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Any one know why they made up a story about some jaberwokie destroying their team and making them delay the game? this was 6 months ago or so.


  • BaihuigauBaihuigau Member Posts: 80

    Somekind of joke i guess?

  • SebaliSebali Member UncommonPosts: 395

    Jaberwokie was a forum poster. he made up the story

  • M4koM4ko Member Posts: 385

    Originally posted by Sebali

    Jaberwokie was a forum poster. he made up the story

    no he wasnt a member, MHS released a letter saying some monster attacked their HQ, and they lost half of their team and escaped somewehre, so because of that game got delayed , This was their way of announcing last major delay, but i wonder if they really did lose some members for any reason.

  • DocProjectDocProject Member Posts: 49

    Yes,  Eyjafjallajökull killed half the team, didn't you hear? It was on CNN and BBC.

    "Volcano rage destroys Bulgarain game developer shack! Mutant trolls feed on survivor's flesh!!" There was also a follow up article. "Obsessive cloest-fanboy-hater-confused person can't stop trolling forums of a game he doesn't like."

    Seriously, why are you so obsessed with this game when you don't play it or even care for it? How about you find a game or activity you do like and then tell people that care about that game/activity and tell them all about it. Thanks.

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