when TOR was announced, it was the sole competitor for the "next big thing". Now GW2 has arisen and passed them by, and TERA and Rift are also at their heels. They just have not understood that they are in a very different situation. The very open and detailled information policy of GW2 has done enormous damage to the reputation of SWTOR - justified or not - and in comparision it begins to look dull. I guess without GW2 and also Rift & TERA the game would not look so strangely dull and the information so limited as it does.
They thought they'd win the race for granted and suddenly the competition is passing them by. They have to realize the situation has changed and they need to adapt to different circumstances now. And fast.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
No, I feel the same about the game as I always have. I'd rather have a slow release date than have them deliver an unfinished game like so many other games have. Unfinished generally equals complete failure. Tabula Rasa and Age of Conan anyone?
I agree.
I think they are "doing it right".
if they release a buggy or seemingly unfinished product then they are damned. If they announce somehthing that they are unsure of and they change it they are damned.
In the end they can't win so they might as well release info as they have it and then players can then decide if the game is right for them.
then whne the game launches it will be seen if their investment paid off.
Lol for the optimism. "Doing it right"... yeah, forums drown in flames but they make it right.
They didn't realize they have a competition now. Paraphrasing Sun-Zu: Battles are usually lost or won before the actual battle even starts.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well my point of view is based on biowars past product .
NWN took 4 years to develop and people said it wouldn´t succee , was infact more popular then most subscriber based mmo back then , especially online . ask gamespy for amounts of users .
Compared to back then EQ and Linegage.
Dragon Age , 8+ years development time ? (was announced during nwn 1 period , scrapped and rebuilded)
Well sales figures talk , nothing left to say . even i was sceptic about the product meself.
SWOTR well this one is again interesting to see , prediction based on bioware reputation and products , EA has 100% confidence , EA is very simple about abandoning products in development or canceling mmo´s
But at this moment , all point in favor of swotr . 2 years in development is nothing , sorry how long it took for wow to be developed back 6 years ago ?
Only problem at this moment is , are they going to rush it for spring 2011 release , and thus give us like Zillions MMO before beta products , or they deliver a polished MMO with small bugs .
I think they are doing what they have to do, and that is not to release info too early when things could change. However, with some basic gameplay elemenants (for me anyway) still unknown and the likely hood that a couple other key games for me releasing before this one I while I havenlost all interest; I definetly have lost some.
I will keep watching the game, but I am not sure there has been enough information for me to "wait" for it over another that also peaks my interest.
"Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better." parrotpholk
"can you name a single stand-out feature that Star Wars: The Old Republic will have that is not related to the game’s storyline?"
To answer this question. You ask for one.... I can name at least two features I've never seen in other MMOs that has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline,
1. The Cover system available to smugglers and imperial agents
2. Synchronized combat animations
there's more information out there honestly than what this article alludes to and what most people think. they're just too god damn lazy to actually look, they'd rather sit on the forums and cry like children that the information isn't plopped down right in front of them.
Seriously the majority of players who post on the forums there who say there's no info honestly don't know jack shit about TOR except for what has been posted directly to the site.
I dont think bioware tipped their development hats too soon. I think they're doing a different approach than most MMOs and it confused and irritates people. But honestly I dont think as many people would be following the game had they not released the info they have so far.
It's genius really despite whether or not the publicity it's gettting is positive or negative. They have people not even really interested in the game hanging around on the edge of their seats waiting for the next little piece of info that they release.
Really I don't think the game will fail regardless. Honestly it can't do any worse than FFXIV which truely was the piss poorest release in recent MMO history. Like I've told many people. if you want to see a game that didn't release any info what-so-ever and failed at it's job, you should've been in FFXIV testing.
Well I have been saying all along not to expect to much until 2011 I mean most games the hype machine really starts to flow about 4 months before launch and once the get into an open beta phase around 2 months or so before the game comes out we should get some real info.
"can you name a single stand-out feature that Star Wars: The Old Republic will have that is not related to the game’s storyline?"
To answer this question. You ask for one.... I can name at least two features I've never seen in other MMOs that has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline,
1. The Cover system available to smugglers and imperial agents
2. Synchronized combat animations
there's always someone who tries to find loopholes in people's words and exploit them to make a very silly point.
coming up with two combat mechanisms is hardly a "stand-out feature" with regards to the game's content features.
thats like saying you'll be able to customise your character's eyebrows when in fact the OP was alluring to, say, character customisation as a whole.
yes we know combat will be there - in fact erickson said about 90% of your time will be in combat mode or something along those lines. the question is - what else?
I think the better question to ask is are you interested? For me, absolutely.
I think BioWare has the marketing down right. They are telling fans what to expect from day one. This release is not full of blown up hype and promises that can't be fullfilled.
MMO's are no longer just considered one type of market share. They have their own specific demographic and BioWare is targeting that audience.
I think by doing this SWTOR will have a great community.
Saying it's "at best a 2012 release" is kind of silly since they've stated they'll be releasing in 2011. :
Still, I don't think my interest has waned, I just wish they'd put info out that doesn't concern NPC's or companion characters. Like the article says, they haven't really posted anything about the mechanics involved in the game, and while we can see that it controls a lot like any other current-gen MMO, we don't know about guild systems, crafting, PvP, etc. I'd like to see and hear a lot more over the next few months before their (supposed) 2011 launch.
However, considering it's BioWare, I'm not too sure we will hear anything much.
Nonsense, Bioware has not even suggested a release date yet and they are much like Blizzard, they don't release a game until it is ready, so extremely doubtful we will see any 2011 date, far more likely a mid to late 2012 date.
For any of you challenged people saying spring 2011, I have a bridge in Brooklin for sale.....
Saying it's "at best a 2012 release" is kind of silly since they've stated they'll be releasing in 2011. :
Still, I don't think my interest has waned, I just wish they'd put info out that doesn't concern NPC's or companion characters. Like the article says, they haven't really posted anything about the mechanics involved in the game, and while we can see that it controls a lot like any other current-gen MMO, we don't know about guild systems, crafting, PvP, etc. I'd like to see and hear a lot more over the next few months before their (supposed) 2011 launch.
However, considering it's BioWare, I'm not too sure we will hear anything much.
Nonsense, Bioware has not even suggested a release date yet and they are much like Blizzard, they don't release a game until it is ready, so extremely doubtful we will see any 2011 date, far more likely a mid to late 2012 date.
For any of you challenged people saying spring 2011, I have a bridge in Brooklin for sale.....
"can you name a single stand-out feature that Star Wars: The Old Republic will have that is not related to the game’s storyline?"
To answer this question. You ask for one.... I can name at least two features I've never seen in other MMOs that has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline,
1. The Cover system available to smugglers and imperial agents
2. Synchronized combat animations
there's more information out there honestly than what this article alludes to and what most people think. they're just too god damn lazy to actually look, they'd rather sit on the forums and cry like children that the information isn't plopped down right in front of them.
Seriously the majority of players who post on the forums there who say there's no info honestly don't know jack shit about TOR except for what has been posted directly to the site.
1. Tabula Rasa had a cover system for it's ranged classes.
2. The synchronized combat is not really all that cracked up to be, it really is nothing more than animations that are displayed based on a dice roll made by the server. Other MMOs have syncronized combat as well, albeit not as involved. For example, in WoW when you character dodges an attack, the "dodge" animation is played. Same thing happens if your character blocks or crits. Same with TOR--the server determines whether or not your character dodges, blocks, hits or crits and the proper animation is played. The major difference is that both models animate together.
Personaly, I rather have Guild Wars 2 combat where people can combine attacks on the spot, rather than just have a stiff animation of two sabers touching. Guild Wars 2 combat also looks much smoother.
"can you name a single stand-out feature that Star Wars: The Old Republic will have that is not related to the game’s storyline?"
To answer this question. You ask for one.... I can name at least two features I've never seen in other MMOs that has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline,
1. The Cover system available to smugglers and imperial agents
2. Synchronized combat animations
there's always someone who tries to find loopholes in people's words and exploit them to make a very silly point.
coming up with two combat mechanisms is hardly a "stand-out feature" with regards to the game's content features.
thats like saying you'll be able to customise your character's eyebrows when in fact the OP was alluring to, say, character customisation as a whole.
yes we know combat will be there - in fact erickson said about 90% of your time will be in combat mode or something along those lines. the question is - what else?
A leveling system that is offering true RPG presentation. Not new to games no, it is somewhat new to this genre. AOC would be the closest thing it would seem, yet that aspect of AOC was sold as a single player RPG, (don't buy that? Go back and look up early presentations of it) you played through before hitting the MMO portion.
Consequence in your decisions made, I've never played an MMO that had a questing system like that.
Truly being able to interact with the NPC's around you. AOC and EQ2 both had VO, yet conversations were scripted completely different. To add to that, these interactions can lead to non-combative outcomes, again something new for the genre, true diplomacy. On top of that this also adds an extra sense of immersion to the world as it's inhabitants have life in them, they're not just decorations standing around or text boxes as in 99.9% of MMO's
Sorry you may not be interested in these aspects, and may be looking for other "innovations" to the genre. That doesn't mean these things don't exist and somehow miraculously don't count toward new features in the genre.
Edit- to save you the trouble of looking it up yourself
"I also think it’s important to state here that we have changed a bit on the concept of the single-player aspect throughout our beta, as many MMO gamers gave us feedback that they wanted access to other players sooner. So now you will play alone all the way to the first city, but there you can meet other players for the first time and do "limited" multiplayer group gameplay with them.
However, if you go to an inn in the city of Tortage, and go to sleep, you will wake up at night, where you again are playing alone. You can also solo the game all the way to level 80. We have tried to make the entire experience so that you can play alone whenever you want to, but the biggest fun in an MMO of course is the interaction with other people."
As you can see it was intended all along as a single player experience, they only added "limited multiplayer" to satisfy a portion of their players. What TOR is offering is completely different.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
My enthusiasm has not waned, but I have gotten tired of wading through the constant negativity on the forums. I used to look forward to coming here or to the official forums and discussing things, but it is very hard to take part in forum discussions about a game when there are SO MANY negative posts every day. I think Bioware is largely to blame for this since they are not answering the questions that most of these people are asking. If they were a little more open about some of these things, I think it might put a lot of people's worries to rest. As it is, there is a large backlash due to the slow release of info.
Hopefully this just means that they are trying to keep some of these things under wraps so that other game companies like Blizzard don't jack things before the game is released. I think a lot of people are worried that the slow release of info is indicative of problems with the design. It still remains to be seen whether or not this is the case...
i think its more the case of wading through all the negativity to find some good. but yes BW is to blame for that as they release bugger all info, and dont talk to the fans except to tell us about the storyline. we need more info that.
My enthusiasm has not waned, but I have gotten tired of wading through the constant negativity on the forums. I used to look forward to coming here or to the official forums and discussing things, but it is very hard to take part in forum discussions about a game when there are SO MANY negative posts every day. I think Bioware is largely to blame for this since they are not answering the questions that most of these people are asking. If they were a little more open about some of these things, I think it might put a lot of people's worries to rest. As it is, there is a large backlash due to the slow release of info.
Hopefully this just means that they are trying to keep some of these things under wraps so that other game companies like Blizzard don't jack things before the game is released. I think a lot of people are worried that the slow release of info is indicative of problems with the design. It still remains to be seen whether or not this is the case...
i think its more the case of wading through all the negativity to find some good. but yes BW is to blame for that as they release bugger all info, and dont talk to the fans except to tell us about the storyline. we need more info that.
Well about this issue , i think we are all aware , we are left a bit in the dark currently about many features .
It seems they do accomodate or gather feedback , just they dont want to get involved with the discussion at the moment.
