This is the start and fall of social networking.. You will now start seeing pure exploitation of Facebook and its information.. While people will be smart and not signup and some stupid people still will.. What happens next, is gamers will start creating fake profiles by the masses, to get into the goods and services being catered to suck in information..
Eventually, Facebook etc will lock down new signups and require credit card and other information to use the service, then they have complete BIG BROTHER control over all who use it and then no one will use it.......
I have a news flash for everyone ....*clears throat*..
1) If you put your persenol info on the internet at all.No matter where you do it .If the site is trusted or not.Then theres a 99% chance that it has already been shared.
2) Fact.Facebook sells your info.They also use cookies that you can not stop to track everything you do on the internet.They admit this .They use it to help market products for there sponsors.This is not news.Its been going on for years.
3) If you post your entire life , (Private or Social) on the internet. Well then the only person you can be mad at if this info is leaked ( Which it almost definately is) is yourself.
4) Even without giving Funcom your FB info, As soon as you DL the game you have already given them more access than FB is capable of.
These Conspiracy theories , and people worrying about getting there info stolen , are a product of a very paranoid generation.Its sad and funny at the same time. That so many think they know how to stop people from gaining info .Yet put all there info in the open for grabs by just about anyone. When the fact is the only way to stop it is to take yourself off the grid completely.Which they can still probably track you .
By "taking yourself off the grid" I mean no comps, phones, anything job, credit cards, vehicles , etc.If people were serious about not letting outside sources take there info , then the only way to doit is to live like a caveman.Most of these people are ignorant or are just looking for a place to vent , from a deeper problem .:)
I have a news flash for everyone ....*clears throat*..
1) If you put your persenol info on the internet at all.No matter where you do it .If the site is trusted or not.Then theres a 99% chance that it has already been shared.
2) Fact.Facebook sells your info.They also use cookies that you can not stop to track everything you do on the internet.They admit this .They use it to help market products for there sponsors.This is not news.Its been going on for years.
3) If you post your entire life , (Private or Social) on the internet. Well then the only person you can be mad at if this info is leaked ( Which it almost definately is) is yourself.
4) Even without giving Funcom your FB info, As soon as you DL the game you have already given them more access than FB is capable of.
These Conspiracy theories , and people worrying about getting there info stolen , are a product of a very paranoid generation.Its sad and funny at the same time. That so many think they know how to stop people from gaining info .Yet put all there info in the open for grabs by just about anyone. When the fact is the only way to stop it is to take yourself off the grid completely.Which they can still probably track you .
By "taking yourself off the grid" I mean no comps, phones, anything job, credit cards, vehicles , etc.If people were serious about not letting outside sources take there info , then the only way to doit is to live like a caveman.Most of these people are ignorant or are just looking for a place to vent , from a deeper problem .:)
The whole point of this thread is to tell people that FC want's you to be on facebook and wants your information shared.
We know all the yada-yada about how everyone is stupid to be on facebook in the first place. How our information is already out there. Are you trying to make my point? Thanks buddy!
Btw, nice conspiracy theory there, we are all watched all the time already, wait you accusing others of peeing paranoid, bummer huh?
I don't like them to force me to be on facebook a platform notorious for its abuse of privacy.
Do you get it now? I doubt it.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
I have a news flash for everyone ....*clears throat*..
1) If you put your persenol info on the internet at all.No matter where you do it .If the site is trusted or not.Then theres a 99% chance that it has already been shared.
2) Fact.Facebook sells your info.They also use cookies that you can not stop to track everything you do on the internet.They admit this .They use it to help market products for there sponsors.This is not news.Its been going on for years.
3) If you post your entire life , (Private or Social) on the internet. Well then the only person you can be mad at if this info is leaked ( Which it almost definately is) is yourself.
4) Even without giving Funcom your FB info, As soon as you DL the game you have already given them more access than FB is capable of.
These Conspiracy theories , and people worrying about getting there info stolen , are a product of a very paranoid generation.Its sad and funny at the same time. That so many think they know how to stop people from gaining info .Yet put all there info in the open for grabs by just about anyone. When the fact is the only way to stop it is to take yourself off the grid completely.Which they can still probably track you .
