I object to the fundamental idea of the OP --- with the single caveat that I can see that it is fun to idly imagine playing in certain movie themed worlds. But I am speaking of the practical aspects.
An mmo should not start with an IP. It should start with a game system. Then create features that work in the system to flesh out a world. And the game system should be appropriatedto a persistent world. Once you have a system, you could look around for an IP that would be compatible.
Here's the problem. Movies end after 2 hours or so. (LOTR after 14 or 15, I admit, but whatever). MMOs are supposed to be around for years.
Let's see. UO, EQ, DAOC, WOW, D&D online...funny, I don't remember a movie at all. Worlds, not plots. Oh, LOTRO, not a bad MMO.... but what really does it have to do with the book/movie other than the names of some quest givers, creatures, names of rivers and zones? LOTRO as a game necessarily should be all about the Ring --- ergo --- it is a single player/coop RPG, not a persistent world MMO.
No more two faction MMOs, Suzie. The formula is tired.
Here's my picks. Not all are nessecarily movies, but TV shows:
1. Game of Thrones MMO: PvP orientated (with PvE elements) MMO with 5 factions, with the ability to agree to a mutual 'truce' with any other player of any other faction, 30 minutes long unless renewed, and group with them for PvE content.
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors MMO: PvP/PvE MMO with Player-Run Factions, Infinite Number of them. Darkfall model, but more noob friendly. No full loot, but loss of territory/siege weapons/ships.
For the PvE fans:
3. Stargate MMO: PvE MMO, 1 faction. Kinda like Star Trek Online mission system, with a clear vision and more action-orientated game play. No space, PvP as a minigame.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer MMO: PvE, 1 faction (Slayers) - they can alley to overcome PvE challenges. PvP minigames.
5. Harry Potter: PvE MMO, 1 faction (Wizards), with a few PvP minigames. Dueling and Quidditch come to mind. Base it after the last book/movie, so you can make new lore.
A Pokémon MMO would be great, no need for factions, contintents are already fleshed out, wholy fleshed out battle system already exists and more than 1 goal to aim for (Champion of continent x, breeder, musical star, etc.)
Looking forward to uhh..... playing: Civ 5, Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD
Surprised you didn't mention it, as I'd think this would be obvious. I wouldn't play it, but a Harry Potter MMO could bring in some serious subscription numbers if done right.
suzie if you really like the red dawn idea i suggest a more visceral 3D experience called Airsoft
"There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play." Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
"Terrorism is terrorism and there’s nothing like the thought of being able to instill a sense of fear into those who would take away people’s collective peace."
This made me laugh. Dude, get a dictonary and look up terroism and terroist :P
I object to the fundamental idea of the OP --- with the single caveat that I can see that it is fun to idly imagine playing in certain movie themed worlds. But I am speaking of the practical aspects.
An mmo should not start with an IP. It should start with a game system. Then create features that work in the system to flesh out a world. And the game system should be appropriatedto a persistent world. Once you have a system, you could look around for an IP that would be compatible.
Here's the problem. Movies end after 2 hours or so. (LOTR after 14 or 15, I admit, but whatever). MMOs are supposed to be around for years.
Let's see. UO, EQ, DAOC, WOW, D&D online...funny, I don't remember a movie at all. Worlds, not plots. Oh, LOTRO, not a bad MMO.... but what really does it have to do with the book/movie other than the names of some quest givers, creatures, names of rivers and zones? LOTRO as a game necessarily should be all about the Ring --- ergo --- it is a single player/coop RPG, not a persistent world MMO.
Just my 2c. (1c after inflation.)
What you're talking about is the world of Middle Earth that was created by JRR Tolkien through literarary works and has influenced much of the fantasy genre of the "game worlds" that you mentioned. This was a world that was fleshed out over a lost series of books surrounding the LotR trilogy.
I read an essay about Tolkien that stated he created his own languages, such as elvish and created the world of Middle Earth just for a place to speak it. I don't believe that LOTRO is just about quest givers names and places. That game was the physical manifestation of that world.
If the world that William Gibson began fleshing out in the Sprawl trilogy became a movie, then was made into an MMORPG, (a dream of mine) that would be along the lines the same thing. Just not as intensly detailed as Tolkien's world, because it's set in our reality, would still create a very good setting and scenario.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing. -Robert E. Howard
In order an IP to become an MMO, it has to have enough material for creating an interesting game world, and to allow good play mechanics. Most of the examples of the original poster do not match that criteria, as well as most of the posts above. I mean, ok, a zombie MMO would sound cool, but what would you actually do other than PvP? And if you only do PvP, what's the difference from any multiplayer combat game out there, which allows internet play?
