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Hero's Journey E3 Video



  • NSXDavidNSXDavid Simutronics PresidentMember Posts: 21

    If there is anything I bitch about to all who will listen... it's the monotony of combat. So I'm with ya brother!

    Tactical options are what makes combat fun. Position, manuever, coopoeration, terrain.... this is the stuff you look for in any good combat simulation. And almost never in a MMORGP.

    Even in what we showed at E3, position and manuever wsa important. Laying down a careful Wall of Burninate to rout the enemy to a particular point, then trigger a landslide to crush them! Um..... who the heck has anything even remotely like this in the MMORPG space?

    And that's just the early stuff that we are willing to show. :)

    Keep faith... you are in for something new.

    -- David

  • SentiusSentius Member Posts: 1

    first off I would just like to say that I am amazed by the amount of Dev participation on these boards, it is really quite amazing!  Showing that you guys have so much interest in what the community has to say and trying to make that connection really speaks volumes and so far of what you all have said it sounds like this should be a really great game. 
    So now with that out of the way . . .
    Indeed it sounds like a big thing that you will be incorporating into this game is a lot of combat tactical options.  I am guessing what you showed on the video was an instanced area, so how are you going to try and incorporate tactics into the common area zones?  also, in what ways did this change or effect your overall approach to designing the game and its creatures/environment? Also will creature be able to use tactics such as combo attacks, etc?
    Thanks again, really looking forward to what you guys are bringing to the table!  image

  • SIMU-SKIPPYSIMU-SKIPPY Simutronics DevMember Posts: 28

    Originally posted by Sentius

    Showing that you guys have so much interest in what the community has to say...

    This is true.

    Which is why we created The Hero Council.

    And now...the pitch!

    The Hero's Journey Hero Council invites gaming community leaders to come together and act as representatives of their player communities and express their desires, thoughts and ideas for game design. In this manner, Hero's Journey will continue to be developed with a broadened range of input and more accurately depict what the player population wants.

    Ideally, it is a mechanism by which ideas can flow from the community to the community leadership to the Hero's Journey developers, eventually reaching a stage where these ideas can be considered for inclusion into the game. Application forms to join the Hero Council are available on the Hero's Journey website (

    So Guild Leaders, get in here and represent!


    Hero Council Director

  • NSXDavidNSXDavid Simutronics PresidentMember Posts: 21

    Combat tactics won't differ much from a common area or a mission area, except perhaps for detailed environmental things. For example, say there was a quest to assault a fortress of Ukar. As a quest, the situation has a defined initial condition and victory conditions (like any good military simulation, right?). So when you get to the rise overlooking the fortress you get a moment to plan. You see the Ukar taking positions in the ramparts, some ready to tip burning pitch cauldrons on anyone taking a direct approach.... time to decide on a reasonable approach!

    But a common area is more generic in terms of hunting because it's a free-flowing place... there is no defined "start" or "end". You come across creatures on patrol, or on their way to do something or another. We are particularly trying to avoid having creatures just "being there" for no apparent reason, or doing nothing in particular. That is horribly artificial. But, in the end, we'll probably have some of that too in order to make sure you don't have to search too hard for something suitable to fight.

    -- David

  • KraptorKraptor Member Posts: 359
    Any release date estimates?image
  • SIMU-MELISSASIMU-MELISSA Hero's Journey ProducerMember Posts: 57
    Second Quarter 2006
  • bokononbokonon Member Posts: 17

    By "detailed environmental things" I presume you mean the rock slide traps, etc?

     Is there a link to a post, or offical word on team damage/friendly fire issues? In my opinion (at least on the PvP servers) friendly fire from both sides should be considered whenever AoE spells and effects are used (especially with that field drawing!). Also the rock slides shouldn't be straight forward wins all the time, some of them could be traps. What might look like a threatening rockslide for the enemy may be a trap to spring one on the players, or the enemy may even use these tactics on the players as well if the players were faster than the monsters and managed to beat them to the cliffside. This allows additional spells like a wall of force to stop said rockslide (on both sides). Fairness to the enemy makes the game more interesting and keeps the players on their toes.