By "taking yourself off the grid" I mean no comps, phones, anything job, credit cards, vehicles , etc.If people were serious about not letting outside sources take there info , then the only way to doit is to live like a caveman.Most of these people are ignorant or are just looking for a place to vent , from a deeper problem .:)
The whole point of this thread is to tell people that FC want's you to be on facebook and wants your information shared.
We know all the yada-yada about how everyone is stupid to be on facebook in the first place. How our information is already out there. Are you trying to make my point? Thanks buddy!
Btw, nice conspiracy theory there, we are all watched all the time already, wait you accusing others of peeing paranoid, bummer huh?
I don't like them to force me to be on facebook a platform notorious for its abuse of privacy.
Do you get it now? I doubt it.
How are they forcing you to be on facebook?
Did they say you can't play the game if you don't have facebook?
Did they say you have to pay more money to play if you don't use facebook?
Did they say you will go to jail if you don't use facebook?
Did they say you will lose all access to TSW if you don't use facebook?
I fail to see how they are forcing you to be on facebook, other than your obvious need to be guarantee for beta.
This is what you call a conspiracy theory, a theory that intended to conspire with no factual information, which is what you have right here.
EDIT: For an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that works in modern times, a game that focuses entirely on social interconnection, to forfeit the use of one of the major social networking sites is like to say play a computer game without a computer.
I honestly suggest people to look up what is ARG before commenting, leaving out facebook for ARG sounds as stupid as stupid can get.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I have a news flash for everyone ....*clears throat*..
1) If you put your persenol info on the internet at all.No matter where you do it .If the site is trusted or not.Then theres a 99% chance that it has already been shared.
2) Fact.Facebook sells your info.They also use cookies that you can not stop to track everything you do on the internet.They admit this .They use it to help market products for there sponsors.This is not news.Its been going on for years.
3) If you post your entire life , (Private or Social) on the internet. Well then the only person you can be mad at if this info is leaked ( Which it almost definately is) is yourself.
4) Even without giving Funcom your FB info, As soon as you DL the game you have already given them more access than FB is capable of.
These Conspiracy theories , and people worrying about getting there info stolen , are a product of a very paranoid generation.Its sad and funny at the same time. That so many think they know how to stop people from gaining info .Yet put all there info in the open for grabs by just about anyone. When the fact is the only way to stop it is to take yourself off the grid completely.Which they can still probably track you .
By "taking yourself off the grid" I mean no comps, phones, anything job, credit cards, vehicles , etc.If people were serious about not letting outside sources take there info , then the only way to doit is to live like a caveman.Most of these people are ignorant or are just looking for a place to vent , from a deeper problem .:)
The whole point of this thread is to tell people that FC want's you to be on facebook and wants your information shared.
We know all the yada-yada about how everyone is stupid to be on facebook in the first place. How our information is already out there. Are you trying to make my point? Thanks buddy!
Btw, nice conspiracy theory there, we are all watched all the time already, wait you accusing others of peeing paranoid, bummer huh?
I don't like them to force me to be on facebook a platform notorious for its abuse of privacy.
Do you get it now? I doubt it.
Thing is, who is forcing you?
I don't see anywhere Funcom saying you have to use FB or else...
Where in any bit of the media does it say you have to use FB or you cant play?
Oh, it doesn't? Well there ya have it.
Question is, Do you get it now?
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
I don't see anywhere Funcom saying you have to use FB or else...
Where in any bit of the media does it say you have to use FB or you cant play?
Oh, it doesn't? Well there ya have it.
Question is, Do you get it now?
