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about the game

i was wondering what was the game about so Ii checked the website.  guess what?  they dont even bother to briefly introduce the game, the environment, the classes, the races,  and that basic stuff.....


so who will buy a game when they dont have an idea what is it about? no wonder it got less than  rating.....



  • BlindchanceBlindchance Member UncommonPosts: 1,112

    If you get lost on their website, take my advice and don't buy their game. You will save 50 Euro.

  • D_TOXD_TOX Member UncommonPosts: 269

    Originally posted by binary_0011

    i was wondering what was the game about so Ii checked the website.  guess what?  they dont even bother to briefly introduce the game, the environment, the classes, the races,  and that basic stuff.....


    so who will buy a game when they dont have an idea what is it about? no wonder it got less than  rating.....


    Its right there on the page, under 'About' lol. Please open your eyes. 

  • binary_0011binary_0011 Member Posts: 528

    Originally posted by D_TOX

    Originally posted by binary_0011

    i was wondering what was the game about so Ii checked the website.  guess what?  they dont even bother to briefly introduce the game, the environment, the classes, the races,  and that basic stuff.....


    so who will buy a game when they dont have an idea what is it about? no wonder it got less than  rating.....


    Its right there on the page, under 'About' lol. Please open your eyes. 

    yah found it, lol....but all texts........still lazy developers....

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