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So the idea of playing an alt for their class story sounded awesome to me at first, but I've got to tell you, the thoughts of having to go back through some of these zones just feels icky. The first time through was helped by the story of the quests, but if you've already seen that once, twice, three times before, that whole extra is kind of over with - and some of this questing and zones just are NOT very fun.
agreed starter zones are pretty bland and it makes it hard to want to go through them again.. even as differn't class.. I did bounty hunter during beta then imperial agent for pre-release.. Hutta is just dreadfull...
Not just the starter zones tho. There is barely enough missions on each planet to get you through the levels. You are pretty much forced to do every single side quest there is! Or you end up short!
So on ALT's you end up doing the EXACT SAME side quests (and ALL of them) all over again... and again.
Dromund Kaas is loooong, too long really. I want to level my BH beside my SJ, but meh, I might wait a bit till I feel like reliving the content. I did happen to like Coruscant though.
Wait wait waitwaitwaitwait... don't you remember that elaborated thread where somebody calculated the thousands of hours of gameplay you could have in SWTOR by rolling alts? I mean... seriously. He calculated it and all. Months before anyone knew. It's amazing. Wish i could find it.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
That 'calculation' was based on 200 hours to cap per class and that times 8, or even 16. 1600 or 3200 hours! Wow! Of course doing that would be pretty repetitive, only the class story could provide any unique content after a while.
There was a time when some people claimed those hours would all be unique, given the example of a BH and Jedi not sharing a single quest. Truth is you can roll one toon on both factions without repeating content, after that you'll be largely in repeat mode.
The guy that reached cap in 5 days, if he did that twice, he'd have gone through the best part of the game in way less than a month.
Starting areas are indeed dreadul... I honestly can say I enjoyed the WoW starting zones more and they haven't changed in years. In SWTOR many of the areas feel like a chore. I also hate the fact you don't even start to realize your class until at least levels 15 - 18 making those first levels meaningless for group play.
I've gotten to level 33 with my Guardian... I've quested a lot with a friend I made in a guild and we can roll through the planet quests quickly... we have fun. Will 50 be fun long term? I have my doubts. They haven't as far as I'm aware added any meaningful end game PvP content.
Where is my full party VS full party PvP que?
Where is player made teams in Huttball in matches that are ranked?
Both of those to me are obvious choices... yet they didn't even bother with the full party PvP.
Full Sail University - Game Design
[mod edit].....I cant believe how much faith people put into this game.....I guess it was all just hope.
I'm lvl 33 and can honestly say, Questing is horrific and the ZONES are aweful. The game keeps you confined, there is absolutely no freedom at all or reason to engage in world pvp.
I like the gameplay and the classes, although the classes are so out of balance they need MAJOR work but we can see where the dev's were trying to go and I like some of their ideas.
This game needs Big updates SOON or its in big trouble.
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
Welcome to theme parks?
This game needs more starter-like worlds to level up.
It would certainly be a step in the right direction in giving players more freedom, like the game it's molded after.
How many times have you been told?...huh?...30?...50...A million?...Seriously.....
It is A L L about the voice acting.
In all honesty I agree with the OP, but I cant honestly make that judgement since I only played 1 beta weekend.
Still thinking I will buy it....or more likley get it as a Christmas gift.
I've been heavily focusing on flashpoints, space missions, and PvP. These three things are pretty good at leveling you up. I skipped about 90% of Balmorras side quests. Just did the heroicsand story mostly. Ended up outleveling the quests from space and flashpoints. I then went on to skip about half of the side quests on Nar Shadaa because of PvP and some space missions.
Now I'm starting on tatooine, but I've already outleveled the starting side quests. I'll probably just hit up the story ones and decide if I want to do side quests or other stuff near the end of the planet.
The space mission dailies give great XP, so does PvP if you are winning. I'm sure questing is faster, but I always burn myself out on questing, trying to avoid that.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
And all voice over-ed
Oh joy !
And the running around ... It's pretty horrible. The planets / zones are a little too big !
My experience has been completely opposite. It's the best questing experience I've ever had, due mostly to feeling like there's a compelling reason to go forth and kill things. Most class missions have some quirk or complication to them which makes a player's decisions during quests seem to have more relevance and weight than the usual MMO fare. Often, I'm looking for the next link in the story rather than at my XP bar, which is what most other games have me doing.
As for all the classes, they're mirrored. While some individual matchups between advanced classes might be unfavorable, I've yet to see any demonstrable evidence where on FOTM/build/class owns all others or shows a clear advantage.
If there is one big criticism that Bioware should own, it's that the starter planets are underwhelming compared to the rest of the game. You do sort of have to grab every mission to get the most out of your levelling on them and while the atmosphere is nice, it doesn't do justice to the size, scope, or design of later worlds.
I agree, the very fact that there is a basis/background for doing what is required is an awesome feature.
If you don't like a game don't play it, and quit running to to trash it.
The awfulness is enchanced in the early worlds... because despite your character being able to control the force... shoot assault rifles... dive behind cover... etc.... you are incapable of 'running' until level 14.
For me it is the opposite. I like the first 10 levels of each class, after that the boring fedex running around standard MMO stuff kicks in. Still do like the main story and that keeps me playing for now.
Yeah... some of it is pretty amazing.
I loved how the first quest I received on Taris (the ruined swampy city world) was to go find a toolbox... a collection of music... a dirty shoe... and a rake. Just GRIPPING dialogue... award winning stuff.
I have a problem. I am an altaholic, but I hate replaying the same content.
Questing in SWTOR, generally is awesome. It has a purpose due to the story, and all the quests are really quite interesting, no matter which class you play........The First Time.
I have a big problem with replaying content which is why I though SWTOR with its 8 completely separate stories would suit me well, but its not that simple.
The class stories are different, different enough to send you to the same areas of the same planet but with a completely different story, and sometimes you dont even notice you are in an area you have been in before with another class... until you get sidequests.
After the starter planets, all lightside chars end up in the same place, and all darkside chars end up in the same place...all doing separate class quests, but the side quests are all the same no matter what. And there arent enough quests that you can just skip them either
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Can you break away and quest on other worlds, or are you gated from doing such?
In WoW, when I was sick of certain zones, I would just go over to the other parallel zones and quest there. I know people are saying if you follow the 'story', you repeat content, but are there options to ditch the 'story', and go off to other worlds and quest there?
Gated from doing such.
Welcome to the "Click away Story...long long ago".....some were talking about that, but the hype is more important.
Obviously most of you don't care about the story or something? I do every quest because I love the voice acting and the stories. Even if the quests are already green or grey.
I think everyone knew the story and the whole being in star wars universe was the big selling point. So don't complain afterwards.
It sounds like the critism is that it is not enough star wars, and too much story -- in the sense that you are not really playing a Star Wars MMO with lots of story focus, but rather you are playing a very linear Story game, with a Star Wars theme.
They could have kept the amount of story focus, but allowed for more variety and wandering -- like WoW, where you can start as an Orc, but are free to run over to the Forsaken lands and follow that story, rather than being forced to only follow the Orc story path.