In his mind, I guess he feels being forced. Most people don't, they either use FB or they won't participate in the Secret War, all done willingly and by their own choice, but you'll always have the occasional person who'll feel forced by being offered an option that they can avoid but that they still dislike.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I find it absolutely hilarious that Funcom - and specifically the Secret World branch of Funcom - is now being accused of a sinister conspiracy. This is priceless. I joined the Secret War and do not expect Funcom to use whatever information they extract to destroy my life. That doesn't mean they definitely won't destroy my life, but I'd say - on balance - it's unlikely. And by the way, any game or application you sign up for on Facebook - including Farmville, TETRIS, or those stupid quizzes - has the same amount of access to your account. Spooky, huh? Cafe World IS A TRAP!!!
I find it absolutely hilarious that Funcom - and specifically the Secret World branch of Funcom - is now being accused of a sinister conspiracy. This is priceless. I joined the Secret War and do not expect Funcom to use whatever information they extract to destroy my life. That doesn't mean they definitely won't destroy my life, but I'd say - on balance - it's unlikely. And by the way, any game or application you sign up for on Facebook - including Farmville, TETRIS, or those stupid quizzes - has the same amount of access to your account. Spooky, huh? Cafe World IS A TRAP!!!
Shit, they know my name.....WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!
Why are anyone playing any mmo at all?
You have to give them your credit card details,
Open your internet connection to their software
Download their software
Thats right, everyone who whines here, plays mmo with proxy servers with fake email and credit card details, that must be it.
Are they even real?
TSW conspiracy theory runs wild......everyone should join the Dragons, it suits them.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I find it absolutely hilarious that Funcom - and specifically the Secret World branch of Funcom - is now being accused of a sinister conspiracy. This is priceless. I joined the Secret War and do not expect Funcom to use whatever information they extract to destroy my life. That doesn't mean they definitely won't destroy my life, but I'd say - on balance - it's unlikely. And by the way, any game or application you sign up for on Facebook - including Farmville, TETRIS, or those stupid quizzes - has the same amount of access to your account. Spooky, huh? Cafe World IS A TRAP!!!
Shit, they know my name.....WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!
Why are anyone playing any mmo at all?
You have to give them your credit card details,
Open your internet connection to their software
Download their software
Thats right, everyone who whines here, plays mmo with proxy servers with fake email and credit card details, that must be it.
Are they even real?
TSW conspiracy theory runs wild......everyone should join the Dragons, it suits them.
This is exactly what I've been thinking.
Its like, these mmo companies generally already have the ability to back trace an IP to figure out where you live. An even easier thing they can do is look at your billing address. I'm honestly not sure what more info they could take from your facebook that you wouldnt already be giving them when you subscribe other than the fact that you had macaroni for dinner and your cousin is prego.
Some people need to stop thinking everyone is out to get them and realize that if someone wanted to get them that they would have likely already been "got"
Then create a FB account for gaming that has info on it that has no relation to who you are and who your real life friends and family are. Only those who've really not thought about it would tag their main FB account to a community feature of an online game. You really need to create a FB gaming account, then still have that on a different e-mail you created the onine gaming account on.
Then create a FB account for gaming that has info on it that has no relation to who you are and who your real life friends and family are. Only those who've really not thought about it would tag their main FB account to a community feature of an online game. You really need to create a FB gaming account, then still have that on a different e-mail you created the onine gaming account on.
Only thing is that its an ARG (assuming here) that expects you to invite your friends and use them to get the full expirence. Otherwise your certainly not going to get the guarenteed beta access so you may as well use the facebook-free version of beta signup. But thats all speculation until we know more about phase 2 (but I'm sure I'm right). From what we know, facebook will not be required at all to play TSW in its full glory when it comes out.
Come on, you all very well know that for a guaranteed Beta access you ahve to be on facebook and do the ARG.
You get 2 options:
1. Sing up for a random chance to beta access.
2. Create a facebook account, share whatever you put there and do there with FC and get a chance at guaranteed beta access and other prices.
Seems pretty simple. No conspiracy, no anything. It's the simple facts and i don't like them. It's my right to not like them and you can't do anything about it.
If you do like them, fine. Just please stop throwing around conspiracy theories and other personal attacks as arguments. They are not arguments and just make you look silly.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Come on, you all very well know that for a guaranteed Beta access you ahve to be on facebook and do the ARG.
