I guess, Battlefield 3 is supossedly the best game of the year, plus since DICE has made a deal with Sony, It can get the Back to Karkland Map pack 1 week early. But it might be hard for the CoD gamers, they don't exactly know alot as far as how to get kills and not do CoD stuff like camping-in-a-spot-without-worrying-about… or rush-in-without-checking-sectors.
Wasn't ever planning on buying anyway, but interesting to read this thread. I would love a game where people actually played as tight squads or strategized.. But outside of a couple of guys I normally play FPS games with, it very rarely happens.. Its like every month that goes by , logging on a FPS gets to be a worse and worse experience for me. I've pretty much given up at this point..
Sure it's fun for a while to run and gun solo, or you might find one other guy who wants to stick together but its normally because he is terrible as a player..
Then on the opposite side of the coin you have HORRIBLE games like americas army, where everyone wants to be super realistic and play as a squad, which is great..
If only you could get BF3 players to play like ARMA / AA players we would be set! lol
Do you play Battlefield 2? There's a very good mod -- which you might be aware of -- called Proejct Reality. If not that would be something to try out.
I have to say BF3 just feels off without a doubt. To the OP though. One could easily swap all the No's and put yes there and just say its all of these things it just doesnt do 1 extreemly well. That said I will probably still be picking it up. It feels just diffrent enough than CoD to be fresh and new even if it does feel like an oddball.
To the poster who said "to many explosions/comm chatter" ect that really suprises me. From what I am seeing thats getting ALOT of positive feedback. Personally I love it. It makes it feel more like a *gasp* battlefield to me.
People like you need to get used to the fact most FPS's these days are going to be console ports. A good majority of them in the last decade that have been PC only have been horrible. PC/Console ports are the way things are going like it or not.
People like you need to get used to the fact most FPS's these days are going to be console ports. A good majority of them in the last decade that have been PC only have been horrible. PC/Console ports are the way things are going like it or not.
Battlefield 3 is first and foremost a PC game, not a console port.
Your argument in this case is therefor null and void.
The beta people played was a old one and a bad one i might say.
It does not do justice on the final product and i dont understand why Dice let people play it with an older build -_-
But i know Dice so i see a good product comming out regardless of what doomsayers and COD fanboys are spitting out.
All Battlefields i played where awesome, i jump in with a few friends and together we can win battles.
If you say you can better go solo i would like to suggest how you can beat my little squad ?
BF is team based and you can get little stuff done solo.
Just jump in Bad company and try to do a rush game you get totaly toasted by tanks / heli's / boats / snipers / and random rambo holding a position.
Sure you can blow away some guys, but you wont complete your objective as you get spotted and hunted down.
I dunno why people already say its a bad game when none of us have even played the final product.
If you play a beta and expect a 100% done product then you have no idea of beta testing.
Just wait and see what Dice have in store for us, i for one know that BF3 will be worth it and even if its not as good as BC1&2 / BF2 / BF vietnam it will still be worth the fun of the awesome gameplay it has.
Whoever runs off by themselves shouldn't even play BF3 and just go to MW3. It is almost essential to stay with your group for the best play as you can provide heal packs to others, cover each others sides, supression fire, and even rez each other.
Yea, you see people running off by teamselves, they are usually the team that loses.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Whoever runs off by themselves shouldn't even play BF3 and just go to MW3. It is almost essential to stay with your group for the best play as you can provide heal packs to others, cover each others sides, supression fire, and even rez each other.
Yea, you see people running off by teamselves, they are usually the team that loses.
The Lone Wolf in BF games had always been of use for certain reasons, mainly to cause a bit of chaos in the enemy rear or to get into an advantageous position that supports your team in a fight.
Snipers - Posted somewhere to harass enemy troops moving into the fight. Just behind the enemy's frontlines is a favorite of mine. Everyone's attention is usually geared towards the big firefight that they're about to join, but I've posted myself off to the side somewhere, sniping people before they get to the fight. If a bunch divert to chase me down, then it's all good, those are a bunch of troops and guns not being used against the rest of my team. I enjoy the round robin chase as a sniper. Another thing I provide my team as a Sniper deep behind enemy lines is spotting targets, so the commander (too bad they're gone for BF3) and the rest of the team can see what kind of stuff is heading their way and what direction.
Engineers - Another one I liked doing every now and then is being an Engineer, infiltrate behind enemy lines, and lay a few anti-tank mines along a road that I expect the enemy to make use of. I'll find cover, go prone, and pull out my anti-tank missile system. I'll wait for enemy vehicles / armor to pass. Between the mines and flank / rear shots with my missiles, I can cause some trouble and get some kills in before hi-tailing out of there while my luck still holds. Spotting threats for the team is another bonus.
