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So I like the Charr concept art, they look pretty bad ass. But I'm worried if I roll one I'll end up associating with the furry crowd. What do you think? Charr - furries or straight, honest to God monster race?
I've been playing GW1 for five years. Charr are considered long-time enemies of humans and have no association with furries whatsoever. Charr are considered a warrior race that would stab a friend in the back if it meant gaining honor or title.
There are furries who like the Lion King, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bugs Bunny, Muppets, Mickey Mouse, Tauren, and Zerg.
... and who write porn for ALL of those.
Yes. I said Zerg.
SEXY Zerg.
It's better you don't take furries into account when picking your race, or you'll end up huddled in a crying little corner as a human, and trying to pretend that there aren't furries who think humans on Zerg is the sexiest thing ever.
Depends on if you have a set of horns and lion tail in your closet or not.
Pick a race based on what you like to play, not based on what others think of you.
You're playing the game for your enjoyment, not others. You'll go crazy until you realize this.
If you like Charr, go for it.
-Azure Prower
Hell no! I wouldn't associate Charr with furries. I mean, every single skill video that has come out, featuring the Charr, screams badass. You don't wanna mess with the Charr or they'll mess you up.
Says it all
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
Well they deffo looked more furry in GW1.
You mean eat you up. They were quite fond on the human eating, at least in gw1.
I'm a furry and I'll be rolling a charr, mostly because i'm sick of being GENERIC HUMAN (tm). However, I also do not want to be lumped in with "that" part of the fandom, and I think you'd be surprised to find that more and more furs are thinking this way.
But, on a greater level.
Do you really care that much? are you so shallow as to pass up playing a race because you don't want to be considered one of "them"?
What is a furry?
It's funny though, because in WoW I've never seen anyone call Tauren furries. Instead nelfs/bels get all the ridicule.
you need help.....its just a game...relax
You realize this is mostly all in your head right?
First off: I understand everything that has been told to you on the internet about the scary furs. WE ARE NOT A FETISH GROUP. Obviously, a lot of us partake in that element, but at the core we're an offshoot of sci-fi fans, and possess roughly the same demographic. I'm still somewhat mystified at the notion that, if someone writes a fanfic, it's normal, but if there's a furry in there, it's automatically going to turn into porn.
I played a Caitian in STO, a Tauren in WoW, Kerra and Ratonga in EQ2... if there ARE furries playing the same race, they don't usually act it at all. It's just another element of their roleplay persona. Do furries play these races for some sort of sexual gratification? really, honestly... no. it's rare that someone would roll a race just to fap to them and write erotic fanfic.
However, the people looking in from the outside... They have some serious problems. I've heard fur-bashers claiming that we partake in all kinds of fetishes that I'm fairly certain no one except them has even ever thought of.
Essentially what I'm saying is: Furs arent that bad as a general rule, and even I cringe when someone types things like I'M A WOLF IN REAL LIFE AND A JEDI, because that's going beyond an interest. That' just honest to god insanity. I've even been to anthrocon a few times, and the internet superwierdos actually dont come out and mingle with everyone who has any scrap of social grace, so even furries dont ever see them unless they actively search them out. It's simply because they're the loudest on the internet that we all get a bad rap, and the non-furries who also lack any social grace are the ones who feel the need to openly attack and exaggerate anything.
Do I think Krystal or Rouge the bat are hot? sure. Do I want to have a fifteensome with zerglings and a horse? no. It's all about moderation, which internet haters do not possess.
PS: you would be absolutely SHOCKED how many of us furries work in games and movies.
Well if you're looking for a black and white answer.
By that definition, any and every humanoid characters that share an animal trait are for all intended purposes... a furry.
Yes, Charr are furries.
So are tauren, worgen, and a bunch of other fantasy-animalistic-humanoid races.
If you can't handle that. Stick to humans, elves and dwarfs.
-Azure Prower
No - Charr aren't furries. Characters can't be furries. Players who are specifically fans of anthropomorphic characters may identify themselves as furries, but the characters themselves aren't furries. Personally, I like the Redwall series and I played Earth Eternal, but I don't consider myself a furry - I don't identify with those characters, nor do I wish I was one - they're just characters. Players who identify with them on a personal level or have "fursonas" are furries.
Theoretically speaking you are correct, however on a broader scale the original term for a furry was a "furry fan", and the definition of an anthropomorphic animal was a "furry character".
So, in old-school furry fandom terms, Furry specifically means the character / avatar.
Oh, c'mon, one of the hotly contested questions is 'Should elves be allowed in furry-only things'.
Often the answer is yes.
Therefore, elves are honorary furries.
Yes, Charr are furries.
So are tauren, worgen, and a bunch of other fantasy-animalistic-humanoid races.