You get 2 options:
1. Sing up for a random chance to beta access.
2. Create a facebook account, share whatever you put there and do there with FC and get a chance at guaranteed beta access and other prices.
Seems pretty simple. No conspiracy, no anything. It's the simple facts and i don't like them. It's my right to not like them and you can't do anything about it.
If you do like them, fine. Just please stop throwing around conspiracy theories and other personal attacks as arguments. They are not arguments and just make you look silly.
As far as conspiracy theories are concerned it was you who mentioned in first place that shady Funcom will sell our information. I think everything else went downhill from there.
Originally posted by taus01
I advice everyone not to join this secret war on your privacy.
Funcom requests full Profile information, anything others share with you and can post anything it want's on your wall. This means EVERYTHING is shared and available to Funcom.
Using a Beta to get full personal information from possibly tens to hundreds of thousand people is more than shady. Information like that is worth a lot since this is a target audience of gamers/online gamers. On the advertising Market information like that sells for a few hundred thousand dollars if not more.
I find it absolutely hilarious that Funcom - and specifically the Secret World branch of Funcom - is now being accused of a sinister conspiracy. This is priceless. I joined the Secret War and do not expect Funcom to use whatever information they extract to destroy my life. That doesn't mean they definitely won't destroy my life, but I'd say - on balance - it's unlikely. And by the way, any game or application you sign up for on Facebook - including Farmville, TETRIS, or those stupid quizzes - has the same amount of access to your account. Spooky, huh? Cafe World IS A TRAP!!!
Shit, they know my name.....WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!
Why are anyone playing any mmo at all?
You have to give them your credit card details,
Open your internet connection to their software
Download their software
Thats right, everyone who whines here, plays mmo with proxy servers with fake email and credit card details, that must be it.
Are they even real?
TSW conspiracy theory runs wild......everyone should join the Dragons, it suits them.
This just shows how little you know about facebook and the difference of gving someone your CC info to pay for a service. You should maybe look it up, it's not hard to find.
There is not conspiracy theory, not sure what you are talking about there. Maybe you are a bit too much into the ARG? Don't be afraid, there is no conspiracy, they are not after you, it's all in your head.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Come on, you all very well know that for a guaranteed Beta access you ahve to be on facebook and do the ARG.
You get 2 options:
1. Sing up for a random chance to beta access.
2. Create a facebook account, share whatever you put there and do there with FC and get a chance at guaranteed beta access and other prices.
Seems pretty simple. No conspiracy, no anything. It's the simple facts and i don't like them. It's my right to not like them and you can't do anything about it.
If you do like them, fine. Just please stop throwing around conspiracy theories and other personal attacks as arguments. They are not arguments and just make you look silly.
As far as conspiracy theories are concerned it was you who mentioned in first place that shady Funcom will sell our information. I think everything else went downhill from there.
When did i say funcom sells the information?
Oh right i never did. I said the information from hundreds of thousands of facebook users is worth quite a bit if you would sell it, something facebook already does.
People really need to learn how to read and also understand what they read. It's hard, i know, but it does help.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Come on, you all very well know that for a guaranteed Beta access you ahve to be on facebook and do the ARG.
You get 2 options:
1. Sing up for a random chance to beta access.
2. Create a facebook account, share whatever you put there and do there with FC and get a chance at guaranteed beta access and other prices.
Seems pretty simple. No conspiracy, no anything. It's the simple facts and i don't like them. It's my right to not like them and you can't do anything about it.
If you do like them, fine. Just please stop throwing around conspiracy theories and other personal attacks as arguments. They are not arguments and just make you look silly.
As far as conspiracy theories are concerned it was you who mentioned in first place that shady Funcom will sell our information. I think everything else went downhill from there.
When did i say funcom sells the information?
Oh right i never did. I said the information from hundreds of thousands of facebook users is worth quite a bit if you would sell it, something facebook already does.
People really need to learn how to read and also understand what they read. It's hard, i know, but it does help.
I think people can read and understand what were you trying to accuse Funcom for. And 'nice try Failcom' line totally gives it away.
