Gotta love how Nazgol says he isn't impressed. 'It's been done before' - Then scroll down to see he has a SW:TOR signature..
I also got a swtor signature along with GW2..any snarky comments for me? i bet even if he had any other MMO in signature you would have said the same.
Nope not really.
I just found it funny that someone going on so much about something that has 'been done before' Is obviously looking forward to a game that has 'been done before' written and stamped all over it.
Umm sorry but this has nothing to do with being a TOR fan. Only because someone has TOR signature doesn't make them a fanboy or their opinion any less important. .Just like i have both in my signature and i still consider myself fan of none. But it is a classic way to divert attention from on going topic to who is fanboy of what game and how he or she should be laughed upon and ridiculed. Sorry but both GW2 fans and TOR fans are equally ridiculous. I am getting sick of these personal attacks because people have different opinions.
OK backup and step off your high horse, nowhere in there did I say his opinion was invalid or he could not express it. He can express anything he wants to, I could care less my game buying decisions do not rest on what he thinks or says! I was expressing the irony of a statement because of how it applies to his choice to support TOR, and I am sorry if you cannot see the irony in someone that likes TOR saying a game is unimpressive because it has things like WoW. To me that statement has so much irony that it is dripping out of its every pour. Now with that said I have nothing against Nazgol or his opinion, my statement was not a personal attack! So excuse me if I decide to make a casual joke about a statement from someone (Nazgol) that I have never seen make a positive statement about GW2. That joke does not mean his point is invalid or should be ignored, it is just a bit of sarcasm directed at someone I see posting on this site a lot.
Do I really need to write a disclaimer when I find something funny and want to point it out from now on?
And i still don't see him claiming anywhere that he is supporting TOR because it is 'innovative or new'. You jumped on him under that 'assumption' and it makes you look like an angry fan who is intolerant of opinions of others. So yeah i find this whole thing very ironic.
Also, you contradict yourself a lot. First you say you don't care for his opinion and then in last line you say 'i have never seen him making a positive comment'. So it does bother you a little bit. The problem here is that the real topics get lost somewhere between bickering of fans of both games. And it happens everytime and that is why i couldn't ignore it this time. The moment someone says anything negative about GW2, the whole topic gets hijacked and turn into personal jabs and snide remarks.
Umm sorry but this has nothing to do with being a TOR fan. Only because someone has TOR signature doesn't make them a fanboy or their opinion any less important. .Just like i have both in my signature and i still consider myself fan of none. But it is a classic way to divert attention from on going topic to who is fanboy of what game and how he or she should be laughed upon and ridiculed. Sorry but both GW2 fans and TOR fans are equally ridiculous. I am getting sick of these personal attacks because people have different opinions.
OK backup and step off your high horse, nowhere in there did I say his opinion was invalid or he could not express it. He can express anything he wants to, I could care less my game buying decisions do not rest on what he thinks or says! I was expressing the irony of a statement because of how it applies to his choice to support TOR, and I am sorry if you cannot see the irony in someone that likes TOR saying a game is unimpressive because it has things like WoW. To me that statement has so much irony that it is dripping out of its every pour. Now with that said I have nothing against Nazgol or his opinion, my statement was not a personal attack! So excuse me if I decide to make a casual joke about a statement from someone (Nazgol) that I have never seen make a positive statement about GW2. That joke does not mean his point is invalid or should be ignored, it is just a bit of sarcasm directed at someone I see posting on this site a lot.
Do I really need to write a disclaimer when I find something funny and want to point it out from now on?
And i still don't see him claiming anywhere that he is supporting TOR because it is 'innovative or new'. You jump on other under that 'assumption' and it makes you look like an angry fan who is intolerant of opinions of others. So yeah i find this whole thing very ironic.
Also, you contradict yourself a lot. First you say you don't care for his opinion and then in last line you say 'i have never seen him making a positive comment'. So it does bother you a little bit. The problem here is that the real topics get lost somewhere between bickering of fans of both games. And it happens everytime and that is why i couldn't ignore it this time. The moment someone says negative about GW2, the whole topic gets hijacked and turn into personal jabs.
You arent getting it are you?
Two new games are coming out and your friend is looking forward to them both. You quiz him a bit about them and he says the following.
Game A's combat/arena stuff looks an awfull lot like stuff I've seen/played before. I don't find it impressive and it doesn't really make me want to play the game.
Game B's stuff looks really good. I can visit different planets and we get to do raids and there are dedicated planets for pvp and all sorts of stuff.
He has just called out Game A for doing something that others have done before while praising Game B for the exact same thing.. Doesn't that seem a bit off to you?
What we are commenting on is the fact that he is here talking about how this part of GW2 is unimpressive and has been done before and obviously turning him off to it while on the other hand looking at supporting a game that does next to nothing in the way of innovative content. You can't criticize a game for including a feature that has been used before and then praise another game for not including new features. Of course you can't be THAT vague but the arguement in this specific instance still stands.
Two new games are coming out and your friend is looking forward to them both. You quiz him a bit about them and he says the following.
Game A's combat/arena stuff looks an awfull lot like stuff I've seen/played before. I don't find it impressive and it doesn't really make me want to play the game.
Game B's stuff looks really good. I can visit different planets and we get to do raids and there are dedicated planets for pvp and all sorts of stuff.
He has just called out Game A for doing something that others have done before while praising Game B for the exact same thing.. Doesn't that seem a bit off to you?
And yet he repeated twice that he never said 'TOR is innovative'. Even though it is not true but he gave explanation. I believe both GW2 and SWTOR are innovative and bringing something new to the genre. He dislike somethign you it really worth flaming someone for stating their likes and dislikes? why can't people just let it be is what puzzles me.
And i still don't see him claiming anywhere that he is supporting TOR because it is 'innovative or new'. You jumped on him under that 'assumption' and it makes you look like an angry fan who is intolerant of opinions of others. So yeah i find this whole thing very ironic.
Also, you contradict yourself a lot. First you say you don't care for his opinion and then in last line you say 'i have never seen him making a positive comment'. So it does bother you a little bit.
And what does him supporter TOR for any reason have to do with the irony of that statement, answer is nothing! I am sorry if you cannot understand that and no I did not jump on him by that assumption. Now let me try and explain this in Barney terms for you; he states that he is not impressed with the PVP map in GW2 because it looks like WoW. While at the same time he is planning to buy TOR, a game when you look at parts of it looks a lot like WoW. Now his reason for buying TOR does not matter in order to see irony in that statement! The irony is that he says he is not impressed with a game because it looks like WoW and he is buying another that looks like WoW. Now do I need to simplify it even more, because you do not understand that I did not look at the fact that he does not view it as innovative or new to see the irony!
Oh and for your second part what else are you going to tell me about myself DR. Fraud? Let me help you out here too I added the last part to explain why I pointed out the joke, not because it bothers me a little! I do not give a damn what he buys or what he does not buy. And for the love of god I was pointing out the irony as a joke, for GOD sakes people can you not take a joke or are you all stuck up prunes!
Well, I guess they were right - It's capture the clockwork!
So much for pvp.. Still got high hopes for pve and exploration/crafting tho
To each their own I guess, I have been doing capture the point or flag for over 10 years in FPS, was not really expecting anything that has not been done before with this. I am just glad they are bringing elements like destructible terrain to change the map flow into the game, that was a great addition to the FPS genre and I see it working really well in MMOs too.
Just curious how would you design a PVP map? Since you do not want one with capture points or flags I would like to see your design for a map without this!
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming.
Please read the blog post again before blurting out false statements.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming.
Please read the blog post again before blurting out false statements.
No matter how you or they try to spice it up it's still the same thing in a pretty window dressing, anybody can make something sound good and different until you actually get your hands on it.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
The difference with GW2 is that while refining what it can it is also including completly new content that has never been done before. There isn't any point in changing things that work really well. If they go over something and can't see any way to make it 100% better then they won't change it. What people are liking about GW2 is that they are willing to go back to the drawing board and completely undo all of their previous work on things and start over again.
I've seen people claim that TOR is innovative and I don't see how, so I googled it. It came back with this website here
The Advanced Classes look a lot like Warhammers system of Talents + Renown and other, similar, features from other games.
The companion system. I really don't like it. I've had enough of it from Dragon Age and Mass Effect and I was really hoping they would do something a bit better with this.
Crew Skills - Yeah lets make crafting cool by not needing players to actually do any of it...
Expressions?? Really.. if you have to list that in major aspects of your game that make it unique then you are struggling.
Flashpoints look a lot like story based instances. I think there is another game coming out that is doing that...
Space Combat mini games.. yeah...
The story aspect of the game itself. Yeah fair enough, although I was seriously hoping it wouldn't play like another edition of Dragon Age/Mass Effect... I think I also know of a game coming out soon that is doing something very similar..
Warzones look like nothing new.. a bit of (yeah you guessed it!) more story to try make things less boring and menial. Story in PvP... Also thanks for confirming no way to change look of gear and that gear in itself is going to play a large role in pvp.
If you want to show me what I'm missing that makes TOR so innovative then I'm happy to take a look. I just don't see it in either that website there or any of the videos I have seen.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
Now that we’ve covered some general tactics for the map, let’s break down each of the classes and look at how they can use their unique skill sets to best help their team achieve victory.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
The difference with GW2 is that while refining what it can it is also including completly new content that has never been done before. There isn't any point in changing things that work really well. If they go over something and can't see any way to make it 100% better then they won't change it. What people are liking about GW2 is that they are willing to go back to the drawing board and completely undo all of their previous work on things and start over again.
I've seen people claim that TOR is innovative and I don't see how, so I googled it. It came back with this website here
The Advanced Classes look a lot like Warhammers system of Talents + Renown and other, similar, features from other games.
The companion system. I really don't like it. I've had enough of it from Dragon Age and Mass Effect and I was really hoping they would do something a bit better with this.
Crew Skills - Yeah lets make crafting cool by not needing players to actually do any of it...
Expressions?? Really.. if you have to list that in major aspects of your game that make it unique then you are struggling.
Flashpoints look a lot like story based instances. I think there is another game coming out that is doing that...
Space Combat mini games.. yeah...
The story aspect of the game itself. Yeah fair enough, although I was seriously hoping it wouldn't play like another edition of Dragon Age/Mass Effect... I think I also know of a game coming out soon that is doing something very similar..
Warzones look like nothing new.. a bit of (yeah you guessed it!) more story to try make things less boring and menial. Story in PvP... Also thanks for confirming no way to change look of gear and that gear in itself is going to play a large role in pvp.
If you want to show me what I'm missing that makes TOR so innovative then I'm happy to take a look. I just don't see it in either that website there or any of the videos I have seen.
Yet GW2 is doing the same thing, they have story based instances and the game itself is story based. They are trying to do cinematic storytelling as well yet not as impressive as ToR's, all classes being able to do everything, you can do that in Asheron's Call also even thou the game is over 10 yrs old. You run the same instances in GW2 to get weapon and item skins, what's the difference here? See I can base my opinions on assumptions as well, you say gear playing a big role in pvp, I can say that the itemshop in GW2 will play a big role in pvp or be pay2win. Yeah I know A-net said that will not happen, sure I have heard that before and basing the itemshop on GW is folly in itself seeing as that's not a real MMO.
Oh and let's not forget ToR was first on the scene with storytelling being the big focus as well as the personal story aspect. After BW annouced it everyone else starting following suit, AoC did it first but not at this level.
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
The difference with GW2 is that while refining what it can it is also including completly new content that has never been done before. There isn't any point in changing things that work really well. If they go over something and can't see any way to make it 100% better then they won't change it. What people are liking about GW2 is that they are willing to go back to the drawing board and completely undo all of their previous work on things and start over again.
I've seen people claim that TOR is innovative and I don't see how, so I googled it. It came back with this website here
The Advanced Classes look a lot like Warhammers system of Talents + Renown and other, similar, features from other games.
The companion system. I really don't like it. I've had enough of it from Dragon Age and Mass Effect and I was really hoping they would do something a bit better with this.
Crew Skills - Yeah lets make crafting cool by not needing players to actually do any of it...
Expressions?? Really.. if you have to list that in major aspects of your game that make it unique then you are struggling.
Flashpoints look a lot like story based instances. I think there is another game coming out that is doing that...
Space Combat mini games.. yeah...
The story aspect of the game itself. Yeah fair enough, although I was seriously hoping it wouldn't play like another edition of Dragon Age/Mass Effect... I think I also know of a game coming out soon that is doing something very similar..
Warzones look like nothing new.. a bit of (yeah you guessed it!) more story to try make things less boring and menial. Story in PvP... Also thanks for confirming no way to change look of gear and that gear in itself is going to play a large role in pvp.
