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I have been playing WoW since shorty after the release of The Burning Crusade. At that time the game was a real challenge. You didn't get a mount until level 40 and you had to earn each and every flight path. I started on a PVP server and even at level 4 NPC's were attacking you at the startpoint. You got good drops back then and the Auction House was a vibrant place to shop with reasonably priced items. When you finally reached level 70 you felt like you really accomplished something.
I joined WoW in the first place to fight in BG's. Back then people joined BG's because they wanted to be there and I remember one Warsong Gultch lasting 4 hours.
Today WoW is so easy a 2nd grader taking the short bus to school could make level 85 in a month. People enter BG's to get carried to the next level and spend their time screwing around and farming HK's. Flight paths are gifted to you just for reaching a certain lvl and mounts come easily at lvl 20. No one camps anymore it is gank and run because everyone seems to have at least one lvl 85 they are going to pull out after you gank them.
Not to mention the lack of creativity from the art department when it comes to BG gear.
WoW has become a shadow of a game that lacks any real security and cons players into having to purchase security to protect themselves from Chinese gold sellers.
With the release of 4.2 and the idiotic way Blizzard handled Epic BG gear on the 4th of July weekend I had fianlly had enough and cancelled my account with them. I have more fun shooting people on Second Life and that game didn't cost me a dime (well a little purchasing currency from the game makers).
The only people who should be playing WoW anymore are those who thing Hello Kitty is a difficult game. They have lost their way and sold out and in the process lost this long playing customer. I had 9 level 85's when I cancelled my account and there were people who had many more than that.
As I see it, WoLK was the beginning of the end of a really great game.
R.I.P. Warcraft
Wow seemed to become less of a gamer's game and more of a corporate portfolio when the new ceo took over a couple of years ago,and after the merger. There are some really interesting things to read about this corporate hack online,some written by game developers. This guy has made a lot of enemies. He once stated at an interview that he wished he could raise the price of all games. He acted like he was joking,but nobody found it humorous in this economy. The old ceo was a very personable guy who very obviously enjoyed games. Some write this new guy alleges to be a gamer,but doesn't even play his own games. Games are in it for a profit,but I am in it for fun. If the two don't get along I leave.
Man Of Constant Sorrow
I have to say it!
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
Got to be the most original post so far on WOW forums i think. Reference to hello Kitty online, back handed insults at the entire player base and gross generalisations...yep never read any of the before.
I quit playing on a regular basis a couple of years ago for the same reasons ( although I still head back for a month or two each year to play some BGs which I still enjoy ) . Outside of PVP this game can only really appeal to the most novice or very young gamer . Its a shame Blizzard took it down this route . I often wish they would offer advanced difficutly servers which allow for the those of us that like some challenge to still enjoy the game . You should try Rift while its not as good as WoW was around the time of the first two or three years its certainly better than WoW in its current state .
you'll be back.. nobody quits WoW... WoW quits you
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I left shortly after burning crusade when I realized that I was farming 4-6 hours a day just to be ready for the weekly dungeon raids. That is not an effcient use of my time. I know that raid will only lead to another raid in the future. Pointless.
4-6 hours of gaming per day can never be an efficient use of your time . Period.
Let me see...this is post 987,429,407,187 to the 3rd power about someone who left WoW...yeah for them...they feel the need to put others down that actually like the game...they attempt to force others to think they are special because they left the game and that makes them some how better...yeah getting very annoying...pretty much these post should be deleted because they are just herre to start shit...
I think there are 2 major problems with WoW these days.
1. Too much of the same thing is never good - it's been out forever and after I played for about 4-5 years I got sick of the same thing over and over. it's not really the games fault, it happens to every game. I just couldn't log on anymore.
2. The re-use of old raids and bosses. It seems like this is all Blizzard does anymore and it's not a good idea. You have to develop new content, not re-use out of date content. It seems like a lazy way out of actually doing their jobs.
Either way Im done with WoW and have been for about 1 year. Can never see myself going back and haven't had the urge either. Again, though, half the problem is it's age and the other problem is the developers lack of creativity and "writer's block".
The last patch of vanilla preparation of BC was the beginning of the end of the best most fun and magical mmorpg ever made.
This is a forum isn't it? I always thought in a forum a community shares opinions on certain topics. Since this is a mmorpg forum and wow a mmorpg I don't see the point why there are still members of this forum that rant at others for posting their it simply because no one ever told them what forums are for or is it in the end just for the sake of posting something at all?? weird...
I understand exactly what AsatrusFire means. Blizzard has committed itself to the casual gamers (which probably make up the majority of this game) thus making more profit with them then with the 'hardcore' from the view of a company that has to make profit Blizzard has done a great job. They still have a player base of more than 11 mllion gamers after so many years. Anyone, like me, who doesn't want to play a game as easy as wow, can try something else...obviously there are yet enough gamers who like wow just the was it is...I accept that as well as I accept those that quit.