Originally posted by taus01
I advice everyone not to join this secret war on your privacy.
Funcom requests full Profile information, anything others share with you and can post anything it want's on your wall. This means EVERYTHING is shared and available to Funcom.
Using a Beta to get full personal information from possibly tens to hundreds of thousand people is more than shady. Information like that is worth a lot since this is a target audience of gamers/online gamers. On the advertising Market information like that sells for a few hundred thousand dollars if not more.
Still don't say me saying funcom sells the information. Are you for real?
1. Getting access to peopels facebook information with a guaranteed beta access promise.
Shady, thats my opinion, if you don't like it, well, tough luck.
2. Information like that is worth a lot on the advertising market.
Can be verified by anyone. Facebook, Google, Yahoo etc. use this as the main source of revenue.
It's quite obvious you are seeing things that are not there, accusing me of saying something i did not. If thats how you roll, fine. I will have nothing to do with it, so excuse me if i don't reply to your posts anymore, i find it a futile exercise since you are obviously not able to rationally grasp what is said.
So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. because i am not sure that even you know what you are sayign anymore. I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember.
And we already know that our informatioon on facebook is up for grabs by anyone but this topic is not about Google or yahoo but Funcom and you made this OP directly in regards with Funcom and wanted us to believe that Funcom will use our facebook accounts to sell our private information. I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner. We are not as stupid as you think we are.
Originally posted by taus01
If you take the time to look i have posted many times that i look forward to TSW since it offers a fresh new scenarion away from Dwarves and SciFi. I was intrigued to see the mixture of conspiracy theories and urban legends. I was very much looking forward to the game.
But, it seems that Funcom did indeed, disapoint once again with bad ideas and shady business practices.
[Mod Edit]
Originally posted by taus01
I was merely pointing out that Funcom likes to get your full details from now on until you cancel them and people should be carefull what they click on and which information they share.
I also suggested that there is no need for funcom to request this kind of information and it is highly likely not used in way most people would want it to be used.
Only 25% of the forum users here are willing to share their information with funcom and/or facebook. Almost 60% will not touch TSW at all if there is a facebook tie in.
The numbers are pretty clear. It's pretty obvious that this practice by funcom is not welcome.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
Still don't say me saying funcom sells the information. Are you for real?
1. Getting access to peopels facebook information with a guaranteed beta access promise.
Shady, thats my opinion, if you don't like it, well, tough luck.
2. Information like that is worth a lot on the advertising market.
Can be verified by anyone. Facebook, Google, Yahoo etc. use this as the main source of revenue.
It's quite obvious you are seeing things that are not there, accusing me of saying something i did not. If thats how you roll, fine. I will have nothing to do with it, so excuse me if i don't reply to your posts anymore, i find it a futile exercise since you are obviously not able to rationally grasp what is said.
So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. because i am not sure that even you know what you are sayign anymore. I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember.
And we already know that our informatioon on facebook is up for grabs by anyone but this topic is not about Google or yahoo but Funcom and you made this OP directly in regards with Funcom and wanted us to believe that Funcom will use our facebook accounts to sell our private information. I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner. We are not as stupid as you think we are.
--Every one is entitled to there opinion/beliefs. -- "So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. " --It's right there in plain site- His/her opinion- and his/her mind seems to be made up. Why even attempt to make something of nothing?! If that is what he/she believes then that is what he/she believes.
"I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember." -- You seem to try and do a lot of so called reminding. No need for it- it is posted. He/She can go back and read it any time as long as its still there.--
"I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner." --Again you attempt to speak for the crowd. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I can speak for my self. Also, I for one did not read it in your so called same manner. You assume that you speak for the crowd. You don't.--
"We are not as stupid as you think we are. " -- You once again attempt to place others in your shoes with you. I can think, speak and act for my self. Also I do not find any where that he/she stated any one was stupid as you stated. It is also amazing how you seem to think you can read the minds of others. And last but not least, who are you trying to convince?--
Why any one gets upset because others do not see, think or play games etc the way you choose to is just plain silly. Life is short and problematic on its own with out people getting upset/ bent out of shape over personal views and/or choices that have no effect on others gaming life and/or real life etc is just silly as well.
Support what you support for what ever reason you support it. Just let it be yoursupport.
Best wishes in the future...
Originally posted by taus01
If you take the time to look i have posted many times that i look forward to TSW since it offers a fresh new scenarion away from Dwarves and SciFi. I was intrigued to see the mixture of conspiracy theories and urban legends. I was very much looking forward to the game.
But, it seems that Funcom did indeed, disapoint once again with bad ideas and shady business practices.
[Mod Edit]
Originally posted by taus01
I was merely pointing out that Funcom likes to get your full details from now on until you cancel them and people should be carefull what they click on and which information they share.
I also suggested that there is no need for funcom to request this kind of information and it is highly likely not used in way most people would want it to be used.
At one point htis game seriously intrigued me but as it has rolled out in a wave of stupidity that only FC would try, this game has sunk below my radar and is the dont touch for at least 1 year and maybe never list..
Who has time for this kind of nonsense?
Really i want to play a game not research game faqs online to apply to a game, guess im just not really the artifical cyber sluth type..hehehehe
Hahaha, the post above either entirely scares me, or has literally won this thread!
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!" - Sun Tzu, the Art of War
--Every one is entitled to there opinion/beliefs. -- No one has suggested otherwise, in any way. However, we have just as much right to disagree with that opinon as he does to have it. "So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. " --It's right there in plain site- His/her opinion- and his/her mind seems to be made up. Why even attempt to make something of nothing?! If that is what he/she believes then that is what he/she believes.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "make something of nothing." Do you mean "respond"? Do you mean "disagree"? Do you mean "point out errors in his logic"? Do you mean "offer our own opinions as a contrary viewpoint"? You must mean one of those things, because that is all anyone has done so far. It's similar in many ways to what I am doing now.
"I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember." -- You seem to try and do a lot of so called reminding. No need for it- it is posted. He/She can go back and read it any time as long as its still there.--
Yes, he can go back and read them again. This does not in any way negate the usefulness of quoted text. You're using it in this very post - extensively.
"I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner." --Again you attempt to speak for the crowd. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I can speak for my self. Also, I for one did not read it in your so called same manner. You assume that you speak for the crowd. You don't.--
I'd say he definitely speaks for a hefty chunk of the crowd, myself included. But that is more or less irrelevant. The fact is that what Taus01 said is written there in plain English. Anyone who can read knows what he said.
"We are not as stupid as you think we are. " -- You once again attempt to place others in your shoes with you. I can think, speak and act for my self. {mod edit} Also I do not find any where that he/she stated any one was stupid as you stated. It is also amazing how you seem to think you can read the minds of others. And last but not least, who are you trying to convince?--
Why any one gets upset because others do not see, think or play games etc the way you choose to is just plain silly. Life is short and problematic on its own with out people getting upset/ bent out of shape over personal views and/or choices that have no effect on others gaming life and/or real life etc is just silly as well.
Now who's claiming to read minds? How could you possibly know whether we are "upset" or not?
Support what you support for what ever reason you support it. Just let it be yoursupport.
Best wishes in the future...
{mod edit}
I don't think you can actually determine whether I am upset or not, so I will tell you. I am now - mildly - upset. And I'll tell you why. It's because whenever there's a discussion about something - especially a controversial something - someone comes in waving their hands and starting a kind of meta-argument about whether that original discussion should even be discussed at all. This, of course, does nothing but annoy the original arguers, who - unsurprisingly - don't agree that their discussion is completely illegitimate. Also, then someone like me has to come in and start a meta-meta-argument - as I am doing now - claiming that the original meta-argument is itself illegitimate. As a result, this could literally go on from now until we inevitably succumb to death. I suggest we end it here, and get back to the original discussion.
This is the start and fall of social networking.. You will now start seeing pure exploitation of Facebook and its information.. While people will be smart and not signup and some stupid people still will.. What happens next, is gamers will start creating fake profiles by the masses, to get into the goods and services being catered to suck in information..
