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Patch 20 - Patch Notes (new Vet rewards, Jedi can group etc.)



  • WheezalWheezal Member UncommonPosts: 249

    i do remember that mission, it hasnt changed in a while and it is probably one of the harder among the SA tree.

    -I- had to get help, one of PA mate of mine in a T4 ship and the mission was doable.   I do know of others who did solo it, and not too long ago.  It can be done, but it is very hard.


    what's funny is, i was able to solo all 4 tier 4 missions, they're just so d4mn time consuming.

    MMO Name: InVictus Kell
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    EVE Online

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Originally posted by Wepps

    Heck, you even gave me advice to play with my shield strengths while docking, something I can't do at that level, so something is wrong here in this entire discussion.
    --> Ever considered just buying all the rebel, neutral and imperial droid commands from a droid engineer or shipwright vendor ? And choosing whatever command you need ? Just do a galactic player vendor search for programmed space command chips. Because you can use all commands from all careers if someone programs them for you. You may have to decide what program combo fits best into your available data storage space.
    There is just no way to do this mission solo, and anybody that says so is either...
    full of crap...
    --> Or better than you, because a friend of mine soloed it yesterday.
    And no, I haven't gotten past it yet. It's totally unbalanced toward forced grouping.
    command. It's useless. Don't ask me why, maybe they changed it again without saying 'may I', all I know is I am not allowed to play with my shields.
    --> Then YOU are bugged and its not the mission. Send a ticket to the CSR's !
    --> have fun,   Erillion
    PS :
    Suggested reading :

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Wepps
    Actually, it's a tier 3 mission. My problem is I'm halfway through tier 3, and have enough experience just from running this mission over and over to be well into tier 4 by now.

    Funny.... one of the NEWBIES in our guild solo'd all the Tier 3 missions in Privateer this past weekend.

    The mission is neutral, or Privateer. "Deliver Jabba's gifts to the Empire in Dathomir Space". That's fine, but you are required to dock no less than 4 times initially.

    The instant the 1st transport is in range, you get jumped by 4 fighters, equal level.

    That's fine too. I can handle them easily, I got a great ship, with the best set of parts and ordnance I could get my hands on. My more than adequate. I flew Luftwaffe in IL-2 in the Virtual East Front campaign, and was danged good. If you can joystick your way around those conditions, then you will have NO PROBLEM with this engine, trust me.

    The problem is, once I kill, or otherwise disable 3 of those 4 ships (in any way I have tested), 4 more show up. If I do nothing...4 more show up. Add to that the random tier 5 aggro.

    So, the balance comes from figuring out how many to kill, in the time given, while docking. At least, so I thought.

    I've tried it in every way, the last time was when I docked with all 4 transports, but by that time there were 12 equal level fighters on me if I ignored them, or called the pirate trap which added even more of them though level 1s. It just kept them busy for a while.

    By the time I have to escort the slow lameass transport out of the system, 4 MORE jump in, that makes 16+. By that time, no matter what you do you cannot defend yourself, so I end up (if lucky) going into full evasion mode, and hyperspacing out to a safe port. I've been lucky twice.

    Heck, you even gave me advice to play with my shield strengths while docking, something I can't do at that level, so something is wrong here in this entire discussion.

    There is just no way to do this mission solo, and anybody that says so is either...

    full of crap...

    Or unaware of a change in the content since THEY did the mission.

    Bzzzzt WRONGO there buddy... See above. He didn't even ask for help. He DID, however, have programs that he got from guildies/vendors.

    And no, I haven't gotten past it yet. It's totally unbalanced toward forced grouping.

    EDIT: yes I read the manual and even checked the guide. It shows Capacitor to shield shunt at level 1, but for some reason I cannot execute the command. It's useless. Don't ask me why, maybe they changed it again without saying 'may I', all I know is I am not allowed to play with my shields.

    Nope... Erillion already debunked this.