Spec-Ops & Recon - Just two words: "Demo Packs" and "Enemy HQ"
Granted, the points I get from doing such ventures isn't as big as sticking with the team, but I do my share in helping the team with intel, harassing the enemy, and getting some kills in while I'm at it.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
99% of the snipers in BF series are wookies who dont add much of support.
When you had 4 snipers on your team you would know its a loss.
On the rare the very rare occasion you had a good sniper on your back, but come on all of them suck and only care for their k/d ratio or some other retarded stat.
BF3 is a pure teamplay game.
Can you go solo and get stuff done ? sure you can do something like scouting to point A or B or C and wait for your team mates to respawn at your location.
But thats as far as it goes when going solo.
Getting across the map aint that hard but while you are wandering off your team has 1 less gunner on their side taking over key positions.
Or watching their back handing out med kits or ammo kits.
COD on that regards is made for solo play.
You can win a game on your own when camping a corner for 15 minutes and unleash a perk.
But pls dont take that attitude to a BF serie
So many times you lost a game and you can see it from the start when people scatter in all directions solo.
99% of the snipers in BF series are wookies who dont add much of support.
When you had 4 snipers on your team you would know its a loss.
On the rare the very rare occasion you had a good sniper on your back, but come on all of them suck and only care for their k/d ratio or some other retarded stat.
BF3 is a pure teamplay game.
Can you go solo and get stuff done ? sure you can do something like scouting to point A or B or C and wait for your team mates to respawn at your location.
But thats as far as it goes when going solo.
Getting across the map aint that hard but while you are wandering off your team has 1 less gunner on their side taking over key positions.
Or watching their back handing out med kits or ammo kits.
COD on that regards is made for solo play.
You can win a game on your own when camping a corner for 15 minutes and unleash a perk.
But pls dont take that attitude to a BF serie
So many times you lost a game and you can see it from the start when people scatter in all directions solo.
/leave game
/join new game
BF is a team based game, yes, but not all actions that end up supporting your team nets you points. If I kill people and divert enemy efforts towards my direction instead of the frontlines, that's a help for my team. If I kill a number of them and draw them away at the risk of my lonesome death, that's a win-win for my team. And I know I'm not going to get points for that. Then there's the more direct benefit of putting bullets in foreheads behind enemy lines and blowing up an APC (hopefully with a passengers; APCs are hi-pri targets) or tank before arrival in the big fight. Get my drift?
As far as the fight goes: More than enough times I've picked off key personnel in the midst of the fight. The Medic trying to heal and rez his squadmates. The machinegunner who's putting all kinds of effective fire in your group's direction, and with BF3's suppression system, that's gonna be a bigger problem. Then there's the opposing sniper who's putting bullets in foreheads in my teammates. One of my favorite duties is countersniping; Hunting the Hunters.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Whoever runs off by themselves shouldn't even play BF3 and just go to MW3. It is almost essential to stay with your group for the best play as you can provide heal packs to others, cover each others sides, supression fire, and even rez each other.
Yea, you see people running off by teamselves, they are usually the team that loses.
The Lone Wolf in BF games had always been of use for certain reasons, mainly to cause a bit of chaos in the enemy rear or to get into an advantageous position that supports your team in a fight.
Snipers - Posted somewhere to harass enemy troops moving into the fight. Just behind the enemy's frontlines is a favorite of mine. Everyone's attention is usually geared towards the big firefight that they're about to join, but I've posted myself off to the side somewhere, sniping people before they get to the fight. If a bunch divert to chase me down, then it's all good, those are a bunch of troops and guns not being used against the rest of my team. I enjoy the round robin chase as a sniper. Another thing I provide my team as a Sniper deep behind enemy lines is spotting targets, so the commander (too bad they're gone for BF3) and the rest of the team can see what kind of stuff is heading their way and what direction.
Engineers - Another one I liked doing every now and then is being an Engineer, infiltrate behind enemy lines, and lay a few anti-tank mines along a road that I expect the enemy to make use of. I'll find cover, go prone, and pull out my anti-tank missile system. I'll wait for enemy vehicles / armor to pass. Between the mines and flank / rear shots with my missiles, I can cause some trouble and get some kills in before hi-tailing out of there while my luck still holds. Spotting threats for the team is another bonus.
Spec-Ops & Recon - Just two words: "Demo Packs" and "Enemy HQ"
Granted, the points I get from doing such ventures isn't as big as sticking with the team, but I do my share in helping the team with intel, harassing the enemy, and getting some kills in while I'm at it.
