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Dear Earthrise Players,
Last week after several server patches, we made a significant progress in terms of server stability and performance. You should be able to notice the improvements. Our plans for this week are the following:
1. Releasing the first client patch – we are starting the internal tests of the new client version. Patch notes will be released on the day the new version is released.
2. We have gathered game data since launch which will help us improve the gameplay balance. Some of our tasks this week are to improve the money flow in the economy, increase the rewards from hard to kill creatures and decrease the rewards from easy to kill creatures
3. After a very busy week of work on server performance, our technology team will start work on client performance, numerous small gameplay fixes like the exploited “unstuck” command and the exploration rewards
4. Our game and level design teams are working hard to prepare the exploration rewards for later this month.
5. The siege interface is almost complete. We are very excited to see it and test it.
6. The siege buildings are ready. We will share some previews and information about them later this month.
Please keep in mind that all listed fixes and new content will be available in the game once they pass our QA and Internal Testing process, there are currently no strict deadlines for them.
I look forward to seeing how well MMORPG's hate-machine construde this into something completely opposite.
It's not hard to be underwhelmed though is it? Not one thing is announced to be ready now. It's all very ambiguous.
I'll say this. If you want to see how a real sandbox mmo works, just head over to the other SWG and check it out for yourself. ER is a lost puppy of a game that has no purpose.
Well, I don't consider myself part of any hate-machine... esp. when it comes to Earthrise.
I've posted before that I'm excited about the *potential* of this game, but I do not see one thing in that list that mentions how they are going to turn this glitchy shooter into a sandbox mmo.
Siege isn't going to cut it.... pretty much all AAA titles have siege warfare and hardly any of them can claim sandbox.
Can you customize your character in ER? Can you change the way your armor looks/functions? Can you build stuff?
Can you change the terrain/world? Can you completely alter/manage the economy w/out NPC items?
Can you craft usable items from player driven stock? Can you create quests/missions for other players? Bounties? Bounty Hunting?
These aren't my "what makes a sandbox" items... these are things I was led to believe ER will have, and am now finding out it doesn't (yet*)
This is not a troll, flame, or anything else worth banning me over. It is simply my pure opinion, and I have a right to share it.
I bet they will be looking forward to seeing you twiddle your thumbs to death waiting to see when and how effectively all this mumbo jumbo is ACTUALLY implemented.
As for the "Last week after several server patches, we made a significant progress in terms of server stability and performance." bit... well they don't really have to work hard on deconstructing this... ER users did it for them:
So i guess that's that for now. Why don't you scoot off and go vote on the "What Feature would you like to see in earthrise" Thread made by Atanas..... i would have voted too but i didn't seem to find the "Everything you were supposed to have for in Release" option ... they must have forgotten it.
At the moment, ER feels much more like just another theme-park MMO than a new sandbox, and it still has quite a way to go.
Development roadmap
March 2011
Siege territories will open for conquest - The development team would like to allow players to grow their characters and get a foothold in the hostile world of Enterra before the territory conquest opens. This will give guilds more of an opportunity to organize their members in preparation for the day when everyone will rush to fight for control of the conquest territories that cover more than half of the Earthrise map.
Todays update on the ER site
5. The siege interface is almost complete. We are very excited to see it and test it.
6. The siege buildings are ready. We will share some previews and information about them later this month.
Is it me or did the roadmap imply that territory conquest was complete, but the team wanted to give everyone a fair shot. I guess we know the real reason its not in.
They should have run todays update by the PR people.
It's amusing how Masthead and the ER-fanbois are still having faith, that this game will actually be good at some point.
As someone who has followed the game from very early on... Jan 2008 to be more precise, being one of the most active users in the pre-release forums aswell as having had contact with Masthead I don't see this game going anywhere.
The ideas all sounded very good, but then we got to see what they did with all those ideas.
1. mystery patch won't happen. There won't be too much improvements suddenly just like there weren't any for the last 6 month of beta.
2. all I can say is: "OMFG!" They don't have a single clue about how to setup the economy or rewards. They were told for the bigger part of the beta allready, how it should be balanced and they didn't do jack. So why should the get it right this time?
