Does it have hardware mouse or software mouse emulation? A lot of these console ports don't bother to make a proper hardware mouse. I think that's what it's called, anyway. The lagless one
I only see one naysayer here who actually played the game. The rest of the naysayers are making assumptions, and foolishly taking it upon themselves to argue with people who are actually in the beta.
I've played all of the super hero MMOs, and furthermore most of the MMOs on the market. I am also in the DCUO beta. I will say this: not only is DCUO by leaps and bounds better than the other super hero MMOs, it is also much more fun than most of the MMOs out there.
I only see one naysayer here who actually played the game. The rest of the naysayers are making assumptions, and foolishly taking it upon themselves to argue with people who are actually in the beta.
I've played all of the super hero MMOs, and furthermore most of the MMOs on the market. I am also in the DCUO beta. I will say this: not only is DCUO by leaps and bounds better than the other super hero MMOs, it is also much more fun than most of the MMOs out there.
Well I think there were more thus the nda warning we got a page or so back. I think several of those post have been deleted.
Without getting zinged for the nda all I can say was yes I think its much better than other super hero games, however I had issues with several things. I will just have to point you at the dcuo forums comments can be found there a plenty. All I can say was I bugged a lot of things, and feedback in the correct places.
I think the game has a lot of potential, but i have some worries, those have been stated in the dcuo forums along with other users. Until the NDA is lifted this is not the place to discuss what I think about needs tweaked and my one main concern is.
Does it have hardware mouse or software mouse emulation? A lot of these console ports don't bother to make a proper hardware mouse. I think that's what it's called, anyway. The lagless one
Hardware mouse, the game uses the Unreal 3 engine and runs absolutely flawlessly, infact, I've never seen a game use Unreal 3 so efficiently before.
I have to agree a bit with the nay-seyers in this thread, big surprise. What people forget is that acess is everything to sites like They make money on ads, and get people to come to their site with content and sweepstakes from game publishers. You know what happens when you make too many negative reviews , especially toward big publishers ? Zero acess, no sweepstakes, no beta handouts, no ads. Publishers have plenty of other sites to go to who play ball. If you think these are conspiracy theories then you know nothing about the game business.
This preview is suspect not because it is so positive. It is because there is almost nothing negative the player has to say. Now either this game is the end all of gaming, the WoW killer and the second coming of Jesus, ORRRR the guy is just another fluff boy who writes previews for this site.
OR, it's a level 1-9 preview of a beta test, and the wuthor is unwilling to point out flaws in the game until a) he's played more through the game and b) the game is in a more complete state.
It's called being level headed and responsible.
AND you've got it backwards in terms of how this site works. The reason that we get the things that we get (giveaways, ads, etc.) isn't because of positive content, it's because of the number of eyes that we have on our site and on our articles. If we didn't have readers, we wouldn't have advertisers. Thus, even from the most cynical business standpoint, your argument is incorrect and shows an honest and very basic misconception about how the business of this website works.
It gains us nothing to artificially inflate any content on this site. Now, that being said, our staff is primarily made up on players who genuinely enjoy the genre and are open minded in terms of how it can, will and continues to grow.
Having played DCUO myself, I can honestly say that I agree with the OP on most points. I'm completely addicted to the game. I also realize it's not for everyone and there are some issues that are completely fixable before OB and launch.
Anyway, accusations and stating unfounded opinion as fact is great and all, but please, for my sake, don't comment on procedures and structure that you just don't know about.
From everyone I know who is in the beta, they all say, "Not as good as Champions." That's not saying much to me, considering I never really cared for Champions. Also, I wouldn't buy an SOE game until someone I know and trust plays it and tells me that it's good. SOE has burned me to many times.
I don't know those who you are talking to personally but I played Champions and it was no where near as good as this beta. I am not saying that this game is the WoW beater or anything but I like it so far. After playing CO going back and forth I am not impressed with what they've done and where they are going. I see how SOE burned you then wait and see for yourself if they have a free trial or open beta but to those you have talked to that say CO is better or DCUO is not as good obviously either love CO or have never played it.
"You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America
Not to address anyone specifically, but this is part one of a multi-part article. It does indeed only cover the beginning aspects, with my opinions of what I've played thus far included. The second article next week includes more specifics, but will still have some things missing that were available to me during the 1-9 section of the game. Mainly because I don't want to bog the articles down with too much minutia. There's a lot to cover even in these first few levels, so I beg pardon if I leave some things out.
