Its currently £8:71 on Amazon uk, that is amazing really, but i am still worried about the tedious quests and annoying crafting, if i end up with a months sub for a game a cant play, after the same thing happened with FF11, i will sue Squenix for sucking. Is anyone here in eu or uk guild they would recomend?
I would honestly say wait a couple of months. But if you really want to try it out (currently it is indefinitely free to play till they say sometime in the future) and you want some guidance searching an EU/UK guild there are three good options out there. I would suggest the Eorzeapedia forums, or the FFXIV ZAM forums, or the FFXIV CORE forums. From all the good fan sites out there, those three are probably the best when it comes to server discussion.
There are about another half a dozen good fan sites out there like BG or FFXIV Pro, but they either do not have a server sub forum or if they have one it is barely used or updated and they usually focus on other areas in FFXIV. I would check those 3 forums, and check the first page of each server (it can be tedious since there are 18 servers) give it a quick glimpse and see if there are any topics regarding the type of linkshell you are looking for.
I'm a hardcore FF fan, but I have to say FF XIV was bad.
Overly complicated crafting system. I don't mind complicated, but I don't like a game that makes me feel like I'm doing homework. And have fun searching countless bazaars "hoping" to find items you need because you guessed AH.
Graphics & Storyline are amazing....luckily I have a great PC I had custom built before I got Aion. If you don't have a good PC that sucks for you on this game. Here is one of my favorite sites which scans your PC and compares your Overall Peformance to the game's minimum/recommended requirements and gives you a general idea where you stand. FF XIV has had the highest recommended performance I've seen so far. You can also do a search on the internet for FFXIV Benchmark and run a test on that.
By the way, you can search the above website for other games to test your PC against their minimum/requirements.
Now if you want a good review on the game watch the below link. I love this guy's reviews. This one was a little more straight forward and he didn't throw in jokes like he does on some of his other ones.
Monsters are alive, they go about their business, are curious and check you out, even follow you around for a bit. Animations and details are unmatched. Furr and feathers are especially impressive. You can even see them breath and blink.
I could think of more but i am getting tired and this is already a wall of text.
Shouldn't monsters be attacking you, not following you around being curious ? hehe
Monsters are alive, they go about their business, are curious and check you out, even follow you around for a bit. Animations and details are unmatched. Furr and feathers are especially impressive. You can even see them breath and blink.
I could think of more but i am getting tired and this is already a wall of text.
Shouldn't monsters be attacking you, not following you around being curious ? hehe
Not all monsters are aggro and attack on sight. Most of the 'monsters' in this game are animals, some are hostile, most are placid, only fighting back once they are attacked.
I'm a hardcore FF fan, but I have to say FF XIV was bad.
Overly complicated crafting system. I don't mind complicated, but I don't like a game that makes me feel like I'm doing homework. And have fun searching countless bazaars "hoping" to find items you need because you guessed AH.
Your information is outdated. With the organising of wards into specific categories, and the search function added to the game weeks ago it is now easy to search through the retainers in the market wards without searching every single bazaar you come across. An Auction Hall isn't essential to make the game succeed. As a Crafter I have had no difficulty selling my goods in the wards, the system works, more people need to use it instead of crying for an AH.
The crafting system is not overly complicated either. If you are used to the WoW style of crafting where you decide how many of item 'X' you want to craft then click the 'make' button and go afk to do your laundry while your toon grinds them out, then yes, it will seem complicated. The crafting system in FFXIV is more in depth and complex and actually requires you to pay attention to what you are doing. If you fail you lose your materials, thus there is incentive to learn how to do it properly. Each crafting job is an actual character class in FFXIV, its not just something your character does on the side when he/she isn't raiding.
I'm a hardcore FF fan, but I have to say FF XIV was bad.
Overly complicated crafting system. I don't mind complicated, but I don't like a game that makes me feel like I'm doing homework. And have fun searching countless bazaars "hoping" to find items you need because you guessed AH.
more people need to use it instead of crying for an AH.