If you want to show me what I'm missing that makes TOR so innovative then I'm happy to take a look. I just don't see it in either that website there or any of the videos I have seen.
Yet GW2 is doing the same thing, they have story based instances and the game itself is story based. They are trying to do cinematic storytelling as well yet not as impressive as ToR's, all classes being able to do everything, you can do that in Asheron's Call also even thou the game is over 10 yrs old. You run the same instances in GW2 to get weapon and item skins, what's the difference here? See I can base my opinions on assumptions as well, you say gear playing a big role in pvp, I can say that the itemshop in GW2 will play a big role in pvp or be pay2win. Yeah I know A-net said that will not happen, sure I have heard that before and basing the itemshop on GW is folly in itself seeing as that's not a real MMO.
There's no way it will ever go F2P. They have based their whole buisness model on GW1 and their cash shop for that game and have shown their investors that it can work extreemly well. I agree GW1 is not an MMO but they still have servers that require maintenance and an online support staff that they have to pay. As for the rest of what you had to say I don't dissagree other than that Guild Wars cinematic story telling is lacking in some way compared to SWTOR. I don't really like what I've seen of SWTORs and like what I have seen of GW2 so that might be a mater of personal tastes rather than actual fact.
Yet GW2 is doing the same thing, they have story based instances and the game itself is story based. They are trying to do cinematic storytelling as well yet not as impressive as ToR's, all classes being able to do everything, you can do that in Asheron's Call also even thou the game is over 10 yrs old. You run the same instances in GW2 to get weapon and item skins, what's the difference here? See I can base my opinions on assumptions as well, you say gear playing a big role in pvp, I can say that the itemshop in GW2 will play a big role in pvp or be pay2win. Yeah I know A-net said that will not happen, sure I have heard that before and basing the itemshop on GW is folly in itself seeing as that's not a real MMO.
Go on then, show me a game where the combat is the same as GW2. Show me a Themepark with a trait/talent system and weapon switching like GW2, that has active dodging and no holy trinity.
All classes can do everything you say? Maybe yeah, but not at the drop of a hat. There is flexability in the system but you make it sound like everyone is playing the same character with the same skills and same everything. If that is what you are expecting then you are dead wrong.
Running the same instances? Didn't you get the memo? There is no need/greed system in GW2, you do the dungeon you get your loot. It's been said to death that this isn't a gear based game, why would we be running dungeons over and over for items and skins? Once you have it you have it.. and you don't need to fight others over the drops. You find a skin you like and you can keep it, forever.
As for basing the Itemshop out of what the original GW is like, why not? The Devs have said on multiple occasions that that is exactly what the itemshop will be like. Do you want to show me something where the devs have said something and been caught completely lying about it in the past? Cause I can show you lots of things where they have said something and been proven 100% correct when it comes to people actually playing the game.
You talk about assumptions and make it sound like we have no idea what is going on in either game when you couldn't be further from the truth. Almost every single aspect of GW2 that has been openly discussed at the various conventions has been backed up with a playable demo, everyone seems to agree that they aren't fudging their words here. Likewise we can see that with the direction TOR is taking it is easy to make some very educated guesses at how things will play out as you can also do with GW2. This might come across as anti TOR and I'm sorry if that is the case here but people need to stop spreading misinformation regardless of what game they are talking about.
When it boils down to it you know the real difference between GW2 and TOR? TOR is putting all it's eggs in the one basket with Bioware. Either the story angle is going to carry the game or it will fall to mediocrity like the other EQ/WoW based games have previously. GW2 on the other hand has been developed to essentially be the opposite of a WoW clone. One of their very first statements about the game sums it up best. 'We founded Arenanet to innovate. Guild Wars 2 was our chance to questions everything.' quoted from one of the founders of the studio and the only one who remained there after the other two went on to help manage NC West nonetheless. They have basically turned around and said that they do not think the current accepted way of doing the themepark mmo is ok, they want to tip it on it's head and see what happens.
Hey guys, there are a lot of other threads comparing GW2 and TOR, so let's try to get this one back to the topic and not let this derail go any further.
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Yeah sounds pretty standard,except with the destructible environments which doesn't really make there version stand out that much..