I loved classic, I liked bc...the rest is history
His opinion is about more than the is about the is like me opinion is you are a piece of crap...that is an opinion but frankly has nothing to do with a game only with you...people feel the need to come here and bash WoW and bash the players...the moderators here let it just I guess if you insult a group of people ingeneral it is ok. His opinion of the game are fine...he hates it...he is leaving...yeah. There is no need to insult the people that actually like the game.
wow now people who started during BC think they are hardcore........i cant believe how far this game has fallen
Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
I think the reason WoW gets such a tough time in these forums is because a lot of people wish it had maintained some degree of challenge in the game . Though there are still challenges to be had later in the game you have to level to get to them . The problem is that levelings very unchallenging . If you go the questing route everythings mapped out for you with the in built quest tracker so you know exactly where to go , thats not too huge a problem but if your so overpowered and the mobs are so underpowered it makes getting to your objective a cakewalk . If you play on a pvp server its highly unlikly you'll see any world pvp while your questing because most players level raiding . If you level by the raiding route you are faced with instances that its almost impossible to fail at . Also given you dont have to travel to them anymore you no longer get all those amazing little skirmishes that WoW once had before the cross server looking for a group tool . ( Its not only WoW that gets this wrong its RIFT and Warhammer as well ) . So that leaves the only real fun and challenging way to level is to do the BGs . Which is what I do if I go back to WoW for a month now and then . I still feel it offers some of the most enjoyable pvp around . I also think people see critics of the game as a critism of them personally if they still play it and enjoy it but I don't think thats any reason to be rude to people like the OP thats expressing his opinion on WoW . Like many people who either quit or like myself play WoW for maybe a month or two each year I would love to see Blizzard offer either servers with more challenging game play for those of us that want a challenge or maybe Vanilla servers for nostalgias sake . But even suggesting this will most like be seen by some fan of WoW as saying the game he plays is inferior and that it makes him a casual or novice gamer when all I'm suggesting is such servers would be popular with people that have quit for the reasons the OP has given .Sadly it makes it very difficult to have a civil debate in the WoW forums because many of us that post here like the OP arnt WoW haters they just would like to see the game return to the kind of challenge it offered 4 years ago . As for the WoW community you just have to look at the ingame general chat channels and you'll see the kind of things said on a regular basis that you rarely see said in other mmos ( basically because you would most likly get banned if you said them ) . I think Blizzard should really look at enforcing what are infringements more stringently of its policys . If they did so it might become a more pleasant game to play again in regards to its community .
I started in BC.
Wintergrasp and the Argent Tournament were fun in Wotlk and is what kept me going until Cataclysm. But the leveling and dungeons in Wotlk is like nails on chalkboard.
I could standing leveling 7 times through BC shortly before cataclysm came out. I skipped most of Wotlk the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th time around when you could level fast in battlegrounds. Barely made it with my 6th and 7th by running dungeons over and over.
Come cataclysm. Got all 7 of my characters to level 85. Did every thing that was fun before I decided to roll a worgen. Leveled through BC for the 8th time no worries. Hit Wotlk, couldn't even make it pass level 71 before I cancelled my subscription.
WoW has run its course for me and hasn't given me any reason to return thus far. Being my third MMO, I always thought it was the best and no point playing any thing else. But now, I'm willing to overlook the faults of other MMOs for some thing different.
-Azure Prower
Winner question: Why were Death Knights so broken when WOTLK came out?
1. Blizzard didnt care nor listened to the BETA testers.
2. BETA testers didnt even care to share information. They loved how easy the DKs were.
Pick one.
BLIZZARD promised us a new leet class only for leet players. Blizzard said "hey dudes, you have to do SUPER QUESTS to get this class. This class is not for newbs but any players breaking swets can get this class."
"This will be an interesting and unique class, we all love it!"
..... Youll unlock this class by hiting level 55? Whats up with the quests where we had to waste bloods and tears to get the Death Knight? Oh my god, Blizzard lied.
Tried it out. Rofl what a stupid class. Press 1 and 2 for diseases, 3 to hit for huge damage, repeat. Nothing new here. I raged. Did i get a noob class with identical trees?!
Almost quited but i had to try out my druid first. Both BG and world pvp was ruined. In BGs, the Death Knight played football with me. One DK death griped me, before he could hit me, another one death griped me repeat infinity. I said so bad words about this class that i got my first ban ever for three hours.
Then came world pvp. Always started with Death Grip and kept one shoting me till i went hybrid healer+dpser so i actually pwned them. Oh wait, they ressed up as a ghoul, stunned me and one shoted me taking me with them. This is redicilious. I did instancs to avoid.. death knights? Forget it.