3. /unstuck... Didn't see that happen, did we? Should again have listened to the beta-testers :facepalm:
4. exploration-rewards sound good, but with basically noone around to explore...
5. & 6. territorial warfare won't help this game in it's current state. They first need to fix all other stuff and get their crafting-system and economy to work.
This isn't about hate, but only about objectively reviewing the game.
To me, the MAIN question in all of this is:
Is server performance at the point that they should be focusing on the game client?
Thanks for the update, I had stopped swinging by the ER page to check for updates, so the news is appreciated!
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
No, it's not, and this is what the general consensus is on the forums too. Perfromance has improved a lot, but it still needs more improvements i think before they start implementing new content. Then again, they can't please everybody.
And lol @ the hate-machine above. Didn't even read/care.
I really hope this game eventually comes together before the issues cause the community to tare itself apart. So much potential here, I really want to see it succeed. Not so much that I'm willing to pay for a game riddled with as many issues as it is. And while I won't go as far to say the devs have lied, I will say that some statements they've made vs. reality makes them "suspect" (ie, the location of the server). I read that this supposed east coast server's IP is most certainly in CA. Having seen that player-run investigation before any dev statement regarding the issue took a lot of wind out my sails in regards to ER.
I just really hope ER makes it through the rough patches in one piece!
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
Getting your info from MMORPG is like getting your daily middle-east update from FOX News or the Daily Mail. Overblown tabloid like hyperbole.
I agree with you though, im not denying it. I even said they need to focus on performance before bothering with the content. But ill just have to wait and see. I'm enjoying skilling up my char and exploring the world as a casual still. I bought the game for £26.00 cheap, and have 2 free months. I'm not even complaining. They have plenty of time to convince me to sub after the 2nd free month, to which im grateful for. All i can say is right now im still having fun. Then again, i'm not one to log on for 14 hours straight per-day then a week later complain i have 'nothing to do'.
HAHAHAHA, /agree on the Fox News analogy. I actually read the IP address thread on the official forums, but for whatever reason cannot find it again (with no screen I have no proof, me = fail ).
The second free month is going to go a long way to bridging the rough patch. It was smart. Not only are the players who have paid to play during the troubled times getting something a little extra, MH has delayed the forced decision of whether said players are going to fork over more cash by a month. An extra 30 days to get themselves sorted is NOT going to hurt!
And it is good to know that you're having fun despite the issues, even if you're not 1337 or h4rdc0r3 because you don't play every waking hour (shits weak!).
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
It wasn't ready when it launched and it needs another year of work but in the end it'll fail as 95% of paid forced pvp games do.
1) People are still having trouble with performance..
2) Lots of promises, but if they can't even fix performance issues what makes you think they'd keep these other promises?
3) "There are currently no strict deadlines for them" - well there should be as this game has a 85man team working behind it and has failed to deliver on almost all aspects so far.
Currently Playing:
Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta
Wait...he means the siege mechanics which a part of the territorial warfare feature which was ready and delayed only to allow clans to prepare themselves for it ?
Heh yet another PR lie after the the mayor one which was "we won't make the same mistake as AV with DF and SV with MO and launch pre-maturally".
DF and MO all over again, I just hope their technical skills and ability to produce and polish content is better and faster then AV and SV.
What did you say about MMORPG's hate machine again ? I wouldn't be concered about them. Fear us: The Secret Sceptic Circle.
MH still has to prove that they can do anything. It will be obvious after first 3 months. Any major mistakes and delays and this game lands on the same shelf as DF and MO for me.
About the server ip whats funny about that is they disabled the adress, atm they only ip it connects to is the login server which is hosted in bulgaria so atm there is no way of knowing where the servers are, maybe its because they are in the west coast and this has been recently announced, ,
well see what the patch this friday will do, server wise i dont see any improvements any time soon, from the looks of it looks like they have a memory leak in their server code and have to reboot the cluster every 6 hours or so and their nodes cant scale out with the amount of players they got on, its too bad since when the server runs with no lag the game runs pretty decently, and well see if they fix the texture loading problem to me that just smells of lasy coding, atm only running the game in a ssd will fix it,
but the skills and the items themselves look interesting they are enough of them than you can create some interesting character mixes.