Eventually, Facebook etc will lock down new signups and require credit card and other information to use the service, then they have complete BIG BROTHER control over all who use it and then no one will use it.......
Social Networking is a FAD
Nobotters - A better gaming experience
I have a news flash for everyone ....*clears throat*..
1) If you put your persenol info on the internet at all.No matter where you do it .If the site is trusted or not.Then theres a 99% chance that it has already been shared.
2) Fact.Facebook sells your info.They also use cookies that you can not stop to track everything you do on the internet.They admit this .They use it to help market products for there sponsors.This is not news.Its been going on for years.
3) If you post your entire life , (Private or Social) on the internet. Well then the only person you can be mad at if this info is leaked ( Which it almost definately is) is yourself.
4) Even without giving Funcom your FB info, As soon as you DL the game you have already given them more access than FB is capable of.
These Conspiracy theories , and people worrying about getting there info stolen , are a product of a very paranoid generation.Its sad and funny at the same time. That so many think they know how to stop people from gaining info .Yet put all there info in the open for grabs by just about anyone. When the fact is the only way to stop it is to take yourself off the grid completely.Which they can still probably track you .
By "taking yourself off the grid" I mean no comps, phones, anything job, credit cards, vehicles , etc.If people were serious about not letting outside sources take there info , then the only way to doit is to live like a caveman.Most of these people are ignorant or are just looking for a place to vent , from a deeper problem .:)
The whole point of this thread is to tell people that FC want's you to be on facebook and wants your information shared.
We know all the yada-yada about how everyone is stupid to be on facebook in the first place. How our information is already out there. Are you trying to make my point? Thanks buddy!
Btw, nice conspiracy theory there, we are all watched all the time already, wait you accusing others of peeing paranoid, bummer huh?
I don't like them to force me to be on facebook a platform notorious for its abuse of privacy.
Do you get it now? I doubt it.
How are they forcing you to be on facebook?
Did they say you can't play the game if you don't have facebook?
Did they say you have to pay more money to play if you don't use facebook?
Did they say you will go to jail if you don't use facebook?
Did they say you will lose all access to TSW if you don't use facebook?
I fail to see how they are forcing you to be on facebook, other than your obvious need to be guarantee for beta.
This is what you call a conspiracy theory, a theory that intended to conspire with no factual information, which is what you have right here.
EDIT: For an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that works in modern times, a game that focuses entirely on social interconnection, to forfeit the use of one of the major social networking sites is like to say play a computer game without a computer.
I honestly suggest people to look up what is ARG before commenting, leaving out facebook for ARG sounds as stupid as stupid can get.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Thing is, who is forcing you?
I don't see anywhere Funcom saying you have to use FB or else...
Where in any bit of the media does it say you have to use FB or you cant play?
Oh, it doesn't? Well there ya have it.
Question is, Do you get it now?
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
In his mind, I guess he feels being forced. Most people don't, they either use FB or they won't participate in the Secret War, all done willingly and by their own choice, but you'll always have the occasional person who'll feel forced by being offered an option that they can avoid but that they still dislike.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I find it absolutely hilarious that Funcom - and specifically the Secret World branch of Funcom - is now being accused of a sinister conspiracy. This is priceless. I joined the Secret War and do not expect Funcom to use whatever information they extract to destroy my life. That doesn't mean they definitely won't destroy my life, but I'd say - on balance - it's unlikely. And by the way, any game or application you sign up for on Facebook - including Farmville, TETRIS, or those stupid quizzes - has the same amount of access to your account. Spooky, huh? Cafe World IS A TRAP!!!
Shit, they know my name.....WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!
Why are anyone playing any mmo at all?
You have to give them your credit card details,
Open your internet connection to their software
Download their software
Thats right, everyone who whines here, plays mmo with proxy servers with fake email and credit card details, that must be it.
Are they even real?
TSW conspiracy theory runs wild......everyone should join the Dragons, it suits them.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
This is exactly what I've been thinking.