    Hope you are able to solve the issue of artificial creatures and enviroment in the open areas since those effects do ruin a lot of atmosphere. If you did away with "pulling," that is the close quarters extracting of one creature that steps one step to far from the group. Have a lone warrior or a pair of warriors go out on scout patrol 50-100m beyond the group so they can be ambushed, but consequently have the two teams support each other if the PC's are not careful. This would allow for additional spells/abiltieis that silence this support (sphere of silence, sap, etc).



  • mhexmhex Member Posts: 29

    Don't get your hopes up for PVP in Hero's Quest imo. I think at best they'll just have an EQ like PVP, if anything at all. The game doesn't look like it's build for "large scale" PVP like daoc (or WoW, even though WoW PVP isn't good).

    It would be a brilliant move for them to offer large scale PVP in their game, something like DAOC has, this doesnt look to be one of their priorities at all however.

    This is yet another game that has failed to grasp the importance of PVPing in MMORPGs these days, much like EQ2 has, which is why it's doomed not to be as succesful as DAOC or WoW.

    The comments from the HQ devs/president/whatever sound very close to what Moorgard kept saying about EQ2 having PVP, and it turned out to be an "afterthought" in that game, EQ2 is only offering PVP in their next expansion pack, in a very modest fashion (strict PVPing is fun but "large scale" battle PVP is far better overall).

    This looks like a pure PVE game. I think these designers have failed to understand that a lot of us actually enjoy DAOC like PVPing, and not just easy PVEing.

    I was in one of the top PVE guild in WoW (vae victus), and PVE overall is always extremely easy. It can be challenging like PVP is, no doubt about it, but in the end, there are fewers surprises in PVEing overall, since the AI is always the same. It's about finding the mob's weaknesses and exploiting it. PVPing is more thrilling and yields unexpected surprises, time after time, even though it can sometimes be frustrating.

    PVP and PVE go very well together, they compliment one another. Anyways, just imo (I'm not a hardcore "PVP kiddie" either, I'm a mature player who enjoys good PVE for the loot and good PVP for the thrills).

    Thanks. My point is that HQ needs to focus on PVP (especially large scale warfare), if it wants to offer something new. After all EQ2 is a good PVE game that will probably have 2 expansion packs released before HQ is even out. Something to think about.

  • makkahmakkah Member Posts: 72

    Gotta agree with mhex here.  I love the idea of RvR combat ala DAOC and WoW, but I don't see HJ having it.  Still gonna give the game a shot, cuz it looks really nice and Character Customization is gonna be killer it looks.


    PS:  It's HJ, not HQ :-p

  • mhexmhex Member Posts: 29

    I had the name Hero's Quest in my head for some reason. Not like Sierra is about to do a MMORPG anytime soon :) Thanks for agreeing

  • KaneKane Member Posts: 780

    As far as I've seen the game is NOT built for PvP. If you want it, your looking at the wrong game. The PvE environment is FAR from completely tapped...hell, most of the PvE has very little impact on anything. If you look at games like Wish, the PvE had the possibility of changing the world. THATS what I want to see. Sure, I like PvP, but its not going to make or break a game for me.

  • TatsitTatsit Member Posts: 194


    You guys need to do more reading on the game then.  they have already stated in several different places that this game is going to have PVP  -- they just arnt discussing the details yet.

    Personally I feel they should make it full open PVP that way guilds can forge alliances with each other, and kill those they do not like.   I wish, oh so wish that my NE hunter on WoW could spank that palidin for talkin crap :P


    Tatsit image

    Tantus Games
    COO/Game Director

  • TatsitTatsit Member Posts: 194


    Poll for a PVP system.

    Tantus Games
    COO/Game Director

  • ZaradisZaradis Member Posts: 241
    Damn i'm really impressed i honestly wasn't watching this game to hard browsing around to see what was up with tabula rasa. Pop on here check out the E3 video was impressed with the visuals (Still not sure about combat...needs something super innovating to impress me with it) but what IMPRESSED me the most is the devs interaction with this forum and that pretty much has sold me on this game already!

    Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    All I can say about that video is, HOLY **** IT LOOKS ******* AMAZING! Made me feel like I was about 12 again. I am already waiting in line for this puppy.

  • TatsitTatsit Member Posts: 194


    Ya, im already sold on this game, and have already applied to be a CS GM, as well as the guild leader one...

    I agree, the fact that the Devs even the producer and president of Simu have been partisipating in the forums - and these arnt even there forums... thats quite impressive,  they are watching and seeing what people want.

