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Seems like maybe 2 people are mad about this. I for one think it's great. I remember all the drama and fights over loot in Aion that spilled over into general chat, and onto the forums. Most of the time if you got something you couldn't use you just kept it to sell since you were happy to get anything. I think the challenge should be in the raid itself, not the loot. Most raid encounters become like shooting fish in a barrel., with the focus on trying to hit that one fish, which is poor game mechanics. This should end some of the unneeded drama seen in most MMOs and foster more fun, and better friendships amongst raiders.
Awesomely incredible idea. I hated fighting the other three healers for good cloth drops.. and then have some of the DPS'rs roll themselves as well because they had a second spec that could use it.
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Sounds like you won't always get the epic item, but at least you walk away with something worth the run. Can't wait to see how this works
I think its definitely a plus, but I want to see how it is explained fully. Right now I dont think its clear if the bags will have their own loot table with them being more a suplament to the 'Normal' boss drops, or if they replace drops in raids.
But yea, I wouldnt want to see a 'epic' item in there for everyone for every boss, but at least something of value. Gotta stretch these raids out somehow.
This sounds great for people who have a life. No more of that "you must be a dedicated raider to get on the loot wheel" crap. Everyone gets rewards.
I like it.
Randomly getting a reward just sucks because you wind up having to do the same content over and over and over until you get what you want.
Being rewarded based on "performance" usually sucks too, because the game is almost a poor judge of performance. It will usually use measures like: who did the most damage? Who healed the most? Who absorbed the most damage?
The problem with these measures is that they don't count the "situational" factors. For example, you could have two healers in a group, one just is on auto-follow and spams their group HoT every 10 seconds. The other is a skilled clutch healer, throwing down damage shields and flash heals on group members that are getting hammered.
Who was a bigger asset to the group? Clearly to us it seems the clutch healer is, but most "ranking" systems would give the "HoT-bot" more credit because they likely healed more damage overall.
What can wind up happening when you reward based on a flawed performance measure is that players just try to maximize that performance measure and perform suboptimally because of this. Just look at how BG PvP goes where some players try to spam low damage wide AoE abilities that are basically insta-healed just so they can top the damage chart.
Rewarding for participating is the way to go. GW2 and SWTOR are both doing this.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
i played a game where they gave out boxes as rewards for completing the big dungeons. the boxes would be split up between everyone that participated. when you open a box, it would roll through a set of items and you would randomly get one of them. it could be a high value item used for a quest to get something important or maybe high lvl crafting mats. or you could get a pretty worthless item.
thats kinda what this sounds like. that you open your bag and you might get some great piece of gear, ok gear, or maybe just some tokens or badges.
+10 if implemented correctly.
posts like all these above me are the reason why mmorpgs are in the craper..hand holding and always makeing sure that someone gets "something" wether its gear / weapons / lvls or cookies
80% of the mmo community has forgotten that you had to WORK in mmo's and when you get what you wanted it was a feeling of accomplishment and you worked hard to get it
if its soo easy to get so called "epic" gear it truely "epic"
imo i dont think this is a great idea but this is imo
I personally thought that just because you wear a acertain type of gear you become super powerful. I wish there was a different system for getting stats.
Just an idea I had choose stats when you level instead of just gear.
Just an idea don't want to get into specifics because every game is different and would not work in the same way.
It really is a double-edged sword. People tend to mislike things that are commonplace, so some cosmetic and special items should still be randomly available.
It gives the exta energy to have gambling be part of the process... did I just put 3 more hours into the ether or did I luck out?
That is part of what makes MMOs appealing, even if consciously we hate the idea.
Someone please make a good MMO.
If i saw an mmo that had a wrapped cookie in it's box as a way of thank you, I'd buy it. Someone needs to do this. It worked for Digiorno.
Sounds quite a bit like the PQ drops system from WAR.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Global Agenda works like this. When you finish a match or an instance (raid), you get a drop. It's a random drop and there's no guarantee that it'll be any good or anything you can use, but you're not competing against all the other people in the group for that one thing. It removes that drama from the game, which is nice.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
So you're saying that my guildmates and I running flashpoints is not working at all? Learning the scripts and tactics of so called "bosses" is work. Getting everyone on the same page is work. I am not asking for a handout what-so-ever. If I get badges, I get badges, no big deal. If I get gear, I get gear...guess what, no big deal either. The accomplishment is beating the boss not what you get at the end.
imo i see it going down the same path as well ..but rakeing in the easy cash with the "starwars" title
well mythic is involved since its bioware mythic now, so perhaps many of the good ideas from WAR will be in swtor too.
oh, and btw, i like this, nothing worse than spending 3 hours only to see the dps warrior taking you tank gear!
This could be a good idea. I think that if the bag gear is not "the best" gear possible then its good. I think people should have to put more effort into maxing their gear. Having decent filler gear drop from bags is a good idea. So, it would have people go back for the "epic" drops.
Lets not forget raiding isn't supposed to be viewed as work, but as something fun to do with people. So going back for the epic loot should be a plus.
This is not a gamebreaker for me, but I hope its closer to what I mentioned.
"cinnamon buns"
- Pickles
I think for most folks, getting something at all while having the chance at something epic is enough. No one is asking for handouts, just something to make it worth your time.
i know it sucks horribly to get your stuff taken by someone that doesnt need it..but in a weird way thats what you get when you play mmo's its a roll on a die and most mmo's nowa days have loot options that change that and there are ways around geting what you "worked" for and it not geting ninja'd by someone who has no need for it at all starts with playing with the right grp / team and not pug'n everytime with any average joe out there
the WAR comparison is DEAD ON and if that isnt hand holding to get gear your kidding yourself
some people love it **wich most of the new genra does** and some people hate it
for those who dont know what it is or never played they need to check it out and maybe get a feel of what this could possibly be for this game but this is imo
Ah, I knew we were mere moments away from "omgezmodewtf"
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Since when are games supposed to feel like work? Already have one of those and don't want another...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
a bag of rewards is a handout tho..and its also going to be interresting on how / if there will be an auction house / broker..
only time will tell i guess
How is getting something for your effort a handout? Honestly am curious about your reasoning.
id hate to get off topic but i "play" games like mario bros on platforms to just play
i perfer to "work" my way to be great in mmorpgs and towards epic rewards ...takes time ..and get a feeling of accomplishment
sure you can do this in a type of "play" game like i said but its more ya e/w im finished ..been there done that
too many people of the genra of todays mmorpgs live for the NOW and not working to get there