    Face facts Wepps. You aren't being FORCED to group for that mission. It *is* one of the harder ones to solo but it *can* be done. You have to be quick and you have to be skillful and you have to use your programs well and know when to ditch your enemies. But it CAN be done solo. Every single space mission can actually be solo'd. I just watched a friend solo his master mission for Reb Pilot. And, trust me, taking out that fleet solo is a LOT harder than what you're trying to do.

    Space was meant to be a challenge. If you can't do it solo get some friends to help you. But don't come crying that you are being forced to group when you are not.

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  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    Sorry about the confusion Elnator.  I kept using the PvP example as a reference but never stated that it was PvE that I felt was unbalanced with the rest of the game.

    As far as the privateer mission at Tier 3, I distinctly recall dying 3 times before I got my ship set up right and my technique down to complete that mission.  I will say that particular mission, if you are determined to do it solo, will make you learn the most you can about ships, equipment, droid programs, and tactics if you are going through the pilot profession for the first time.  Without being properly prepared with a ship set up for the mission and a plan to win, you will die.  I also recall I had trouble with the Gunboat the first time I encountered one too, but it only took 2 tries after I reprogramed my computer with some alliance shield programs and formulated a plan to use them to my advantage.

  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    IIRC I went through this mission by only disabling 2 of each wave of 4 ships and then having a Cap to Shield Shunt 3 program that I would run while docking to maintain my shield strength.  By the end of the mission I still had 4 or 6 live enemy ships when the last 4 warped in.  Fighting 8 even ships with my Dunelizard seemed relatively easy, but I had good shields and 2 exceptional weapons.  My biggest problem became running out of countermeasures for the missiles and being unable to reload.  In the end I escaped by the hair on my chiny chin chin with a mission success.

    BTW wepps, can you tell us exactly how you are using your cap to shield shunt program?  Not being able to run a privateer's most important droid program (IMO) could make life quite frustrating.  I know I will never do any other faction without a good supply of cap to shield shunt and capacitor o/c ready chips stocked up in my bank.

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Heh empire and privateer have the best programs, hands down. The only rebel programs I use are sheidl adjust front heavy and rear heavy and, of course, normalization and I don't even really need those. Shield shunt makes them somewhat redundant. Other than that all my programs are imp or privateer.

    I actually want to unlearn rebel pilot and pick up privateer pilot again but the silly game will dump all my ground faction if I do that. Kinda annoying and I'm not real excited about grinding faction back to caption again...

    But I do like the civillian pilot ships and skills the best.

    Though IFF Jam special ability just flat out rocks... too bad THAT isn't a program :) LOL

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  • WheezalWheezal Member UncommonPosts: 249

    pirate attack 1 & 2 sucks tho.    i've used it maybe once or twice and it's at best an annoyance for the bad guys.  nothing as good as bomber strike for the Imps.


    and yeah, IFF Scramble for teh win!!!

    MMO Name: InVictus Kell
    Currently Playing:
    EVE Online

  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by Elnator
    Heh empire and privateer have the best programs, hands down. The only rebel programs I use are sheidl adjust front heavy and rear heavy and, of course, normalization and I don't even really need those. Shield shunt makes them somewhat redundant. Other than that all my programs are imp or privateer.I actually want to unlearn rebel pilot and pick up privateer pilot again but the silly game will dump all my ground faction if I do that. Kinda annoying and I'm not real excited about grinding faction back to caption again... But I do like the civillian pilot ships and skills the best.Though IFF Jam special ability just flat out rocks... too bad THAT isn't a program :) LOL

    Seems like it would make more sense if every faction got privateer as well or there was a forth line of ships for things like transports and such. I like being imperial for pilot but I feel I should be able to fly a YT as well. Maybe I ask too much at times!

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • WeppsWepps Member Posts: 1,322

    Well, they made it so the Grievous king-of-ships (hero worship again) is available to everybody, therefore eventually everybody will have one, much like Jedi.