Death Knights were total noobs. Its sad that noobs were so broken they one shoted every player. They couldnt tank at all. A new class for good players my ***. Blizzard failed so hard here.
I always had to say "Go frost presence" "use this skill" "stop doing that" "F OFF you suck, stop inviting DKs please" "Are you kidding me druid? Theres only DKs around!"
Oh my god they sucked. I really meaned it. I came up with a new idea: Cause every DPS DK pulled mobs with DG and went frost precense, i came with a new trick: why not invite DPS DKs so they tanked instead? They always did high threath skills. This class uber failed. I dont know wether they just played with me, i guess not anyways seeing names such as "DeathDK" and "DKdenmarkDK".
My patience broke that day when a DK ninjaed my healer ring.
I have never ever seen such a fail as a DK. Im glad i quit forever.
Blizzard, seriously you gotta be kidding me. From now ill only buy nonwarcraft games from them. I cant blame the whole Blizzard, only the devs at Warcraft. Death Knight=biggest fail ever, and yes im serious.
OP you had 9 level 85's and now bash a game that you obviously loved for years. I have 1 level 85, and I can't even imagine how much time this game has sucked out of your life. I would be bitter as well.
uber black and red temple of nod gaming case
4 fuckin gigs of random access memory
ge force chopper sick balls over 9000 vid card bra
holy shit im bragging about my computer to play mmo's processor!
Most of the WOW players remember it wrong, obviously. WoW was from day 1 - the easiest MMORPG out there. This is their focus - to be accessible. Later on during 2006-2009 lots of even easier MMORPGs were released, and so Blizzard had to adjust WoW to remain in top. It's all just a nostalgic thinking to say, WoW used to be hard and good, because in fact, WoW was a dumbed down caricature of MMORPG ever since it was released.
old story:
* boy loves his cowboy toy for YEARS
* boy gets new spacedude toy
* suddenly the cowboy toy is boring
there's nothing to see, move along.
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
After playing WOW for 5 years it has gotten to the point where it was dumb down too much for me. The graphics are out dated and the last expansion was a joke. It was a good 5 years but Rift took me away from WOW. Not knocking WOW too much but it has run its course for me. If Blizzard ever redesigns the game with better graphics and make it a little more challanging I would give it a try again. Till then I'll be trying to close Rifts in Rift.
Sometimes you're the windshield...
Sometimes you're the bug...
You are burned out of playing the same game after 5 years. Some how this always leads to bashing of a games design or game play. When in fact your are just tired of the same old thing. I understand it's hard to figure these things out for yourself. This has nowothing to do with WOW, it's a basic human condition. Not everyone is subject too, thank goodness.
You will find no more chanllenge in Rift than in you do in WOW. It's just something fresh.
Anyway, whatever makes you break away is what you need to do so enjoy Rift. It's not a bad game by any means. Hope it grows althought sub numbers are gonna be getting tougher to hold on to for both WOW and Rift with some of the upcomming releases.
##Best SWTOR of 2011
Posted by I_Return - SWTOR - "Forget the UI the characters and all ofhe nitpicking bullshit" "Greatest MMO Ever Created"
##Fail Thread Title of 2011
Originally posted by daveospice
"this game looks like crap?"
Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.
Raid Firelands hc, tell me the game is too easy again.
MMORPGs change. Its the nature of the genre. And in EVERY MMO you have more and more ppl complaining about it, the more updates or addons follow. Fact is, WOW still has a huge fanbase, there are many people who still have fun playing. So if you dont like it anymore, well good for you...but WHY THE HELL so many wow quitters think that they have to tell us why they think WOW sucks. Like I give a crap.
just my 2 cents
well for an eleven year old german kid, I quite got some english skills I guess.
btw, I am playing mmos/mmorpgs since UO, so I think I have a bit of a gaming history. my guildmates are like 25-52 years old, wow really works for us, because we all have jobs, some have family and we still can manage to see the hc content. Most of us are playing since US beta and thats what tightens the bond between us...I still have fun raiding with those guys. Or competing in the arena/rated bgs.
btw, most ppl that complain its too easy have
-never played in a high arena rating
-never saw pre-nerf hc raid content
And thats what WOW is all about. If thats not for you, go and play some other crap. ^^
its ironic, I was firmly in this camp for years and years, and I was in denial that it was acceptable to sit for 2-5 nights a week + ignoring your family or leaving work early to get to a raid. And lets face it, its not just the raiding, you have all the other farming time on top. Its actually pretty selfish behaviour (for a parent at least)
Take a break for a month or 2 and you realise with a bit of horror that it was an unhealthy treadmill of addiction, playing the same instances over and over and over etc etc. Wow is a pretty cynical addiction machine, but there is hope on the horizon with Archage at least, that will be going in a different direction by all accounts. Rift mearly offers the same addiction machine, smaller but brighter.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D