If you fail you lose your materials, thus there is incentive to learn how to do it properly. Each crafting job is an actual character class in FFXIV, its not just something your character does on the side when he/she isn't raiding.
The Ward system does work. It needs to be set up like a flee market though with some assembly, not a clump of retainers standing in a blob. The could also do a short tutorial for this part of the game because the first few times I came up on the ward instance point I thought I was at a teleport system to take me to the AI market ways and ignored the area.
Crafting is enter button mashing. Lets not try and make it anything else. You can botch a synthesis by doing the exact same thing you did 10 times before and didnt botch the synthesis. You mash enter for 60 seconds and if the dura hits 0 before the complete hits 100 you botch. Its a work in progress I think but right now, its Runescape with better graphics and more clicks.
2 reasons to try FF14 right now for me, the price and that if they implement the "reboot" they have mentioned then FF14 as we know it will be gone forever, so its the last chance to see if there was anything good there that they will wipe.
Thank you, that is very good to know, i just found my old Playstation style controller and as the DCUO beta is over i have no mmo to try it on, this oddly enough might tip me to get FF14 now.
FFXIV does have a lot of good things going for it. That being said though it has one flaw which will prevent me from continuing to play until it is resolved. Time management on inventory management. I personally find I spend between 40-60% of all my play time is managing my inventory, and with multiple characters that goes up to 60-80%. And to me this is a HUGE problem. It just isnt fun to spend all that time handling what I gots.
This game needs, and I mean NEEDS a simple inventory transfer/management system. If I go out hunting for 2 hours I should be able to distrubute what I found to whatever characters I have within a reasonable amount of time. Either give me a mail system, shared storage (bank or retainers with permission to be accessed by any of my characters on my account) or something I can use to dump the contents of my bags off to in a hurry. 5-10 minutes to empty my bags (for now) and let me get back out to another 2 hours of hunting. Right now however, its a 2 hour hunting followed by another 2 hours of emptying my bags. If I have 5 characters, how hard would it be for me to stand 5 retainers up in a row ( 1 form each toon ) and move items between them WHILE I AM ON ONE CHARACTER. I mean I will be paying for each character right, why not let me use what I am paying for.
This doesn't work for me at all. Everything else, all the other good points in the game are outshadowed by the fact you will most likely not see them half the time you are playing simply because of the poor time/inventory management system without options they have implimented. Fix this, and sure I'll be back.
And I know this thread is about the good things in FFXIV, and like I said at the start there are a lot of them. To me there are enough that I would rather not spend all the time pointing them out again, especially when I see only ONE bad thing overall. Just easier to mention the one than the many and say the rest is good. Ok well maybe TWO, who in GODs name came up with the idea a level 30 crafter could fail a level 1 synth should just be shot!
I prefer the non-AH approach. Sure, having an AH is convenient, but I much prefer being able to window shop.
UI is clunky....if you approach it like a standard MMO. Approach it like a Final Fantasy game, and it's fine, with the exception of a few actions that are slightly more deeply nested than necessary.
My only real gripe with the game is that it's lacking a bunch of content and the that the playerbase is strangely quiet unless you're in a linkshell. Other than that, they're on their way to making it the game it should have been at launch.
I just started playing. bought the game's cd-key for only 25$ USD and downloaded the client via torrent. Its actaully very fun, unique, and best of all free to play for at least 5-6 months or more. They just replaced several important members on the development team with people that are seriously commited to turning this game around and listening to the players to do it. So you get to play a very fun mmo for just the price of the cdkey, while getting a chance to watch this game get polished into the even better game it has the potential to be with extrememly frequent content/gameplay updates.