If you can't handle that. Stick to humans, elves and dwarfs.
No - Charr aren't furries. Characters can't be furries. Players who are specifically fans of anthropomorphic characters may identify themselves as furries, but the characters themselves aren't furries. Personally, I like the Redwall series and I played Earth Eternal, but I don't consider myself a furry - I don't identify with those characters, nor do I wish I was one - they're just characters. Players who identify with them on a personal level or have "fursonas" are furries.
Call it what you want. Furry. Anthropomorphic. Same thing.
I'd like to see you come up with a legitimate argument that Charr do not have the following:
...and dress up in a fursuit? Even for me that's weird.
Just an example of how every one finds things that other people do differently, weird.
But now we're going OT. We've given the answer to the OP and it is up to him to decide what he wants to play as. Whether or not the thoughts of others will influence his choice is up to him and only him.
-Azure Prower
This thread is an example of why creating a more inclusive MMO will be a very different experience for many....I don't know, nor do I care, what reason a player rolls a particular race for. Just be ready to throw the proper spell, ward, whatever when you're in a group. If you're AFRAID of being ridiculed/bullied in a game for your choice of race?!? FIrst, get some self esteem and ignore the jerks that are trying to be killbuzz's, second, if it's friends ragging on you then either tell them to get off your back, or maybe consider some new rl friends.
Furries are in the same category as Cosplay imo so if you play any character on any fantasy game you could possible be called a cosplayer right? You know since people dress like their favorite characters and stuff. So for god sakes dont play any fantasy games at all unless you want to be called a furry or cosplayer.
-I am here to perform logic
ok if you realy are afraid of being thought of as weird and a furry fan or whatever please consider the following.
every single person on the planet earth is a complete and total freak... everyone does or likes something that someone else considers weird or freaky its a fact of life. another thing some of the biggest geniuses were actualy pretty weird (or crazy) so who's to say a little crazy isn't good?
(btw am not a furry fan and think its kinda weird too *Even the ones that just dress up a little* and im sure many furries would think im weird too if they truly knew me)
listen just play what you feel like heck why not play Charr AND norn?? as for rl friends trashing you... well take a look at the other dudes suggestion on what to do about them..
Sincerely, a weird and freaky dude
p.s. if anyone refutes this take a few min to sit back and dig through your mind and look at the things you like and tell me that you honestly cant find anything that i or someone else might think is kinda strange/weird(even if its from the perspective of someone on the other side of the world). if you can do that then i am truly sorry for you.
No no no. I am of course totally normal, it is just the rest of the humanity that is weirdos.
Really OP: Who cares if charrs are furries or not? Most people will consider you geek for playing a MMO anyways. Either just don't tell people or stop caring what they think of you.
This is comming from a guy with long hair and somewhat unorthodox music taste. If people don't like what you do, how you dress or what you like they can as Cheney said "go F*** themselves".
There is just so much happiness in the world and everyone will die. You might as well have as fun as you can before the invetible happen, and don't let others destroy it for you (don't destroy their fun either, that is rude).
I will on the other hand play Norn.
Just an example of how every one finds things that other people do differently, weird.
Not once did I ever mention dressing up in a fursuit. I went because I had friends going, and the whole week was essentially a drunken haze coupled with a rave and briefly telling Jay Naylor he was a twat.
Besides, I went from owning an SL shop to working at MS game studios, and I catered pretty much exclusively to furries (your sig implies that you are, at the base, an SL furry) and I've SEEN what you people do behind closed doors with my products. I had to go from making texture packs to sex furniture simply to stay afloat, because that's what the "furverts" kept clamoring for. Thankfully there was enough wiggle room to be creative in my designs, or else I would have gone insane.
But, there's an example of furries gone wrong. I, as a furry, simply like cartoons / books / games that involve furry characters. I think they're more fun, and occasionally I like to partake in the furry subculture, because at the core it's all about having a good time (read no sexual innuendo between those lines). However, give a bunch of seemingly normal furries an open area and the tools to make what they want... and you get a plethora of furry sex clubs and sex stores in a virtual environment, which only serves to further the bad reputation of the fandom.
Red text. Nice.
You know, I was just using the fursuit example in a joking manner. Being so overly defensive is not helping your case. In fact, your little story makes you just as bad as those "furverts" because you just admitted helping fuel their desire by helping create products for them.
You really should of quit while you're ahead. Because you now sound like one of those "furverts", only in denial. It's really only embarrassing yourself further.
As for the SL avatar in my signature. No one really cares. I could write a couple paragraphs explaining the creation and history of my youtube mascot, but I won't because that would be going off-topic. Just click the link in my sig to see what I do.
-Azure Prower