The meaningful suggestions are mostly based either on an extensive literary source, or on TV series that have developed game worlds. After all, if you don't find the environment appealing. So, to move to specific examples, here are a few:
1) Dune - no doubts about it, you have plenty of factions, very interesting setting, a lot of depth and history, mysteries, political intrigue, etc. Factions can be quite a lot, and action doesn't need to be bound on Arakis. Just for starters, you have the Emperor (& the sardukars), the Harkonens, the Atreides, the Freemen, the Space Guild, Bene Tleilax, Bene Gesserite, and what not
2) Stargate - there was actually an unsuccessful attempt to develop it, but failed due to lack of financing. Indeed, the setting was truly developed in the TV series, but it could work as a good PvE MMO
3) Serenity/Firefly - this is also a very interesting setting, and you have two or three factions (Federation, Independents, and possibly criminals)
4) A Song of Ice and Fire - also very interesting world, with quite a lot of factions. And for those of you who wonder what this is - it's the book series, where Game of Thrones is the first book. You can actually pick each great family as a different faction, as they seem to be following their own interests, not to mention factions from the other continents
Regarding Blade Runner, I'd rather see some other cyberpunk settings, like Shadowrun or a series of very popular games - Deus Ex.
As far as post-apocalyptic settings are concerned, I believe a Fallout MMO is currently in the works, which kind of summarises films like Mad Max, or the Post Man even (though why anyone think this is a good film is beyond me).
As someone said above, tabletop RPGs are a very good source for MMOs, as it is essentially the same genre, though on a smaller scale. Currently, you have World of Darkness in development (if it gets produced at all), but I'd also love to see Shadowrun (a project about it was previously cut still in development phase), also White Wolf's Exalted makes a very good setting (and would appeal to Asian players), and why not even CJ Carella's Witchcraft, especially its offshoot, Armageddon.
I object to the fundamental idea of the OP --- with the single caveat that I can see that it is fun to idly imagine playing in certain movie themed worlds. But I am speaking of the practical aspects.
An mmo should not start with an IP. It should start with a game system. Then create features that work in the system to flesh out a world. And the game system should be appropriatedto a persistent world. Once you have a system, you could look around for an IP that would be compatible.
Here's the problem. Movies end after 2 hours or so. (LOTR after 14 or 15, I admit, but whatever). MMOs are supposed to be around for years.
Let's see. UO, EQ, DAOC, WOW, D&D online...funny, I don't remember a movie at all. Worlds, not plots. Oh, LOTRO, not a bad MMO.... but what really does it have to do with the book/movie other than the names of some quest givers, creatures, names of rivers and zones? LOTRO as a game necessarily should be all about the Ring --- ergo --- it is a single player/coop RPG, not a persistent world MMO.
Just my 2c. (1c after inflation.)
Rose-lipped maidens,
Light-foot lads...
No more two faction MMOs, Suzie. The formula is tired.
Here's my picks. Not all are nessecarily movies, but TV shows:
1. Game of Thrones MMO: PvP orientated (with PvE elements) MMO with 5 factions, with the ability to agree to a mutual 'truce' with any other player of any other faction, 30 minutes long unless renewed, and group with them for PvE content.
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors MMO: PvP/PvE MMO with Player-Run Factions, Infinite Number of them. Darkfall model, but more noob friendly. No full loot, but loss of territory/siege weapons/ships.
For the PvE fans:
3. Stargate MMO: PvE MMO, 1 faction. Kinda like Star Trek Online mission system, with a clear vision and more action-orientated game play. No space, PvP as a minigame.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer MMO: PvE, 1 faction (Slayers) - they can alley to overcome PvE challenges. PvP minigames.
5. Harry Potter: PvE MMO, 1 faction (Wizards), with a few PvP minigames. Dueling and Quidditch come to mind. Base it after the last book/movie, so you can make new lore.
A Pokémon MMO would be great, no need for factions, contintents are already fleshed out, wholy fleshed out battle system already exists and more than 1 goal to aim for (Champion of continent x, breeder, musical star, etc.)
Looking forward to uhh.....
playing: Civ 5, Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD
Surprised you didn't mention it, as I'd think this would be obvious. I wouldn't play it, but a Harry Potter MMO could bring in some serious subscription numbers if done right.
suzie if you really like the red dawn idea i suggest a more visceral 3D experience called Airsoft
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
"Terrorism is terrorism and there’s nothing like the thought of being able to instill a sense of fear into those who would take away people’s collective peace."