    There are some problems with the current design as well. There is no possible way to create the space combat environement of Star Wars accurately anymore, within which the players can apply strategy.

    The entire reason for having ships that didn't have hyperspace capability was so that a capital ship was required to deploy them for space control. This gave the Rebs the strategic advantage, while the Empire maintained the tactical advantage. That type of strategic thinking is impossible now due to the game's current implementation.

    (yeah I know, who cares it's a game but if they are planning on adding good PvP content, then they really should have stuck to the military structure of the SW universe more closely)



    "For one who seeks what he cannot obtain suffers torture; one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased." - Augustine of Hippo

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Fadeus
    Originally posted by Elnator
    Heh empire and privateer have the best programs, hands down. The only rebel programs I use are sheidl adjust front heavy and rear heavy and, of course, normalization and I don't even really need those. Shield shunt makes them somewhat redundant. Other than that all my programs are imp or privateer.I actually want to unlearn rebel pilot and pick up privateer pilot again but the silly game will dump all my ground faction if I do that. Kinda annoying and I'm not real excited about grinding faction back to caption again... But I do like the civillian pilot ships and skills the best.Though IFF Jam special ability just flat out rocks... too bad THAT isn't a program :) LOL

    Seems like it would make more sense if every faction got privateer as well or there was a forth line of ships for things like transports and such. I like being imperial for pilot but I feel I should be able to fly a YT as well. Maybe I ask too much at times!

    Something I, and several others, had suggested during JTL beta was that they code pilot as 1 skill not 3 separate trees.

    All Pilots would have had access to all ship chassis in the game. However, to use a chassis you had to be the correct faction. Anyone could use Civillian ships but only Rebel or Imperial could use Rebel or Imperial Military Craft. The Z-95 would have been flagged civillian, not Rebel. The Military craft would not begin being granted as certificatons until Tier TWO was reached in pilot. Thus preventing the slaughter of innocent noobs who made the mistake of going up in a faction ship. Launching in a Military Ship would immediately set you as overt for that faction.

    This would have done a few things:
    1) Allowed anyone access to the civillian ships
    2) Caused pilots to all have the same abilities available (not sure if that's good or bad but it is balanced)
    3) Forced PVP if you go up in a factioned ship.

    I don't much like that a rebel or imp pilot can go into space and be completely safe from their enemy faction when they're flying a ship that is part of the enemy's military.

    Not sure why SOE didn't go with something like this to make space a bit more realistic. But I still love JTL, it's the best part of the game, imo.

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  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    That sounded like a real good way of handled it El. I would have prefered it be that way I think.

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • PAPAKAPPAPAKAP Member Posts: 9

    omg they need to change the carbineer action cost cause it is terrible and i hate pullin about 5 specials then out of action.  second any combat medic who doesnt heal is a disgrace to the profession and im glad to say we have some of the best cm's in our guild.  cant find a doctor?  some servers must really suck i guess. hehe


    oh and eldnator.........Mufasa!!!!!!! mufasa mufasa mufasa!


    Star Wars Galaxies
    Move Outta-da-way
    Master Carbineer/Master Combat Medic
    FPA/Lowca Rebel Lieut.

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by PAPAKAP
    omg they need to change the carbineer action cost cause it is terrible and i hate pullin about 5 specials then out of action. second any combat medic who doesnt heal is a disgrace to the profession and im glad to say we have some of the best cm's in our guild. cant find a doctor? some servers must really suck i guess. hehe

    oh and eldnator.........Mufasa!!!!!!! mufasa mufasa mufasa!


    Mufasa is da bestest Cat! I love it when she sics him on Jedi, it's just hillarious watching him tear them a new one while we tear them up from range.

    As to the carbine costs, get with me in game. I suspect you're using a carbine with crazy high special costs. My Proton Carb is only 82 cost and has 792DPS. Works great and I rarely run low on Action in a normal fight. If I'm going to be spamming specials I use action boosting food.
    Use foods that boost action regen - This is the single BEST thing you can do.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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