I just started playing. bought the game's cd-key for only 25$ USD and downloaded the client via torrent. Its actaully very fun, unique, and best of all free to play for at least 5-6 months or more. They just replaced several important members on the development team with people that are seriously commited to turning this game around and listening to the players to do it. So you get to play a very fun mmo for just the price of the cdkey, while getting a chance to watch this game get polished into the even better game it has the potential to be with extrememly frequent content/gameplay updates.
I can't tell if there is new or if I am just finding stuff that was there and I didnt see it. I havent had an update since I started playing but it could be server side. Glad you are having fun and I agree, its not a horrible game and unpolished has its glory. I still want more open dialogue and a forum though. We need to feel inclusive and I dont right now.
In a year this will be one hell of an MMO, and it will be extremly popular, its not there yet, it has a LOT of growing to do, but SE has the funding to do this and they will not abondon XIV, much to the haters dismay.
That will never happen. The launch of an MMO, and the following one or two months, is crucial. If the lauch fails, the game will NEVER be "extremely poplular".
Leves and crafting is mainly reason i quit the game. Its basically solo game till u have all crafting to 50 due to repair. And in order to do that, you need to do leves every 1.5 days. Its too repetetive everyday even if you have a job/life. Its same thing and over and over.
In a year this will be one hell of an MMO, and it will be extremly popular, its not there yet, it has a LOT of growing to do, but SE has the funding to do this and they will not abondon XIV, much to the haters dismay.
That will never happen. The launch of an MMO, and the following one or two months, is crucial. If the lauch fails, the game will NEVER be "extremely poplular".
I agree, I wont come back to this game no matter what. Once the game fails me, its over. Its like... You try out new kind of burger from mcdonalds and you dont like it.. You gonna try it again? hell no!
In a year this will be one hell of an MMO, and it will be extremly popular, its not there yet, it has a LOT of growing to do, but SE has the funding to do this and they will not abondon XIV, much to the haters dismay.
That will never happen. The launch of an MMO, and the following one or two months, is crucial. If the lauch fails, the game will NEVER be "extremely poplular".
In a year this will be one hell of an MMO, and it will be extremly popular, its not there yet, it has a LOT of growing to do, but SE has the funding to do this and they will not abondon XIV, much to the haters dismay.
That will never happen. The launch of an MMO, and the following one or two months, is crucial. If the lauch fails, the game will NEVER be "extremely poplular".
Just like FFXI, right? ^.^
This guy is right, the launch and following few months is crucial to the game. People treat mmorpgs like marriages, when it dissapoints, they go though a highly emotional divorace, it scars them for life. Its quite sad the amount of emotions placed on a game.
Like AoC, right now its a very fun game, its well done, however they will never recoup the preorder crowd, as stated above, they are emotionally scared for life.
From what i can understand, everything aside from crafting and the world/graphics is a total let down. To change the heart of the game, what i can understand is the problem, will take more than a few months, possibly years.
What they are going to rush out new combat mechanics, mobs, and quests..... are you guys ready for a buggy and broken 6 months after that as they fix the newly implimented systems? Perhaps i underestimate the FF fans devotion to the IP, and i very well could be.
By the time this game is "fixed" if they really follow through on it, will put this game in direct competition with some major mmorpg releases. That does not bode well for subscriptions.
It really baffels me how something like this could even happen, this isnt some two bit company giving it their first try. Something is fishy whith the whole situation behind this game. I mean waiting 36 hours between quests, with little else to do for progression is insanely stupid. Even if they had a world filled with endless varieties of mobs to grind on, it makes no sense.
Id like to believe that the company is in dire financial straights, common these days, and the game was released in a rushed state for the survival of squar enix, however it seems more like their errors were carefully calculated and planned, again it baffels me.
This game may be something great in a years time, but it has forever lost its steam. Squar Enix would be wise to sweep this game into the dusbin of history, keep the world and completely remake the game, possible releasing it in 2 years as another title. Its going to take a lot of time and alot of effort to right the wrongs im reading about this game. When people complain about boring combat mechanics, thats a serious issue at the very heart of the game
Unlike AoC, whos launch errors included no content after level 20, and a buggy game overall, at least the combat mechanics were a blast, and its why the game survives today, barely as it is, eventhough its now a complete game. It took them about 2 years to fix their launch issues.
