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Right now I'm downloading the 7 day free trial, I am in need of a MMORPG. I'm done with Wow, SWG, EQ2, EQLIVE, EQOA, FF11... I neeeeed a game, is the game highly populated? lots to do? fun?
Fun is in the eye of the beholder. whats fun for you might not be fun for someone else.
But when i bought the game when if first came out it sucked really really bad. i dont know if that has changed but, 7 day trial should tide you over if you play it for atleast 3 days straight you will know what the game is like. Dont play as the dragon race tho.
"It''s like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG''s NGE
I once prayed to God for a bike, but quickly found out he didnt work that I stole a bike and prayed for his forgiveness.
"Some people play tennis, I erode the human soul."
I played all those too and just unsubscribed to WoW. I find Horizons to be an absolute breath of fresh air after playing the big slew of titles. The populations are not high like WoW but you will never have a problem getting advice or a group. Always lots of people chattin in market channel and they are soo helpful. TONS to do in this game you can multi class AND multi profession, you can play a Dragon which is really kewl too. Lots of area to explore and wicked looking mobs.
The crafting is the best in any game ever. It feels realistic and yet you dont have to make individual resources or items you make as many as you can at one time. Its really all about fun in Horizons. Be sure to tweak the settings as there are a ton of graphical options and they can slow down the beefiest rig out there at this time. set view distance to about a third and textures on high and keep the other options to about medium while you get it right. Camera options are also key: set camera in 3rd person to all the way tight this keeps the camera tight to where your looking and cuts the lag down to zero for me.
When you first get in be sure to join the marketplace channel. This is done by clicking the +sign on the chat window. Then you want to uncheck all of the channels on the first page and then browse player channels and check only the Market channel. This will create an extra tab that has market channel which is great for asking newbie questions. People are so helpful in this game you will really be floored. All in all this game is a great escape from the usuall MMORPG and the perfect antidote for my WoW blues.
MXR90 I wouldnt even bother with this game if I were you. No it is not highly populated. At most you're looking at *maybe* 400 players at peak times and the majority of them are old diehards who have been around forever. Good luck finding a group Im not sure what game that guy ^^ is talking about. My 3 month sub just ended last month and Horizons just didnt have what it takes to keep my interest. The game has its good points, there just arent enough of them to make a difference. Try the 7day trial But I HIGHLY recommend that you Immeadiatly cancel your subscription after you sign up as people are still having billing problems.
No actually the billing problems are still very present. I canceled my 3 month recurring sub 1 week before it expired, got the email confirmation and everything. Yet I still got billed again I had to call them to get it straightened out . Yeah theres always some "major miracle patch" coming that will fix eveything. Iplayed the game under that patch your talking about on the test server and I still saw no redeaming changes.
anarchyart, do you work for Tulga as a PR guy? Most of your posts sound like pr adds.
anyway the OP asked for opinions. these are mine.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Very true and at least you were civil And nope I don't work for Tulga lol I just am amazed at how good the game turned out to bed after having read some peoples negative opinions on the game. It really is to me the best kept secret in MMO's ever.
I get no lag, the creatures to me are amazing and different design wise than any other game. Sure they might have golems like any other fantasy rpg, but they are unlike any golems I had seen before.
Horizons isn't all games to all people to be sure, but it pleases something deep and ancient in me, like how a ghost story might or a scarey story told by campfire. When I play I am constantly smiling. Sorry it didn't work out for you, and good luck in the next MMO you play. Tell me what it is if you do find one, I have tried them all and would love to hear of one that didn't bore someone to death.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
I'm still playing, still loving it, never had any billing problems, never knew anyone in my guild who did, no lag, no stutter, 25 fps in towns...better than CoH.
Ignore the trolls.
All you can do is call names.
Yet that is exactly what is going on.
Oddly enough I was only running the 357.1 client for a single day on live. The next day I was patched back to 354.4, unless it is just a bad version number. Once I went back to 354.4 I started getting the problems that everyone else is experiencing. Stuttering and HD grinding, etc., but on a much larger scale than before.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Its not uncommon in Horizons ( or other games for that matter) for a vast majority to experience certain problems while a small minority does not, or vice versa for that matter.
"Oddly enough I was only running the 357.1 client for a single day on live. The next day I was patched back to 354.4, unless it is just a bad version number. Once I went back to 354.4 I started getting the problems that everyone else is experiencing. Stuttering and HD grinding, etc., but on a much larger scale than before."
I assumed that the above statement made here was from you Dozer, until I read it on the community forums posted by Drevar. Mis quoute perhaps or do I assume you are one and the same?
Upon deciding on whether to play an mmo, it is often wise to ignore certain aspects, for instance, most screenshots look nothing like the gaming experience, and hey if there's a free trial, just aim for it and enjoy You lose nothing, gain some insight, and if u like it, cool, and if you don't, cool.
PS: Oh and do drop in to our irc chat good for info, issues, and laughing at all the weirdos *cough* who live there.
Server IP:
Port: 6667
Channel: #tazoon
But never uncommon to experiance a bunch of problems in HZ along with everyone else. It is no wonder most people that try HZ leave within the 7 day mark and more after 2 to 3 weeks. Which is exactly why this game will never make any kind of profit.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Good choice dozer. Last line in the whole thread reads:
'Playing HZ always seems like coming home after their other worldly excursions.'
From someone who returned.
Oh, and for the record, I am not having issues with 'stuttering' nor lag. I know some are, and hopefully they will figure out why some are affected.
Funny thing is, I logged into WoW and get hit with huge stutter everytime something new comes into view in the distance. I know that doesn't happen to everyone, and I hope they figure out why some are affected that way, in that game, too.
Horizons is very much a matter of personal taste. You'll either sit there grinding your teeth in horror at the low populations and the patchy content or you will kick back and enjoy the relaxing environment with a community who actually like the game (which is rare in an MMO).
You will know which of these two groups you fall into long before the end of the free trial.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
D0zer, did you actually read the quote you are using as a sig?
I'm not sure if it's sarcasm or irony...
Anyway, yes, there have been some odd issues with the last patch. The client from Blight got pushed to live early, then the live client had to be patched back out. The issues are mostly annoying rather than game-breaking.
Now, on Blight, some folks have reported terrific results with the new version of the client; others are having issues. That's normal for any piece of software, though; it's just not possible to test every possible system configuration before release.
The biggest issue with the client seems to be that it has a fairly aggressive memory manager, which is constantly unloading objects the client doesn't need to render. Folks with a slower HDD seem to be reporting the most delays simply because of drive access.
Of course, all this is anecdotal, pieced together from several different conversations over the past week.
Guildleader, Mithril Council, Chaos
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
[quote]Originally posted by D0ZeR
Also isn't it amazing people are quitting over this no big deal issues in HZ. [/b][/quote]
Not really. People hysterically cancel game accounts on all MMOs for no sensible reason all the damn time.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Getting back onto the original topic. If you want to get responses from people who currently play the game, I strongly suggest you check out the community forums. There's far more useful information to be found there.
However, to answer your questions (assuming you're still listening):
No, the game doesn't have a very large population. Nowhere near as large as the "big" MMOs. That's both a good thing and a bad thing. Good in that the community we have is very close and professional, lacking the legions of "kiddies" that plague some of the big MMOs. Bad in that the small population may be seen as a sign that the game is empty or dead (which it isn't).
Yes, there is a lot to do.
Fun? That is for you to decide.
Of course I am against HZ. I am against any game that is shipped unfinished and uses a console engine for the pc. Also, NO!
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee