easier said then done . We will see. I just jpope people can see a risk , and make seperate accounts.
Easier said than done? umm..is it really that difficult to behave and act with maturity?
What might be mature to you is not to others. Age of Conan is a mature game world with nudity blood and vulgarity. A non mature game or forum setting is one that is rate "E" for everyone in my opinion.
I am talking about how you present yourself on the forums.
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6. US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian. Subs will be so low there is no need for more Snoocky-How many servers? The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
easier said then done . We will see. I just jpope people can see a risk , and make seperate accounts.
Easier said than done? umm..is it really that difficult to behave and act with maturity?
What might be mature to you is not to others. Age of Conan is a mature game world with nudity blood and vulgarity. A non mature game or forum setting is one that is rate "E" for everyone in my opinion.
I am talking about how you present yourself on the forums.
Are you talking about internet gaming forums, or some forum that really matters in life ?
Ofcourse EA / Origina forums. Why to even post there in first place? and if you do why not act in a mature manner and avoid getting banned along with your gaming accounts?
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6. US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian. Subs will be so low there is no need for more Snoocky-How many servers? The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
What will happen to my Star Wars: The Old Republic account if my Origin account is locked?
If for any reason you are locked out of your Origin account, you will still be able to log in to the game using the same email and password that you used to create your SWTOR account.
If I am banned from Star Wars: The Old Republic or my account is otherwise disabled, will I be prohibited from playing other EA titles tied to that account?
No. If your Star Wars: The Old Republic account is disabled for any reason, it will not affect your ability to play other EA titles that are tied to your Origin account.
If you get banned from the forums and it bans you from your origin account that is actually pretty awesome. People who troll forums and act like morons on them should lose their rights to the game. I am going to go out on a limb though and say it won't be the case when the game launches.
If you get your Origin account banned because you got banned in game I don't feel sorry for you. You probably deserved it. I doubt that would be the case either considering your SWTOR account is different than your Origin account in terms of access. If you get banned from SWTOR it just won't let you on with that account.
I personally have a hard time beleiving a company such as EA will not cross platform Origin into SWtOR , it is simply a corporate decision that no one on the developers floor has control over. If Millions of people play SWTOR that raise the likely hood that player accounts will be pigeon holed into Orgin, in my opinion
Their is simply to much money to make if people go along with it. Advertising for games ect. Remember who they are.. Electronic Arts.
Origin will not be required to have in order to play SWTOR. As in, you can login to SWTOR and download the client without using the Origin client.
1) you dont need origin to run swtor so u can make a forum account different from your game account
2) you could behave on the forums to avoid getting banned for insulting... complain using less obscenities
You have read the article right that _Return posted? My response was the same as yours just based on this thread, then I actually read the article and people get banned because some was swearing and used there usename in the same post.
Another nice example from that article
"Toma got in touch to say that after previous bans for what sound like entirely unacceptable forum posts, months later he has now found himself banned because of his Gravatar logo – a Reddit troll face. Buh? Pointing out that one of the main devs at EA uses the Me Gusta face got nowhere"
Looks like an Origin ban won't matter for SW:TOR and vice-versa. My google-fu is strong today!
"it is not our policy to prevent customers from playing a single-player game. "
That is what there doing right now and they clearly stated it not there policy. Previous actions speak louder then googled words. Not saying they lie, but I would threat carefully.
Originally posted by Celcius
If you get banned from the forums and it bans you from your origin account that is actually pretty awesome. People who troll forums and act like morons on them should lose their rights to the game. I am going to go out on a limb though and say it won't be the case when the game launches.
Because moderators do not make mistakes at all? Mistake and odd desicions are made check the article and for that I need to be locked out of my games collection that might be worth 100s of dollars? That is just the dumbest thing I have ever heared. If someone acts like an idiots on the forums, maybe yes he should be flagged and an extra eye should be kept on them by moderators in a game, but to completly ban your consumers (You know those folks that PAY for your games) for simple violations on a forum?
That is just a stupid way of running your company and you will lose income because of this.
There is no way this will fly. They will have to change this oversight in the very near future. You can't restrict access to one companies product due to actions taken in another.
However you can get banned from Origin altogether for being an asshat i'm sure. The same probably goes with Steam. Still they should simply ban you from the forums not your account. I wouldn't worry so much about this, but if you do then stop cheating. That is the real issue here.
I actually did read it. And nowhere in there was there anything about SW:TOR. Or people losing access to it. Specifically SW:TOR since the OP is extrapolating that an Origin ban would kill a SW:TOR account.
Which is why I posted stuff from the SW:TOR site as counterpoint. To be met with "Please read the article" and "They say they don't but they do".
feel a little bade for the people who locked their SWtOR key to an account with multiple games. When you get banned from inside the game, it carries over to the Origin account...
Well the thing is, DONT GET BANNED!!! I have been playing MMORPG's since 1997 and not once have I ever come close to ever getting a warning to becoming banned. Why, you might ask? Well let me help you with some helpful advise.
