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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Gamescom Q&A: Giant Guild Ships & Mini-Games



  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    lots of mini games in the future :)

  • KuaidamKuaidam Member Posts: 183

    Most exciting aspect about the game?

    Your personal story. I'm crazy about story in rpgs. Now quests matter. No more meaningless walls of text.

    Two years from now and mini games?

    The Guild Ships sound amazing. Hoping for more spaceship content. And on the minigames it would be fun to see pazaak, dejarik, swoop racing and other cool stuff.

    Most anoying monster?

    The players in whatever oposite faction = P

    Most anoying encounter?

    Most of the forum haters = P

    Boss mechanics?

    I'm hoping for very little Tank&Spanks, but the introduction of puzzles in mid fight, that is a first for me. Never even thought about it.

    Epic quests / items?

    This would be cool. Although, in other mmos, i never had the slightest chance to get them done.

    About character customization?

    Tweak it all you want. But I never really play a lot with sliders to customize every single part of the face/body. I just browse through the default options for what I like to combine.

    Something that no one else knows this far?

    Hmmm... tough one.... ah.... haters are wrong?

    Biggest milestone?

    I would image that yes, as a game developer, seing your work for the last few years finally put together has to be an incredible feeling.

    Loving SWTOR. Can't wait to play it.


  • JohnPublicJohnPublic Member Posts: 2

    Originally posted by zenryoku

    lol, I can't be the only one who noticed this:

    "Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the most anticipated games coming down the pike"

    It's "coming down the pipe"; a pike is a fish.

     lol, nope.  It's pike.

    Like a turnpike.

  • Xondar123Xondar123 Member CommonPosts: 2,543

    "Hopefully in 2 years alot of it, if not all of it, will be live."

    You heard it here first folks! Alots will be in Star Wars: The Old Republic!

  • Xondar123Xondar123 Member CommonPosts: 2,543

    Originally posted by Banegrivm

    I love what I hear about the game, but really, I thought Bioware was smarter than that to waste energy and resources on something so juvenile as raiding. For a group that knows and understands story with the table top background that they have, they just disappoint. I'm really tired of hearing about "raiding" in ToR. I could care less. If I wanted to raid I'd play WoW, not a role playing game.

    I agree, raiding is very low on my personal list of priorities, and I'm tired of raiding being the be all and end all of modern MMORPGs. Why can't they come up with something better that maybe incorporates components of raiding?

  • VamperoVampero Member UncommonPosts: 38

    I don't care what any one thinks I will play this game for a long time.I'm just glad I don't have to waste time reading quest text....Muhaaaaaa!


  • LaserwolfLaserwolf Member Posts: 2,383

    Most annoying monster and most annoying encounter?


    You're asking a Dev who's trying to hype the game?

    That's like asking an overweight person why they're so fat. It's rude and you're not going to get an honest answer or one at all. Even so, who cares?

    Also plenty of questions about what isn't in the game and more than likely never will be(Guild Ships).

    I know most the information is being held back, but that's no reason to waste most of an interview on fluff questions.



  • Biggus99Biggus99 Member Posts: 916

    Originally posted by Banegrivm

    I don't really know any other way to look at it Pony. Raiding is juvenile, that's exactly how I see it. I'm not some little kid with hours and hours and hours on end to go raiding for loot that "maybe" I can use, only do it over, and over, and over again. I'm a gamer. I'm not going to play a game to have a second job for pixels on a screen. If I want a challenge, I'll play a single player game on hard mode. Role playing games are supposed to be about story, not guess the magical tactic or die in frustration over, and over, and over again, or looking at a cheater site to figure it all out, thusly taking all the "adventure" out of it all. Everytime I see "Raiding" added to games, I see the antithisis of role playing, I see greed, avarice, and all sorts of petty bickering that ensues. I see people leaving guilds because they just have to abandon their friends for mythical pixels on a screen for a character that's not real. It happens constantly with raid based games.


    You do realize that there is a huge market for raiding in MMOs, correct?  Many players do enjoy raiding.  So, even if it's not your cup of tea, it's still going to be in the game because BioWare is trying to..ya know..make some money.  And I've got another bombshell to drop on you:  You can have immersion in a game without necessarily having role-playing.  RPers make up a very small percentage of MMO players.  Raiders make up a much larger percentage.  A game with options for BOTH will do very well.  

    If you don't want to raid, don't raid.  It's really quite simple.  But don't expect BioWare to sacrifice a lot of the money they are going to make in this game simply because you don't like to raid.  There is plenty to do in this game for role-players, raiders, and people that enjoy both.  Being a multi-player game, I would expect there to be raiding.  Outside of GW2, the only games that don't have raiding are the true sandbox games.  How well do those games do financially?  Not too well.  

    That being said, I hope BioWare doesn't make raiding the only endgame feature.  I don't want to be forced to do it.  I'd like it to be one of the options, but not the only one at endgame.

  • SkillCosbySkillCosby Member Posts: 684

    I don't get all this "Personal Story" stuff.

    This story is not personal. It's a pre-writtten book. I have very little control of my character or virtual destiny.

    Ugh. The game has very little depth, as if their target audience was solely pointed towards the easy money bags, young WoW fans, etc.

  • TalianTalian Member Posts: 4

    As a star wars mmo they have to have raiding, name one movie that didn't have a can't. Only thing is they really didn't get dick exept for dead no named people out of their raids.

  • AdamaiAdamai Member UncommonPosts: 476

    haha cool ive been banging on about giant guild ships in this game well since 2008 its great that they are going to be putting them in eventual. i also like the iea of no apearance tab but something else that serves the same purpose. now thats fresh as i cant stand apearance tabs. 

    and i appreciate how they wont discuss future plans without actually knowing they will work. so we can definately expect more mini games and guild ships..

    very good read. and its made me think that this game still may be something i would play. im not pleased with many aspects one of which being crafting and another being player owned ships and how they control.. but bioware has said they are looking into makeing the space aspect a bit more free form giving more control over the ships so that can only be a good thing.


    buzzing about the guild ships though.. hope they have lots of features and stuff. now i will definately test the game when its released. they have brought my interest back to life somewhat.

  • AdamaiAdamai Member UncommonPosts: 476

    yea raiding is one of the worst aspects of mmo gaming.. well pvp raids atleast. cant stand the blob fest zerging of incredible laggy proportions.

    those 26 player groups raiding in pvp is just horrible and boreing.

    im not that fond of instances either.,. i think the entire game shouls be multi play and have some demand that players group with other players so we may experience starwars how its meant to be experienced online. with other people!.

  • esos24esos24 Member Posts: 34

    Niceeeee :) LET ME PLAY IT!!!!

  • maccajnrmaccajnr Member UncommonPosts: 84

    I hope end game is not just about PvP or raiding. I hate either two.

  • ZibooZiboo Member UncommonPosts: 158

    End game is almost always about raiding/PvP.  It's almost required in any new MMO to have Raiding, there are a percentage of people that love the challenge (multiple wipes, gear grinds, fight mechanics), the same as a certain percentage that love PvP.

    The story lines sound interesting, appearance tabs (every MMO should have that), and some of the other features, should they pull it off, will make this a fun game.  It sounds like they're trying really hard to combine a role play game within an MMO world and trying to cater to everyone.  Hope they can pull it off.

    Proud member of Hammerfist Clan Gaming Community.

    Currently playing: RIFT, EQ2, WoW, LoTRO
    Retired: Warhammer, AoC, EQ
    Waiting: SWToR & GW2

  • ShadowsilShadowsil Member Posts: 10

    Originally posted by Banegrivm

    There are plenty of other things that "raiders" enjoy aside from raiding. Most people don't raid. The only people that will tell you otherwise are the frothing at the mouth rabid fanbois that like raiding. Even Blizzard admitted at their first Blizzcon that most people don't raid and that they were shocked to learn that fact. They said when they datamined the numbers were under 5 percent. Most people that game are casuals. That's why you see alot more indy developers churning out casual games nowadays. Also keep in mind, the people that Blizzard hired to develop WoW, were ex EQ uber guild leaders, so there "vision" was eschewed going in.


    They LOVE raiding, but the majority of gamers can't stand it. There is plenty else that they could do for MMO's that don't include raiding. In fact there were at least half a dozen MMO's that came before EQ that I could name right off the top of my head, none of which ever had raiding. Raiding never existed until EQ did, and foolishly, developers and corporations continue to copy the mistake and waste resources on something most people will never even bother with.


    You do realize that your 5% quote from the first Blizzcon was in regards to 40 man raids which were incredibly hard for their time.  This is also why they have gone to 10/25 man raids over the years, so many more groups could enjoy them.  Raiding is much more casual now and less 'juvenile' as you put it.  And no, I am no Blizzard fanboi, as I have not been subscribed for quite awhile.