Apparently you have not played FPS for the last ten years; otherwise you could not say this with a straight face. Destructible terrain added a lot to the FPS genre and it has the potential to do the same for MMOs. But I do not want to change your mind, you can keep your ideas that destructible terrain doesn’t really make anything stand out that much. I am sure you are right and that is why not ever FPS on the planet has added it to their game, oh wait they have.
I promise Im not trolling but I have some questions. Whats the point of this stuff? I mean why are we battling it out? For server buffs? Who are these other people supposed to be that we are fighting? They are the same races as us, with same abilities, same world as ours. Where did they come from? Whats the story behind these guys and why are we fighting them? Are they from another dimension? If so, why dont we learn more about them instead of fight for resources or castles or whatnot? Lorewise, Im confused.
I promise Im not trolling but I have some questions. Whats the point of this stuff? I mean why are we battling it out? For server buffs? Who are these other people supposed to be that we are fighting? They are the same races as us, with same abilities, same world as ours. Where did they come from? Whats the story behind these guys and why are we fighting them? Are they from another dimension? If so, why dont we learn more about them instead of fight for resources or castles or whatnot? Lorewise, Im confused.
Why does it matter? PvP isn't for RPing.
If it makes you feel better we can just say that this is a competition and all in good fun.
I promise Im not trolling but I have some questions. Whats the point of this stuff? I mean why are we battling it out? For server buffs? Who are these other people supposed to be that we are fighting? They are the same races as us, with same abilities, same world as ours. Where did they come from? Whats the story behind these guys and why are we fighting them? Are they from another dimension? If so, why dont we learn more about them instead of fight for resources or castles or whatnot? Lorewise, Im confused.
Originally posted by romanator0 Originally posted by Foomerang I promise Im not trolling but I have some questions. Whats the point of this stuff? I mean why are we battling it out? For server buffs? Who are these other people supposed to be that we are fighting? They are the same races as us, with same abilities, same world as ours. Where did they come from? Whats the story behind these guys and why are we fighting them? Are they from another dimension? If so, why dont we learn more about them instead of fight for resources or castles or whatnot? Lorewise, Im confused.
Why does it matter? PvP isn't for RPing. If it makes you feel better we can just say that this is a competition and all in good fun. I guess I like a good reason for killing. And yes theres some great RP in PvP situations.
Nope not really.
I just found it funny that someone going on so much about something that has 'been done before' Is obviously looking forward to a game that has 'been done before' written and stamped all over it.
And i still don't see him claiming anywhere that he is supporting TOR because it is 'innovative or new'. You jumped on him under that 'assumption' and it makes you look like an angry fan who is intolerant of opinions of others. So yeah i find this whole thing very ironic.
Also, you contradict yourself a lot. First you say you don't care for his opinion and then in last line you say 'i have never seen him making a positive comment'. So it does bother you a little bit. The problem here is that the real topics get lost somewhere between bickering of fans of both games. And it happens everytime and that is why i couldn't ignore it this time. The moment someone says anything negative about GW2, the whole topic gets hijacked and turn into personal jabs and snide remarks.
You arent getting it are you?
Two new games are coming out and your friend is looking forward to them both. You quiz him a bit about them and he says the following.
Game A's combat/arena stuff looks an awfull lot like stuff I've seen/played before. I don't find it impressive and it doesn't really make me want to play the game.
Game B's stuff looks really good. I can visit different planets and we get to do raids and there are dedicated planets for pvp and all sorts of stuff.
He has just called out Game A for doing something that others have done before while praising Game B for the exact same thing.. Doesn't that seem a bit off to you?
What we are commenting on is the fact that he is here talking about how this part of GW2 is unimpressive and has been done before and obviously turning him off to it while on the other hand looking at supporting a game that does next to nothing in the way of innovative content. You can't criticize a game for including a feature that has been used before and then praise another game for not including new features. Of course you can't be THAT vague but the arguement in this specific instance still stands.
And yet he repeated twice that he never said 'TOR is innovative'. Even though it is not true but he gave explanation. I believe both GW2 and SWTOR are innovative and bringing something new to the genre. He dislike somethign you it really worth flaming someone for stating their likes and dislikes? why can't people just let it be is what puzzles me.
I will quote from the most recent blog regarding pvp in GW2, written on
" Hopefully it won’t be just more of “Capture the saw-mill!”"
Well, I guess they were right - It's capture the clockwork!