Dont forget a lot of companies are ignoring forums lately ,Blizzard set up a hype by just ignoring half the feedback from forums , beta or live . cause half the people are trolls or just idiots or spoiled brats that cannot see common sense .
The forum community is not the way it was in the past , i must say mmorpg forums still suprise me .
And wish i would have joined in the old days . a lot of sensible people , even for a jaded community like this .
About negativity its funny , but this time the negativity is made by envious people , unlike most negativity it has no solid base or grounds , people just want to whine about this stinks , that stinks suxor etc .
The main issue is that there is such small feed back from bioware about the product , a bit like most products major products they released , but they should regather all the info into 1 post i think .
But a lot of things they changed based on feedback , space exploration wasn´t even originally planeed .
Sure its a like star fox shooter , but they didnt plan that at all at start (dont worry about the difficulty people can finetune that , and dont think pvp in space will be available from start , 3D combat is a lot more intense for most audience)
Well but truth is , with so little information released , it makes me even more curious about the game .
Saying it's "at best a 2012 release" is kind of silly since they've stated they'll be releasing in 2011. :
Still, I don't think my interest has waned, I just wish they'd put info out that doesn't concern NPC's or companion characters. Like the article says, they haven't really posted anything about the mechanics involved in the game, and while we can see that it controls a lot like any other current-gen MMO, we don't know about guild systems, crafting, PvP, etc. I'd like to see and hear a lot more over the next few months before their (supposed) 2011 launch.
However, considering it's BioWare, I'm not too sure we will hear anything much.
Nonsense, Bioware has not even suggested a release date yet and they are much like Blizzard, they don't release a game until it is ready, so extremely doubtful we will see any 2011 date, far more likely a mid to late 2012 date.
For any of you challenged people saying spring 2011, I have a bridge in Brooklin for sale.....
Target release is set for spring 2011 , its on the offical website and forums .
And stickied , so where is that bridge ? and how much does it cost ?
Saying it's "at best a 2012 release" is kind of silly since they've stated they'll be releasing in 2011. :
Still, I don't think my interest has waned, I just wish they'd put info out that doesn't concern NPC's or companion characters. Like the article says, they haven't really posted anything about the mechanics involved in the game, and while we can see that it controls a lot like any other current-gen MMO, we don't know about guild systems, crafting, PvP, etc. I'd like to see and hear a lot more over the next few months before their (supposed) 2011 launch.
However, considering it's BioWare, I'm not too sure we will hear anything much.
Nonsense, Bioware has not even suggested a release date yet and they are much like Blizzard, they don't release a game until it is ready, so extremely doubtful we will see any 2011 date, far more likely a mid to late 2012 date.
For any of you challenged people saying spring 2011, I have a bridge in Brooklin for sale.....
Target release is set for spring 2011 , its on the offical website and forums .
And stickied , so where is that bridge ? and how much does it cost ?
It would appear it's somewhere I've never heard of, I've got one in Brooklyn though.
In all seriousness, I think as with any game an estimated release is far different than an actual release date. When was Duke Nukem: Forever estimated to be released? Huxley? etc... You get the idea, I'm sure.
It could very well be mid 2012 before there's a solid release date.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"So, I’d like to leave you all with a question, and this is for the fans. Has your enthusiasm for Star Wars: The Old Republic waned at all in recent months?"
Yes, it has. But my enthousiasm for MMOs in general has been waning. The current crop of awful F2P games and the stagnation an WoWification of the genre... I think TOR will be good... but hardly the defining moment in MMOs.
Important facts: 1. Free to Play games are poorly made. 2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals. 3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE. 4. Community is more important than you think.
Didn't Bioware show their hand too early because of a result of someone finding their secret website of what we now know as the SW:TOR forums? It was on this very forum that it was 1st posted that let the cat out of the bag.
After he posted it here on mmorpg.com like three days later Bioware announce SW:TOR was under developementy. They didn't want to announce anything initially because they wanted a working game to show off as they announced it, according to interviews I saw in the early days of BioWare saying they started making their secret MMO.
