I was looking forward to this game ,but not anymore,its gonna be nothing but an EQ2 clone of forced grouping and bullshit,they have'nt learned anything ,have they? Anyways,i'll inform my firends and gamer friends that they don't wanna try this now,cause Brad Mcquaid is trying to follow in EQ2 footsteps and that game sucs severely.It will be linear and most content you won't even see unless you got a full group and 8 hrs of playtime available.Grouping is damn near impossible in EQ2,so now the boneheads think that shit works??lmao Eat you product!
Mhhhh.......where did I read this post before?
It might be that this is a CLONED post? Yawn...............
Well actually, the makers of Vanguard are ex-everquest designers.........
That's true, they were some of the pioneers of what most think is one of the best MMORPG's ever. Everquest was a great game with many people complaining about it on the forums...me, I just played it and for many years too.
EQ2 was fine at the start, I beta'd it and then played for a good 3 months until they started messing about so that one day I could slaughter greens, the next I was minced by grey MOB's! Unplayable for me.
I play a game for fun. No other reason and this Vanguard looks like fun, has the pedigree in the developers and I just hope they learned some lessons from their previous works, like the afore mentioned time sinks and having to camp for a needed quest MOB.
I currently play WoW and it's fun, but probably not long lasting for me.
As for grouping, I prefer to mostly solo, and I am far too old to remember whether I could play nicely in the playground! People over 30 like to play games and have fun too you know? Hehe...
They have mechanics in place that are going to get players moving around a dungeon, instead of staying in one area.
Also, they said the game will be less tedious.
Vanguard wont be easy... It's not going to be a game that you're going to go through in a month... It WILL be hard... Hopefully they get the gameplay right.
Since as long as I remember hearing about this game it has been presented to the community as a game in the style of EQ 1. Yet just now your coming up with the idea that its not solo friendly? Since when was EQ 1 EVER solo friendly that you had it in your head that Vanguard was going to be the next solo friendly game?
They are trying to follow in the success of EQ 1, get your games straight. I love how people don't actually pay enough attention to hear how something really is and just form notions in their head and get bent when they are wrong.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I've got alot of faith in this game so far from what I've read. EQ1 was probably the best mmo I've played to this day. I currently can't find anything better than WoW right now which is kind of sad, so I'm patiently waiting ( within the next year or so) for Vanguard. I just hope they are smart enough to be the first company to take the "good/successful" parts of these old and new age MMOs and weed out the bads. I'm sure alot of people will have different opinions to whats good and bad but I'm sure alot are on the same level. Vanguard needs to be a hard game, took me no more than few months of casual gaming to hit level 60 in WoW. It was deffinately the easiest MMO I've ever played.
It's fairly easy to get a group but theres no real benefits to getting one, the game is horribly unbalanced with it's classes. Any class can group with another and be perfectly fine, you never have a real use in this game unless you're a healer of course. I've seen priests and casters do the pulling, ive seen hunters and rogues tanking. It's just ridiculous that its even possible for a 60 warlock to have twice as many HPs as my level 60 warrior. Anyways lets hope they can weed out bad qualities such as unbalanced classes, i'd like to feel useful in a group again, otherwise I end up soloing to level cap the entire game which I know will not be possible in Vanguard. FINDING a group has always been a problem, the game should be hard yes. But to sit there for hours on ends just to find a group is ridiculous. I work too much and get around 3-4 hours tops a day to play, the reason I left eq 2 was because I was level 32 with my Shadow Knight and I honestly sat around looking for a group for 2 weeks and never found one so I went to WoW. I never had THAT bad of grouping experience until the Planes on EQ1 which is also why I left that game.
Theres plenty of people that wish we could be hardcore gamers out there but don't have the time anymore that just cant waste our few hours of gaming before bed by looking for a group. This is my main concern out of any MMO, I don't want to solo the entire game and I don't want to be forced to LFG the entire game without ever finding one, hope there is some kind of way they can fix this issue.
Yay for jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation.
The only classes in EQ one that had a hard time soloing past 20 or so where the Warriors and Rogues.
It got a little tough for monks past 40 and everyone had to pick there mobs carefully but that game was very easy to solo.
After the AA's came out with SoL there was a paladin who was soloing dragons in Velious...I even had a pally friend who soloed his entire epic, granted it was at lvl 70 with like 200 AA's.
But now onto the subject at hand. I trust Vanguard will have enough content for for a player to solo if the grouping is scarce.( I think thats what this thread is about)
One bonehead leaving the rest of us boneheads wont matter. We have lots of boneheads and we are proud to be part of..boneheads....Whats a Bonehead?
Anyway......GOGO VANGUARD!!
PS. claith..Dont forget your cheese on the way out!!
Nobody is perfect...My name is Nobody
I agree this game is a EQ2 rip off not bringing any new ideas 2 mmorpgs just another 1 that is gonna start and die fast.
Look, another moron clone who chooses to criticize a game they have no clue about and bring nothing to the thread.
I gotta agree there...if all your doing is coming into these forums to bash a game, please dont bother. I am looking at Vanguard (hesitantly) and while, yes I agree that it may SEEMINGLY not be bringing much new to the table, I am not going to pass judgement that I haven't really put much time into. It happens on EVERY FRICKIN FORUM here and I'm really sick of it. Even if I dont like a game, I hate to see random idiots come in and crap all over things. Thankfully this sort of activity is dying down on the EQ2 and SWG boards...and to some extent on the WoW boards. I may criticize, but I never bash.
Let's me take an interesting exemple.
EQ is a plain Fighter.
EQ2 is a paladin.
Vanguard is a SK.
Can a SK do much better then the fighter or the paladin? Hmmm we will see how ''balanced'' they are...so far the fighter seem to do much better then the paladin, yet the paladin is not doing bad in anyway.
At least this is so far. I am still hoping, against any rational reason, that they will put a non-raiding server and maybe put some nice solo that dont shaft grouping...but well, I can dream, cant I?
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
That's exactly the favor one of my gaming friends did: told me "Everquest is sooo GAY. It's GAY!". So I missed the first year and a half of what would come to be the greatest granddaddy of them all. After I saw the 20/20 about Everquest, I said to myself 3 things: 1) that kid didn't kill himself over the game 2) moms should NOT buy shotguns for their introvert son's birthdays and 3) it must be a pretty good game to create such a stir. I went down to my future shop and bought EQ with a couple of expansions and as we all know (unless we are addled or too hyper to play MMO's period) EQ was an amazing immersive ADDICTIVE world that arguably no game past or future may be able to compare with.
As far as your impressions of the game Vanguard, you just won't have a true clue until you try it yourself. But it has the promise of being just as wonderful a game. EQ2 is a game unto itself, and I think its quite promising and SoE is working like maniacs to make it better every week. If you have read the FAQ on the Vanguard site and still feel this way, I'm glad. I don't wanna play with any boneheads.
i dont think that this is going to be a clone of eq2, it should be way better and way more interesting.
Vanguard will be nothing like eq2
First off the graphic's are all hand drawn not computer drawn
Then The characters will be in sphere's which will each have their own play style so
no nothing like eq2 or more then likely any other mmo
This game WILL be alot like EQ2, however if you like EQ2 then theres no problem. However I did'nt like EQ2, and the whole "if you can see it you can go there" thing is already in place in DnL which I am looking foward to. Vanguard has no pvp which takes a big chunk of immersive out for me. Vanguard stresses realism within a fantasy realm yet I have read nothing except Graphics and Vehicles that even seem remotely appealing. I was looking foward to this for a little while... Then I remembered FFXI, EQ2, and Ragnorak Online... and how bored I was killing monsters... even in events the problem games continue to face is, what are you doing to get to this "fun part"?
Tell me how your system will be immersive from an individuals stance rather than from a geographic stance, As far as I have seen, they plan on using race/class combos, with cookie cutter potential...
I HATE ex-soe devs, except what you did with planetside - this is nto a biast past as I was looking foward to vanguard until I remembered how boring solid pve games are. Put some PvP OR constant gm events and then put out a product, thanks - you will get no money from me either.
People think it's fun to pretend your a monster. Me I spend my life pretending I'm not. - Dexter Morgan
Did you even read ANYTHING about this game? You seem to just be assuming crap.
Vanguard WILL have PvP servers, regular servers will have /duel.
This game is far from EQII, very few similarities.
I hear your concerns and do hope Vanguard is much different than EQ2. I think it will be, but I also think it will be different from EQ1 in terms of speed of combat, crafting, etc. Still, the world will be at least three continents which leads me to think it will not be the linear adventure-track that EQ2 is.
I have high hopes for Vanguard.
when vangaurd first announced that they would be bringing out a 3rd gen rpg and that it would push the game to new heights i was very interested
then dark and light and dDO had similar claims
it appears that vanguard has no clue what a good rpg is
ddo ,vanguard, dark and light they all promise but all seem without soul before they even hit the streets in vangaurds case its a matter if trying to reinvent the wheel
they have their brains scrambled MCquaid is a EQ fanboy and cant get over the fact that EQ is and will always be a dumb game for more then one reason
i dont see much from vangaurd that persuades me to beleive that saga of heroes will not be a simple remake of EQ2
EQ2 and EQ may be the best rpg for those that never tried anything else but ive tried many they were and are crapola
to actuaslly be trying to base saga of heroes of those games makes me laugh at their futile attempt
after making so much noise about how they were improving the rpg game
to find out what they have so far is so similar to EQ2 it makes me want to puke on mcquad and his cronies
and in the process making a step backwards instead of forwards
eq was crap so was eq2
people for the most part dont want that bullshit
sure if you feed them bull crap and they only know bull crap they will hail sigil as the end all of rpg developpers
in fact the combat sytem is the worse I ever saw since eq2
no need to reinvent the wheel sigil
just give us a good rpg dont give us the eq bullshit
if you cant solo the game forget it
all this having to party and the complicated combat system makes me want to puke all over the
where is the pvp like it is suppose to be
where is the surprise and where is the content all i hear about is how you have to party with others and how the combat system promises to be the slowest in the industry
graphics is nice but game play from what i have read is mundane at best
rpg combat no need to reinvent the wheel
instead of looking at eq and eq2 which is one of the worse rpg i ever played
hire some people that created the first uo they can show you what makes a good rpg
as is im afraid vangaurd ddo and dark and light besides making some lofty claims and alot of noise
are only making people pissed off
is there anyone out there that still knows what a good rpg is about anymore has all the monster camping skill boredom dulled your senses
i want surprises chills to the bone
not party systems and little solo content with a combat system that is rediculous to say the least
and crafting that takes an army to compete
this is pure bull crap and shows me that vangaurd has no idea what a good rpg is about
they will cling onto EQ untill the very end
sad very very sad
without all out pvp how do have surprise and chills to the bone you cant only another boring game is coming from vangaurd
people that complain about pvp are stupid people that only see chalenge when fighting a monster that is 25 levels lower then themselves
without pvp there is no surprise monsters are too predictable to be fun after a certain level
and after eq eq2 people are not willing to invest time and money in a game that promises to be boring at the upper levels and mundane at the lower levels
you would think that vangaurd would have at least known this before making the claim that they would advance the game to new heights
perhaps new heights from eq that isnt too hard to achieve but thats not saying much either
You can't even write a comprehensible and constructive post, let alone having a clue what a good MMORPG is.
OK you think EQ suxxs and Vanguard is a pile of crap, but there is no need to be so poisonous, just don't play it and go back and play Ragnarok or whatever uber MMORPG you are playing
Don't worry, we won't miss you.................