So much for pvp.. Still got high hopes for pve and exploration/crafting tho
And what does him supporter TOR for any reason have to do with the irony of that statement, answer is nothing! I am sorry if you cannot understand that and no I did not jump on him by that assumption. Now let me try and explain this in Barney terms for you; he states that he is not impressed with the PVP map in GW2 because it looks like WoW. While at the same time he is planning to buy TOR, a game when you look at parts of it looks a lot like WoW. Now his reason for buying TOR does not matter in order to see irony in that statement! The irony is that he says he is not impressed with a game because it looks like WoW and he is buying another that looks like WoW. Now do I need to simplify it even more, because you do not understand that I did not look at the fact that he does not view it as innovative or new to see the irony!
Oh and for your second part what else are you going to tell me about myself DR. Fraud? Let me help you out here too I added the last part to explain why I pointed out the joke, not because it bothers me a little! I do not give a damn what he buys or what he does not buy. And for the love of god I was pointing out the irony as a joke, for GOD sakes people can you not take a joke or are you all stuck up prunes!
Looks like the most fun to be had in GW2, I've seen so far. Saving the best to last?!
To each their own I guess, I have been doing capture the point or flag for over 10 years in FPS, was not really expecting anything that has not been done before with this. I am just glad they are bringing elements like destructible terrain to change the map flow into the game, that was a great addition to the FPS genre and I see it working really well in MMOs too.
Just curious how would you design a PVP map? Since you do not want one with capture points or flags I would like to see your design for a map without this!
I find it amazing that people flame and criticise ToR for refining some elements from other MMOs branding it a clone, but yet when GW2 does it, it's the next best thing and oh has never been done. When yet it has been, but dressed up better in GW2. If ToR is a WoW clone for refining elements of previous MMOs so too is GW2. People bashed ToR's warfronts yet GW2 follows that same pattern and yet the GW2 fans eat it up as something new and different. These same people are the same ones that are often in the ToR forums bashing it's features, but when GW2 reveals their features which is the same as other MMOs just prettied up you guys eat it up as the second coming. Both games are doing the same stuff that has been done in other MMOs and they are both adding their own flavor, what matters is if it will work as intended and if it will be fun.
Please read the blog post again before blurting out false statements.
No matter how you or they try to spice it up it's still the same thing in a pretty window dressing, anybody can make something sound good and different until you actually get your hands on it.
The difference with GW2 is that while refining what it can it is also including completly new content that has never been done before. There isn't any point in changing things that work really well. If they go over something and can't see any way to make it 100% better then they won't change it. What people are liking about GW2 is that they are willing to go back to the drawing board and completely undo all of their previous work on things and start over again.
I've seen people claim that TOR is innovative and I don't see how, so I googled it. It came back with this website here
The Advanced Classes look a lot like Warhammers system of Talents + Renown and other, similar, features from other games.
The companion system. I really don't like it. I've had enough of it from Dragon Age and Mass Effect and I was really hoping they would do something a bit better with this.
Crew Skills - Yeah lets make crafting cool by not needing players to actually do any of it...
Expressions?? Really.. if you have to list that in major aspects of your game that make it unique then you are struggling.
Flashpoints look a lot like story based instances. I think there is another game coming out that is doing that...
Space Combat mini games.. yeah...
The story aspect of the game itself. Yeah fair enough, although I was seriously hoping it wouldn't play like another edition of Dragon Age/Mass Effect... I think I also know of a game coming out soon that is doing something very similar..
Warzones look like nothing new.. a bit of (yeah you guessed it!) more story to try make things less boring and menial. Story in PvP... Also thanks for confirming no way to change look of gear and that gear in itself is going to play a large role in pvp.
If you want to show me what I'm missing that makes TOR so innovative then I'm happy to take a look. I just don't see it in either that website there or any of the videos I have seen.
Wow I really hurt some feelings, I don't get how anyone can not look at that map and think of this:
{mod edit - image resized to forum size}
Not that there is anything wrong with it and they are adding their own twist to it.
In Bioware we trust!
I like the idea of SWTOR's warfronts. Looks awesome too. : ) WHAT I REALLY APPRECIATED in the ArenaNet blog post: The Battle of Khylo – Jonathan Sharp on PvP
Yet GW2 is doing the same thing, they have story based instances and the game itself is story based. They are trying to do cinematic storytelling as well yet not as impressive as ToR's, all classes being able to do everything, you can do that in Asheron's Call also even thou the game is over 10 yrs old. You run the same instances in GW2 to get weapon and item skins, what's the difference here? See I can base my opinions on assumptions as well, you say gear playing a big role in pvp, I can say that the itemshop in GW2 will play a big role in pvp or be pay2win. Yeah I know A-net said that will not happen, sure I have heard that before and basing the itemshop on GW is folly in itself seeing as that's not a real MMO.