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
Well considering this is at best a 2012 release, that is a good enough reason to have few details about this game.
My concern for this game is that EA has thrown so much money at it, anything other than Wow success will make it a money loser. This is an excellent example of how not to develop a game. Of course Bioware has never developed a MMO so a lot of that investment was a learning exercise, but I still think at least half the budget was wasted.
If you are going to invest in a MMO, you had better secure stringent cost controls and make someone responsible for enforcing them because it is quite evident that these software developers have little clue how to do that.
actually on my Comcast-Ondemand-cutting edge-G4 previews there was an interview with Daniel Erickson and he stated spring of next year. so 2nd quarter of 2011...hopefully.
Two years is nothing.... The author of this article has very little game/system development understanding, and the conclussions/questions clearly points out his ignorance on the topics.
BTW, how many movies are overbudget/late... Some BANDS take more then 2 years in active recording to develop an album... Get over it!
I'm sorry but I find that all they show and talk about is the questing, group questing, how the questing will be different with each class oh and those little other bits of info. I have yet to see a demo with a companion or walking around your ship and if there are any out there direct me to them plz. I say demos where people are playing around in them. Right now there isnt enough info for me to go oh my goodness this is coming along nicely.
ok let me say something thats been on my mind. Rift goes into their demos showing off thier Rifts, GW2 thier dynamic system then ToR comes and shows thier voice acting which is pretty cool then shows 5 people doing a group quest and this demo get shown over and over. Its only a 5man group doing a quest, its kinda not a big deal ==". Hmmmm I dunno maybe its just me.
I think they have not let the change of reality really let sink in.
Back then, when TOR was announced, it was the sole competitor for the "next big thing". Now GW2 has arisen and passed them by, and TERA and Rift are also at their heels. They just have not understood that they are in a very different situation. The very open and detailled information policy of GW2 has done enormous damage to the reputation of SWTOR - justified or not - and in comparision it begins to look dull. I guess without GW2 and also Rift & TERA the game would not look so strangely dull and the information so limited as it does.
They thought they'd win the race for granted and suddenly the competition is passing them by. They have to realize the situation has changed and they need to adapt to different circumstances now. And fast.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Lol for the optimism. "Doing it right"... yeah, forums drown in flames but they make it right.
They didn't realize they have a competition now. Paraphrasing Sun-Zu: Battles are usually lost or won before the actual battle even starts.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well my point of view is based on biowars past product .
NWN took 4 years to develop and people said it wouldn´t succee , was infact more popular then most subscriber based mmo back then , especially online . ask gamespy for amounts of users .
Compared to back then EQ and Linegage.
Dragon Age , 8+ years development time ? (was announced during nwn 1 period , scrapped and rebuilded)
Well sales figures talk , nothing left to say . even i was sceptic about the product meself.
SWOTR well this one is again interesting to see , prediction based on bioware reputation and products , EA has 100% confidence , EA is very simple about abandoning products in development or canceling mmo´s
But at this moment , all point in favor of swotr . 2 years in development is nothing , sorry how long it took for wow to be developed back 6 years ago ?
Only problem at this moment is , are they going to rush it for spring 2011 release , and thus give us like Zillions MMO before beta products , or they deliver a polished MMO with small bugs .
I think they are doing what they have to do, and that is not to release info too early when things could change. However, with some basic gameplay elemenants (for me anyway) still unknown and the likely hood that a couple other key games for me releasing before this one I while I havenlost all interest; I definetly have lost some.
I will keep watching the game, but I am not sure there has been enough information for me to "wait" for it over another that also peaks my interest.
"Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better." parrotpholk
"can you name a single stand-out feature that Star Wars: The Old Republic will have that is not related to the game’s storyline?"
To answer this question. You ask for one.... I can name at least two features I've never seen in other MMOs that has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline,
1. The Cover system available to smugglers and imperial agents
2. Synchronized combat animations
there's more information out there honestly than what this article alludes to and what most people think. they're just too god damn lazy to actually look, they'd rather sit on the forums and cry like children that the information isn't plopped down right in front of them.
Seriously the majority of players who post on the forums there who say there's no info honestly don't know jack shit about TOR except for what has been posted directly to the site.
As to the entirety of the article.
I dont think bioware tipped their development hats too soon. I think they're doing a different approach than most MMOs and it confused and irritates people. But honestly I dont think as many people would be following the game had they not released the info they have so far.
It's genius really despite whether or not the publicity it's gettting is positive or negative. They have people not even really interested in the game hanging around on the edge of their seats waiting for the next little piece of info that they release.
Really I don't think the game will fail regardless. Honestly it can't do any worse than FFXIV which truely was the piss poorest release in recent MMO history. Like I've told many people. if you want to see a game that didn't release any info what-so-ever and failed at it's job, you should've been in FFXIV testing.
Well I have been saying all along not to expect to much until 2011 I mean most games the hype machine really starts to flow about 4 months before launch and once the get into an open beta phase around 2 months or so before the game comes out we should get some real info.
there's always someone who tries to find loopholes in people's words and exploit them to make a very silly point.
coming up with two combat mechanisms is hardly a "stand-out feature" with regards to the game's content features.
thats like saying you'll be able to customise your character's eyebrows when in fact the OP was alluring to, say, character customisation as a whole.
yes we know combat will be there - in fact erickson said about 90% of your time will be in combat mode or something along those lines. the question is - what else?
I think the better question to ask is are you interested? For me, absolutely.
I think BioWare has the marketing down right. They are telling fans what to expect from day one. This release is not full of blown up hype and promises that can't be fullfilled.
MMO's are no longer just considered one type of market share. They have their own specific demographic and BioWare is targeting that audience.
I think by doing this SWTOR will have a great community.
Nonsense, Bioware has not even suggested a release date yet and they are much like Blizzard, they don't release a game until it is ready, so extremely doubtful we will see any 2011 date, far more likely a mid to late 2012 date.
For any of you challenged people saying spring 2011, I have a bridge in Brooklin for sale.....
I quote and agree
1. Tabula Rasa had a cover system for it's ranged classes.
2. The synchronized combat is not really all that cracked up to be, it really is nothing more than animations that are displayed based on a dice roll made by the server. Other MMOs have syncronized combat as well, albeit not as involved. For example, in WoW when you character dodges an attack, the "dodge" animation is played. Same thing happens if your character blocks or crits. Same with TOR--the server determines whether or not your character dodges, blocks, hits or crits and the proper animation is played. The major difference is that both models animate together.
Personaly, I rather have Guild Wars 2 combat where people can combine attacks on the spot, rather than just have a stiff animation of two sabers touching. Guild Wars 2 combat also looks much smoother.
A leveling system that is offering true RPG presentation. Not new to games no, it is somewhat new to this genre. AOC would be the closest thing it would seem, yet that aspect of AOC was sold as a single player RPG, (don't buy that? Go back and look up early presentations of it) you played through before hitting the MMO portion.
Consequence in your decisions made, I've never played an MMO that had a questing system like that.
Truly being able to interact with the NPC's around you. AOC and EQ2 both had VO, yet conversations were scripted completely different. To add to that, these interactions can lead to non-combative outcomes, again something new for the genre, true diplomacy. On top of that this also adds an extra sense of immersion to the world as it's inhabitants have life in them, they're not just decorations standing around or text boxes as in 99.9% of MMO's
Sorry you may not be interested in these aspects, and may be looking for other "innovations" to the genre. That doesn't mean these things don't exist and somehow miraculously don't count toward new features in the genre.
Edit- to save you the trouble of looking it up yourself
Developer quotes
"I also think it’s important to state here that we have changed a bit on the concept of the single-player aspect throughout our beta, as many MMO gamers gave us feedback that they wanted access to other players sooner. So now you will play alone all the way to the first city, but there you can meet other players for the first time and do "limited" multiplayer group gameplay with them.