    As for endgame, what else is there to do other than raid or pvp?  Granted, we could really go old school and use Ultime Online as an example (Which I have been subscibed to since well before T2A).  Any item can drop off about any mob, and the only endgame is sitting around the forge chatting.  Its a glorified chatroom, because there has never been anything to strive for.

    Even those that rarely ever raid know about those nice shiny drops, and for most people that is enough of a lure to keep them playing-and paying, even if they only raid once a month or less.  It gives players a reason to improve their skills, and a sense of accomplishment.


    If you don't want to raid, then don't.  If you don't want to pvp then don't.  I am sure theres a forge somewhere in SWTOR you can stand around and complain about the 'good ol' days'.

  • jerlot65jerlot65 Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Originally posted by Banegrivm

    There are plenty of other things that "raiders" enjoy aside from raiding. Most people don't raid. The only people that will tell you otherwise are the frothing at the mouth rabid fanbois that like raiding. Even Blizzard admitted at their first Blizzcon that most people don't raid and that they were shocked to learn that fact. They said when they datamined the numbers were under 5 percent. Most people that game are casuals. That's why you see alot more indy developers churning out casual games nowadays. Also keep in mind, the people that Blizzard hired to develop WoW, were ex EQ uber guild leaders, so there "vision" was eschewed going in.


    They LOVE raiding, but the majority of gamers can't stand it. There is plenty else that they could do for MMO's that don't include raiding. In fact there were at least half a dozen MMO's that came before EQ that I could name right off the top of my head, none of which ever had raiding. Raiding never existed until EQ did, and foolishly, developers and corporations continue to copy the mistake and waste resources on something most people will never even bother with.


    Ya, and at that 1st Blizzcon they were stating that fact to reinforce the idea that raids should be more accessable not used less.  Which is exactly what Blizzard did.  This is an MMO.  So of course developers are going to create large group content and also make that content the most appealing and most rewarding.  Why else spend millions of dollars developing a game to play with thousands of other people?

  • garrygarry Member Posts: 263

    Originally posted by voltt

    in regards to raiding, its and mmo. theres a reason your connected to thousands of other people. Mingle, socialize, its not a hard thing to do. Everyone gets a  fair chance at loot with there loot system. If you want to play a single player game dont play a mmo.



    Is there some particular reason we can't have both? SWTOR looks like it is giving us both styles with lots of bells and whistles, including crafting and companions, which I like a lot. No reason to tell any players to 'bug off' and play something else. Just come on in the waters fine!!!

  • DeeweDeewe Member UncommonPosts: 1,980

    Emmanuel should do all the PR for BioWare.


    I bow to him.

  • JenovasJenovas Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by Banegrivm

    There are plenty of other things that "raiders" enjoy aside from raiding. Most people don't raid. The only people that will tell you otherwise are the frothing at the mouth rabid fanbois that like raiding. Even Blizzard admitted at their first Blizzcon that most people don't raid and that they were shocked to learn that fact. They said when they datamined the numbers were under 5 percent. Most people that game are casuals. That's why you see alot more indy developers churning out casual games nowadays. Also keep in mind, the people that Blizzard hired to develop WoW, were ex EQ uber guild leaders, so there "vision" was eschewed going in.


    They LOVE raiding, but the majority of gamers can't stand it. There is plenty else that they could do for MMO's that don't include raiding. In fact there were at least half a dozen MMO's that came before EQ that I could name right off the top of my head, none of which ever had raiding. Raiding never existed until EQ did, and foolishly, developers and corporations continue to copy the mistake and waste resources on something most people will never even bother with.


    Despite the fact that you think your opinion is a dogma "The only people that will tell you otherwise are the frothing at the mouth rabid fanbois that like raiding", it is obvious that you like single player RPG's and you forget that we 're talking for an MMO RPG here. If you don't want to play with others, if you dont want to cooperate with other people in order to proceed in the PvE environment and you want to play whenever you want-alone-and kill everything, there are plenty of single player Rpg's out there. Swtor is not for you. And stop that thing with the 5% of raiders that i hear all around the net. Blizzard stated that 5% are the people that do raids in WoW, in a HARDCORE basis. And in my opinion, i never take seriously what blizzard says about numbers. They are stating that they still have 11,1 million subs. Muahahaha! Anyway, If you ever had tried to be in a guild and be a social person in a game, you 'd know that there are plenty of different types of guilds out there that dont require to be online all day and do raids everyday. There are casual-social guilds that have a scheduled raid 1-2 per week and you are not forced to participate. That's why they 're called CASUAL-guilds. But again...Swtor is not for you. Go find a single player Rpg that suits you better.

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