Oh and let's not forget ToR was first on the scene with storytelling being the big focus as well as the personal story aspect. After BW annouced it everyone else starting following suit, AoC did it first but not at this level.
There's no way it will ever go F2P. They have based their whole buisness model on GW1 and their cash shop for that game and have shown their investors that it can work extreemly well. I agree GW1 is not an MMO but they still have servers that require maintenance and an online support staff that they have to pay. As for the rest of what you had to say I don't dissagree other than that Guild Wars cinematic story telling is lacking in some way compared to SWTOR. I don't really like what I've seen of SWTORs and like what I have seen of GW2 so that might be a mater of personal tastes rather than actual fact.
My theme song.
Go on then, show me a game where the combat is the same as GW2. Show me a Themepark with a trait/talent system and weapon switching like GW2, that has active dodging and no holy trinity.
All classes can do everything you say? Maybe yeah, but not at the drop of a hat. There is flexability in the system but you make it sound like everyone is playing the same character with the same skills and same everything. If that is what you are expecting then you are dead wrong.
Running the same instances? Didn't you get the memo? There is no need/greed system in GW2, you do the dungeon you get your loot. It's been said to death that this isn't a gear based game, why would we be running dungeons over and over for items and skins? Once you have it you have it.. and you don't need to fight others over the drops. You find a skin you like and you can keep it, forever.
As for basing the Itemshop out of what the original GW is like, why not? The Devs have said on multiple occasions that that is exactly what the itemshop will be like. Do you want to show me something where the devs have said something and been caught completely lying about it in the past? Cause I can show you lots of things where they have said something and been proven 100% correct when it comes to people actually playing the game.
You talk about assumptions and make it sound like we have no idea what is going on in either game when you couldn't be further from the truth. Almost every single aspect of GW2 that has been openly discussed at the various conventions has been backed up with a playable demo, everyone seems to agree that they aren't fudging their words here. Likewise we can see that with the direction TOR is taking it is easy to make some very educated guesses at how things will play out as you can also do with GW2. This might come across as anti TOR and I'm sorry if that is the case here but people need to stop spreading misinformation regardless of what game they are talking about.
When it boils down to it you know the real difference between GW2 and TOR? TOR is putting all it's eggs in the one basket with Bioware. Either the story angle is going to carry the game or it will fall to mediocrity like the other EQ/WoW based games have previously. GW2 on the other hand has been developed to essentially be the opposite of a WoW clone. One of their very first statements about the game sums it up best. 'We founded Arenanet to innovate. Guild Wars 2 was our chance to questions everything.' quoted from one of the founders of the studio and the only one who remained there after the other two went on to help manage NC West nonetheless. They have basically turned around and said that they do not think the current accepted way of doing the themepark mmo is ok, they want to tip it on it's head and see what happens.
Hey guys, there are a lot of other threads comparing GW2 and TOR, so let's try to get this one back to the topic and not let this derail go any further.
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Apparently you have not played FPS for the last ten years; otherwise you could not say this with a straight face. Destructible terrain added a lot to the FPS genre and it has the potential to do the same for MMOs. But I do not want to change your mind, you can keep your ideas that destructible terrain doesn’t really make anything stand out that much. I am sure you are right and that is why not ever FPS on the planet has added it to their game, oh wait they have.
I promise Im not trolling but I have some questions. Whats the point of this stuff? I mean why are we battling it out? For server buffs? Who are these other people supposed to be that we are fighting? They are the same races as us, with same abilities, same world as ours. Where did they come from? Whats the story behind these guys and why are we fighting them? Are they from another dimension? If so, why dont we learn more about them instead of fight for resources or castles or whatnot? Lorewise, Im confused.
Why does it matter? PvP isn't for RPing.
If it makes you feel better we can just say that this is a competition and all in good fun.
If it makes you feel better we can just say that this is a competition and all in good fun.
I guess I like a good reason for killing. And yes theres some great RP in PvP situations.