This guy is right, the launch and following few months is crucial to the game. People treat mmorpgs like marriages, when it dissapoints, they go though a highly emotional divorace, it scars them for life. Its quite sad the amount of emotions placed on a game.
Like AoC, right now its a very fun game, its well done, however they will never recoup the preorder crowd, as stated above, they are emotionally scared for life.
From what i can understand, everything aside from crafting and the world/graphics is a total let down. To change the heart of the game, what i can understand is the problem, will take more than a few months, possibly years.
What they are going to rush out new combat mechanics, mobs, and quests..... are you guys ready for a buggy and broken 6 months after that as they fix the newly implimented systems? Perhaps i underestimate the FF fans devotion to the IP, and i very well could be.
By the time this game is "fixed" if they really follow through on it, will put this game in direct competition with some major mmorpg releases. That does not bode well for subscriptions.
It really baffels me how something like this could even happen, this isnt some two bit company giving it their first try. Something is fishy whith the whole situation behind this game. I mean waiting 36 hours between quests, with little else to do for progression is insanely stupid. Even if they had a world filled with endless varieties of mobs to grind on, it makes no sense.
Id like to believe that the company is in dire financial straights, common these days, and the game was released in a rushed state for the survival of squar enix, however it seems more like their errors were carefully calculated and planned, again it baffels me.
This game may be something great in a years time, but it has forever lost its steam. Squar Enix would be wise to sweep this game into the dusbin of history, keep the world and completely remake the game, possible releasing it in 2 years as another title. Its going to take a lot of time and alot of effort to right the wrongs im reading about this game. When people complain about boring combat mechanics, thats a serious issue at the very heart of the game
Unlike AoC, whos launch errors included no content after level 20, and a buggy game overall, at least the combat mechanics were a blast, and its why the game survives today, barely as it is, eventhough its now a complete game. It took them about 2 years to fix their launch issues.
I am the misconceptions-man, and I have come to feed on this post
om nom nom nom
eww, few fishbones
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
this isn't a good place to ask but i think you should try it its only 30$ on amazon and its free toy play for now
Its currently £8:71 on Amazon uk, that is amazing really, but i am still worried about the tedious quests and annoying crafting, if i end up with a months sub for a game a cant play, after the same thing happened with FF11, i will sue Squenix for sucking. Is anyone here in eu or uk guild they would recomend?
I would honestly say wait a couple of months. But if you really want to try it out (currently it is indefinitely free to play till they say sometime in the future) and you want some guidance searching an EU/UK guild there are three good options out there. I would suggest the Eorzeapedia forums, or the FFXIV ZAM forums, or the FFXIV CORE forums. From all the good fan sites out there, those three are probably the best when it comes to server discussion.
There are about another half a dozen good fan sites out there like BG or FFXIV Pro, but they either do not have a server sub forum or if they have one it is barely used or updated and they usually focus on other areas in FFXIV. I would check those 3 forums, and check the first page of each server (it can be tedious since there are 18 servers) give it a quick glimpse and see if there are any topics regarding the type of linkshell you are looking for.
I'm a hardcore FF fan, but I have to say FF XIV was bad.
Overly complicated crafting system. I don't mind complicated, but I don't like a game that makes me feel like I'm doing homework. And have fun searching countless bazaars "hoping" to find items you need because you guessed AH.
Graphics & Storyline are amazing....luckily I have a great PC I had custom built before I got Aion. If you don't have a good PC that sucks for you on this game. Here is one of my favorite sites which scans your PC and compares your Overall Peformance to the game's minimum/recommended requirements and gives you a general idea where you stand. FF XIV has had the highest recommended performance I've seen so far. You can also do a search on the internet for FFXIV Benchmark and run a test on that.