Nah, what I mean by running off by themselves are people who just wanders off and start shooting for no particular reason. Those things you stated above, you are still acting as part of the team, being in a team doesn't mean you have to be together all the time, but you should aid each other out.
During the beta, I've seen so many groups just gets slaughter because one guy keeps running off and do it by themselves, and they just keep getting killed and all.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
OP, you fail to understand what battlefield is hailed for. It's not a combat sim, and it's not a arcade game. It's a strategy shooter.
Battlefield never set out to be a blatant simulation like ARMA, and it never set out to be a squad death match/arcade shooter like Call of Duty.
I'm not looking for the revival of battlefield 1942. I enjoyed running into people with submarines, and beaching aircraft carriers as much as the next guy, but I wont strike comparisons between the two games. I already did that with the Bad Company series.
Some of the concerns I agree with, such as lense flare. I think it's stupid how snipers have lense flair when entering the dark blast enterance into metro where there's almost zero light. But again avoiding that issue is as simple as running around with your pistol untill you need the rifle, and reloading the rifle away from the enemies line of sight.
And have any of you seen the newly announced maps? Find them on youtube.
If you actually bothered to check his post history, you would have realized he's a Pre-CU Vet from SWG and isn't interested in themeparks at all.
Your WoW Clone comment really had no merit at all, and his comment about BF3 being a console game was completely accurate.
I'm sorry but I don't go check on others post history before I reply, I'm not that dedicated :P
And I play Battlefield 3 on PC, no good players will play fps without keyboard and mouse, its like made for it. Mouse gives the best control over aiming, surprise no MMO has taken advantage of that yet.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
canceled my origin pre-order, hoping for an "origin-less experiance" on steam.
Purchased Red Orchestra 2 on steam, its everything I could possibly want from a realism/team based shooter. Also its promised free DLC and 2 total conversion currently underway.
If you want to know what a shooter SHOULD be, check out RO2 (its not a casual game, CoD fans will not enjoy).
walk/sprint/crouch/duck/dive/sprint/runcrouched/prone/coversystem/blindfire/suppresionfire/moral/bleeding/bandages/destructableterrain/tanks(with 3 people actually inside!),ironsights/tauntsandvoicecommands/tactialoverlay/strategicgameplay
Its been a long time since I've been challenged by a FPS let alone felt like part of a team.
I was very fond of RO1. I liked what the devs were trying to do. But I'll check it out later since I'm done to death with WWII ground games for the time being.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Just wow - I've seen so many of these kind of 'reviews' in so many games from people lucky enough to get into beta... ''yeah basicly its not how I would have done it.. yeah it sucks.. oh yeah I'm still playing and oh yeah I'm gunna buy it''
Having Alpha tested and then beta tested this on both maps.. I have to admit this game is bloody awesome fun everything i was hoping for really..
I didnt want a re-skinned BF2 i wanted it to be a new game and thats what it is.. It has a few similar aspects to BFC2 esp when on rush maps but thats not a bad thing at all.. They have done pretty good at trying to balance things out sure they will continue to do that but thats the same with most games.
Graphics wise, its awesome and blows away BFBC2, sound again is awesome esp when you have t set to battle tapes or whatever its called
The main thing as well is thats its really good fun to play and thats what i was looking for, I will be playing this with my Clan and I would have thought if we play enough we will compete in some tournaments.. tho we are all older gamers, some with familys and soem with high work commitments..
I guess the main thing its missing in game is Squad control and field comander... I wish they would bring them back..
Also as for not being a team game.. thats just not true at all... its always hard all 32 people on one side working as a team, but if your in a clan and have a few squads worknig togeather your gonig to wipe the floor.. its all about teamwork in this game, if you go solo your not gonna win... work togeather and you will simple..
just wondering to all testers, can you make a squad base on your friends? like if me and 3 of my friends are playing together, can we make a squad together?
that will be niceee
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I guess, Battlefield 3 is supossedly the best game of the year, plus since DICE has made a deal with Sony, It can get the Back to Karkland Map pack 1 week early. But it might be hard for the CoD gamers, they don't exactly know alot as far as how to get kills and not do CoD stuff like camping-in-a-spot-without-worrying-about… or rush-in-without-checking-sectors.
Do you play Battlefield 2? There's a very good mod -- which you might be aware of -- called Proejct Reality. If not that would be something to try out.
Currently Playing:
Console game review?
Bwahhhhhahahaha so tragic its funny....
I have to say BF3 just feels off without a doubt. To the OP though. One could easily swap all the No's and put yes there and just say its all of these things it just doesnt do 1 extreemly well. That said I will probably still be picking it up. It feels just diffrent enough than CoD to be fresh and new even if it does feel like an oddball.