As for needing negatives to somehow make you feel better about my preview... ice has one bugged power. Sometimes the your new gear doesn't show up right away on the character panel when you equip it. And I got stuck inside Raven's tortured mind once. There are plenty of little bugs in the game, but nothing that hampered my enjoyment of the title.
The second part does indeed mention some negatives, but by and large I really do enjoy this game... READ: WHAT I'VE PLAYED OF IT. So you'd better get used to reading about how much I like it... shockingly, I'm paid to give my opinion and this happens to be it.
Relax folks, we at are not out to get you and we're not part of some large conspiracy aimed at your wallet.
Funny, you didn't mention anything about any bugs in the actual article. I do agree this is just your opinion, wheras it should be a critique. Saying that a game is consolish when it is made for a console ... not really a negative if you think about it. People wouldn't be wondering where's loyalties lie if this wasn't one of many such marketing previews. It isn't a conspiracy, it's just the reality of doing business. Anyone who claims they can get insider info and exclusives and be fully critical of the publisher products is either naive or a downright liar.
Why would he mention bugs in a beta test of the game? This isn't a critique, this isn't a review, this is an impression of a single persons experience. Lets take a deep breath, take off the tin foil hats, and realize that there are plenty of other previews out there from people that played the game that, while not being as thorough, agreed with Bills sentiments exactly.
What you don't hear about in the preview (or previews, most of them) are all the little broken things, like a bugged quest, or that minor balancing problem. What should you take from this article. 1) The core of the game is more than playable. 2) The writer enjoyed their time in game, and of course something that fans would like to take note of would be 3) The mention of key DC characters and places in the early game which may enhance ones enjoyment.
At this stage, the core of the gameplay isn't likely to change. Those little bugs you expect him to write about? Yeah, they have a much greater chance of not being there, and not everyone experiences the same problems, so some bugs may not even be an issue for others.
As no one else can really talk about beta, I'm really looking forward to Bills next article.
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
I've played it. it's an MMO. I can't see a single thing about it that makes it NOT an MMO. So I'm actually interested in your point of view. Why exactly is it not an MMO?
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
Define MMO for us please.
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no? Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
How so?
Have heard other criticisms of DCUO but this is a new argument to me.
It has
MM - Massive & Multiplayer - yes open world areas where you can see any number of other players.
O - Online - last time I checked. You can interact with other people there.
RP - yes - you pick a character, make them how you want them to look, select powers, play roles,
G - game - its is more fun than work - people plan to do it for fun afaik so yes, it is a game.
Instead of hitting different numbered buttons you are sometimes hitting different combos of mouse clicks, space bar, etc. In some instances at a faster pace than some MMOs.
How does this difference make it not an MMORPG?
Or perhaps do oscillate between fits of mirth, sorrow, and rage randomly and spout off non-sensical musings?
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
Yes, unfortunately, this was taken out of context. The devs stated that it is not an MMORPG in response to those who wanted a "traditional" RPG experience. You know, push 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, ect. They then stated that the game is an action game (which it is, just look at any of the authorized videos).
MMO elelments? Check.
RPG elements? Check.
Action Combat? Holy crap, that's new. Check.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
OMG propoganda, gasp! I also heard that the staff uses new members as human shields, and if another website get's to close, they have promised a sea of fire!
OMG propoganda, gasp! I also heard that the staff uses new members as human shields, and if another website get's to close, they have promised a sea of fire!
I see what you did there
"It has potential" -Second most used phrase on existence "It sucks" -Most used phrase on existence
OMG propoganda, gasp! I also heard that the staff uses new members as human shields, and if another website get's to close, they have promised a sea of fire!
He was just trolling. i asked him to define MMOS for us and he never came back.
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no? Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
Were you playing on a console or pc ? If pc can you explain how the controls felt ? I'm getting this game , I'm just not sure what system to play it on.
Console version is not in beta yet only the pc version. As for the controls I'll let MMORPG answer that as I don't want to risk breaking NDA.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
Its an action MMO, I don't know why you think its not an mmo. I have met a lot of other folks. So to say its not an mmo is just plain crazy.