By the way, you can search the above website for other games to test your PC against their minimum/requirements.
Now if you want a good review on the game watch the below link. I love this guy's reviews. This one was a little more straight forward and he didn't throw in jokes like he does on some of his other ones.
Shouldn't monsters be attacking you, not following you around being curious ? hehe
Not all monsters are aggro and attack on sight. Most of the 'monsters' in this game are animals, some are hostile, most are placid, only fighting back once they are attacked.
Your information is outdated. With the organising of wards into specific categories, and the search function added to the game weeks ago it is now easy to search through the retainers in the market wards without searching every single bazaar you come across. An Auction Hall isn't essential to make the game succeed. As a Crafter I have had no difficulty selling my goods in the wards, the system works, more people need to use it instead of crying for an AH.
The crafting system is not overly complicated either. If you are used to the WoW style of crafting where you decide how many of item 'X' you want to craft then click the 'make' button and go afk to do your laundry while your toon grinds them out, then yes, it will seem complicated. The crafting system in FFXIV is more in depth and complex and actually requires you to pay attention to what you are doing. If you fail you lose your materials, thus there is incentive to learn how to do it properly. Each crafting job is an actual character class in FFXIV, its not just something your character does on the side when he/she isn't raiding.
The Ward system does work. It needs to be set up like a flee market though with some assembly, not a clump of retainers standing in a blob. The could also do a short tutorial for this part of the game because the first few times I came up on the ward instance point I thought I was at a teleport system to take me to the AI market ways and ignored the area.
Crafting is enter button mashing. Lets not try and make it anything else. You can botch a synthesis by doing the exact same thing you did 10 times before and didnt botch the synthesis. You mash enter for 60 seconds and if the dura hits 0 before the complete hits 100 you botch. Its a work in progress I think but right now, its Runescape with better graphics and more clicks.
2 reasons to try FF14 right now for me, the price and that if they implement the "reboot" they have mentioned then FF14 as we know it will be gone forever, so its the last chance to see if there was anything good there that they will wipe.
Has anyone tried playing with a controller? Would it remove some of the issues with the UI?
Playing with a controller is much easier and fun.
Thank you, that is very good to know, i just found my old Playstation style controller and as the DCUO beta is over i have no mmo to try it on, this oddly enough might tip me to get FF14 now.
FFXIV does have a lot of good things going for it. That being said though it has one flaw which will prevent me from continuing to play until it is resolved. Time management on inventory management. I personally find I spend between 40-60% of all my play time is managing my inventory, and with multiple characters that goes up to 60-80%. And to me this is a HUGE problem. It just isnt fun to spend all that time handling what I gots.
This game needs, and I mean NEEDS a simple inventory transfer/management system. If I go out hunting for 2 hours I should be able to distrubute what I found to whatever characters I have within a reasonable amount of time. Either give me a mail system, shared storage (bank or retainers with permission to be accessed by any of my characters on my account) or something I can use to dump the contents of my bags off to in a hurry. 5-10 minutes to empty my bags (for now) and let me get back out to another 2 hours of hunting. Right now however, its a 2 hour hunting followed by another 2 hours of emptying my bags. If I have 5 characters, how hard would it be for me to stand 5 retainers up in a row ( 1 form each toon ) and move items between them WHILE I AM ON ONE CHARACTER. I mean I will be paying for each character right, why not let me use what I am paying for.
This doesn't work for me at all. Everything else, all the other good points in the game are outshadowed by the fact you will most likely not see them half the time you are playing simply because of the poor time/inventory management system without options they have implimented. Fix this, and sure I'll be back.
And I know this thread is about the good things in FFXIV, and like I said at the start there are a lot of them. To me there are enough that I would rather not spend all the time pointing them out again, especially when I see only ONE bad thing overall. Just easier to mention the one than the many and say the rest is good. Ok well maybe TWO, who in GODs name came up with the idea a level 30 crafter could fail a level 1 synth should just be shot!
I prefer the non-AH approach. Sure, having an AH is convenient, but I much prefer being able to window shop.
UI is clunky....if you approach it like a standard MMO. Approach it like a Final Fantasy game, and it's fine, with the exception of a few actions that are slightly more deeply nested than necessary.
My only real gripe with the game is that it's lacking a bunch of content and the that the playerbase is strangely quiet unless you're in a linkshell. Other than that, they're on their way to making it the game it should have been at launch.
I just started playing. bought the game's cd-key for only 25$ USD and downloaded the client via torrent. Its actaully very fun, unique, and best of all free to play for at least 5-6 months or more. They just replaced several important members on the development team with people that are seriously commited to turning this game around and listening to the players to do it. So you get to play a very fun mmo for just the price of the cdkey, while getting a chance to watch this game get polished into the even better game it has the potential to be with extrememly frequent content/gameplay updates.
I can't tell if there is new or if I am just finding stuff that was there and I didnt see it. I havent had an update since I started playing but it could be server side. Glad you are having fun and I agree, its not a horrible game and unpolished has its glory. I still want more open dialogue and a forum though. We need to feel inclusive and I dont right now.
That will never happen. The launch of an MMO, and the following one or two months, is crucial. If the lauch fails, the game will NEVER be "extremely poplular".
Leves and crafting is mainly reason i quit the game. Its basically solo game till u have all crafting to 50 due to repair. And in order to do that, you need to do leves every 1.5 days. Its too repetetive everyday even if you have a job/life. Its same thing and over and over.
I agree, I wont come back to this game no matter what. Once the game fails me, its over. Its like... You try out new kind of burger from mcdonalds and you dont like it.. You gonna try it again? hell no!
Just like FFXI, right? ^.^
This guy is right, the launch and following few months is crucial to the game. People treat mmorpgs like marriages, when it dissapoints, they go though a highly emotional divorace, it scars them for life. Its quite sad the amount of emotions placed on a game.
Like AoC, right now its a very fun game, its well done, however they will never recoup the preorder crowd, as stated above, they are emotionally scared for life.
From what i can understand, everything aside from crafting and the world/graphics is a total let down. To change the heart of the game, what i can understand is the problem, will take more than a few months, possibly years.
What they are going to rush out new combat mechanics, mobs, and quests..... are you guys ready for a buggy and broken 6 months after that as they fix the newly implimented systems? Perhaps i underestimate the FF fans devotion to the IP, and i very well could be.
By the time this game is "fixed" if they really follow through on it, will put this game in direct competition with some major mmorpg releases. That does not bode well for subscriptions.
It really baffels me how something like this could even happen, this isnt some two bit company giving it their first try. Something is fishy whith the whole situation behind this game. I mean waiting 36 hours between quests, with little else to do for progression is insanely stupid. Even if they had a world filled with endless varieties of mobs to grind on, it makes no sense.
Id like to believe that the company is in dire financial straights, common these days, and the game was released in a rushed state for the survival of squar enix, however it seems more like their errors were carefully calculated and planned, again it baffels me.
This game may be something great in a years time, but it has forever lost its steam. Squar Enix would be wise to sweep this game into the dusbin of history, keep the world and completely remake the game, possible releasing it in 2 years as another title. Its going to take a lot of time and alot of effort to right the wrongs im reading about this game. When people complain about boring combat mechanics, thats a serious issue at the very heart of the game
Unlike AoC, whos launch errors included no content after level 20, and a buggy game overall, at least the combat mechanics were a blast, and its why the game survives today, barely as it is, eventhough its now a complete game. It took them about 2 years to fix their launch issues.
I am the misconceptions-man, and I have come to feed on this post
om nom nom nom
eww, few fishbones