However, if you go to an inn in the city of Tortage, and go to sleep, you will wake up at night, where you again are playing alone. You can also solo the game all the way to level 80. We have tried to make the entire experience so that you can play alone whenever you want to, but the biggest fun in an MMO of course is the interaction with other people."
As you can see it was intended all along as a single player experience, they only added "limited multiplayer" to satisfy a portion of their players. What TOR is offering is completely different.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
i think its more the case of wading through all the negativity to find some good. but yes BW is to blame for that as they release bugger all info, and dont talk to the fans except to tell us about the storyline. we need more info that.
Well about this issue , i think we are all aware , we are left a bit in the dark currently about many features .
It seems they do accomodate or gather feedback , just they dont want to get involved with the discussion at the moment.
Dont forget a lot of companies are ignoring forums lately ,Blizzard set up a hype by just ignoring half the feedback from forums , beta or live . cause half the people are trolls or just idiots or spoiled brats that cannot see common sense .
The forum community is not the way it was in the past , i must say mmorpg forums still suprise me .
And wish i would have joined in the old days . a lot of sensible people , even for a jaded community like this .
About negativity its funny , but this time the negativity is made by envious people , unlike most negativity it has no solid base or grounds , people just want to whine about this stinks , that stinks suxor etc .
The main issue is that there is such small feed back from bioware about the product , a bit like most products major products they released , but they should regather all the info into 1 post i think .
But a lot of things they changed based on feedback , space exploration wasn´t even originally planeed .
Sure its a like star fox shooter , but they didnt plan that at all at start (dont worry about the difficulty people can finetune that , and dont think pvp in space will be available from start , 3D combat is a lot more intense for most audience)
Well but truth is , with so little information released , it makes me even more curious about the game .
Target release is set for spring 2011 , its on the offical website and forums .
And stickied , so where is that bridge ? and how much does it cost ?
It would appear it's somewhere I've never heard of, I've got one in Brooklyn though.
In all seriousness, I think as with any game an estimated release is far different than an actual release date. When was Duke Nukem: Forever estimated to be released? Huxley? etc... You get the idea, I'm sure.
It could very well be mid 2012 before there's a solid release date.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"So, I’d like to leave you all with a question, and this is for the fans. Has your enthusiasm for Star Wars: The Old Republic waned at all in recent months?"
Yes, it has. But my enthousiasm for MMOs in general has been waning. The current crop of awful F2P games and the stagnation an WoWification of the genre... I think TOR will be good... but hardly the defining moment in MMOs.
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
Didn't Bioware show their hand too early because of a result of someone finding their secret website of what we now know as the SW:TOR forums? It was on this very forum that it was 1st posted that let the cat out of the bag.
After he posted it here on mmorpg.com like three days later Bioware announce SW:TOR was under developementy. They didn't want to announce anything initially because they wanted a working game to show off as they announced it, according to interviews I saw in the early days of BioWare saying they started making their secret MMO.
I Reject your Reality and Substitute it with My Own!
actually on my Comcast-Ondemand-cutting edge-G4 previews there was an interview with Daniel Erickson and he stated spring of next year. so 2nd quarter of 2011...hopefully.
2 days ago I have given up on TOR.
The way space was beign handled never whent down smoothly.
Bioware refusing to interact with its community in a style adapted to 2010.
I see no reason what so ever why their attitude will change post launch.
Nevermind that other then their trailers there is absolutly not a single thing that blows away my mind.
Can the game stand on its own? If it can, why use CGI trailers and why are you being so offensive towards your community? Because they are novices.
I'm not interested anymore in MMOs past 2010 with such a poor long term outlook.
Two years is nothing.... The author of this article has very little game/system development understanding, and the conclussions/questions clearly points out his ignorance on the topics.
BTW, how many movies are overbudget/late... Some BANDS take more then 2 years in active recording to develop an album... Get over it!
lol MMORPG.com always hateing on SWTOR/Bioware and loveing GW2/ArenaNet..
And no i'am not the first to say this.
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