While I certainly am not going to accuse the author of being a shill or a stooge, I will admit that I find the tone of the article to be a little bit gushing for a professional piece of journalism.
For instance, pointing out that the game does things a certain way is one thing. Defending those choices with a relentlessly positive spin (how many variations of 'and this is really a better way of doing things anyway!' did we see in that article?) is entirely another. The first is informative and professional. The second blurs the line between information and opinion piece.
And when something is quite so, ah, enthusiastically flogged by an author, it seems to me that making sure the reader knows which the author intends to the work to be, news or op-ed, is fairly important.
I can be pretty hard on reviewers, and web authors in general, but I thought this was a good article. The author covered his basis and wrote a general experience article. I didn't expect to read a beta review when I read the title. The title would have been "DCUO: Beta so far..." or something along those lines.
Anyway, I think AMBUSHBUG was trying to say that DCUO is being billed as a MMOAG more than a MMORPG. However, there are definitely RPG aspects in the game, but it's so different from other MMORPG's that it's probably best to often differentiate from the standard fare.
Was a good read got me interested since there are only 2 Super Heroes MMO out there .
This would be the 3rd , sorry the genre isn´t for everybody .
But IMHO what i get tired of reading trough all the comments , is the doubtful gamer .
Sure they bring a another side of the picture but when those picture are totally not founded on anything but there own hunches it becomes a bit garbage .
Sorry most of us are waiting for a new mmo , so what we got money to burn while waiting for a new mmo .
Maybe this is not our game maybe it is our game .
But beats raving on other people review , maybe those naysayers should do a bloq .
Honestly this site let alot of negativity run wild , thats a good sign , we got enough people raging against everything.
But dont take freedom of opnion for freedom to be a jackass.
If you dont like the game then let it go , go invest time in finding a game you like.
Its a bit different if you are still playing the game , and want to point out the flaws .
But it seems DCUO seems very interesting while i wait for my MMO .
And about SOE you can hate it as much you want , but atleast they didn´t just shut down mmo´s or turn it into F2P cash grabs , well that alone has my respect .
OMG propoganda, gasp! I also heard that the staff uses new members as human shields, and if another website get[object Window]s to close, they have promised a sea of fire!
He was just trolling. i asked him to define MMOS for us and he never came back.
[object Window]
No, not trolling just haven[object Window]t been back on until now. I never said it wasn[object Window]t an MMO I said an MMORPG. Let me try to clarify my issue with the marketing of the game. I won[object Window]t go against the NDA of the game, I will just stick to what is obtained from public knowledge.
FIrst, I want the game to be a success. I[object Window]m a huge comic fan and if the game does well it can only help DC in other areas. The issue is this game is being marketed as an MMORPG and it[object Window]s not, not even close. It is an MMO obviously, but it is by all account including the developers an action MMO. There is nothing wrong with that, but there are going to be a lot of people that plunk down money for this game and when they log on are not going to be getting what they were expecting.
It[object Window]s already happening with beta players. I just think they would be better off with an honest review of what the game is instead of the softball reviews on sites that are geared for another genre of game. Just come out and say it[object Window]s a straight up action game and be done with it. That way on launch day you have people who WANT to play an action game logging on to your servers and being happy with what they have instead of having people who think they are purchasing an MMORPG logging on and going [object Window]What the heck, I didn[object Window]t want to play an action game.[object Window].
I[object Window]ve said it many times before and I will say it again, it[object Window]s a dang good action game. Very short, but good. If you dig action games get it and tear it up. But if you are more into MMORPG[object Window]s then try to get a beta or a buddy pass and try it first.
The game will do fine, SOE needs to make some improvements here and there but the CORE of the game is very solid and well done.
This isn't like FFXIV where almost every aspect is inherently flawed, DCU has minor problems, not major problems.
Does it have hardware mouse or software mouse emulation? A lot of these console ports don't bother to make a proper hardware mouse. I think that's what it's called, anyway. The lagless one
I only see one naysayer here who actually played the game. The rest of the naysayers are making assumptions, and foolishly taking it upon themselves to argue with people who are actually in the beta.
I've played all of the super hero MMOs, and furthermore most of the MMOs on the market. I am also in the DCUO beta. I will say this: not only is DCUO by leaps and bounds better than the other super hero MMOs, it is also much more fun than most of the MMOs out there.
Well I think there were more thus the nda warning we got a page or so back. I think several of those post have been deleted.
Without getting zinged for the nda all I can say was yes I think its much better than other super hero games, however I had issues with several things. I will just have to point you at the dcuo forums comments can be found there a plenty. All I can say was I bugged a lot of things, and feedback in the correct places.
I think the game has a lot of potential, but i have some worries, those have been stated in the dcuo forums along with other users. Until the NDA is lifted this is not the place to discuss what I think about needs tweaked and my one main concern is.
Hardware mouse, the game uses the Unreal 3 engine and runs absolutely flawlessly, infact, I've never seen a game use Unreal 3 so efficiently before.
Anyone who buys an SOE game is doomed from the start, have you people NOT learned your lesson??
OR, it's a level 1-9 preview of a beta test, and the wuthor is unwilling to point out flaws in the game until a) he's played more through the game and b) the game is in a more complete state.
It's called being level headed and responsible.
AND you've got it backwards in terms of how this site works. The reason that we get the things that we get (giveaways, ads, etc.) isn't because of positive content, it's because of the number of eyes that we have on our site and on our articles. If we didn't have readers, we wouldn't have advertisers. Thus, even from the most cynical business standpoint, your argument is incorrect and shows an honest and very basic misconception about how the business of this website works.
It gains us nothing to artificially inflate any content on this site. Now, that being said, our staff is primarily made up on players who genuinely enjoy the genre and are open minded in terms of how it can, will and continues to grow.
Having played DCUO myself, I can honestly say that I agree with the OP on most points. I'm completely addicted to the game. I also realize it's not for everyone and there are some issues that are completely fixable before OB and launch.
Anyway, accusations and stating unfounded opinion as fact is great and all, but please, for my sake, don't comment on procedures and structure that you just don't know about.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Thanks for the informative article. Looking forward to the next installment.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I don't know those who you are talking to personally but I played Champions and it was no where near as good as this beta. I am not saying that this game is the WoW beater or anything but I like it so far. After playing CO going back and forth I am not impressed with what they've done and where they are going. I see how SOE burned you then wait and see for yourself if they have a free trial or open beta but to those you have talked to that say CO is better or DCUO is not as good obviously either love CO or have never played it.
"You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America
Why would he mention bugs in a beta test of the game? This isn't a critique, this isn't a review, this is an impression of a single persons experience. Lets take a deep breath, take off the tin foil hats, and realize that there are plenty of other previews out there from people that played the game that, while not being as thorough, agreed with Bills sentiments exactly.
What you don't hear about in the preview (or previews, most of them) are all the little broken things, like a bugged quest, or that minor balancing problem. What should you take from this article. 1) The core of the game is more than playable. 2) The writer enjoyed their time in game, and of course something that fans would like to take note of would be 3) The mention of key DC characters and places in the early game which may enhance ones enjoyment.
At this stage, the core of the gameplay isn't likely to change. Those little bugs you expect him to write about? Yeah, they have a much greater chance of not being there, and not everyone experiences the same problems, so some bugs may not even be an issue for others.
As no one else can really talk about beta, I'm really looking forward to Bills next article.
Another propaganda story on DCUiverse. What, are they paying MMORPG or something for these slanted reviews? Better question, why is MMORPG even covering this game when it's not an MMORPG by any standard? Don't believe me, ask the developers, they are quick to tell you it's not one, that it's an action game.
I've played it. it's an MMO. I can't see a single thing about it that makes it NOT an MMO. So I'm actually interested in your point of view. Why exactly is it not an MMO?
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
hmm damn you...
Now a spark of excitement rose in my heart
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
How so?
Have heard other criticisms of DCUO but this is a new argument to me.
It has
MM - Massive & Multiplayer - yes open world areas where you can see any number of other players.
O - Online - last time I checked. You can interact with other people there.
RP - yes - you pick a character, make them how you want them to look, select powers, play roles,
G - game - its is more fun than work - people plan to do it for fun afaik so yes, it is a game.
Instead of hitting different numbered buttons you are sometimes hitting different combos of mouse clicks, space bar, etc. In some instances at a faster pace than some MMOs.
How does this difference make it not an MMORPG?
Or perhaps do oscillate between fits of mirth, sorrow, and rage randomly and spout off non-sensical musings?