Its like, these mmo companies generally already have the ability to back trace an IP to figure out where you live. An even easier thing they can do is look at your billing address. I'm honestly not sure what more info they could take from your facebook that you wouldnt already be giving them when you subscribe other than the fact that you had macaroni for dinner and your cousin is prego.
Some people need to stop thinking everyone is out to get them and realize that if someone wanted to get them that they would have likely already been "got"
Then create a FB account for gaming that has info on it that has no relation to who you are and who your real life friends and family are. Only those who've really not thought about it would tag their main FB account to a community feature of an online game. You really need to create a FB gaming account, then still have that on a different e-mail you created the onine gaming account on.
Only thing is that its an ARG (assuming here) that expects you to invite your friends and use them to get the full expirence. Otherwise your certainly not going to get the guarenteed beta access so you may as well use the facebook-free version of beta signup. But thats all speculation until we know more about phase 2 (but I'm sure I'm right). From what we know, facebook will not be required at all to play TSW in its full glory when it comes out.
Come on, you all very well know that for a guaranteed Beta access you ahve to be on facebook and do the ARG.
You get 2 options:
1. Sing up for a random chance to beta access.
2. Create a facebook account, share whatever you put there and do there with FC and get a chance at guaranteed beta access and other prices.
Seems pretty simple. No conspiracy, no anything. It's the simple facts and i don't like them. It's my right to not like them and you can't do anything about it.
If you do like them, fine. Just please stop throwing around conspiracy theories and other personal attacks as arguments. They are not arguments and just make you look silly.
As far as conspiracy theories are concerned it was you who mentioned in first place that shady Funcom will sell our information. I think everything else went downhill from there.
This just shows how little you know about facebook and the difference of gving someone your CC info to pay for a service. You should maybe look it up, it's not hard to find.
There is not conspiracy theory, not sure what you are talking about there. Maybe you are a bit too much into the ARG? Don't be afraid, there is no conspiracy, they are not after you, it's all in your head.
When did i say funcom sells the information?
Oh right i never did. I said the information from hundreds of thousands of facebook users is worth quite a bit if you would sell it, something facebook already does.
People really need to learn how to read and also understand what they read. It's hard, i know, but it does help.
I think people can read and understand what were you trying to accuse Funcom for. And 'nice try Failcom' line totally gives it away.
Originally posted by taus01
I advice everyone not to join this secret war on your privacy.
Funcom requests full Profile information, anything others share with you and can post anything it want's on your wall. This means EVERYTHING is shared and available to Funcom.
Using a Beta to get full personal information from possibly tens to hundreds of thousand people is more than shady. Information like that is worth a lot since this is a target audience of gamers/online gamers. On the advertising Market information like that sells for a few hundred thousand dollars if not more.
Nice try Failcom!
So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. because i am not sure that even you know what you are sayign anymore. I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember.
And we already know that our informatioon on facebook is up for grabs by anyone but this topic is not about Google or yahoo but Funcom and you made this OP directly in regards with Funcom and wanted us to believe that Funcom will use our facebook accounts to sell our private information. I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner. We are not as stupid as you think we are.
Just a note to everyone on fb, you can actually turn off the part where the Secret war app post on your wall, it is not mandatory.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Only 25% of the forum users here are willing to share their information with funcom and/or facebook. Almost 60% will not touch TSW at all if there is a facebook tie in.
The numbers are pretty clear. It's pretty obvious that this practice by funcom is not welcome.
so this means we ll have to use our false facbook account?great hadnt found a use for it yet!
At one point htis game seriously intrigued me but as it has rolled out in a wave of stupidity that only FC would try, this game has sunk below my radar and is the dont touch for at least 1 year and maybe never list..
Who has time for this kind of nonsense?
Really i want to play a game not research game faqs online to apply to a game, guess im just not really the artifical cyber sluth type..hehehehe
Playing GW2..
REAL /end thread
I guess that last post about says it all.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Hahaha, the post above either entirely scares me, or has literally won this thread!
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