    The graphics are beautiful - the animation is improved from most games, but all in all pretty standard with the newer games.  The E3 video was great!  I do however not sure i like the WALK-to-RUN in the charcter animation but, i guess i could get used to it (I love my run buffs :P if you can tell)

    But besides the graphics, this game appears as if its going to have a lot of depth especially if they include a really good pvp system and a reason to PVP not just random slaughter.

    4 things are most important to me in an mmorpg (not in any particular order)

    1. good graphics ( they dont have to be soo good they bog down the game but good is important )

    2. Beautiful Avitars / Character customization -- Avitars must look good with good animation to help immers your self into your character.  Included with that Charcter customization.  My main character Tatzia has a certain look and feel about that character especially with the tattoo on her face.  She is an old PnP character back from D&D days, I always play her to keep the saga going.  It bugs me when you have a game and everyone looks the same.

    3. Game Involvement and Depth -- Questing and hunting are fine, thats normal - however not many games immerse you inside the story and make you appart of it.  Also pvp really helps with that especially when you have full open pvp then it becomes guild vs guild and that develops an evil side and a good side.

    4. pvp - a good pvp system that give you a reason to pvp, not just because you can.. or systems that if you decide to pvp - you will get ganked right out from playing the game anymore take lineage 2, thats the worst pvp system I have ever seen. if you pvp in there you will lose any reason to play the game because you will own nothing once you go red and the world ganks you to death.

    well thats my 2cents



    Tantus Games
    COO/Game Director

  • HJ-ArchaegeoHJ-Archaegeo Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 45

    The things I can reply about...

    1) The graphics are good.  The are getting more complex (read better).  The thing that makes them outstanding already is the way that they fit together, giving the GM's making areas/quests/adventures the ability to make incredible looking areas.  The new www site will be up soon with some promised videos :)

    2) To me, having seen the system, the character customization options already surpass those of CoH.  There is talk (this isnt official, just being considered) of releasing the CCS as a standalone early, I hope they do.  Its going to be bad for those of us in CoH who always kept making new heros just to see what you could make them look like.

    3) The depth of the game is going to be phenominal, with quests being different not only randomly but based on your prior achievements.  Its a really incredible system

    4) Pvp - To be discussed in the future.  The only thing to be said for now is as previously put out, it will be in the game, wether on select servers or not is still in planning (and i dont get to go to those, much less talk about it <grin>)

    Please remember nothing I say is official company policy, Im a contract GM, but its a pretty incredible system.

  • TatsitTatsit Member Posts: 194

    Originally posted by HJ-Archaegeo

    The things I can reply about...
    1) The graphics are good.  The are getting more complex (read better).  The thing that makes them outstanding already is the way that they fit together, giving the GM's making areas/quests/adventures the ability to make incredible looking areas.  The new www site will be up soon with some promised videos :)
    2) To me, having seen the system, the character customization options already surpass those of CoH.  There is talk (this isnt official, just being considered) of releasing the CCS as a standalone early, I hope they do.  Its going to be bad for those of us in CoH who always kept making new heros just to see what you could make them look like.
    3) The depth of the game is going to be phenominal, with quests being different not only randomly but based on your prior achievements.  Its a really incredible system
    4) Pvp - To be discussed in the future.  The only thing to be said for now is as previously put out, it will be in the game, wether on select servers or not is still in planning (and i dont get to go to those, much less talk about it <grin>)
    Please remember nothing I say is official company policy, Im a contract GM, but its a pretty incredible system.

    Gah!!!  TEASE!!

    but I understand why lol


    Tantus Games
    COO/Game Director

  • icecrossicecross Member Posts: 78

    Originally posted by SIMU-MELISSA
    So yes, you will see live GameMaster run events. That will be one of many responsibilities our GameMasters have.

    Will GameMasters get special education on manually creating these events or will he just activate them at a given time and slightly adjust it as it runs? E.g. will a GameMaster be able to create a pirate raid on a town on his own initiative or will he just activate some kind of PirateRaid automated event?

  • ZaradisZaradis Member Posts: 241

    Sounds nice, i'm excited this week after hearing Shadowrun is returning and all the information building up for this game i'm pump up... i have nothing to play right now :/ waiting for this,oblivion,xbox 360...aahh so much goodness


    but back to the game the combat to me looks alright but it seems like it may get old fast i mean one way to get that grind feeling away is to make every battle feel like it's different...instead of having the feeling " i can't wait to get through these boring ogres so i can see how the lion dragon animations are"...i guess that's why PVP is a very important part of mmorpg's now..battle outcome is always different you never know what to expect.

    Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Zaradis

    Sounds nice, i'm excited this week after hearing Shadowrun is returning and all the information building up for this game i'm pump up... i have nothing to play right now :/ waiting for this,oblivion,xbox 360...aahh so much goodness
    but back to the game the combat to me looks alright but it seems like it may get old fast i mean one way to get that grind feeling away is to make every battle feel like it's different...instead of having the feeling " i can't wait to get through these boring ogres so i can see how the lion dragon animations are"...i guess that's why PVP is a very important part of mmorpg's now..battle outcome is always different you never know what to expect.

    Shadowrun?!?!?! Who what where!! I love Shadowrun please expand on it! I always wanted a Shadowrun MMORPG, I think it would be the best! Did you play Shadowrun for SNES? I loved that game so much, it ruled I finished it like 4 times image

    EDIT:not to take away from Heros Journey which I will be buying no matter what image

  • darquenbladedarquenblade Member Posts: 1,015

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    Originally posted by Zaradis

    Sounds nice, i'm excited this week after hearing Shadowrun is returning and all the information building up for this game i'm pump up... i have nothing to play right now :/ waiting for this,oblivion,xbox 360...aahh so much goodness
    but back to the game the combat to me looks alright but it seems like it may get old fast i mean one way to get that grind feeling away is to make every battle feel like it's different...instead of having the feeling " i can't wait to get through these boring ogres so i can see how the lion dragon animations are"...i guess that's why PVP is a very important part of mmorpg's now..battle outcome is always different you never know what to expect.

    Shadowrun?!?!?! Who what where!! I love Shadowrun please expand on it! I always wanted a Shadowrun MMORPG, I think it would be the best! Did you play Shadowrun for SNES? I loved that game so much, it ruled I finished it like 4 times image

    EDIT:not to take away from Heros Journey which I will be buying no matter what image

    SHA..DOW...RUN? I agree, this info must be brought to light immediately, or certain death is emminent!

    Anarchy, back me up with the threats!! image

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Well i have to say the video seems to show me the devs are on the right track.

    I have recently been scared the mmorpg industry would be too scared to try out new ideas as it seems its far easier to make a game based on a brand name then copy and paste older games and presto you sell 4 million copies or whatver!

    Will the pvp be "loot the victim" or reward system type of pvp.

    And will there be specific pvp areas.


  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by darquenblade

    SHA..DOW...RUN? I agree, this info must be brought to light immediately, or certain death is emminent!
    Anarchy, back me up with the threats!! image

    Ok I did some googling on the subject. Seems Microsoft owns the rights to Shadowrun (i may be wrong) and there may be a Shadowrun game made by bungie for the xbox. Also, there are a TON of people who want a Shadowrun MMORPG made, lots of threads about it. I'll settle for Hero's Journey though image

  • Agent_X7Agent_X7 Staff WriterMember, Newbie CommonPosts: 515

    Originally posted by HJ-Archaegeo

    The things I can reply about...
    1) The graphics are good.  The are getting more complex (read better).  The thing that makes them outstanding already is the way that they fit together, giving the GM's making areas/quests/adventures the ability to make incredible looking areas.  The new www site will be up soon with some promised videos :)
    2) To me, having seen the system, the character customization options already surpass those of CoH.  There is talk (this isnt official, just being considered) of releasing the CCS as a standalone early, I hope they do.  Its going to be bad for those of us in CoH who always kept making new heros just to see what you could make them look like.
    3) The depth of the game is going to be phenominal, with quests being different not only randomly but based on your prior achievements.  Its a really incredible system
    4) Pvp - To be discussed in the future.  The only thing to be said for now is as previously put out, it will be in the game, wether on select servers or not is still in planning (and i dont get to go to those, much less talk about it <grin>)
    Please remember nothing I say is official company policy, Im a contract GM, but its a pretty incredible system.

    If Simutronics is going to go the pre-order route with this game, I think the CCS would be a great thing to include with the pre-order package. (Along with the soundtrack! Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more...) image

    Agent_X7 AKA J Star
    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

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