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
Yes, unfortunately, this was taken out of context. The devs stated that it is not an MMORPG in response to those who wanted a "traditional" RPG experience. You know, push 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, ect. They then stated that the game is an action game (which it is, just look at any of the authorized videos).
MMO elelments? Check.
RPG elements? Check.
Action Combat? Holy crap, that's new. Check.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
OMG propoganda, gasp! I also heard that the staff uses new members as human shields, and if another website get's to close, they have promised a sea of fire!
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
I see what you did there
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
He was just trolling. i asked him to define MMOS for us and he never came back.
Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?
Originally posted by Arcken
To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible
Console version is not in beta yet only the pc version. As for the controls I'll let MMORPG answer that as I don't want to risk breaking NDA.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Its an action MMO, I don't know why you think its not an mmo. I have met a lot of other folks. So to say its not an mmo is just plain crazy.
While I certainly am not going to accuse the author of being a shill or a stooge, I will admit that I find the tone of the article to be a little bit gushing for a professional piece of journalism.
For instance, pointing out that the game does things a certain way is one thing. Defending those choices with a relentlessly positive spin (how many variations of 'and this is really a better way of doing things anyway!' did we see in that article?) is entirely another. The first is informative and professional. The second blurs the line between information and opinion piece.
And when something is quite so, ah, enthusiastically flogged by an author, it seems to me that making sure the reader knows which the author intends to the work to be, news or op-ed, is fairly important.
I can be pretty hard on reviewers, and web authors in general, but I thought this was a good article. The author covered his basis and wrote a general experience article. I didn't expect to read a beta review when I read the title. The title would have been "DCUO: Beta so far..." or something along those lines.
Anyway, I think AMBUSHBUG was trying to say that DCUO is being billed as a MMOAG more than a MMORPG. However, there are definitely RPG aspects in the game, but it's so different from other MMORPG's that it's probably best to often differentiate from the standard fare.
Just my 2¢.
Was a good read got me interested since there are only 2 Super Heroes MMO out there .
This would be the 3rd , sorry the genre isn´t for everybody .
But IMHO what i get tired of reading trough all the comments , is the doubtful gamer .
Sure they bring a another side of the picture but when those picture are totally not founded on anything but there own hunches it becomes a bit garbage .
Sorry most of us are waiting for a new mmo , so what we got money to burn while waiting for a new mmo .
Maybe this is not our game maybe it is our game .
But beats raving on other people review , maybe those naysayers should do a bloq .
Honestly this site let alot of negativity run wild , thats a good sign , we got enough people raging against everything.
But dont take freedom of opnion for freedom to be a jackass.
If you dont like the game then let it go , go invest time in finding a game you like.
Its a bit different if you are still playing the game , and want to point out the flaws .
But it seems DCUO seems very interesting while i wait for my MMO .
And about SOE you can hate it as much you want , but atleast they didn´t just shut down mmo´s or turn it into F2P cash grabs , well that alone has my respect .
No, not trolling just haven[object Window]t been back on until now. I never said it wasn[object Window]t an MMO I said an MMORPG. Let me try to clarify my issue with the marketing of the game. I won[object Window]t go against the NDA of the game, I will just stick to what is obtained from public knowledge.
FIrst, I want the game to be a success. I[object Window]m a huge comic fan and if the game does well it can only help DC in other areas. The issue is this game is being marketed as an MMORPG and it[object Window]s not, not even close. It is an MMO obviously, but it is by all account including the developers an action MMO. There is nothing wrong with that, but there are going to be a lot of people that plunk down money for this game and when they log on are not going to be getting what they were expecting.
It[object Window]s already happening with beta players. I just think they would be better off with an honest review of what the game is instead of the softball reviews on sites that are geared for another genre of game. Just come out and say it[object Window]s a straight up action game and be done with it. That way on launch day you have people who WANT to play an action game logging on to your servers and being happy with what they have instead of having people who think they are purchasing an MMORPG logging on and going [object Window]What the heck, I didn[object Window]t want to play an action game.[object Window].
I[object Window]ve said it many times before and I will say it again, it[object Window]s a dang good action game. Very short, but good. If you dig action games get it and tear it up. But if you are more into MMORPG[object Window]s then try to get a beta or a buddy pass and try it first.