Im pretty sure if you follow these simple tips and in large, be a decent human being... You will have absolutely no reason to fear being banned. That is all, move along there is nothing left to see here.
Isn't the op the same guy that said he was gonna play Tor but the devs mentioned wow too much and now he won't play it or something like that?
I have no love or hate for EA, I have enjoyed many Bioware games, and never used origin. Typically I am a decent enough fellow on the forums (as long as you don't bring up that weekend in Budapest with the twin midget circus performers, and the parrot that spoke ancient Mayan...), so I have no real fear of getting banned/censured/head slapped/eye gouged/arrow to the knee.
Keep your fingers from over walking, and you'll be fine...act like an ass hat, you'll be wearing one.
I thought this thread had returned.. then I saw the OP was in fact supposedly new. Yet I know I read almost the exact same post here months ago... either that or I somehow traveled into the future read it and then went back.
I thought this thread had returned.. then I saw the OP was in fact supposedly new. Yet I know I read almost the exact same post here months ago... either that or I somehow traveled into the future read it and then went back.
That can happen when you divide by 0...you didn't divide by 0 did you?
I thought this thread had returned.. then I saw the OP was in fact supposedly new. Yet I know I read almost the exact same post here months ago... either that or I somehow traveled into the future read it and then went back.
amazing you could have read an article a month ago , which was printed just 5 days ago.
This thread was from a month ago so yes apparantly I am a wizard or just happen to know how to search.
The more bans the better... then again I've never been banned for violation of code of conduct or say... cursing in general chat. I suppose if I'd had an account banned for that I might start a thread like this one too.
-Mr Wizard
Oh and ya I hope EA is very heavy handed with its bans.
I actually did read it. And nowhere in there was there anything about SW:TOR. Or people losing access to it. Specifically SW:TOR since the OP is extrapolating that an Origin ban would kill a SW:TOR account.
Which is why I posted stuff from the SW:TOR site as counterpoint. To be met with "Please read the article" and "They say they don't but they do".
{mod edit}
Yes because... them saying "we won't ban people from the games if they got banned from the forums" is different from that?
They have already proven to be liars but you still believe them? So what if they, the proven liars, say that you will keep your SW:TOR account? And YOU say logic has left the building?
Logic would dictate that a proven liar will lie again. But hey, believe whatever you want to keep your blinders on.
Also there have been reports of EA games NOT linked to Origin, but to Steam also getting locked out because of a forum ban. Also Single player games are not excluded so to all said they "deserve it" I answer: Really?? you SUPPORT a company stealing money from guy X BECAUSE he was an idiot on an internet forum? And we are not talking of getting banned from a game... ALL EA games, ever!
So be careful what you say on EA forums from now on, you are warned.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
So be careful what you say on EA forums from now on, you are warned.
I don't think those who don't break any rules and try to start trouble for sake of it got anything to worry about.
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6. US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian. Subs will be so low there is no need for more Snoocky-How many servers? The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
So be careful what you say on EA forums from now on, you are warned.
I don't think those who don't break any rules and try to start trouble for sake of it got anything to worry about.
according to the article, no. Even perfectly normal guys that did not break any rules (unless you count someone insulting you as breaking a rule) got banned.
Maybe they are all lying, but the evidence against EA is quite mounting right now. There is also a long thread at the Escapist about it, not to speak of Destructoid and even the Examiner all picking up the story.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I am talking about how you present yourself on the forums.
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6.
US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian.
Subs will be so low there is no need for more
Snoocky-How many servers?
The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
Ofcourse EA / Origina forums. Why to even post there in first place? and if you do why not act in a mature manner and avoid getting banned along with your gaming accounts?
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6.
US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian.
Subs will be so low there is no need for more
Snoocky-How many servers?
The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
What will happen to my Star Wars: The Old Republic account if my Origin account is locked?
If for any reason you are locked out of your Origin account, you will still be able to log in to the game using the same email and password that you used to create your SWTOR account.
If I am banned from Star Wars: The Old Republic or my account is otherwise disabled, will I be prohibited from playing other EA titles tied to that account?
No. If your Star Wars: The Old Republic account is disabled for any reason, it will not affect your ability to play other EA titles that are tied to your Origin account.
from http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#170979
Looks like an Origin ban won't matter for SW:TOR and vice-versa. My google-fu is strong today!
If you get banned from the forums and it bans you from your origin account that is actually pretty awesome. People who troll forums and act like morons on them should lose their rights to the game. I am going to go out on a limb though and say it won't be the case when the game launches.
If you get your Origin account banned because you got banned in game I don't feel sorry for you. You probably deserved it. I doubt that would be the case either considering your SWTOR account is different than your Origin account in terms of access. If you get banned from SWTOR it just won't let you on with that account.
Origin will not be required to have in order to play SWTOR. As in, you can login to SWTOR and download the client without using the Origin client.
You have read the article right that _Return posted? My response was the same as yours just based on this thread, then I actually read the article and people get banned because some was swearing and used there usename in the same post.
Another nice example from that article
"Toma got in touch to say that after previous bans for what sound like entirely unacceptable forum posts, months later he has now found himself banned because of his Gravatar logo – a Reddit troll face. Buh? Pointing out that one of the main devs at EA uses the Me Gusta face got nowhere"
"it is not our policy to prevent customers from playing a single-player game. "
That is what there doing right now and they clearly stated it not there policy. Previous actions speak louder then googled words. Not saying they lie, but I would threat carefully.
Because moderators do not make mistakes at all? Mistake and odd desicions are made check the article and for that I need to be locked out of my games collection that might be worth 100s of dollars? That is just the dumbest thing I have ever heared. If someone acts like an idiots on the forums, maybe yes he should be flagged and an extra eye should be kept on them by moderators in a game, but to completly ban your consumers (You know those folks that PAY for your games) for simple violations on a forum?
That is just a stupid way of running your company and you will lose income because of this.
There is no way this will fly. They will have to change this oversight in the very near future. You can't restrict access to one companies product due to actions taken in another.
However you can get banned from Origin altogether for being an asshat i'm sure. The same probably goes with Steam. Still they should simply ban you from the forums not your account. I wouldn't worry so much about this, but if you do then stop cheating. That is the real issue here.
I actually did read it. And nowhere in there was there anything about SW:TOR. Or people losing access to it. Specifically SW:TOR since the OP is extrapolating that an Origin ban would kill a SW:TOR account.
Which is why I posted stuff from the SW:TOR site as counterpoint. To be met with "Please read the article" and "They say they don't but they do".
{mod edit}
Well the thing is, DONT GET BANNED!!! I have been playing MMORPG's since 1997 and not once have I ever come close to ever getting a warning to becoming banned. Why, you might ask? Well let me help you with some helpful advise.
Heres a few tips to not getting banned...
#1 Dont be a Jerk
#2 Dont fall for phishing schemes (Never give your PW to anyone)
#3 Have a strong password
#4 Refer back to Tip #1
#5 Dont use scripts or BOT
#6 Did I mention dont be a jerk?
Im pretty sure if you follow these simple tips and in large, be a decent human being... You will have absolutely no reason to fear being banned. That is all, move along there is nothing left to see here.
Isn't the op the same guy that said he was gonna play Tor but the devs mentioned wow too much and now he won't play it or something like that?
I have no love or hate for EA, I have enjoyed many Bioware games, and never used origin. Typically I am a decent enough fellow on the forums (as long as you don't bring up that weekend in Budapest with the twin midget circus performers, and the parrot that spoke ancient Mayan...), so I have no real fear of getting banned/censured/head slapped/eye gouged/arrow to the knee.
Keep your fingers from over walking, and you'll be fine...act like an ass hat, you'll be wearing one.
I thought this thread had returned.. then I saw the OP was in fact supposedly new. Yet I know I read almost the exact same post here months ago... either that or I somehow traveled into the future read it and then went back.
That can happen when you divide by 0...you didn't divide by 0 did you?
Yes the updated version...
This thread was from a month ago so yes apparantly I am a wizard or just happen to know how to search.
The more bans the better... then again I've never been banned for violation of code of conduct or say... cursing in general chat. I suppose if I'd had an account banned for that I might start a thread like this one too.
-Mr Wizard
Oh and ya I hope EA is very heavy handed with its bans.
Yes because... them saying "we won't ban people from the games if they got banned from the forums" is different from that?
They have already proven to be liars but you still believe them? So what if they, the proven liars, say that you will keep your SW:TOR account? And YOU say logic has left the building?
Logic would dictate that a proven liar will lie again. But hey, believe whatever you want to keep your blinders on.
Also there have been reports of EA games NOT linked to Origin, but to Steam also getting locked out because of a forum ban. Also Single player games are not excluded so to all said they "deserve it" I answer: Really?? you SUPPORT a company stealing money from guy X BECAUSE he was an idiot on an internet forum? And we are not talking of getting banned from a game... ALL EA games, ever!
So be careful what you say on EA forums from now on, you are warned.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I don't think those who don't break any rules and try to start trouble for sake of it got anything to worry about.
How many servers SWTOR will launch with on release?
ShredderSE - Umm how many do they need? Maybe 6.
US, EU, Asian, France, German and Russian.
Subs will be so low there is no need for more
Snoocky-How many servers?
The first 3 months a lot...after that 2 i guess, one for PVE and 1 for PVP...
Thorbrand - SWTOR doesn't have longevity at all. Might be one of the shortest lived MMOs.
*eyes investment banks*
Really ?
according to the article, no. Even perfectly normal guys that did not break any rules (unless you count someone insulting you as breaking a rule) got banned.
Maybe they are all lying, but the evidence against EA is quite mounting right now. There is also a long thread at the Escapist about it, not to speak of Destructoid and even the Examiner all picking up the story.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"