This made me laugh. Dude, get a dictonary and look up terroism and terroist :P
In the above quote, YOUR the terrorst
What you're talking about is the world of Middle Earth that was created by JRR Tolkien through literarary works and has influenced much of the fantasy genre of the "game worlds" that you mentioned. This was a world that was fleshed out over a lost series of books surrounding the LotR trilogy.
I read an essay about Tolkien that stated he created his own languages, such as elvish and created the world of Middle Earth just for a place to speak it. I don't believe that LOTRO is just about quest givers names and places. That game was the physical manifestation of that world.
If the world that William Gibson began fleshing out in the Sprawl trilogy became a movie, then was made into an MMORPG, (a dream of mine) that would be along the lines the same thing. Just not as intensly detailed as Tolkien's world, because it's set in our reality, would still create a very good setting and scenario.
1) Up In Smoke
2) Jaws
3) Stripes
3) Gone With The Wind
4) Citizen Kane
5) The Wizard of Oz
1. Firefly
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can
be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard
No love for Avatar
I think in the right hands could make a pretty good MMO. (as long as its not the over simplified themepark model)
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
Meh. None of those franchises are anywhere near big enough to get a budget big enough to make anything but F2P game.
Worrd of COD maybe, but die hard? LOl, no.
In order an IP to become an MMO, it has to have enough material for creating an interesting game world, and to allow good play mechanics. Most of the examples of the original poster do not match that criteria, as well as most of the posts above. I mean, ok, a zombie MMO would sound cool, but what would you actually do other than PvP? And if you only do PvP, what's the difference from any multiplayer combat game out there, which allows internet play?
The meaningful suggestions are mostly based either on an extensive literary source, or on TV series that have developed game worlds. After all, if you don't find the environment appealing. So, to move to specific examples, here are a few:
1) Dune - no doubts about it, you have plenty of factions, very interesting setting, a lot of depth and history, mysteries, political intrigue, etc. Factions can be quite a lot, and action doesn't need to be bound on Arakis. Just for starters, you have the Emperor (& the sardukars), the Harkonens, the Atreides, the Freemen, the Space Guild, Bene Tleilax, Bene Gesserite, and what not
2) Stargate - there was actually an unsuccessful attempt to develop it, but failed due to lack of financing. Indeed, the setting was truly developed in the TV series, but it could work as a good PvE MMO
3) Serenity/Firefly - this is also a very interesting setting, and you have two or three factions (Federation, Independents, and possibly criminals)
4) A Song of Ice and Fire - also very interesting world, with quite a lot of factions. And for those of you who wonder what this is - it's the book series, where Game of Thrones is the first book. You can actually pick each great family as a different faction, as they seem to be following their own interests, not to mention factions from the other continents
Regarding Blade Runner, I'd rather see some other cyberpunk settings, like Shadowrun or a series of very popular games - Deus Ex.
As far as post-apocalyptic settings are concerned, I believe a Fallout MMO is currently in the works, which kind of summarises films like Mad Max, or the Post Man even (though why anyone think this is a good film is beyond me).
As someone said above, tabletop RPGs are a very good source for MMOs, as it is essentially the same genre, though on a smaller scale. Currently, you have World of Darkness in development (if it gets produced at all), but I'd also love to see Shadowrun (a project about it was previously cut still in development phase), also White Wolf's Exalted makes a very good setting (and would appeal to Asian players), and why not even CJ Carella's Witchcraft, especially its offshoot, Armageddon.
Good Heavens what an awful list! I wouldn't want to play any of those
You need a list, here you go:
Starship Troopers
Clash of the Titans
Indiana Jones
Mad Maxx
Harry Potter
matrix, gi joe, megaman would be pretty cool.
also maybe a gundam mmorpg? instead of a tps. everyone would be able to create their own unique mobile suit.
ahh clash of the titians would make a good one, unlimited lore with greek mythology
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
Caddy Shack the online golf MMO?!
I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Wing Commander!
...ok ok, the movie was a total dung heap but i've grown up playing those awesome games and i had to try... besides, we lack Space MMORPGs
What, no one mentioned Waterworld?
Damn, beaten to it! Alliance vs Brown Coats vs. Reavers!
In essence though, Cowboys vs Aliens could still be a similar version of this game!