To the poster who said "to many explosions/comm chatter" ect that really suprises me. From what I am seeing thats getting ALOT of positive feedback. Personally I love it. It makes it feel more like a *gasp* battlefield to me.
People like you need to get used to the fact most FPS's these days are going to be console ports. A good majority of them in the last decade that have been PC only have been horrible. PC/Console ports are the way things are going like it or not.
Battlefield 3 is first and foremost a PC game, not a console port.
Your argument in this case is therefor null and void.
The beta people played was a old one and a bad one i might say.
It does not do justice on the final product and i dont understand why Dice let people play it with an older build -_-
But i know Dice so i see a good product comming out regardless of what doomsayers and COD fanboys are spitting out.
All Battlefields i played where awesome, i jump in with a few friends and together we can win battles.
If you say you can better go solo i would like to suggest how you can beat my little squad ?
BF is team based and you can get little stuff done solo.
Just jump in Bad company and try to do a rush game you get totaly toasted by tanks / heli's / boats / snipers / and random rambo holding a position.
Sure you can blow away some guys, but you wont complete your objective as you get spotted and hunted down.
I dunno why people already say its a bad game when none of us have even played the final product.
If you play a beta and expect a 100% done product then you have no idea of beta testing.
Just wait and see what Dice have in store for us, i for one know that BF3 will be worth it and even if its not as good as BC1&2 / BF2 / BF vietnam it will still be worth the fun of the awesome gameplay it has.
my 2 cents :P
Whoever runs off by themselves shouldn't even play BF3 and just go to MW3. It is almost essential to stay with your group for the best play as you can provide heal packs to others, cover each others sides, supression fire, and even rez each other.
Yea, you see people running off by teamselves, they are usually the team that loses.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
The Lone Wolf in BF games had always been of use for certain reasons, mainly to cause a bit of chaos in the enemy rear or to get into an advantageous position that supports your team in a fight.
Snipers - Posted somewhere to harass enemy troops moving into the fight. Just behind the enemy's frontlines is a favorite of mine. Everyone's attention is usually geared towards the big firefight that they're about to join, but I've posted myself off to the side somewhere, sniping people before they get to the fight. If a bunch divert to chase me down, then it's all good, those are a bunch of troops and guns not being used against the rest of my team. I enjoy the round robin chase as a sniper. Another thing I provide my team as a Sniper deep behind enemy lines is spotting targets, so the commander (too bad they're gone for BF3) and the rest of the team can see what kind of stuff is heading their way and what direction.
Engineers - Another one I liked doing every now and then is being an Engineer, infiltrate behind enemy lines, and lay a few anti-tank mines along a road that I expect the enemy to make use of. I'll find cover, go prone, and pull out my anti-tank missile system. I'll wait for enemy vehicles / armor to pass. Between the mines and flank / rear shots with my missiles, I can cause some trouble and get some kills in before hi-tailing out of there while my luck still holds. Spotting threats for the team is another bonus.
Spec-Ops & Recon - Just two words: "Demo Packs" and "Enemy HQ"
Granted, the points I get from doing such ventures isn't as big as sticking with the team, but I do my share in helping the team with intel, harassing the enemy, and getting some kills in while I'm at it.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
99% of the snipers in BF series are wookies who dont add much of support.
When you had 4 snipers on your team you would know its a loss.
On the rare the very rare occasion you had a good sniper on your back, but come on all of them suck and only care for their k/d ratio or some other retarded stat.
BF3 is a pure teamplay game.
Can you go solo and get stuff done ? sure you can do something like scouting to point A or B or C and wait for your team mates to respawn at your location.
But thats as far as it goes when going solo.
Getting across the map aint that hard but while you are wandering off your team has 1 less gunner on their side taking over key positions.
Or watching their back handing out med kits or ammo kits.
COD on that regards is made for solo play.
You can win a game on your own when camping a corner for 15 minutes and unleash a perk.
But pls dont take that attitude to a BF serie
So many times you lost a game and you can see it from the start when people scatter in all directions solo.
/leave game
/join new game
BF is a team based game, yes, but not all actions that end up supporting your team nets you points. If I kill people and divert enemy efforts towards my direction instead of the frontlines, that's a help for my team. If I kill a number of them and draw them away at the risk of my lonesome death, that's a win-win for my team. And I know I'm not going to get points for that. Then there's the more direct benefit of putting bullets in foreheads behind enemy lines and blowing up an APC (hopefully with a passengers; APCs are hi-pri targets) or tank before arrival in the big fight. Get my drift?
As far as the fight goes: More than enough times I've picked off key personnel in the midst of the fight. The Medic trying to heal and rez his squadmates. The machinegunner who's putting all kinds of effective fire in your group's direction, and with BF3's suppression system, that's gonna be a bigger problem. Then there's the opposing sniper who's putting bullets in foreheads in my teammates. One of my favorite duties is countersniping; Hunting the Hunters.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Nah, what I mean by running off by themselves are people who just wanders off and start shooting for no particular reason. Those things you stated above, you are still acting as part of the team, being in a team doesn't mean you have to be together all the time, but you should aid each other out.
During the beta, I've seen so many groups just gets slaughter because one guy keeps running off and do it by themselves, and they just keep getting killed and all.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
have fun with your CONSOLE game lol plzzzzzz
have fun with your WoW Clone
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
If you actually bothered to check his post history, you would have realized he's a Pre-CU Vet from SWG and isn't interested in themeparks at all.
Your WoW Clone comment really had no merit at all, and his comment about BF3 being a console game was completely accurate.
not another WoW clone! Dang, I was battlefield 3 would be different...
I'll be playing this at 12:06am... takes 4 minutes to get home and 2 minutes to check out
OP, you fail to understand what battlefield is hailed for. It's not a combat sim, and it's not a arcade game. It's a strategy shooter.
Battlefield never set out to be a blatant simulation like ARMA, and it never set out to be a squad death match/arcade shooter like Call of Duty.
I'm not looking for the revival of battlefield 1942. I enjoyed running into people with submarines, and beaching aircraft carriers as much as the next guy, but I wont strike comparisons between the two games. I already did that with the Bad Company series.
Some of the concerns I agree with, such as lense flare. I think it's stupid how snipers have lense flair when entering the dark blast enterance into metro where there's almost zero light. But again avoiding that issue is as simple as running around with your pistol untill you need the rifle, and reloading the rifle away from the enemies line of sight.
And have any of you seen the newly announced maps? Find them on youtube.
- Operation Firestorm
- Grand Bazaar
Yeah, it reminds me of that quake game forgot the name...
Well I guess we wait for bf 4 lol
I'm sorry but I don't go check on others post history before I reply, I'm not that dedicated :P
And I play Battlefield 3 on PC, no good players will play fps without keyboard and mouse, its like made for it. Mouse gives the best control over aiming, surprise no MMO has taken advantage of that yet.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
They made your console game for a PC buts its not a MMO sorry ...
canceled my origin pre-order, hoping for an "origin-less experiance" on steam.
Purchased Red Orchestra 2 on steam, its everything I could possibly want from a realism/team based shooter. Also its promised free DLC and 2 total conversion currently underway.
If you want to know what a shooter SHOULD be, check out RO2 (its not a casual game, CoD fans will not enjoy).
walk/sprint/crouch/duck/dive/sprint/runcrouched/prone/coversystem/blindfire/suppresionfire/moral/bleeding/bandages/destructableterrain/tanks(with 3 people actually inside!),ironsights/tauntsandvoicecommands/tactialoverlay/strategicgameplay
Its been a long time since I've been challenged by a FPS let alone felt like part of a team.
I was very fond of RO1. I liked what the devs were trying to do. But I'll check it out later since I'm done to death with WWII ground games for the time being.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Just wow - I've seen so many of these kind of 'reviews' in so many games from people lucky enough to get into beta... ''yeah basicly its not how I would have done it.. yeah it sucks.. oh yeah I'm still playing and oh yeah I'm gunna buy it''
Having Alpha tested and then beta tested this on both maps.. I have to admit this game is bloody awesome fun everything i was hoping for really..
I didnt want a re-skinned BF2 i wanted it to be a new game and thats what it is.. It has a few similar aspects to BFC2 esp when on rush maps but thats not a bad thing at all.. They have done pretty good at trying to balance things out sure they will continue to do that but thats the same with most games.
Graphics wise, its awesome and blows away BFBC2, sound again is awesome esp when you have t set to battle tapes or whatever its called
The main thing as well is thats its really good fun to play and thats what i was looking for, I will be playing this with my Clan and I would have thought if we play enough we will compete in some tournaments.. tho we are all older gamers, some with familys and soem with high work commitments..
I guess the main thing its missing in game is Squad control and field comander... I wish they would bring them back..
Also as for not being a team game.. thats just not true at all... its always hard all 32 people on one side working as a team, but if your in a clan and have a few squads worknig togeather your gonig to wipe the floor.. its all about teamwork in this game, if you go solo your not gonna win... work togeather and you will simple..
just wondering to all testers, can you make a squad base on your friends? like if me and 3 of my friends are playing together, can we make a squad together?
that will be niceee
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.