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My Earthrise beta impressions (6 months playtime)



  • HarabeckHarabeck Member Posts: 616

    Originally posted by M4ko

    Originally posted by Raxeon

    Originally posted by ConjureOne

    Originally posted by M4ko


    you agree that the game is in alpha stage, but believe that with time bugs will be fixed and content added. You are investing your own money to start the 2 months beta test, after which, you think that the game should be complete.


    In my opinion, even if in 2 months it turns out to be what you expect it to be, i still dont see it making it because of some very poor designs which can not be improved unless totally redone.

    1 Current combat system--minus the lag and fps drops--is very "disconnected", you dont get a felling that your hitting something or being hit.

    2 In addition to that, character control is very uncomfortable, it feels stiff. 

    Put these two together and you get very dissatisfying PVP/PVE.  Yes, im sure you dont see it as a problem but many others do. And I believe that there are many other issues that will send this project in the wrong direction.

    this tbh, THOUGH I have to give a heads up for Harabeck for making a good point - check the game in 2 months, CONSIDERING they'll be giving out free trials, otherwise nothanks...

    in 2 months, maybe a year, it will be clear if the game has a slightest chance of survining. As it is today it is utter failure, not because it is in spoor state before release, but because it is in a poor alpha state after SEVEN years of development...

     it has been 5 and most of that time was making the engine

    and the last 2 years theyve been lying about the game being already in closed beta with most features being implemented.  Why did we not see any FlyBy videos, why just couple of screenshots a month, why so long to remake a combat video? - Cuz they never had anything tangible to show.

    Whining about pre-release marketing is pretty silly. The game is bad because they didn't do much hype? What are you smoking? Besides, they did not claim to be in beta for two years, and I was in beta from the 2nd wave they sent out, and  no leaks occurred for a few months. The game was running silent, but was alive.

  • M4koM4ko Member Posts: 385

    Originally posted by Harabeck

    Originally posted by M4ko

    Originally posted by Raxeon

    Originally posted by ConjureOne

    Originally posted by M4ko


    you agree that the game is in alpha stage, but believe that with time bugs will be fixed and content added. You are investing your own money to start the 2 months beta test, after which, you think that the game should be complete.


    In my opinion, even if in 2 months it turns out to be what you expect it to be, i still dont see it making it because of some very poor designs which can not be improved unless totally redone.

    1 Current combat system--minus the lag and fps drops--is very "disconnected", you dont get a felling that your hitting something or being hit.

    2 In addition to that, character control is very uncomfortable, it feels stiff. 

    Put these two together and you get very dissatisfying PVP/PVE.  Yes, im sure you dont see it as a problem but many others do. And I believe that there are many other issues that will send this project in the wrong direction.

    this tbh, THOUGH I have to give a heads up for Harabeck for making a good point - check the game in 2 months, CONSIDERING they'll be giving out free trials, otherwise nothanks...

    in 2 months, maybe a year, it will be clear if the game has a slightest chance of survining. As it is today it is utter failure, not because it is in spoor state before release, but because it is in a poor alpha state after SEVEN years of development...

     it has been 5 and most of that time was making the engine

    and the last 2 years theyve been lying about the game being already in closed beta with most features being implemented.  Why did we not see any FlyBy videos, why just couple of screenshots a month, why so long to remake a combat video? - Cuz they never had anything tangible to show.

    Whining about pre-release marketing is pretty silly. The game is bad because they didn't do much hype? What are you smoking? Besides, they did not claim to be in beta for two years, and I was in beta from the 2nd wave they sent out, and  no leaks occurred for a few months. The game was running silent, but was alive.

    ive tested enough Betas to know how they feel, and a couple of alphas. What we had was not a beta, but whatever, no point in arguing with someone as dedicated as you. Im not complaining about animations (which are pretty much non existant throughout the world) its the physics collisions and character controls. Can you name me one person whos grinding melee weapons?

    They have claimed that game was long in closed beta, among freinds and family. Your beta started less than a year ago and you were in a totally empty world, while they claimed that they already had most features implemented. So why do you bring up bullsheet defense about  MHS' "super clever silent marketing" when in reality they didnt hype it because they had NOTHING to show while claiming that game is almost done. Yea source is August 09 interview with Atanasov, which site i dont remember. Whats the point of this? point is that they lied and many of us knew they were lying. Ive been saying it for a year while hoping that i was wrong becuase i really want this title to shine, i cant trust or even have any positive intentions anymore towards such a dishonest company.

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